Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mist Made Fox ❯ I'm gonna beat you down prt 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/n: I’ll try and finish the fights this chapter. Keep in mind that sometimes I have problems thinking up names so they aren’t always good. Also someone told me it was Kirigakure and if it is my bad but since I have been calling it Mizugakure this whole time I am just going to go with that.


I’m gonna beat you down part 2

“Alright kid’s time for the next match.” said the referee looking down at his list. “Hmm, alright next match Medri Okina versus Sarina Romis.”

“Who’s Medri?” asked Sarina, a short girl with a blue bandana covering her brown hair. “I ain’t ever heard of her.”

“I keep to myself.” said a tall girl with white hair walking forward. “After all why should I waste time on weaklings like you when I can be training?”

“Wow she’s a bit of a bitch huh?” asked Yachiru frowning at the girls attitude.

“Well she has a good attitude about training.” said an extremely tall green haired boy walking up behind them wearing nothing other than a pair of grey sweatpants. “Train all day with no relationships and you will no doubt be strong.”

“Until you fight a real human.” said Naruto frowning.

“What do you mean Naruto-san?” asked the green haired boy fiddling with two zigzagging swords strapped to his waist.

“That Rolay-san,” whispered Yachiru leaning in towards the green haired boy. “is the result of Dokubibu giving Akaaka-kun good information his whole career.”

“Begin!” yelled the teacher breaking all the students out of their individual conversations.

“I suggest you surrender.” said Medri grinning at her opponent. “No one is stronger than me in this class, not even the Neo Swordsmen.”

“Not a chance.” said Sarina throwing a large amount of shuriken at Medri most of which she was unable to dodge.

“Ek.” the Medri grunted flying back a few feet. “H-How did you hit me, I spent to much time dodging training shuriken thrown at 100 miles per hour, there’s no way you can hit me!”

“No talking!” yelled Sarina jumping over Medri and grabbing her hair. “Your opponent won’t strike up conversation won’t usually start up idle conversation in a fight.” Gripping the pale girls hair tightly Sarina pulled as hard as she could and threw Medri forward over her shoulder and slammed her into the ground. Turning she mimicked the move on the other side, pulling Medri over her shoulder, screaming in pain, and slamming her into the ground.

This brutal display continued for a few minutes with Medri eventually not being able to scream anymore due to her throat being so hoarse. Finally, after what Naruto had counted to be exactly three minutes and forty nine seconds, the wad of hair the Sarina had been holding ripped out of Medri’s scalp, bringing some of the scalp with it.

Naruto noticed many of the girls in the audience flinch when this happened and he himself, the so called bedmate of pain, couldn’t help but have his heart go out to the girl, even if it was her own fault for thinking she was unbeatable even though she hadn’t fought a real human being before.

“Y-You bitch I’m going to kill you!” screamed Medri clutching the bleeding area of her scalp. Forming several hand seals the screaming girl threw a shuriken at Sarina which duplicated into around twenty after a few seconds. “Water release: Water shuriken clones!”

“Sad.” was all Sarina muttered blocking all of the shuriken with great ease.

“How come they didn’t hit you?!” screamed Medri charging forward holding a single kunai.

“I blocked you ghostly freak.” said Sarina calmly as she made some hand seals. “Earth release: Bloody Sarcophagus!” As soon as she finished she slammed her foot into the ground and released a very large amount of killer intent, enough to make everyone but the teacher and the Neo Swordsmen freeze in place.

After a few seconds two massive hollow half spheres came out of the ground and encased Medri. Not a sound came out of the rocks for a few minutes until suddenly they fell apart to reveal a stone replica of Medri in a very humiliating pose.

“I win.” said Sarina grinning as she walked out of the ring. “Hey teach can you call the match?”

“The winner by kill is Sarina Romis, and though we frown on killing your classmates you still pass.” said the teacher frowning at the girl as she walked off and sat under one of the trees behind the group. “Do you want to let her corpse out of the statue now?”

“Yeah Sarina I doubt her parents want a statue of their daughter doing… that.” said Naruto stuffing two pieces of Kleenex in his nose as most of the other boys did the same.

“They’d probably like what’s inside less.” said Sarina smiling grimly. “And before anyone jumps on my case, I killed her because she was a liability to the village. With her current attitude she would have betrayed us the first chance she got if it meant better training.”

“How unfortunately true.” muttered Naruto turning back to the teacher. “So let’s have the next match.”

“Fine but someone needs to move the statue.”



“Wow that was pretty gruesome.” said Kisame licking his lips. “Never thought I’d see a newbie be that willing to kill.”

“You want gruesome, you should have seen tha nosebleed you got when that statue came out.” snickered Mora.

“Like you have room to talk you perv. I couldn’t tell what was darker red your hair or that puddle of blood on the ground.” growled Kisame.

“Shut up you idiot’s I can’t concentrate with you arguing like that!” yelled Zabuza angrily.


“…..” “Hey Zabuza better change you bandages all that red makes your face look like a target.” said Kisame as Mora fell out of the tree laughing.


Much later at the Academy

“Well that concludes the normal matches.” said Boro folding up the sheet that held the match ups for the normal student’s. “Now if all the people observing will back up a whole lot we’ll begin the Neo Swordsmen’s matches.” Waiting while all the students ran back a suitable distance, about thirty yards, Boro then cleared his throat and announced the first match. “The first Neo Swordsmen match will be Yachiru Kusajishi versus Ranmaru Kurosuki, the competitors may start when they are ready.

“So I have to fight Boushi-nii-san?” asked Yachiru hanging her head in sorrow before standing up and dashing to the ring just as Ranmaru did the same. “I wanted to fight Akaaka-nii-san!”

“To bad.” said Ranmaru giving the girl a small smile. “But keep your mind in the match I’m no weakling!”

“Ready?” asked Boro before receiving nods from each of the combatants. “Then begin!” he yelled jumping away.

Blood Pixie of The Hidden Mist Yachiru versus Seer of the Hidden Mist Ranmaru

Immediately the two swordfighters drew their blades and lunged at each other creating a shower of sparks as the two deadly weapons clashed. On one side was Yachiru’s pink standard katana while on the other was Ranmaru’s specially crafted dual pronged blades.

Jumping back the two combatants charged again only this time Ranmaru dodged to the side and cut Yachiru shallowly on the arm. Landing he stabbed his blade into the ground and spun to kick Yachiru, who the girl dodged only to be struck by his other foot.

‘This is a one sided fight Naruto-kun.’ said Dokubibu worriedly. ‘Yachiru-chan can’t win if Ranmaru can predict her every move.’

‘She’ll have to blind him.’ thought Naruto wincing as Ranmaru scored a series of blows on Yachiru sending her stumbling and bleeding back.

“Give up Yachiru-chan.” said Ranmaru frowning. “Even you can see that you don’t stand a chance against me.”

“See.” gasped Yachiru. “That’s right see.” Quickly the pink haired swords woman threw down several smoke bombs which, after exploding, filled the area with a thick haze of pink smoke. The technique caused Ranmaru to blink several times.

“I know you haven’t trained with me that much Yachiru-nii-san but even you should know that won’t work.” said the purple headed boy shaking his head. “I can see through smoke.”

“I know that!” said Yachiru flowing through several hand seals. “That’s why it’s not smoke but my special crystal powder. Finally she finished on the Ram seal and Naruto shielded his eyes when he realized what she was going to do. “Yachiru’s special technique: Pink flash!” She quickly covered her eyes as several flash tags were launched out of her sleeves.

“SHIT!” yelled Ranmaru going to shield his eyes a few seconds to late. The battlefield quickly lit up in a bright pink glow as the light from the exploding flash tags refracted off the pink crystals in the air increasing its brightness and changing its color to pink.

As everyone’s vision cleared they all noted that Ranmaru was unconscious on the ground. With Yachiru standing over him covered in her own blood. “I win.” she muttered as she fell to the ground passing out from blood loss.


“Interesting that looked like Naruto’s Orange Flash.” said Kisame blinking out the dot’s in his vision. “You know the one he used to beat Ranmaru the fourth time they fought.”

“I think that was the point Kismae-nii-san.” said Zabuza wrapping his eyes up in bandages.

“Hey where did Mora-nii-san go?”

“He was surprised and jumped up in the air where he hit his head on a branch and fell out of the tree.”

“Something’s wrong with that guy he’s fallen out of the tree twenty times today for everything from surprise to slipping on the puddle of blood that came out of his nose last match.” sighed Kisame.

“Do you think he’s ok?” asked Zabuza leaning back against the trunk of the tree.

“Do either of us care?” questioned the shark ninja raising an non existent eyebrow.


“I didn’t think so.”


“With, as expected, both Swordsmen passing we will now continue to the next round.” said Boro as both the unconscious fighters where dragged off the field by their classmates. “Now then the next match will be Bandi Shimek against Jito Otoswashi.”

“Interesting, it seems these fights were well thought out.” said a tall, lanky, bald headed black skinned boy standing up and steeping into the battle area. He had an odd dress style, though looking at how some people dressed in mist he was probably only a bit off the normal. He had a heavy tan full body shirt that hung all the way to his ankles. From what Naruto understood he wore nothing under other than a heavy suit of armor exemplified by his metal shoes. At his side rested his blade Typhon, a long, thin, straight blade with tiny animal skulls hanging off the hilt. On the blade itself where many carvings of various gruesome scenes ranging form a man getting eaten by onigumo to a woman being crushed by the foot of a giant.

“Seems you won’t be getting an easy fight Naruto-nii-san.” said Jito, a tall pale skinned girl who wore a flowery kimono. At her side was her own sword Hamfrit, a sword whose very blade was made of a massive diamond.

Naruto faintly wondered what would happen when his compatriots swords where completed. So far he was aware that the only completed swords of the Neo swordsmen were his own Ranmaru’s and Bandi’s. He couldn’t wait to see if they’d get some cool abilities like his. ‘But they’ll never get anything as strong as Dokubibu!’ he mentally yelled grinning.

‘Damn straight Naruto-kun!’ yelled Dokubibu back. ‘There’s no sword in the world that can beat me!’

‘The fights are starting.’ thought Naruto instantly quieting the sword spirit.

“Begin!” yelled Boro jumping back.

Black Dragon of the Hidden Mist Bandi versus Empress of the Hidden Mist Jito

“This fight might as well be over.” said Bandi unsheathing Typhon. “Jito-nee-san better surrender or she might burn!” Spinning he launched a jet of black fire out of the sword straight at Jito’s head.

Dodging to the side Jito threw several Shuriken at her opponent followed by several more in their shadow. All of her projectiles where immediately incinerated and she was forced to dodge two more jets of flame.

‘This won’t end well for her.’ thought Naruto taking his eyes of the fight to look at the sky finding it cloudy as usual. ’She can’t use most of her jutsu without the sunlight.’

‘Maybe she took a hint from when you beat her last time and learned some new ones.’ thought Dokubibu.

“Back out of this one Jito-nee-san.” said Bandi. “You know as well as I do that the sun is your weapon and to be frank the sun is not here.”

“Sorry Bandi-nii-san.” said Jito flashing through some hand seals. “But I don’t take losing well! Water Release: Geyser Calling!” Bandi was immediately thrown up in the air as a jet of boiling water exploded from the ground beneath him. Flashing through one more hand seal she called out her next move. “Water release: Mizu Bushin!” The water spewing from the ground suddenly turned into a tower of Jito replicas that all leaped after Bandi as he fell from the sky.

“To little to late.” said Bandi simply. As soon as the first clone got within a yard of him he launched a jet of black lightning bolts into it causing it to explode which in turn sprayed the clones around it with electrified water droplets causing it to explode and continue the chain reaction until the reached the ground where it followed the trail of water on the ground all the way back to Jito, who had no time to dodge, where it electrocuted her.

“Damn and I tried so hard to.” she said grinning as she passed out on the ground.

“And you did well.” said Bandi landing on the ground. “Boro-sensei, I believe that she deserves another chance to prove herself, she was to limited today by the lack of sunlight with which to perform her proper attacks.”

“No doubt Mizukage-sama will agree.” sighed Boro walking over and checking the losers pulse. “Bandi you might want to take her to the hospital to make sure she comes out fine.”

“Of course sensei.” said the boy walking over to the girl and slinging her over his shoulder. “Good luck with your match Naruto-nii-san, Rolay-nii-san.” he said walking off.

“You didn’t even try did you?” asked Naruto grinning.

“My sword and my kekkei genkai gave me to much of an advantage.” said the dark skinned boy simply.


“That Bandi kid is brutally strong isn’t he?” said Kisame watching Bandi as he carried Jito towards the hospital. “You can tell he is Sani’s son.”

“You want brutal?” asked Mora shaking his head lightly. “Wait till you see what my boy does to Naruto-kun.”

“Just because Rolay has no chakra and is thus immune to Naruto’s indirect poisoning doesn’t mean he’s going to win.” said Kisame kicking Mora out of the tree. “Naruto ain’t dumb enough to just focus on poison fighting!”

‘Well then Naruto.’ thought Zabuza ignoring the squabbling duo beside him. ‘Let’s see how much you’ve improved.’


“Next match I don’t need to say because as ninja you need to at least be able to figure out the obvious.” said Boro snickering at his joke. “Combatants in the ring please.”

“This is the perfect challenge you know.” said Naruto causally to Rolay. “This is the first time I’ve fought you since our first match.”

“You lost that one and you’ll lose this one.” said Rolay grinning. “My lack of chakra make’s me immune to all your techniques.”

“I still have Kyubi’s chakra.” said Naruto.

“That will get you disqualified.” snickered Rolay.

“Oh dear that means that I’ll have to beat you with my own skills!” cried Naruto sarcastically. “Here’s a hint Rolay, I took my own advice and I don’t just rely on Dokubibu anymore.”

“So you think you can beat me in a physical fight?” asked Rolay drawing his swords. “No one can beat me in physical strength NOBODY!” suddenly his eyes turned white and he lunged at Naruto.

Hell Hound of the Hidden Mist Naruto versus Berserker of the Hidden Mist Rolay

A/N: I decided not to include the Naruto versus Rolay fight in this chapter because to me that’s the biggest fight and I’d like to some more time into it. So that’s what happens next time. Also if anyone complains about my chapters being short for the time it takes to write them (I got pms about that, you know who you are.) then deal with it. Are they good? If so then that’s cool. The story is going to be the same length as those long stories but It may take longer to get there and it will be in more segments.