Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Moment ❯ Moment ( Chapter 1 )

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KT: Hey everyone. This is my very first story. Please don't be too hard in reviewing this.
Birds chirped in a nearby tree as the sun rose. A cry rung out as a male with blond hair covered his head with a pillow. The woman in the bed next to him kicked him signaling it was his turn to look after their son.
He sighed into the pillow before getting up and heading toward the crib. A pair of big sky blue eyes greeted him as he came into the view of the crib. He stopped for a moment and watched as his son gurgled at him and waited to be picked up.
“What are you doing up this early Naruto?” the man asked his son. He received a small giggle and arms raised as on answer. He smiled as he walked closer to the crib and picked up his son.
It was a few hours later that the woman woke up. “Arashi.” She called. She got out of the bed and put on a robe. She stopped at the crib to check on their son. She vaguely remembered her son crying and forcing Arashi to go get him.
She walked down the hall and entered the kitchen. She grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee. Tsukino poured coffee into another cup; she knew her husband was dead in the morning without it. She grabbed the other cup for her husband and headed for the living room.
She almost instantly started to giggle at the sight that greeted her. She gently put the coffee cups on the table and headed back to their bedroom. Tsukino grabbed the nearest camera and took a few pictures of the scene.
Arashi was on his back laying on the couch. He was clad only in a pair of sleeping shorts. On his stomach rested their son. Similar to his father, Naruto was only wearing a pair of sleeping shorts.
She walked back to the bedroom and grabbed a book. She would read till her husband and son woke up. She couldn't wait to tell and show her friends the pictures she took. She giggled again at the thought of Arashi's reaction.
KT: What do you think? Good? Bad? R&R.