Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ I'm going to beat you down prt. 1 ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: I hope to put my first real fight scene in this chapter so tell me how I do on it. Also I am not sure I spelled some of the names right on here so if not just try and guess or pick the obvious choice.

Six years later.

Current head of the Hoshigaki clan and current Mizukage Hoshigaki Dagon surveyed the village he was charged to protect. What was left of it anyway.

“My god I don’t believe that something so small can cause so much destruction.” he said a tear coming to his eye as he gazed at the paperwork on his desk. “Those things are a menace!” he screamed as he pulled out a stamp the said MUTILATE on it and started stamping papers wildly. “What the hell was I thinking letting them get ninja training at the academy?”

Flash back

“Mizukage-sama! Mizukage-sama!” yelled a flustered jounin as he jumped in breaking the Mizukages window again. “It’s terrible, they’ve done it again!”

“What?” said Dagon hastily throwing the sake he was drinking out the window. “Who’s doing what?”

“It’s Naruto and Yachiru again.” said another man walking strait in through the door with nary a knock or a hello.

The image the man projected told all in the room why he had not been stopped. The man had wild crimson hair with bright yellow eyes and stood a good head over Dagon, whose clan prided themselves in being some of the tallest people in the world. Other than a lose fitting pair of crimson baggy pants and some sandals the man wore nothing. At his sides rested two sick looking screw blades. Overall Dagon felt he had earned the name Reaper of the Hidden Mist.

“We should kill them quickly, lest they finally cause a revolt.” he said drawing the two screw shaped swords, one red the other green, and brandishing them with strange ease. “I would be happy to do it Irith and Totera are lusting for those twos blood!”

“Actually Mora I would like them both to come in alive.” said Dagon. “And in one piece.” he added when Mora grinned.

“Ah but Mizukage-sama!” whined Mora falling to his knees. “I haven’t gotten to kill in a month and I neeeed bloood!”

“No means no!” snapped Dagon almost crying at the thought that he was running a village where basically all the people where like this. “Why don’t you go train Rolay for a while?”

“Fine!” said Mora standing up and sheathing his swords. “But when you kill them I want to be informed I still remember that whole spray starch incident!” With that he ran out the door and leapt down the stairs to the ground floor causing the secretary to scream.

“Weird I didn’t think I had a secretary.” said the Mizukage pulling another bottle sake out of his sleeve.

“The only guys down there are Anbu guards.” said the forgotten jounin sweat dropping. “Anyway,” he said turning to the older man, “we need to do something about those two.”

“Mora and Rolay? I always thought Rolay was fine but you’re right tonight I’ll kill Mora.”

“Uh sir I meant Naruto and Yachiru. They need to be stopped.” said the jounin raising an eyebrow.

“Why what’ve they done?” questioned Dagon looking down to the paperwork. “Oh I see.”


And so he had sent them to the academy to spend their free time, lord what a mistake that was. Now they simply broke out of the, “double whammy torture room” as Yachiru had put it, and caused more trouble than before.

“Perhaps we should kill them.” said Dagon to himself as the one and only Naruto Hoshigaki broke through his window and landed beside him.

“Help me old man!” he whispered drawing Dokubibu in anticipation. “It’s gonna be an awesome fight!”

‘Let the heads roll and the masks break!’ yelled Dokubibu in his mind punching air.

“Naruto-kun did you start” was as far as Dagon got before nine chunnin lunged through his remaining windows breaking them all. “Scratch there’s no question you just did it to start a fight with the chunnin.”

“Yeah and I plan to beat the living shit out of all of you guy’s asses.” yelled Naruto brandishing Dokubibu wildly.

‘My god he’s changed so much.’ thought Dagon with a bit of pride. Looking Naruto down a person could tell a very large difference indeed. Naruto had trashed his orange jumpsuit in favor of a grey gi. On his feet he wore a pair of grey boots with heavy padding at the bottom. On his hand he wore a pair of dark blue gloves that stopped his chakra from combining with Dokubibu’s and creating her potent poison. ‘In fact if I have my way he might be on the way to being the clan head someday.’ thought the Mizukage nodding sagely.

“Well old man you gonna fight along side me?” Naruto asked eagerly. Ah yes the biggest change in his being he was now exceedingly belligerent, more so than Kenpachi some said.

“Naruto you can’t just go starting fights like this.” said Dagon waving the chunnins off. “What I need to know is why you aren’t with Yachiru, usually you guys are always together.”

“Yachiru was being a wuss today she said she wanted to take a test at the academy and then looked at me funny when I said I wasn’t going.” said Naruto glaring at the Mizukage for ruining his fun. “I don’t understand why she would want to take a test when there’s fights to be had!”

“Well this is the genin exam.” said Dagon raising an eyebrow when Naruto waved him off and grunted. “And you get to fight the rest of your class.

At those words Naruto’s head snapped up and his eyes widened. “Seriously?” he yelled shooting out the door. ‘Crap I don’t give a shit about being a genin but if there’s a fight then I am there.’ he thought running through the streets knocking over several stands. ‘I wonder who I’ll be fighting.’


Ninja Academy

“Now then student’s as you all know we will be taking the genin exams today and,” began the teacher looking out on the sea of eager faces before he was hit in the head by an exploding door.

“Let the fights begin!” yelled Naruto hefting Dokubibu to point at the others in the room.

“Do we have to fight him?” asked one of the student’s as all but ten of the people in the room cringed at the thought of having to fight the Hell Hound of the Mist.

“No the neo swordsmen have all been assigned to fight each other with the exception of Haku who we feel is the only one who can hold back.

“Make’s ya feel good don it?” said a strange blonde who was wearing, oddly enough, mime paint leaning over to the girl and grinning. “They tryin to say you’re the weakest one of em.”

“No they’re saying I am the one with the coolest head.” said Haku glaring at the boy indignantly while pulling out her blade, the old Decapitator. “But that doesn’t mean that I won’t try to kill you Piro.”

“Why Haku-chan I thought we were friends.” said Piro sticking his tongue out and jumping back as the Decapitator slashed where he was before. “Hey now,” he said tossing a few shuriken at her, “we should wait till the matches start.”

“Actually Piro this says that you and Haku are fighting each other in the first match.” said Naruto leaning over and staring at the chart in the teachers hands. “Why don’t we just let them continue Boro-sensei?”

“I don’t see what’s wrong with that but can we take it outside at least I don’t need bodies piling up during a simple genin exam, we are in the era of the Yondaime Mizukage.” said Boro blowing a whistle signaling the start of the match.


Piro Terikona vs. Haku Momochi

Immediately Haku swung the massive Decapitator at Piro causing him to jump back before he ran to the ring that was placed inside every classroom in mist just in case one person wanted to kill another.

“Hope this lasts long enough for me to work up a sweat.” said Piro pulling a scroll out of his pants pocket. “Or else I’ll have to be your replacement in the neo swordsmen.”

“Don’t insult my skills Piro-san.” said Haku calmly walking into the ring. “I was trained by Zabuza-sama after all.”

“Meh, Ya only did that to impress Naruto-nii-san.” said Piro unraveling the scroll and placing some blood on it. “Zabuza-sama couldn’t have gotten ya to train other wise.”

“N-not true!” yelled Haku blushing furiously before she threw a few senbon at Piro, all of which he nimbly dodged. “I train to fight!”

“So you can impress nii-san.” said Piro ducking as the Decapitator slashed where his head was moments ago.


“Hey Yachiru-chan what are they talking about?” asked Naruto knowing on Dokubibu’s bandages in boredom. “What does impressing me have to do with anything?”

“I dunno.” said Yachiru looking up at Naruto before grimacing slightly. ‘Damn haven’t grown an inch in all these years.’ “I think Ken-chan said it had to do with getting you inside of something.”

“Well I still don’t get it.” said the confused blond scratching his neck and yawning as Haku sent Piro sailing past with a solid blow from the broadside of the Decapitator.


“Give up Piro-san.” said Haku calmly after regaining her composure. “I haven’t even used Demonic ice mirrors and you’re still losing.”

“No thanks Haku-chan.” said Piro placing the scroll on the ground in front of him. “Cause I haven’t started fighting for real yet either. Kuchiyose no jutsu!” As soon as he said those words the scroll exploded into a huge cloud of black smoke. “I’ve practiced hard to learn this technique and now it’s time to reveal it!” called Piro from within his smoke screen. “Now behold, Kuchiyose: Nine sword gods!”

Suddenly two massive figures burst from the smoke and locked swords with Haku. Grimacing slightly Haku leaped back out of their swords range. The creatures simply placed their swords on their swords on their shoulders and stood there giving everyone a chance to examine them. They both had bandages covering most of their bodies with only their black skinned heads truly visible leaning happily against their massive cleavers. One grinned slightly at her revealing a set of sea blue teeth which where heavily offset by its squinty silver eyes.

Slowly the smoke cleared revealing Piro examining the scroll carefully from the shoulder of another identical creature. “You know that didn’t do what it was supposed to.” he muttered in annoyance as he rolled up the scroll and put it back into one of his pockets. “There were supposed to be nine different swords men not three identical ones.”

“Sorry bossa, the nine gods need more chakra den dat.” said one waving it’s sword around.

“Ya but we be enough for this little girl.” said another charging Haku causing her to jump back further.

“Don’t underestimate me beast.” said Haku cutting off the beast arm with the Decapitator. “Or you’ll be defeated.”

Her eyes suddenly went wide in surprise as the other sword beast appeared behind her and slammed both of it’s small boulder hands over her head. Grabbing her the beast flung her into the nearest wall were the next beast was waiting with it’s blade ready.

Quickly Haku summoned her chakra and created an ice mirror just in time to save her head from leaving her body. “Not bad.” she panted as she emerged on the roof of the school.

“Only gets better girly.” said the now one armed beast slamming the blunt side of it’s blade into her face.

“Enough ref call the match!” screamed a girl from the crowd as Haku began to fall to the ground. “She’s already lost!”

“Oh right!” stuttered the instructor before Naruto stopped him.

“Haku has just won let the match continue for now.” the blonde said grimly.


“Just watch.” said a purple haired boy from beside him. “And then you’ll see.”

“If you say so Ranmaru-san.” said the ref eyeing the small boy worriedly.

“Ha, give up Haku-chan and I’ll catch ya.” said Piro waving at the falling girl.

“There is no need.” said Haku holding Decapitator to Piro’s throat as the water clone exploded. “After all I won.”

“Aw now thas cold Haku-chan.” said Piro dispersing his summons. “Ye never told me ya clones could use ya mirrors to.”

“And you never said you could summon guardians so we’re even.” said Haku calmly walking back into the crowd, until Naruto ran out of it and grabbed her.

“Awesome Haku-nee-san you’ll have to fight me some time.” he said ignoring her blushing.

“You can do that after the school matches are over.” said the instructor wearily. “So anyways it is my official declaration that you both pass.”

“What?!” yelled Haku and Piro at the same time, one in joy one in despair.

“But he lost!” yelled Haku losing her cool and breaking out of Naruto’s grasp. “He can’t pass!”

“Why not he did well in the battle with you.” said the instructor in annoyance.

‘Because he’s the only one with worse grades than Naruto.’ “Because he’s a liability!” she yelled angrily.

“Aw dun worry Haku-chan!” said the clownish boy running up to her. “I’ll take good care of ya!”

“ARGH!” screamed Haku storming off in one of those few moments she lost her cool.

“I’m gonna go comfort tha dear princess.” said Piro happily running after her, a maneuver most were smart enough to avoid doing. Oddly enough he was the only one who could ever get away with this alive.


In a far off tree

“Ten buck says they get married when they grow up.” said a certain red headed giant watching the proceedings through a pair of binoculars.

“You’re on.” said a bandaged man beside him. “She’d never lower herself to that level.”

“What about you Kisame-nii-san want in?” asked the red head to a shark who was sitting nearby.

“No thanks.” said Kisame sighing. “I’m not getting involved with this.”

“Ok then.” said Mora looking back through his binoculars.




“What?!” screamed Kisame pouncing on Mora. “What is your problem?”

“Nothing I was just wondering something.” said the red headed man grinning. “What the hell’s a shark doing in a tree?”

“……Shut up Mora.”


A/N: Okay I was gonna do the rest of the gennin exams here but I decided to throw you a bone and just post already. Also I would like you to all know that all the Swordsmen and the neo swordsmen (it’s all I could think of that fit and