Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Pranks, Spiders, and much much Evil ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Mimics Tenzo and gives you the ghoul eyes.

Music for tonight's edit: Paris to Berlin, Another Night, Poison and yes I played those 3 over and over and over cuz I'm obsessive.

Mission Iruka
Chapter 11: Pranks, Spiders, and much much Evil


"Are you sure he won't catch us?"

"He won't be back for at least another 3 hours. If Gai finds him on his way home it'll be more like 5 or 6." Pakkun slid a door open and looked at Iruka. "If youíre not coming I suppose I could go tell Kakashi"

"He's not going to kill me for being in here is he?" Iruka frowned and stared at the dust covered floor.

"I donít think so. He sends me to fetch books from his father's library and other things that he thinks he needs and then he sends me to put them back when he decides he doesnít want to look at them anymore." Pakkun seemed annoyed at having to play go for.

"But youíre his ninken. I'm just a friend."

Pakkun shook his head, "That he sees every night he's not on a mission. I don't think he's going to kill you if youíre over here. I really don't think he cares, it's more that he just doesn't want to be over here."

"Why is that exactly?"

"He just doesn't. Now come on, we're wasting time."

Iruka stepped hesitantly into the room. 'I just won't look at anything that seems too personal.' He pulled his supplies out.

"So what exactly are you planning to do?"

"I'm going to string chakra Wire pretty much everywhere. I'll put 2 modified exploding tags for every ten feet of wire. And I'll use more chakra wire to secure everything so it doesn't move when they go off."

"How exactly did you modify the tags?"

"Normally an exploding tag has 2 rather small jutsus laid into it. A genin can do them both. In fact we teach the pre-genin how they work but they don't learn which jutsus to use until right before they graduate." Iruka studied Pakkun's face for understanding.

Pakkun nodded, "An air jutsu and a fire jutsu. I've seen Kakashi make them."

"Exactly, so instead of the fire jutsu I put a mild air jutsu on half them and a much stronger one on the rest," he waited to see if Pakkun would figure it out.

"Which will do what exactly?"

"Half of the air tags will go off when they're triggered this will get the dust off of the shelves and into the air." Iruka was practically preening. "Then while the dust is still in the air the second set of tags will go off. Theyíll be set to go off in a specific fashion as opposed to all at once and should so long as I set everything just right blow all the dust out the door near the back garden."

"Won't that mess with what you were doing in the kitchen? I'm not wrong in assuming you were using the same kind of tags in there am I?"

"Yes theyíre the same kind of tags. It shouldnít interfere though since when I set the trigger for the other traps I'll set these to separate trigger. There will actually be two layers and this will be part of the second."

"You've done this before havenít you?"

The laughter that bubbled up out of Iruka would have made Orochimaru shiver. "I've never used them together and never to quite this extent. I actually discovered how to do it when I was still at the academy. I was trying to figure out how the exploding tag worked so I could use it for a prank on Sarutobi-sama. Once I discovered I could add an air jutsu or even better a water jutsu I changed the prank," he said grinning wickedly again.

"Changed it to what?" Pakkun asked almost scared to hear the answer.

"Well the first tag would cause his hat to fly off his head, the second one blew all his papers off his desk, and the third well let's just say he was very clean by the end of the week."

"Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"Don't worry I'm not going to do that to 'Kashi," he smirked.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well it involves the same stuff here and some tags rigged to mimic the replacement jutsu. Nothing dangerous just irritating." Iruka resisted the urge to cackle. "He thinks it's amusing to drive me crazy so I'm just returning the favor.


They set about stringing the wire and making sure every. It was while they were stringing the wire through the hall that Iruka discovered the reason Pakkun was so eager to get the place free of spiders. The wire snapped and Pakkun tumbled backwards right into a spider web. "Get it off me! Get it off me!" he screamed terror laced through his voice.

"Get what off you Pakkun? It's just a spider web."

"I don't care get it off!"

Iruka dusted him off and tried not to smirk. "Pakkun, are you afraid of spiders?"

"No!" he said as he visibly shuddered. "I just don't like them."

Iruka snickered, "Oh there's the little guy now."

Pakkun froze. "Get. It. Off."

"It's just a little spider," Iruka said scooping the thing up. "C'mere we'll find you a nice home in the garden. Away from the crazy dog. Poor thing I bet he scared you."

"How can you touch that thing? It's... it's gross!" Pakkun asked following him.

"Spiders aren't bad creatures they're just misunderstood."

"They've got too many legs and eyes what's there to understand? They're gross."

Iruka chuckled, "This little guy is perfectly harmless unless you're another bug." He deposited the spider on a leaf in the corner of the garden. "You can make a nice home right here. I bet there are more bugs out here for you to eat anyway."

"Thank you," Pakkun said as they walked back inside.

"Everyone is scared of something. I just don't happen to be afraid of spiders."

"What are you scared of?"


Pakkun laughed, "You are not."

"Yes I am. She may seem nice but she's got an evil streak in her. I've seen the things she puts Izumo and Kotetsu through when they fool around too much." They both laughed and then got back to work.

Iruka was tying some wire over the beds to keep the blankets from moving when he heard Pakkun scream again and went to look. "Is it another spider?" he called out.

Pakkun shot around a corner and right into his feet. "It's in there!" He pointed toward the library.

Iruka smiled and headed into the library. "Oh Kami!" The spider was about the size of a rat. Iruka walked out of the library. "I'll be right back," he told Pakkun heading off to the kitchen to retrieve a jar or something else with a lid that was big enough to carry the thing in. He eventually found a cake server and used it to carry the thing out to the garden. He didn't let it go though and instead set it aside to be taken completely off the grounds later.

"I see why Boss likes you. You're very brave."

Iruka laughed so hard at that, that his sides hurt. "I doubt 'Kashi would think carrying a spider out to the garden is all that brave. Even a big spider."

"I think it's brave."

"Well thank you," he said and went inside to finish rigging everything up.