Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlit Shadow ❯ almost guilty confession ( Chapter 2 )

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Chapter two
New team?
"The gate of tomorrow is not the light of heavens but the darkness of the depths of the earth"
I quickly made my way to the tower situated in the middle of the forest. The tower was a shabby building that looked like it had been abandoned for 50 years. That wasn't true, though; the tower was only a few years old. Actually I found it to my liking. The inside was dark and cool, a perfect place to escape on a sunny day.
The Hokage had told me to meet him in one of the secret rooms in the back of the tower. I found the room easily by following the old man's scent. Plus the room in my opinion wasn't too well hidden. But then again, it was only meant to be hidden from the gennin, not a highly skilled vampire with better eyesight then even the sharpest ninja.
I brushed away dust from the door, making it billow out into the air. It took me about a millisecond to find the small button on the door. I put my finger to it and released a small amount of chakra. The door slid open, sending more dust into the air.
When I entered the room, the Hokage was sitting there in his red and white outfit, smoking his pipe. The wrinkles on his face seemed to have increased in number from the last time I had seen him and he looked more tired and worse for wear. But that what old age did to you, it made you weak. But none the less he had a smile on his face as he beckoned me to sit in the chair opposite the desk .
We didn't say anything for awhile, seemingly trying to make the silence last as long as possible. It was a small relief from the daily noise and chatter just to sit and enjoy the silence.
"Amai, it's good to see you well," he said with general concern in his voice.
"Iie, Sarutobi. It is good to see you too," I said, a small smile creeping on my face. The hokage was actually one of the only humans I wasn't completely disgusted with. I respected him greatly and thought of him as a sort of father figure.
"Well, what do you have to report?" he asked, folding his hand on the desk.
During the chunin exams you* acted as a lookout of sorts. I watched over the gennin and made sure there wasn't too much trouble like a gennin attacking a chunin. I wasn't allowed to step in if a gennin killed another gennin. Not that I would.
"The usual. Except the sand genin; they are way above genin level," I said slowly.
"Not too much trouble for you, I hope" the hokage said in a joking voice.
"No trouble at all. Except. . . " I trailed off.
I glanced up so I was looking him strait in the eyes .I showed him what had occurred in the clearing. He felt everything I felt and saw everything I saw using my telepathy to transfer my memories.
Telepathy was a skill I had. I didn't know if I was born with it of if it was some sort of bloodline limit. It allowed me to hear any living things thoughts, and even enter another persons mind. But I did not think of this skill as a gift. It was more of a curse. I had to meditate everyday and set up mental barriers just to dull the volume of thoughts.
When it was over I looked down, ashamed because he had also seen when I killed the rain nin. Normally I wouldn't care, but this was Sarutobi, the closest thing I had to a father I'd had. He had generously let me live in his forest knowing what I was.
"Hmm…. Well, this could cause some problems but I am confident that you can control yourself. It was unfortunate that you had to kill those rain nin, but I suppose there is nothing I can do about it now. They knew there were dangers in the forest, including you. But I would like if it isn't too much trouble that you refrain from killing any more of my villagers or our allies. If they found out it would be very grim business for you and Kohana."
I looked up, I had not expected this. I don't know what I expected. maybe him to banish me or something but not this. He was acutely concerned for my well being.
"Now let's move on from that grim business(you've already said "grim business"; try "to a different topic"). As you know you're still a gennin and have yet been (un?)able to enter the chunin exams because of your, uhh ... condition.
When I had just become a vampire I lost all my memories and woke up in the sand village. I don't know if I lived there or if I just wound up there by chance. But I ended up killing a man and the Suna medical nin found out. They took me to an underground lab and tried to do some tests on me. I don't really remember what happened, but all I know is that I ended up killing the medical nin. I don't really remember how it happened I just kind of blacked out, and when I woke up they were dead. I hated all medical nin after that, even more so then normal humans. I mostly hated them because I heard their thoughts. They had planned to do experiments on me and try to harness my power or something.
"Yes," I said icily. I really respected the Hokage but he just didn't understand some things.
"Well," he continued, not noticing, " I have found a way for you to enter the exams this year. Of course, you will be starting in the middle of the exams, but I am confident that you already know everything and do not need to take the first exams."
"How will I be able to enter without a team?" I mentally hit myself for sounding so ungrateful. But it was true, I couldn't enter the exams without a team.
"You will be on Kakashi's team."
"Hatake Kakashi the copy ninja?"
"Yes. His gennin are Haruno, Sakura and Uchiha, Sasuke. Sakura lacks strength, but she makes up for it with smarts. Sasuke is well balanced in both strength and smarts. He is also the only survivor of the Uchiha massacre.
An Uchiha, hm. I just hoped he was better than his brother, who I detested almost as much as medical nin. I was sure I would hate this one as well.
"And lastly, Uzumaki Naruto." Ah the container of the nine tailed fox at least this would be a little entertaining "He is the holder of the nine tail fox. He lacks smarts but makes up for it with determination. He also has more chakra then everyone on his teams combined."
"Does he know how to use the Kyuubi's chakra I asked, my interest piqued.
"No. But I'm sure you will find him interesting none the less. He has had a life quite like yours. He has no family and has been hated all his life. And knowing you, it's a lot to say that he will interest you"
"I doubt he had a childhood quite like mine, as do I doubt I will find him very interesting."
"We'll see," he said, sliding me a folder with my new 'team's' information inside it, along with information on Kakashi - though I doubted I would need it.
"Also, along with your new team I'm assigning you to watch over Sasuke. We have received information from the chunin posted in the forest that he has been bitten by Orochimaru."
I cringed at his name slightly. I never really knew why I reacted that way but I figured it had to do something with my past, before I lost my memories.
"Your old student, if I remember correctly, Sarutobi." I stated slowly, drawing out my words.
"Iie, and one of the sennin to. You will meet your team in the forest tomorrow. You may stay here for the night."
"Iie, Hokage-sama” I said bowing and exited the room, sealing the door behind me.
I smiled slightly when I exited the room, something I would never do around anyone else. I preferred for everyone to see me as cold and emotionless; it was easier that way, less complicated. I really was happy to be entering the chunin exams, but the thought of having to work on a team with humans - gennin, none the less, filled me with distaste. It would be easier to work by myself.
I walked down the hall, frowning slightly at the dust being sent up into the air by my every footfall. It really was bad for my senses; I usually use my sense of smell the most but the dust made everything smell the same - dusty. It made me feel a little uneasy that I couldn't smell anything but dust, and I was relieved when I finally exited the hallways and entered the less dusty open space at the front of the tower. When I entered I easily noticed three new scents in the tower and recognized them as the three that had been hiding in the bushes by the sand shinobi.
'So they got a scroll already? And here I was thinking they were weak.' my thoughts were sarcastic and rude, but I saw nothing wrong with them because as far as I was concerned, those three were weak. But I had to admit that if they got a scroll so early into this exam then they must have some skills.
I decided to go find out some information about them. All I had to do was look into their eyes then all their pathetic abilities and secrets would be at my fingertips. I spotted them by one of the benches in middle of a large room. They were standing in a sort of semi-circle, talking.
"There was something weird about those sand shinobi. The red haired one killed three rain nin without batting an eye," the one I believed to be called Kiba stated.
"Do you fear death?" my words were barely above a whisper and my warm breath glanced across his ear.
They turned around quickly; they hadn't heard me come up behind them. I had walked so quietly the room could have been dead silent and they still wouldn't have heard me.
'Who is she?' was the unanimous thought from three.
Their thoughts were echoed when the boy Kiba asked "Who are you?"
"I am a shinobi and that is all you need to know. I'll ask you again. Do you fear death?" I asked my voice as cold as ice and probably just as sharp and piercing.
"What kind of person would I be if I didn't?" he asked incredulously, his face clearly showing surprise and a little anger.
I hated humans that called themselves shinobi and didn't know one thing about being a shinobi. Rule 25; 'A shinobi must never show his or her emotions, no matter what the circumstance.' A shinobi must also never be in fear of death because that fear will hold him or her back during a mission. And they can not fully serve their kage if they lived in fear of death.
"One that is worthy of being called a shinobi," my words hit him like sharp icicle digging their way into him.
He was angry; it was written all over his face, plus I could also sense it as clearly as if he had said it out loud.
'Is she saying that I'm not worthy of being a shinobi?' I smirked mentally even though my face remained placid and unemotional. That was exactly what I was saying.
"Who are you to say I don't deserve to be a shinobi?" he snarled, his voice laced with what seemed to me an imaginary threat, as if he could even touch me.
'Touchy isn't he?' oh how I was laughing at him in my head. I leaned forward to his ear so our cheeks were almost touching and whispered, "I am a shinobi."
Blood rushed to his face when I was that close turning his cheeks a most delicious color. With that being said I spun on my heel and left the room swiftly, almost as if I was gliding. And if they hadn't been too busy wondering who I was and what I had said then they surely would have noticed the odd yet graceful way I walked.
In the other room I could still hear their thoughts.
'S-she was even scarier t-t hen the sand guys!' So she was still stuttering - how pathetic. There was scarier things than me in this world.
'That's the first time I've seen my bugs act like that. Who is she?' the Aburame thought. Indeed his bugs had been acting awkward, thinking their incoherent thoughts.
But all Kiba's thinking was towards me, angry that I had thought him not worthy of the rank shinobi.
I listened to them for a moment longer before going off into the dark halls of the tower once more, careful to step so lightly that no dust was kicked up under my feet. I smelt it before I heard it or saw it. The smell of blood was heavy on it. Many different people's blood, too. I recognized it immediately. Even though I was not in my best state of mind I had been able to smell this on his sand before darting off.
I looked out of the corner of my eye slowly to see an disembodied eye floating above my head, looking straight at me. I could sense the chakra in it and immediately recognized that too. It was Gaara's. I stood completely still and did a quick mental scan of the building using only my hearing and smell.
Three rooms to my left were Kiba's team still muttering about things I didn't take the time to listen to. It took me about two seconds to locate Gaara and his siblings. They were three rooms north-northeast of me.
I opened my eyes, turned and made my way out of the room and out of view from Gaara's floating eye. When I was out of its line of vision I ran at my full speed to the other side of the tower, so even if he did see me it would just look like I just disappeared.
Night had fallen long ago and I was sitting calmly on the roof of the tower. I had suspected that no one would come up here to bother me. But I was tense and did not relax one muscle. I was concentrating on any trace or small sign of Gaara or his chakra. It really bothered me that I had to run away from a weak child.
The night passed even more slowly than usual and I did not relax the entire time. When morning came I hadn't moved a muscle and was sore and stiff.
I cursed my stupidity.
It was the second day of the exams; that meant that there would still be plenty of teams left in the forest. Even with my enhanced abilities it wouldn't be easy to track down three children in a forest this size.
I sighed. Just another burden of having a team - I had to find them first.