Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mistake ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except the plot.


Chapter 3



There came a loud knock on the door. Hiroomi sleepily got out of bed and went and opened the door. As soon as he did Sasuke punched him in the gut, went inside and closed the door.

Getting to the point of why he was there Sasuke demanded, “Where is Itachi’s money?”.

Hiroomi cowered and grabbed his stomach while he tried to run away. But he wasn’t fast enough because Sasuke grabbed him in the collar and punched him in the face.

“Where is the money?”

“I-I don’t ha-have it yet.”

Cracking his knuckles, Sasuke said, “That’s not the answer that I was looking for. Look I’m going to be late for school, so make sure that you get it to him by the end of the month.” Giving him on final punch to that face.

Walking out the door all Sasuke heard was “If it‘s the last thing I do, I‘ll get you back.”






Running straight to the table, Ino and Sakura were grinning ear to ear. In a sing song voice they both said “We’ve got his number.”

“How?” Tenten asked.

“While we distracted the secretaries, Shikamaru went on one of their computers and hacked into the system.” Ino answered.

“But where is Shikamaru?”

“Oh he’s coming, he didn’t want to run. So, are going to do this after school today or what?.” Sakura was really excited to get her revenge, because no one does anything like that to her and gets away with it. “We can do it at my house. Our phone number is already blocked, so it’s perfect.”

“We aren’t going to see you girls make fools of yourselves when you get caught.” Neji spoke for himself and Shikamaru.

“Who says we are going to make fools of ourselves, we’ll be fine but if you want to be party poopers that’s fine with us.” Ino retorted.


After school (Split between Sasuke’s and Sakura’s house)



Sasuke had just gotten home and put down his bag when the phone rang.

It was decided that Tenten would be the one to make the phone call. She was the only one that would be able to get through the phone call without laughing or messing up.

Hearing some ringing on the other line, Tenten tried to get Sakura and Ino to compose themselves. Once she put it on speaker phone they had quietened.


“Hello, Sasuke?” Tenten disguised her voice to sound higher pitched and sexy.

“Yah, who’s this?”

“This is Ame, remember me? I’m the mother of your daughter.”

“What? WHO?” This was just what he needed to top everything else off.

“Ame, we met two years ago, you told me you loved me, but now I’m stuck with your child. I want child support.” Sakura had to clamp her hand over Ino’s mouth to stop him from hearing her laugh.

Hearing the laughing in the background Sasuke, now, knew it was a joke. Deciding he would have some fun while he tried to figure out who it was. “Oh right, sorry it slipped my mind for a minute there. How is she by the way?”

Pausing to look at each other, they were all thinking the same thing. ‘He had a daughter?’

“Ah yeah, she’s fine.”

“Look baby, I’ll send a check in the mail and you should get it in a few days.”

Naruto came bursting into her room. “Sakura I need help with my math, yo-” By this time Sakura had gotten over to Naruto and basically tackled him so that he wouldn’t blow this.

‘Gotcha now Sakura.’ “Hey you still there?” after waiting for a minute to make sure she was still there he continued. “Look baby, but my newest concubine, Sakura Haruno and I, are going to be busy all weekend, so I won’t be able to pick her up. Tell her I’m sorry but ‘daddy’ just can’t do anything this weekend. It‘s going great with her, I think I might actually marry this one. I might as well, I‘ve already gotten four kids out of her.”

No one said anything as Tenten hung up.

The phone rung again at Sasuke’s house. “Hello? Ame?”

“It’s Orochimaru, Itachi has a Class A job for you.”



Next day Lunch



Sakura, Tenten and Ino had been watching their steps ever since they had arrived this morning. When they had gone out for lunch they decided to go into the tree area, away from most of the people. Over lunch it had been decided that Sakura needed to talk with Sasuke to find out whether or not he was spreading these lies about her.

“Sakura look there he is. Now is your chance to talk to him.”


“No buts Sakura, you need to do this and it has to be now. Don‘t worry you‘ll be fine. Oh look at the time, I have to go find Mr. Hatake and talk to him about my book report. Tenten come with me.” Ino gave Sakura a little push towards him.

Sakura stumbled, but continued on her way. She needed to save her reputation.

“Sasuke, I need to talk to you.” He was leaning against a big Oak tree.

“Go on.”

“I…. I want to know……ummmmmm……. I want to know if you have been spreadin rumours about me.” she didn’t know why, but she closed her eyes and waited for him to say something, anything.

“Why? Have you heard anything? Have you heard I‘ve been telling people that we are dating, that we passionately make out, or that we have sex in any room we can find?” Grabbing her he pushed her against the tree and leaned really close to her ear. In a very hushed voice he said, “because I hear that one of your friends is my imaginary daughter’s mom and she wants child support.”

Sakura’s heart was racing. He was so close to her, the warmth of his body, his breath on her ear, and wait… just realizing now, she had been caught.

She pushed him off of her. “You knew?”

"Of course. What do I look like to you? Lee?" he asked sceptically.

"So that whole thing was to put me and my friends through hell?" she asked angrily. His cocky attitude was making her angry. He could of at least told them over the phone that he had figured them out.

"It serves you right." Sasuke said. "Calling my house for something like that."

"I thought you were really telling people that, you jerk!"

"Aw what's the matter? Did you think I was trying to ruin your perfect reputation?" he mocked.

"Why you son of a-"

The bell rang.

“Later Haruno.” and he just walked away, leaving a fuming Sakura.