Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Iruka ❯ Away ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: *raises an eyebrow* looking for something? I told you already.

Although do I own Shiori even though she is a bitch and Nanashi who is almost lovable. Maybe I'll use him again sometime. As well as Rieka and Miko(kind of annoying but not as bitchy as Shiori).

Probably one of the least cheerful chapters.

I swear the smut and the prank going boom are coming. Don't bite me please. *gives big kitten eyes* Although I do own the plot, Rieka, and Miko(kind of annoying but not as bitchy as Shiori).

Mission Iruka
Chapter 13: Away


Iruka sat in the teachers' lounge eating his lunch, well poking at his lunch. At least dinner would better. He hadn't realized before how bad a cook he was; not until after Kakashi started spoiling him.

"Iruka-sensei?" Shikamaru's voice called from the doorway. He turned and waved him over. "I can't stay, just delivering a message for you," Shikamaru said handing him a light blue envelope. And with that he was gone in a puff of smoke.

Iruka wondered when he'd learned that trick. Of course he wasn't overly surprised he had. The kid was smart but lazy and if that wasn't a jutsu made for him he didn't know what was. He studied the envelope, it had a silver dolphin drawn on the front. He opened it and pulled out the tan slip of paper. 'Sorry, dinner will have to wait.' The signature was a henohenomoheji. Iruka frowned as he tucked the letter away and picked up his chopsticks.


The rain came out of nowhere and three figures crouched under the tree to wait for it to stop. Kakashi kept his back to his team mates and sipped his miso soup from the thermos. He should have been home cooking. He'd asked for this mission. He'd wanted it. Maybe he'd even needed it. It'd been too easy. He was torn between wanting to be home already and wanting to stay gone.

"So is the gossip true?"


"You and that brown haired teacher that used to hang around with your old blond haired student." She didn't dare refer to him as the kyuubi but he could tell by the tone of her voice she was thinking it.

Kakashi took another sip but said nothing.

"I never thought the cold hearted nin of a thousand jutsus would ever succumb to such a silly thing as love."

Kakashi pulled out his Icha Icha novel and decided to pointedly ignore his team mate until they could continue on their way. Home wasn't far.

"Leave him alone Shiori," Nanashi said frowning at the young woman. The man was so different from his father. Kakashi smiled thinking of the prank loving ANBU. His son was so serious, admittedly it was to Kakashi's favor at the moment.

"Come on Nanashi. The man is famous for his cold heart. Sex I buy, but love?" She scoffed. He remembered that years ago she'd been like Rin. It'd been mission sex and she'd... well afterwards she'd looked at him like Rin always had, needing something he couldn't give her.

"I said stop."

"At first I thought it must just be sex, but it's been too long and the rumors are still floating around..."

Kakashi stared at the rain dripping off the leaves. /"You could stay." "I can't. If I don't get to bed soon I'll never manage to get up."/ He frowned.

"I'm not sleeping with Iruka. We're just friends." His voice was cold, detached, and at the same time threatening. That seemed to shut Shiori up. 'Not that I wouldn't...' he shoved the thought aside.


Iruka sat on Kakashi's porch, the rain had come out of no where. He wasn't even sure why he was sitting here grading papers instead of doing so at home. Home would have been warmer. It wasn't like he was going to be able to work on his prank but he just felt like being here so he stayed. He'd leave when the rain stopped he decided. It was late afternoon and with the weather he'd decided Kakashi probably wouldn't be back today. Three days he'd sat here, he'd graded papers, read, and even taken an afternoon nap yesterday. It'd been late when he got home last night. Maybe the rain wouldn't stop and he could just stay here. Maybe Kakashi would be home soon. He frowned. 'I must be pretty lonely. I should have taken Genma up on his offer to go drinking.' But he hadn't really wanted to.


The rain turned to a drizzle and so the three shinobi headed out from their cover and continued home. They were drenched by the time they reached the mission room. He dropped the rather soggy report in front of a red haired nin at the mission desk and left without a word.


Iruka yawned, he really should go home. The rain had let up. But it was so nice and cool and it was making him sleepy. He leaned back against the wall and pulled his knees up to his chin.


Kakashi smiled and knelt down beside the sleeping chunin.

" 'Ruka." A groan and a slight flicker of his eyelids but Iruka didn't wake. "'Ruka, are you hungry?"

"Mmm... 'Kashi..." brown eyelashes fluttered and he moved rubbing his cheek on his forearms. A strand of hair slipped across his cheek. It really was very endearing. Kakashi reached out and brushed the stray hairs back tucking them gently behind Iruka's ear. Iruka blinked.

"Kakashi," he said lifting his head. "You're hands are cold."

"Just got back. Want to come in and have some tea?"

It was only then Iruka seemed to realize where was, he startled then groaned.

"I fell asleep." Kakashi chuckled at his friend before standing up and offering his hand. Iruka took it and stood up. He watched as the other man stretched and rubbed the back of his neck. "Remind me not to do that again."

"I might have if I'd been here. Of course maybe not. You looked rather cute sleeping there like that."

Iruka punched him lightly as they went inside. "I'm not cute."

"Oh not at all. You're no cuter than Naruto is noisy." That got a chuckle and another punch in the shoulder. Kakashi set the water on to boil then headed towards his room pulling off most of his clothes along the way and tossing them in the laundry basket when he reached the door. He waited until he was actually in his room to remove his jeans however.

"How was the mission?" Iruka called from the other room.

"B rank and appropriately so since it was rather boring." He grabbed a towel out of the bathroom and dried off before tossing on a clean set of clothes.

"B rank? But I thought she couldn't spare you for anything other than an A or S rank?"

"I asked for it. I needed to get out and stretch my legs." He didn't want to lie to Iruka but he also didn't want to tell him he needed his space to think. He walked back into the living room a towel draped over his shoulders, one hand still rubbing it roughly over his hair.

Iruka was sitting at the table sipping tea.

"Do you... want me to leave?" He had to give the man credit for being so perceptive.

Kakashi stopped drying his hair and sat.

"No." He pulled his spare hitai-ate from his pocket where he'd tucked it and tied it over his eye. "I was just restless," he said picking up his tea and taking a sip. Iruka studied his face for a moment, raised an eyebrow, and then smiled seemingly accepting his answer. He really didn't want Iruka to leave, as selfish as he knew it was he just wanted to be near him.


"So how are the odds looking?" Tsunade asked leaning back and sipping casually on her sake.

"Not bad actually. Most people think Kakashi is straight and of the few who don't most think he's 'a cold hearted bastard.' Kurenai refuses 'to bet on her friends' love life' and she hit Asuma when he tried. Though I think he'll probably place a bet later," Genma smirked.

"I wonder if I should have banned the ANBU from betting on this..."

"Definitely not, most of them are the ones with the opinion he's a bastard. There are only a couple like Tenzo and Nanashi who actually think otherwise."

"Gai doesn't seem to understand what the bets are. When I told him it was over whether Kakashi likes Iruka he said that of course his eternal rival likes Iruka. That there isn't anyone in Konoha who doesn't... with his usual flare of course. By the way Youth for the day is at 32 and ever is at 2,396."

"Remember now 25% of whatever we earn goes to me for setting this up. And don't forget if Shizune ask it's 10%."