Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ School Days ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Now now you know already that I don't Naruto. Hell the plot bunny isn't really mine it just attacked me. Maybe it owns me.

Mission Iruka

Chapter 5: School Days


Genma knocked on the door to Kakashi's library at 7 the next morning. Kakashi slid the door open a crack and glared at him. "What?"

"The Hokage says, because Iruka is sick this morning, and he's under your watch, it's your responsibility to cover for him. I'm here to make sure you get there on time." Genma smiled maliciously.

Kakashi's eyebrow twitched. "I can't teach."

"Hokage-sama said, if you said that, to let you know she doesn't care, and to tell you to get a move on it. Or, failing that, I'm supposed to dress you myself and drag you there."

"Stay here." Kakashi shut the door and went to finish getting dressed. He appeared a moment later fully dressed but no more awake.


Kakashi sat on the desk reading his book as the kids slowly filled the room. Several of them kept looking up at him then whispering amongst themselves. Mostly, he heard them wondering where Iruka-sensei was, and who he was. But, some, like Konohamaru, already knew who he was and were shocked at his presence.

"Alright, class. First off, Iruka-sensei isn't feeling well today, so I'm going to be filling in for him. And, second, we're going on a field trip, so pack up your things."

He took them to the training grounds; it was all he could think of to do. He didn't really know how to teach; but, since it worked for his team, it'd be good practice for them.

"Okay here's the deal. Iruka-sensei left a nice little mountain of class work for all of you. However, I'll make you a deal. Any of you who can manage to get a bell from me..." Kakashi swung a bell in front of him. "...gets an A and doesn't have to do the work. Anyone who doesn't, has to do all the work Iruka-sensei assigned after lunch." He figured he had to feed them, or parents would come after Iruka-sensei, and he'd never hear the end of it. "I'll start with one bell, but if somebody gets it, I'll replace it with another so everyone can get a bell. I'll only have one bell on me at all times. If you get a bell, you can't help the others. You have until lunch time." And, with that, Kakashi leapt away.


Four hours later, twenty kids were sitting in the middle of the training field panting and scarfing down their lunch. Kakashi yawned, and walked out from the trees. "I expect your work to be perfect, or tomorrow I'll make sure you have twice as much." Kakashi grinned his infamous crescent smile and went back to reading his book.


Back at his apartment, Iruka was buried under a dozen or so blankets, trying to pretend the world didn't exist. Genma poked him. "Urgh."

"Kakashi took care of your class today for you."

"Ugh, don't care... and please stop yelling."

Genma laughed and then took off.


Kakashi had Iruka's students doing target practice, and was quizzing them on various questions from a practice test Iruka had constructed, when Iruka pounded on the door to the gym. He closed his Icha Icha book and tucked it away.

"First one to get a bulls-eye gets an A for the day," Kakashi said as he went to go find out what the obviously ticked off Iruka wanted.

"I can't believe you!"

Kakashi stared at him for a moment. "What can't you believe?"

Iruka panted. Kakashi realized then that Iruka's face wasn't red because he was angry, well not entirely, but rather because he was still quite sick. "I came to check up on you, and make sure you were okay, and you're reading that trash in front of the kids!"

"It's not trash."

"I don't care if you read that on your own time, but don't read it in front of MY students!" Iruka screamed. He wavered slightly on his feet.

"You're sick; you should be in bed," Kakashi watched him, fully expecting him to fall over.

"No! I'm not going to bed when a pervert like you is teaching my class!" Iruka took a step back, trying to keep his balance.

"I really think you should at least sit down, Iruka-sensei." Kakashi kept his voice calm.

"I'm fine!" And, that was it; Iruka fell over backwards. Kakashi caught his wrist and yanked the young sensei towards him, scooped him up, and headed for the nurse's office.

Genma watched from a distance, and then went to take over the class. Kakashi didn't bother looking in his direction. He would deal with Genma later.

Iruka came to a few minutes after Kakashi laid him down on the bed in the nurse's office. "Here, take this." Kakashi handed him some pills and held a glass of water out to him. Iruka took the pills and sat up, taking a deep breath before reaching for the water so he could swallow them. Then, he laid back down and closed his eyes.


Iruka didn't open his eyes, and he tried to shake his head, but that hurt too much. The anger had dissolved into annoyance and disappointment. It came out in his voice, since he couldn't stand to yell anymore. "Why do you read that trash? Are you that desperate? I really thought you had more of a sex life than those stupid books."

He heard the chair scrape the floor as Kakashi stood. His voice was flat when he spoke, "You should sleep. I'm sure Genma can handle the class for the last few hours." The door opened and closed, softly even. Iruka winced.


Several hours later, Genma had a very angry Kakashi glaring at him from a few feet away. "Why did you let him come all the way down to the academy when he was that sick?"

Genma shrugged. "I was told not to interfere unless necessary."

Kakashi gritted his teeth. "The Hokage would risk Iruka hurting himself? And, for what purpose? What does she honestly think she's accomplishing?" And, with that, Kakashi turned and headed towards the Hokage tower.

Genma shrugged and headed to the mission room.


Kakashi shoved a startled Shizune out of the way and walked through the door into Tsunade-san's office. "What the hell kind of game are you playing?"

Tsunade glanced up. "How is Iruka-sensei?"

"He's sick, and he managed to pass out while yelling at me." Kakashi glared at her.

"I was referring to his mental health, not his physical health. I have already examined him. He has a slight cold, and he should be over it by tomorrow. Now, if you could answer my question." Tsunade didn't even flinch at the glare.

"He's fine. He is probably pretty worried about Naruto, but I think he's fine for the moment. As long as he has a few close friends, that man can survive anything."

"Well good." Tsunade picked up a paper on her desk. "Here's your next mission. It shouldn't take you more than a few days. Don't be late. Oh, and don't bother filling out a report on Iruka-sensei, since it wasn't an official mission. " Tsunade handed him the paper and then ignored him. The dismissal clear, Kakashi stormed out.
