Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ coming of the hurricane ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Ok this chapter I am not sure if I spelled Kunoichi right but hey you know what it means. Also I am glad to say the equivalent of Jiraiya is appearing today and the Mizukage is here to. I think I will time skip after this to the genin exams.

Shores of Mizugakure

“Whoa!” yelled Naruto in excitement as the group reached the docks. “The mist is so thick here I can’t see the tip of my own nose!”

“That’s why it’s called Hidden mist.” said Kisame taking a deep breath. “It’s the only truly hidden village of all the Hidden villages.”

“It’s so awesome!” yelled Naruto running off into the mist only to have Kenpachi grab him by the collar of his shirt.. “Let go of me I gotta explore!” whined Naruto struggling against Kenpachi’s grip.

“No chance ya little punk.” said Kenpachi lifting Naruto up to look into his eyes. “Fraid you’re gonna have to ride on my shoulder with Yachiru till we get into the city. “Throwing him onto his shoulder the Cyclops took off towards the center of the island. “Better hurry Kisame or we’ll lock ya out!” he yelled.

“As if you would ever be faster than me!” yelled Kisame happily running after the group.

“Well so much for goodbyes.” said Nord grinning at the eagerness of the group. ‘Hmm. Naruto Hoshigaki,’ he thought with a even wider smile turning and walking back to the boat, ‘I expect to see great things from you.’


“Hey, hey, Akaaka-kun!” whispered Yachiru excitedly to Naruto a few minutes later. “Isn’t Ken-chan’s shoulder great? I mean it’s so comfy up here and you don’t gotta run around or anything!”

“It’s okay I guess.” muttered Naruto hanging on for dear life. “But when it comes to great rides Kisame-nii-san’s leg is the best!”

“Really?” questioned Yachiru looking thoughtful for a while. “Do you think Fuka-kun will let me rid him when we get back?”

“No way!” said Naruto grinning. “I’m the only one who can ride nii-san!”

“Damn.” said Yachiru slumping over in defeat. A few more moments passed before Yachiru spoke again. “Hey Akaaka-kun, do you think you’ll be bigger than me when we grow up?” she asked switching shoulders to sit on the one Naruto was on.

“Definitely gonna be way bigger than you!” said Naruto grinning.

“Then can I ride you when we grow up?” she asked innocently.

“Sure Yachiru-chan!” said Naruto before noticing that Kenpachi’s whole head had turned red. “Hey Kenpachi-nii-san are you okay?”

“Y-yes no problem.” stammered Kenpachi trying to hold in his laughter. ‘Damn I have to bring that back up when they’re older!’ he thought grinning as he imagined all the terrible things he could get them to do by blackmailing them. ‘Life is good.’


Gates of Mizugakure.

For the first time in his short life Naruto was truly and wholly at a lose for words. Before him stood the mighty gates and walls of Mizugakure.

‘I think the word you’re looking for is beautiful, sweetie.’ said Dokubibu in his mind, And indeed the gates where beautiful. The structure seemed to be made out of a murky crystal that appeared to absorb the mist just as it absorbed their gazes. Naruto was sure that if the sun had come out and hit the structure he would have simply fallen on his knees and cried right there.

“Tourist’s.” said Kenpachi, grinning at the boys reaction. ‘Can’t wait ‘till he sees the Mizukage monument.’

“Akaaka-kun!” yelled Yachiru in the dazed boy’s ear, snapping him out of his trance. “You can’t stare at them all day or we’ll never get in!”

“R-Right.” muttered Naruto, breaking his eyes away from the beautiful gates.

As the group of four approached the gates, a lone masked kunoichi appeared in front of them. “Kisame!” the nin yelled, lunging at the fish man, who was smiling from ear to ear. “I am going to kill you!” she yelled producing a small dagger from a pocket in her flack jacket.

“Ah hello onee-san.” said Kisame punching the woman in the gut as she charged him. “I didn’t think you’d come to greet me!” Suddenly thirty more shinobi and kunoichi jumped out of no where causing both Naruto and Yachiru to jump. “And you brought the family!” said Kisame using Kawamari just in time to avoid the hail of throwing weapons that bombarded his former position.

“Time to go.” whispered Kenpachi sneaking out of the fray and heading towards the gates.

“Hey Kenpachi-nii-san,” Naruto suddenly said causing the man to cover the blonds mouth and make a hushing sign. Pulling the hand off his mouth Naruto whispered, “Hey Kenpachi who were those people?”

“People who hate your brother a lot and can do many painful things to both of us if they notice us.” Kenpachi said handing some papers to the guard at the gate.

“Ah Kenpachi-san!” said the guard loudly enough to get the whole group of nin’s attention. “Glad to see you’re back!”

“Ehehehe, right!” laughed Kenpachi sweat dropping as the group began to draw many weapons. “Well I think I’ll talk to you later.” the Cyclops said taking off into a run. ‘Fucking bastard.’ he thought as the whole group of nin charged after them.

“Hey Ken-chan why are all those people chasing us?” asked Yachiru staring back at the mob following them.

“I thought I was done being chased by mobs!” Naruto whined clutching onto Kenpachi’s shoulder.

“Well you see there is a very simple reason those guys are chasing us.” said Kenpachi ignoring Naruto’s pleas for sanctuary. “You see when the coup was taking place against the Sandaime all of us in the seven swordsmen joined the coup and where exiled. Now, back there are the people who were benefiting from the Sandaimes tyranny, as you may expect they aren’t to happy with us for bringing about his end.”

“But Ken-chan you’re part of their village now won’t they be kicked out as traitors?” asked Yachiru.

“See that’s the thing; I’m not technically a Mist nin again.” said Kenpachi changing his course to head towards a large tower in the distance. “See, while I’m not a missing nin anymore I have to be reinstated to become a mist nin again.”

“Then you better run faster cause they’re gaining on us.” said Naruto recovering from the shock of being chased again.

“You want faster?” asked Kenpachi grinning wildly. “You got it!” Picking up his speed Kenpachi quickly took to the rooftops and soon the pursuing group of nin where nothing but spots on the horizon. “How’s that for speed?”

“Pull over.” muttered Naruto. “I need to throw up.”

“Don’t be a baby Akaaka-kun!” yelled Yachiru happily patting him on his back. “I bet we get to run that fast later!”

The thought made Naruto puke.


Mizukage’s office.

It had not been a good day for Hoshigaki Dagon. First he found that his niece had burned his favorite shirt. Next he comes to his office and finds out he has four piles of paper to do today instead of the usual two. To top it all off his nephew had come through his window only moments before.

“Kisame-san.” he said staring at the former missing nin. “You are going to pay for that right?”

“No time Dagon-sama!” said Kisame bowing politely. “Quick reinstate me as a Mist ni before Dera gets here!”

“Dera?” said the Mizukage raising an none excitant eyebrow. “Why what’s she doing?”

“Trying to kill us again!” yelled Kenpachi jumping through another window.

“I wonder if you’re breaking these on purpose.” said the Mizukage eyeing the two children that jumped off the newcomers shoulder.

“LAND! THANK KAMI IT’S LAND!” yelled Naruto before running over to the window and throwing up out of it.

“You’re boy ain’t used to real speed.” said Kenpachi to Kisame who could just frown slightly.

“Mind if I ask who this young man is?” asked the Mizukage walking over to the dazed boy. “Here take this it settles the nerves.” he said offering Naruto a few pills.

“Thanks,” said Naruto swallowing them. “I’m Naruto.” he said after a moment turning around and looking at the man before him. He was pretty much a mirror image of his nii-san with the only difference being he was slightly shorter and had red skin instead of blue, that and he was wearing a very floral shirt and orange shorts. “Nice shirt.”

“Thanks.” said Dagon before shuffling over to his nephew. “I suppose you think you should be a Mist nin again eh?” he said before pulling a stamp out of his sleeve and stamping a huge red Admitted on the sharks forehead. “You want one Kenpachi?” he asked turning to the other man while Kisame desperately tried to rub the ink off his face.

“I’ll pass.” said Kenpachi backing away.

“Your loss.” said the man returning the stamp to his sleeve. “Anything else you guys need?”

“As long as you keep your stamps in your sleeves.” grumbled Kisame glaring at the older shark.

“Wad’ja say Kisame-kun?” asked the elder Hoshigaki revealing another stamp that said DECEASED on it.

“I said that we need to register these kids as our apprentices.” said Kisame sweat dropping.

“These kids?” he said looking back and forth between Naruto who was still recovering from his hurlings and Yachiru who was playing with the bells in Kenpachi’s hair. “You’re a dumbass aren’t you nephew?” he said pulling out a stamp that said Dunce and stamping Kisame and Kenpachi with it.

“Hey my kid has the same ability as me and the Nidaime!” yelled Kisame wiping the ink off his face again.

“I got nothing on mine besides I’ve been training her for as long as I can remember.” said Kenpachi glaring at the mark on his forehead.

“If I remember correctly you couldn’t even remember the plan on our first assassination attempt on the Sandaime.” said Dagon grinning.

“So I was sure I could get by with just killing everyone.” said Kenpachi blushing and scratching the back of his head.

“Just trust us on this Dagon-sama.” said Kisame. “After all my kid has already gained the privilege of wielding the legendary Dokubibu.”

“Really now?” said Dagon surprise evident in his voice. “Well that is quite the achievement if the rumors are true about her killing all her wielders.”

“She said it’s cause I’m cute.” said Naruto causing everyone to raise an eyebrow and Yachiru to giggle. “What?”

“She didn’t kill you because you’re cute.” said Kisame dumbfounded.

“She says all the guys before where big sweaty hulks of flesh and she doesn’t like something as offensive as that.” said Naruto as Samehada began to make a strange cackling sound. “Also she says that she didn’t want to end up like Samehada.” he continued causing both Samehada’s cackling to stop and Kisame to glare at the sword.

“Well enough of the happy go lucky stories!” said Dagon pulling out another stamp that said SOMEDAY and stamping both Yachiru and Naruto with it causing their whole face to be covered. “With that both of you are now apprentices to Kisame and Kenpachi and are as such officially adopted by them”

“Sweet!” yelled Naruto pumping his fist in the air. “Now I get to live with Nii-san.”

“About that.” said Kisame scratching the back of his head and grinning. “I don’t think you can live with me Naruto.”

“W-What?” asked Naruto his grin disappearing.

“Well you see Naruto my house is under water and you cant’ breath under water.” said the shark man.

“But where will I live!?” yelled Naruto panicking. “Don’t make me live on the streets again!”

“Again?” said the Mizukage raising another nonexistent eyebrow.

“I’ll explain later.” said Kisame sending his uncle a look that said ‘Don’t push it.’

“Fine then.” said Dagon turning back to Naruto. “The kid does bring up a point though, obviously we can’t leave him on the streets but due to the recent influx of immigrants we don’t have anymore housing.”

“Why not have him live with some one else then?” chimed Yachiru happily.

“Yeah!” said Kenpachi setting the girl on the floor. “He could live with one of the other swordsmen.”

“The only swordsmen here right now besides you two are Zabuza and Raiga.” said Dagon pulling two folders off his desk. “And I’m not even letting Raiga’s apprentice stay with him.”

“Well I don’t want him staying with Zabuza.” said Kisame frowning. “That guy would probably kill him.”

“I can’t let him stay with me and Yachiru.” said Kenpachi before the pink haired could even bring it up. “My house ain’t big enough.”

“Then there’s only one person left.” said the Mizukage grabbing another folder off his desk and handing it to Kisame.

Scanning it the Monster of the Hidden Mist just glared his uncle. “You’re kidding right?” he said handing the folder to Kenpachi who raised an eyebrow. “I’d be better off leaving him with Raiga than her.”

“It’s your only choice other than leaving him with Zabuza.” said Dagon taking the folder back.

“Don’t let me go back out onto the streets!” yelled Naruto latching onto his nii-sans leg.

“God I’m going to regret this.” said Kisame hanging his head in defeat. “Are you sure there aren’t any vacancies?” he asked only to hang his head again when the Mizukage nodded. “Fine he can live with her.”

“Well I will send a messenger to her immediately!” said Dagon clapping his hands together causing an Anbu to jump through his final window. ‘I need to get them to stop breaking the windows.” he thought before turning to the Anbu. “Take young Naruto over there to the Shihouin Manor and give this letter to Yoruichi-chan.”

“Right away Mizukage-sama!” said the Anbu saluting before grabbing Naruto and disappearing, much to the wannabe swordsman’s chagrin.

‘I’m so sorry Naruto.’ thought Kisame crying in his head. ‘I never meant for you to become a pervert.’

“Now then Yachiru why don’t you go visit your friends?” asked Dagon grinning at the pink haired wonder. “I’m sure they’ve missed you.”

“Okay!” said Yachiru running out the door. “Bye Ken-chan!” she called as she ran off.

“Now that that’s been taken care of do you have anything to report?” asked Dagon immediately taking a serious posture.

“Of course.” said Kisame sound proofing the room.


Shihouin Manor

“Hey put me down!” yelled Naruto angrily beating on the Anbus mask. “I want down!”

“Fine then.” said the Anbu dropping the boy unceremoniously on the ground. “We’re here anyway.”

“Here?” asked Naruto looking in awe at what could only be described as the biggest tree house he had ever seen. The manor itself looked fairly normal, the odd thing was that it appeared to be wedged between two massive trees. “It’s awesome!” he yelled.

“Glad you think that way.” said the Anbu because this is where you’ll be living from now on.” ‘God help you.’

“Sweet!” yelled Naruto running to the front door with the Anbu in tow.

“Be quiet for a sec would ya kid?” asked the Anbu knocking on the door. “Yoruichi-sama! I have a missive from the Mizukage!” There wasn’t a sound for a few moments before the sound of things breaking and someone falling down stairs.

“Damn it he knows better than bothering me this time of day.” grumbled a voice on the other side of the door with the sound of locks being removed. The door opened to reveal a tan skinned woman with purple hair and a massive glare. Did I mention she was naked?

Naruto did the only thing he could think to do, he fainted.

“What’s wrong with him?” asked the purple haired beauty staring at the fallen boy.

“Not sure.” said the Anbu looking away before he died from blood loss. “But Mizukage-sama told me to deliver him and this.” he said handing her the message before disappearing.

“A note eh?” she said looking at the envelope suspiciously. “I wonder what he wants. Hey Soifon-chan come down here real quick.” she called causing another series of crashes bfore a black haired child appeared in front of her.

“Your orders Yoruichi-sama?” the girl asked saluting sloppily.

“I told you plain old Yoruichi is fine.” said Yoruichi ruffling the girls hair causing the her to blush. “Do me a favor and drag this kid inside and put him… some where.”

“Yes ma’am!” said Soifon grabbing Naruto by his legs and dragging him inside.

“Don’t call me ma’am it makes me sound old.” she said getting a stress mark. ‘Now let’s see what the old man wants.’ she thought opening the envelope and scanning the letter within.

Dear Yoruichi-chan

This is Naruto Hoshigaki the apprentice of Kisame Hoshigaki. Currently this boy has no were to stay so I have assigned him to live with you and Soifon. I know that you have enough room in that mansion you call a house so don’t even try to say you don’t. This is my official decision and it’s not changing.

Have fun: Hoshigaki Dagon.

P.S. Put on some clothes I don’t want another pervert of your scale.

“So he wants me to baby sit eh?” said Yoruichi grinning. ‘This is gonna be so much fun.’


“So if what you’re telling me is true why are all in grave danger.” said Dagon staring out his window grimly. “We’ll have to step up training.”

“Luckily they don’t seem to know I have the six-tails in me.” said Kisame tapping his new forehead protector.

“Indeed.” said Dagon staring at the oncoming storm clouds. I want you to train those kids to the fullest starting tomorrow. As soon as they are ready they will join the academy.” ‘Hmm. Looks like a hurricane is coming.’



“You’re not going after them?” asked Sarutobi in surprise.

“No.” said Shirane packing another bag. “I think it’s a bit late for me to show up.”

“I don’t think he could really blame you for being in a coma.” said Sarutobi.

“He’s a bit young to understand.” said Shirane her blond locks falling in front of her face. “Maybe when he’s older I’ll visit.”

“Were are you going to go then?” asked Sarutobi taking a long drag on his pipe.

“Home.” she said before walking out the door.


A/n: Ah I feel good. I think that I shall time skip now if no one has an objections. Next step Genin exams. Also since I've brought in so many Bleach characters does this count as a crossover?