Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mokuton ❯ The Genin Exams ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kyuubi talking
The Genin Exams
When the test for the genin exams was announced, Naruto just barely restrained himself from bashing his head into the table ‘Why the hell did it have to be bunshin…kawarimi, henge, I can do any other academy jutsu…I can do a wood clone even…but no, it just has to be a bunshin…Arrgh!!’ Naruto thought in frustration. He could easily pass the written exams and the accuracy test, but bunshin were basically impossible for him to produce. Naruto had way too much chakra to successfully form a normal bunshin. A wood clone, yes, but a bunshin, no.
And so, just as he had predicted, Naruto aced the written exam and the kunai and shuriken accuracy test, but failed miserably at the ninjutsu test. The blonde took up the stride of a depressed academy student, which, in all honesty, wasn’t that hard to do. He sat dejectedly on the swing, when, in actuality, he was healing the tree he was sitting next to. It was sick, and Naruto was getting rid of the sickness. It was for this reason that Naruto hadn’t noticed Mizuki until the Academy instructor started talking to him.
The jinchuuriki was only half paying attention or he would have noticed that his sensei was obviously up to something. But the blonde wasn’t, and he didn’t notice.
Getting the Forbidden Scroll was laughably easy. When this was all over with, Naruto was going to have to talk to the Hokage about upping security around here.
In his ‘lessons’ with the trees, he had taught himself to merge with wood, being able to basically transport to wherever the wood touched. So that was what the mokuton user did. Naruto merged with the wood of the Hokage tower, slipped into the library, and exited to the forest and the training area Mizuki had told him about. Once there, Naruto opened the scroll to the technique called ‘Kage Bunshin’ and started to learn it.
About three hours later, Iruka entered the clearing. “Naruto! I found you!”
“Hello Iruka-sensei.” Naruto responded calmly.
“Why did you take the scroll? You know you could get into big trouble if someone finds you with that.”
“Mizuki-sensei said there was a jutsu in here that I could use to pass the exams. He said that if I could master it, he would pass me.”
‘Mizuki?’ Iruka thought. ‘Oh crap…’
There was the distinctive sound of a huge shuriken as one of the afore mentioned shuriken came whistling at Naruto. “Naruto! Duck!” Iruka shouted. The blonde followed his instructions and looked towards the area where the shuriken had come from. The silver-haired academy instructor leaped down into the clearing in front of the other two shinobi.
“Whatever happens, don’t let Mizuki get the scroll.” Iruka ordered Naruto just nodded in reply, watching Mizuki warily.
“I was planning on killing the demon and taking the scroll for myself, but since you’re going to get into the way, I’ll just kill you too!” Mizuki said, looking like a maniac.
With that, he launched quite a few shuriken at the scarred chuunin. Iruka dodged and deflected a few of them but in the end he got stuck to the wall of the building behind the three shinobi. During this, Naruto was having a very hard time controlling the wood around him. Finally, the blonde let it loose to do what the jinchuuriki dictated. Naruto flicked a hand in Mizuki’s general direction and scores of roots burst from the ground to wrap around his former sensei.
The two Academy instructors stared in shock at Naruto. Mokuton was the Shodaime’s jutsu, and his alone. It seemed almost impossible that Naruto could use it. ‘He really is Konoha’s #1 most unpredictable ninja...’ Iruka mused. The scarred chuunin was snapped out of his musings by a statement Mizuki made.
“Have you ever wondered why the villagers hate you so much? Why they always glared at you and ignored you?”
Iruka started to panic. “Mizuki, stop!”
“Hahaha! Well, I’ll tell you! The Yondaime didn’t really defeat the Kyuubi, he sealed it into a new born baby, that’s right, and the baby was you! You are the fox!” When Mizuki finished, he started laughing manically.
Iruka slowly turned to face Naruto, afraid of what he would see on his face. To the chuunin’s surprise, he saw nothing but an expression on boredom and utter distaste.
“Riiiiight. Last time I looked in the mirror, I wasn’t a 200 foot tall mass of raging chakra. It makes one question your sanity.”Naruto said coolly.
Mizuki looked like he was about to say something again, before the blonde interrupted him. “I don’t want to hear it. You’re annoying enough when you’re quiet.” Naruto pulled his hands up into a cross-shaped hand seal. “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!” The jinchuuriki smirked as a few hundred clones of him appeared. “Time to test my new jutsu.” Naruto said. He smirked and withdrew the roots that had been holding Mizuki in place. As he did this, the silver-haired academy instructor was beset by Naruto’s Kage Bunshins.
Mizuki was lying at Naruto’s feet, beaten to a pulp and unconscious. Naruto himself, however, was pouting. “I guess this means that I don’t pass…dang.” Iruka smiled kindly at the blond mokuton user. “Naruto, come here and close your eyes.” The jinchuuriki obeyed, and felt his goggles being removed and replaced with something lighter. The blonde had a feeling he knew what it was, and discovered he was right when he opened his eyes and ran a hand over the carved leaf design on the metal hitai-ate.
“Thanks, Iruka-sensei.”
The scarred chuunin smiled. “I think we need to tell the Hokage about this all, ne?”
Sarutobi puffed his pipe, trying to sort through all the information he had been presented with. Naruto apparently had Mokuton, which meant he was related to the first, who’s only living direct relative was Tsunade-hime...The Sandaime paled as he realized the full ramifications of the night’s events. Jiraiya was going to kill him…

Growing up
Watching the cycle go round and round
Watching the moon rise and the sun set
Growing older day by day
Hour by hour
Second by second
Treasure each moment like your last
Because it just might be