Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Freak Out Kakashi ❯ Do You Regret? ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Here I am with chapter 6 is Mission: Freak Out Kakashi! Hope you all enjoy! This one's going to be a bit serious but you get some KakaSaku interactions! Hope you enjoy!
Mission: Freak Out Kakashi!
By: Melissa Norvell
Chapter 6: Do You Regret?
Sakura ran as fast as she could through the woods, a few tree branches hitting her as she swatted the offending limbs aside.
`Oh! That was so stupid! I can't believe I did that! I mean…He was probably disgusted! I mean, we're over 10 years apart! He probably thinks I'm some freak!'
She had remembered earlier, something that she said to him.
“I thought you were lonely…I mean you looked lonely standing here.”
“I'm fine, really.”
In her mind, he really did look lonely there by himself. Come to think of it, she never really saw any friends or anything of an acquaintance come around. Did he even have any friends? Maybe they all died…Maybe all of his friends were on that Memorial Stone…
Suddenly, Sakura hit something broad and solid. Since she was running so fast, it knocked her to the ground.
“What the-“She paused in mid-sentence to see her sensei standing a few feet in front of her. `Oh crud! He followed me! Now I have to face him!'
“Substitution Jutsu. But that's not why I'm here.” The silver haired jounin squatted down to the girl, who was lying on her side, just beginning to prop herself up into the sitting position. “I'd like to talk to you about something…”
`Oh no! What now!?'
“Yes, Kakashi-sensei?”
“You've been acting a little strange lately. Are you feeling alright?” He asked.
`Is he toying with me? Is this some kind of joke?' Her thoughts berated her before she could speak again. “I'm perfectly fine…Heh heh…Why do you say that?”
Naruto returned to the rock in which Sasuke was sitting on.
“What's wrong with you anyway?” He heard the stoic voice.
“What do ya mean “what's wrong with me?”” Naruto sat on the ground in a huff.
“Don't think I haven't noticed you and Sakura.”
“Oh that!” Naruto waved a hand. “We're just having a competition.”
“Competition?” He arched an eyebrow.
“Yeah we're on a mission to freak out Kakashi-sensei. But there's no way that Sakura can beat my joke.”
“Childish…” Sasuke muttered under his breath.
“Oh so that's it.” Kakashi replied. “It was all a joke between you and Naruto.”
The pink haired girl nodded shamefully in response. “Yes…”
A sad feeling befell the girl. She couldn't loose the battle to Naruto, but it wasn't because of Sasuke. Sasuke wasn't even the first thing on her mind. She could see the sad look in her sensei's eye and she didn't blame him.
It was a pretty cruel joke to play on him, knowing that he was so lonely.
Suddenly, a nest of feelings seemed to swell within her as she acted purely on impulse and hugged her sensei tightly around the waist.
“Whoa!” Kakashi took a step back upon impact with the young girl. “Sakura please don't squeeze me so tightly.”
“I'm sorry sensei. I'll make it up to you. How about we go somewhere together sometime, just you and me.” She smiled, not comprehending what she meant at the time.
The jounin blushed. “S-Sakura…”
“Yes, Kakashi-sen-“
She stopped in mid sentence and looked into his eye. It wasn't like before, there were so many mixed emotions in it that it was hard to just pick one out.
A dead silence hung in the air between them as they just gazed back and fourth.
“So…What do you say?” Sakura asked, almost silently to her sensei.
“…” Her teacher was rendered speechless by the comment. What did she mean by that? Did she want to go on a date with him? But that would be jumping to conclusions…It sounded almost innocent coming from one of his students.
A teacher dating a student? It was almost unheard of in Konoha.
“Hm?” The jounin was snapped out of his current thoughts. “Oh…Well Sakura.” He looked into the girl's big, innocent and almost pleading eyes as she watched him with anticipation.
It was only one outing, and she did like Sasuke. He had to remember that factor.
“Really?” Sakura's face lit up. “That's great! What time?”
“Hm…” Kakashi put a finger to his chin in thought. “I don't know. How about later on today?”
“Sure!” Then she looked thoughtful for a few minuets. “What about Naruto and Sasuke?”
“You know, I'm surprised you didn't ask Sasuke to come with you on this little trip.”
“I owe you.” She took his hands in hers, causing the jounin to summon uneasiness within him. Being close to anyone was out of the question. This was going to be a one time thing. By the next day, she'll be googly eyed over Sasuke.
“Sakura…” The silver haired man took his hands away from hers, a slight blush stained his cheeks.
The jounin's hand was beginning to grow cold from the lack of anything holding onto it, processing warmth to give to it.
“It's oddly cold.” He said as he looked at his lone hand.
He looked up to see that Sakura was still close to him.
“Thanks, Kakashi-sensei.” She said, and kissed him on the cheek. “That one wasn't a joke.”
He turned around to say something, and she was gone.
`Hmm…That was odd…' He thought to himself.
* *
Sakura returned to Sasuke and Naruto, who was asleep on the ground.
“Wake up, Naruto!”
“Huh?” Naruto murmured groggily, before stirring completely awake. “Oh, hi Sakura. What took you so long?”
“Just tending to some things.” She smiled.
`Odd, she seems different. I don't quite know what is different about her. She seems…content…But it's not a normal type of content. There's a strange aura about it.' Sasuke thought to himself.
`What's she so happy about?' The blonde wondered to himself.
Shortly after the three were existing there, in complete silence, Kakashi came casually walking back to them.
Sakura turned around to catch a glimpse of the expression he wore. He seemed calm on the outside, but within the confines of his lone visible eye, stirred a mass of chaos and confusion.
Did asking your teacher to go out for a while with you as make-up for a bad practical joke so bad?
Wait…go out?
Did she just inadvertently ask her teacher to go on a date with her?
She blinked.
`Oh crap!' She thought to herself. `I wonder if Kakashi-sensei thought I was joking on that too?' She hoped he didn't take it that way.
She wanted to do something really good for him, but she couldn't think of anything. Sakura pondered for hours on places she thought her teacher would like.
She wanted to get him in someplace neutral. Some place that didn't remind the both of them so much of being ninja or doing missions.
Then she had an idea….
A/N: Another chapter completed! Sorry about that, it's hard to come up with material on these chapters. This story is getting a little more complex to write. Not much funny stuff here, but there will be next chapter.
Until then! Please R&R!