Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Almost Impossible ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here’s chapter four. Enjoy it!

Warnings: This contains yaoi, meaning boy/boy love. Also, some of the people might be OOC, but I don’t care. xD

Main Couple: Sasuke/Naruto.
Other Couplings: Kakashi/Iruka, and little bits of Shikamaru/Ino and a few others. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own it. I wish I did though. hehe

Mission: Almost Impossible
Chapter Four
Chapter Written: August 28 and 29, 2006

Naruto woke up at eight o’clock with a sad smile on his face, already knowing that this was probably going to be another bad day. Since the festival was coming up, Kakashi had given his team the week off to help with things and prepare for it. But that wasn’t why Naruto was sad. Actually, he was rather happy that he didn’t have to see his team today because of one boy. The boy who had haunted the blonde’s dreams that night. The boy who was making him strip off his now-too-tight pants and get into a cold shower right now…

This is insane. It’s only been a freaking day since I figured things out! Besides, Sasuke was probably just being a jerk like usual. Stupid teme,’ Naruto thought as the freezing water splattered on his face. Even though it was as cold as ice, it was refreshing. The blonde knew that this shower was the only way to bring himself back into reality. When he was done with this, he wouldn’t mope around his apartment all day, he was going to go help with things outside. Well, that is if there was anything to do for him. He certainly hoped so; what else could he do all day? Sit and mope all day long? Definitely not!

Once he was dressed and had his morning routine finished, the blonde boy headed out of his apartment, not bothering to lock it behind him. The sun was only slightly out today, hidden by clouds, showing that rain was probably going to come later today. Naruto sighed, not really liking the sound of that, but just shrugged it off as he hopped down the stairs.

On the street, people were cleaning up their shops and doing last minute and well needed paint jobs before the festival started. No booths were set up yet, though; it was too early for that. In the next day or so they would probably start doing that too, since the festival was five days away. Five very long days.

Hopefully that teme isn’t down here. I don’t want to have to deal with that. He’ll probably make fun of me for blushing and running away from him yesterday,’ Naruto thought, running his hand through his hair, which was becoming a habit of his lately. ‘Well, nothing really seems to be going on. I can’t help with the painting or anything. So, I guess I’ll just go get some breakfast. Ramen sounds good. Mmm, I love ramen.’

When the blonde shinobi arrived at Ichiraku, he saw that no one was their and sighed in relief. He sat at the booth and gave his normal greeting to the cook (“Good morning, old man!”) and waited for his ramen. When he got the noodles, he scarfed them down and then ate a second bowl. This was all just a normal routine for the boy; he had ramen for almost every meal almost everyday. The only other times he didn’t was when Sasuke or someone convinced him not to.

Sasuke… I wonder what’s he’s doing right now. Maybe asking some lucky girl to the festival with him. Or maybe he’s still asleep. It’s only nine anyways. I wonder what he wears to bed…,’ Naruto thought, but he didn’t hear the person coming up behind him.


Silver hair was in his eyes, getting on his nerves, but he didn’t do anything about it; he was too tired to care. It wasn’t really early in the morning, but the jounnin ninja had been awake late the night before with his lover.

Speaking of his lover, Iruka was still asleep with the most angelic, tranquil look on his face, as if he was currently dreaming the most perfect dream. The silver haired man could only hope that he was included in those dreams. Kakashi was guilty for having those dreams, but he wasn’t complaining. It wasn’t like before where he could only think about the man and not be with him. Now, they were finally together, and very in love.

“Ruka-kun,” he said softly into his lover’s ear. “Wake up, koibito.“ The jounnin poked the other man on the stomach, making him giggle in his sleep and turn over on his side, facing the older of the two. The ninja couldn’t help but smile at his lover’s peaceful form, but it was already past dawn (which was their normal time of waking), and someone had to wake Iruka up, or else he’d sleep till noon. He’s done that many times in the past.

Poking him harder seemed to do the trick, though. Iruka’s eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them awake, yawning a huge yawn. “Morning, Ka-shi,” he grumbled as he yawned again.

Kakashi smiled again. “Good morning. Sleep well?”

Iruka feigned glaring at him. “Not with you keeping me up all night, mister.” He chuckled softly, sitting up and scratching his bare chest. “But I don’t mind too much.”

“That’s good,” Kakashi said. “But I slept like a baby.”

“Babies often wake up in the middle of the night to be comforted by their parents, baka.” Iruka just rolled his eyes. ‘Only Kakashi.’

“Hey! Don’t insult me this early in the morning,” Kakashi laughed, pushing Iruka down on the bed. He then whispered seductively in his ear, “Or I might just have to punish you.” he licked Iruka’s ear, making the younger man shiver slightly. Kakashi was just about to kiss him when Iruka laughed loudly, pushing Kakashi back off of him.

“I’m a good boy. There’s no need.” he said, still laughing. He didn’t really care that Kakashi was going to be mad about that; he wasn’t clean at the moment anyways and needed a shower. His lover could wait ten minutes, right? Well, maybe not, knowing Kakashi, but still.

Kakashi pouted. “You suck.”

“I know,” Iruka grinned widely, getting out of bed and taking Kakashi‘s hand. “Let’s go shower.”


“Naruto? You eat this for breakfast too? You’re such a baka,” the voice said from behind him.

Naruto jumped, not realizing that it had been Sasuke who was talking to him. ‘I hope I didn’t say any of that stuff out loud! And of course, you come when I don’t want to see you. Thanks a lot, Sasuke, you teme.’

“Yes. What does it matter to you, teme?” Naruto spat, obviously mad at something.

Sasuke ignored that fact, of course, and took a seat next to the blonde. “It matters because you’re screwing up your heath. Friends are supposed to care, right?”

“What the hell’s up with you being all sweet and stuff now?” Naruto asked. He cocked an eyebrow at the dark haired boy, confused as to why Sasuke would care about his health.

“Just shut up, dobe,” he rolled his eyes.

Now, that was the Sasuke that Naruto had known. Something inside him wanted to know what that sweetness was, though. Something in him wanted to find out everything about the other boy. He wanted to find out what Sasuke liked, what movies he watched, and simple things like that. He desired to know everything about the boy. But, most of all, he craved to feel that sweetness. He wanted to feel cared for by Sasuke.

Throwing those thoughts aside, Naruto went back to eating his noodles after that, deciding to ignore the Uchiha. It was best that way anyways, right? That way, he could just ignore the knots in his stomach and the sweat on his palms, right? And the fact that he was desperately trying to fight a blush would just go away, right? Yeah, he doubted so too.


After the two men had gotten out of their long, long, hot, and steamy shower, they got ready for the day and were seated at the kitchen table, eating. Kakashi was reading his book, as usual, but Iruka just sat and stared in thought.

“The festival is in four days, right?” Iruka asked, breaking their silence.

Kakashi nodded. “Yep. We need to buy some clothes for it, don’t we?”

Iruka groaned. “I hate shopping.”

“Me too. But it’s for the best.”

Iruka just nodded, and fell back into his thoughts once again. ‘I wonder how Naruto is coming along. Hopefully he and Sasuke will solve this problem soon.’

When they were done eating they headed out for a long day of shopping. On the way, they saw two kids sitting at the ramen stall in silence. Iruka cocked an eyebrow at his lover, wondering what was going on.

“You go ahead, I’ll meet you at the shop, okay?” with at, Iruka left, leaving Kakashi to do his stuff.


“Naruto?” Sasuke said after almost five minutes of silence. When the blonde sitting next to him shut his eyes and didn’t reply, Sasuke did something very childish and very un-Sasuke-like: he poked Naruto’s cheeks until the boys’ eyes shot open.

Well, Naruto simply couldn’t ignore that. “What the hell?” he yelled, jumping out of his chair.

“I want to talk to you. Why else would I bother coming here, dobe?” Sasuke smirked.

“Uh, cause you wanted to see my pretty face?” Naruto grinned, laughing, and sitting back down next to the other boy..

Sasuke blushed, thinking ‘Well, that could be part of it.’

“What’d you want to talk about, teme?” Naruto said, but the question couldn’t be answered, for someone was behind him again.

“I swear, Naruto, you’re going to die before you turn thirty because of this,” Kakashi’s voice said. He lifted up Naruto’s ramen bowl, waving it in front of him.

“Oi, sensei!” Naruto greeted, raising his hand and taking back his bowl. “I’m going to go train now. I’ll see you guys later.” with that, he ran off.

“That guy. He’s weird, you know?” Kakashi laughed.

Sasuke just nodded, a blank look placed upon his face. ‘Yeah. Weird might just be an understatement, sensei.’

-----Four Days Later-----

Uzumaki Naruto had been either at his small apartment or out training ever since then, trying to avoid his teammate, Sasuke. There was only one problem about this, though: the festival was tomorrow and he still didn’t have a date! What was he to do? Seriously, the boy thought he was royally screwed. This mission was supposed to be extremely simple and fun, but so far all it did was make him pissy.

At the moment, the boy was sitting of the roof of the apartment complex with his bare feet dangling off the edge. Sasuke was floating through his mind, and he wouldn’t go away. Maybe now would be a good time to see him and find out what he wanted to talk about. Sasuke did seem like it was very important to talk to him, so Naruto figured it was probably for the best. Besides, he’d see him at the festival or something anyways.

Naruto sighed, knowing that he‘d have to do it, and the sooner the better; the avoiding thing was not working out. Everyday he’d been itching to see even a glimpse of the Uchiha, but was afraid of talking to him. ‘But this is enough. I’m sick of being such a damn coward! I’m going to go find him.’

It didn’t take long. All Naruto had to do was stand up, actually.

“Oi, dobe! Get down here!” Sasuke was heard yelling. Naruto’s head whipped around until he saw the boy down on the street with his hands in his pockets. It almost seemed as if Sasuke was nervous by the way he was standing, but Naruto didn’t exactly notice that.

“No, teme! You come up here!” Naruto yelled back, sitting back down. In no time, Sasuke was up there as well, taking a seat next to the blonde.


“You have a nice view up here,” Sasuke said quietly after the awkwardness between the two.

Naruto nodded. “Yep. The sunset looks great from up here.” he sighed. “What’d you want, Sasuke?”

“Well,” he started, not really knowing how to get to this. “Have you got a date yet?”

“Nope. I’m actually thinking about not going.”

“You have to, though. You know that. Besides, everyone would make fun of you for it.” Sasuke smirked at him.

“Like the don’t already?” Naruto gave the other boy a sad smile. “But I guess you’re right. Have you got someone to go with?”

“No. I only asked one person.”

“I’m guessing they said no then?” Obviously, Naruto didn’t understand that Sasuke meant him.

That only made the dark haired boy roll his eyes. Typical Naruto behavior didn’t seem to effect him.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” After this was said, the boys experienced yet another awkward silence.

I hate not being able to talk to him easily,’ Sasuke thought. ‘All the stupid silences between us are getting worse. I know that I’m nervous, which I shouldn’t be, but damn. Stupid Naruto, you just have to go and make me feel so weak, don’t you?’

Naruto fidgeted slightly, making Sasuke stop thinking and look towards the boy. Then, after another moment, the blonde asked, “They what are we going to do?”

“Well, I was thinking about it yesterday, actually,” Sasuke started, shifting slightly.

“Kakashi said we could ask someone as friends, right?” Naruto nodded. “Then we should go together. It would work.”

“Eh, but wouldn’t that seem weird? I mean, we’re both guys,” Naruto said, trying to use that as a cover for his excitement. And for the squeal that wanted to come out of his throat.

“Well, if you rather go alone…” Sasuke said, standing up, ready to leave.

“No! I’ll go with you!” Naruto jumped up, grabbing Sasuke’s arm. “Who cares about that anyways? I don’t! We‘ll make a great couple!” he grinned a cheesy grin.

Sasuke almost smiled at that. Almost.


Okay, I know they’re short. Just don’t complain about it.

Thanks and please review!