Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Go ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: If you're still looking, stop.

I do own Hiroshi, Mayako, and Rafu again very unfleshed out and unlikely to get developed although might get reused in another storie. ;p Because I'm just that freaking lazy.

Mission Iruka

Chapter 9: Go


Iruka skipped the front door and leapt down to the training grounds. The library door was slid open, and he could see Kakashi lying with his legs draped over one arm of his chair. Oddly, the book in his hands wasn't one of his Icha Icha volumes. It appeared to be a text on medical ninjutsu. Iruka walked over to the door and tapped gently on the door frame.

Kakashi didn't look up but, instead, pointed to the footstool beside him. Iruka sat and waited for Kakashi to finish what he was reading. It took a while, but, eventually, Kakashi looked up at him and smiled.

"Hello, Iruka-san. Get all your shopping done this morning?"

"Yeah, about that, it seems Risa-san's been seeing Satomi-san for about two weeks now. Interesting timing."

"Oh? And, why's that?" Kakashi stretched lazily.

"Well, it seems Hayao and Hiroshi also started dating about the same time. As did Mayako and Rafu."

"Hmm... I suppose that's women for you. They probably all got together and planned it." Kakashi swung his legs over and stood up. "Care for some tea?"

Iruka chuckled. "I'd love some."

Kakashi wandered off towards the kitchen to fix some, and Iruka took the opportunity to slip a few tags around the room. When Kakashi came back in, he was studying the Go board.

"Why don't you play anymore, Kakashi?"

"Nobody to play with, and it's a rather boring game with only one person." Kakashi walked over and handed him a cup of tea.

"I'll play it with you. It'll probably be worse than playing against yourself, but it might be fun."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "I have a few house rules that might even things up," he said, then sipped his tea.

"Minato-sensei and I used to play, they're his rules. I think he was trying to make the game harder for me. Although, more recently, I played with Sarutobi-sama." Kakashi smiled warmly, the mask hanging loosely around his neck.

"Okay. So, what are the rules?"

"You move, you ask a question. For your opponent to move, they have to answer the question. If they don't want to answer a question, they can pass. They still get to ask a question, but, of course, if both pass, the game is over. It's generally better if you start off with easier questions, so the game has a chance to build up before it's over." Kakashi grabbed a dusting cloth and carefully cleared and cleaned the board.

Once it was cleaned, Iruka sat down opposite of the older man. "I'll go first, so you can see what I mean." Kakashi said, picking up a white piece and placing it on the board. "What's your favorite food?

Iruka smiled. "It's not ramen. I mean, I like ramen, but I see more of it than is healthy. Really, I think it's probably Tekkamaki." Iruka set a black stone down. Kakashi looked at him, blinked, raised an eyebrow, and snickered.


Kakashi closed his eyes a moment. "Sushi?"

Iruka sighed. "Yes... don't even say it."

Kakashi excused himself and stepped outside. Iruka sat there and tried to ignore the laughing. The jounin came back in with a straight face... mostly. Iruka could occasionally see the corner of his mouth twitch. However, he said nothing about it, so they exchanged simple meaningless questions for awhile, and the board started to turn in Kakashi's favor. Iruka answered another question of Kakashi's and set a piece down. "Were you really not mad at me for what I said?"

"Yes, I was really not mad." Kakashi sighed, studying the piece in his hand briefly before setting it down. "Are you ever going to drop this?"

"I don't just drop things, so it's unlikely." Iruka looked at the board and frowned. "I expected you to pass on a lot of these questions. Why weren't you mad at me?"

"Because, you were sick, and you wouldn't have said them otherwise. If you asked harder questions, I wouldn't be winning." Kakashi set his piece down but hesitated before asking, "You don't really think that, do you?"

"Of course not." Iruka studied the pieces in front of him then smirked and dropped the little black stone. "You weren't mad, but you were upset, right?"

"Yes, at first, but I got over it. People have said far worse to me." Kakashi shook his head and set his piece down, hardly even looking at the board. "Why is this bothering you so much?

"Because we're friends. We are friends, right?" He watched Kakashi, who simply stared at him. "Well?"

"Set your piece down Iruka." Iruka blushed and laid a piece down. Kakashi set a piece down and removed several more of Iruka's. "I'm not completely sure I understand what that means, but yes, we're friends. Does it bother you to be friends with the infamous copy-nin?"

"Of course not. I don't see why it would." Iruka studied the board, frowning. "Even if you are kicking my ass at this game." He grinned and set his piece down. "What's your favorite color?"

Kakashi placed his piece. "Red."

"Why?" Iruka asked before Kakashi could ask his question.

"That's two questions, Iruka-san," Kakashi chuckled. "Why do you always wear your hair in a ponytail?"

"It keeps it out of my face." He laid his piece down. "Why red?"

"Because," Kakashi said, studying the board for a moment before placing a piece on it. "It's the color of people's emotions. You should try wearing it down sometime."

Iruka stared at him, but bit his tongue on the next question.

Kakashi slid a stone over the palm of his hand. "Why'd you become a teacher?"

"Easy. I like kids, and I'm good at it." Iruka's piece clicked softly against the board. "What do you mean when you say you like red because it's the color of people's emotions?"

"When people are angry, their faces are red. When people are sad, their eyes are red. When they're sick or scared, it's noticeable because of the red or lack there of. When people are happy or embarrassed they blush. Which is the hardest facial feature to control, and even then nobody can control it completely. It's emotion in its purest form." Kakashi set the stone down.

"How'd you get the scar on your face?"

Iruka was shocked by the answer. 'Is he implying what I think he's implying? No, he wouldn't tease me just to see me blush or get angry? Well maybe.' He realized Kakashi had asked him a question, and, after a minute, it hit him what it was.

"Oh, um... I was setting up a prank with wire when I was 7 and it snapped." Iruka studied Kakashi's face. 'I must sound so graceful.' Kakashi seemed to consider it, and then he nodded but said nothing. Iruka set his piece down.

"Why do you pick on me?"

Kakashi dropped the piece he'd been studying back in the well of stones. He seemed to consider not answering then smiled and picked the piece back up. "Because it amuses me when you turn red." He set the piece down.

"How'd you get the scar on your back?"

Iruka stared at him, he honestly couldn't decide if he was embarrassed or angry. 'He just picks on me because it amuses him!' He was stunned.

Kakashi inclined his head. "Are you okay, Iruka-san?"

Iruka snapped out of it. 'Oh yeah, the scar on my back.' He blushed remembering how Kakashi knew. "Protecting Naruto from Mizuki."

“Ah, I guess I should have realized that.”

He set another piece down and removed 2 of Kakashi's. "Why do you avoid the rest of the house?"

"Pass." Kakashi's voice was calm, but he closed his eye briefly, and Iruka knew the question had bothered him. "Why do you want to know?"

"It just seemed odd, like you haven't been in there for years. I wanted to know what would make you avoid it that way."

Iruka set his piece down and smiled, thinking his next question would get another pass.

"Who all have you slept with?"

Kakashi thought about it. "I can't list everyone, for various reasons, some you wouldn't even know. Of those you would know, Genma, before Raidou, though. Anko, once, but she's too kinky for my taste." Iruka chuckled. It just seemed odd coming from Kakashi.

"Kurenai, Aoba, and Kotestu." Kakashi paused. "As well as several others that I shouldn't list, due to the nature or reasons for the encounter." Kakashi set his piece down. Iruka's jaw was practically on the floor.

Kakashi grinned evilly. "Who've you slept with?"

Iruka blushed. "Well Hana, Genma, and Raidou; and, a long time ago, Mizuki." Iruka blushed again when Kakashi raised an eyebrow. “It wasn’t like that…” He said, feeling the blush deepen. It was such an odd conversation to be having, but, aside from being embarrassed, it didn't really bother him.

"Why do you stay here, if you don't even go in the rest of the house. I mean, why not get a smaller place?"

"Because it's my house. Minato-sensei set up this part for me, so I didn't have to go over there. So, since I don't have to go over there, I stay." Kakashi's tone was almost defensive.

He dropped a stone on the board and grinned. "So... Genma and Raidou at the same time?"

Iruka choked. "Pass," he managed as a blush crept up his cheeks. "Why did you start hanging around me?"

"Pass." Kakashi smiled. "Well it looks like I still win." Iruka stared at him. 'Well that was an odd answer. I didn't think it was that invasive of a question.'

Kakashi stood and took their glasses in the kitchen. Iruka again used the time to set up more of his prank.

He was toying with a map on the wall when Kakashi came back in. "I'm hungry, want to grab something to eat?"

"Sure." Iruka noticed Kakashi had finally pulled his mask back up. He knew it was probably because they were going out. Iruka smiled; it was still nice to see the man's face. He fought off a grin at the realization that he was one of few who got to see it.
