Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just Rice Dumplings ❯ More Than Just Rice Dumplings ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Naruto Copyright ©2003 Kishimoto Masashi, Scott / Shueisha - TV Tokyo - PierrotAny content of said program are under copyright, and included for entertainment purposes only.

Under contrast, all originally made content (characters, countries, etc.) are under copyright of the writer and his circle company, Millenium Pen Studios.

Rated: NC-17

"More than just Rice Dumplings"
by Geron Kizan

“I see…I guess that my team can handle that mission while I’m out,” Kakashi said to Tsunade. “In a few days, they’ll venture to the Tea country without me and protect their assigned target.”

“You trust your team that well, Kakashi?” Tsunade replied.

“Sasuke and Sakura, yeah. Naruto….well lets just say it’s a good thing both Sasuke and Sakura are there.”

“Alright then. Well then, I just want to be sure that everything is in order then. You’re free to go, Kakashi,” Tsunade said.

“Thank you, Godaime.”

Kakashi stepped out of Tsunade’s office and headed down to the lower levels via staircase. As he slowly approached each level he continued his progress on one of Jiraiya’s latest works, Itcha Itcha Violence. Every level he went down, another page turned for Kakashi. But just as he reached the lobby level, he closed his book and placed it in his pouch.

“Something is coming. Better be focused.”

Just then, a kunai darted right near Kakashi’s left foot, indenting itself on the floor before the jounin. Kakashi looked down and stared.

“Of all times to appear...”

The patrons in the lobby turned towards the direction of Kakashi and the voice, as just then Konoha’s most prominent (and loudest) taijitsu master jump kicked Kakashi by the side. Or so Master Gai thought.

“What the?”

Maito Gai’s greatest jump kick so far was only to be met with a block of wood, which he in result managed to slice into two pieces of equally sized firewood bricks.


“You almost had me though,” Kakashi said to Gai from behind. “So what you want to bother me for this time?"

“My rival, you defeat me once again!”

Ignoring what seemed to him as Gai's usual rambling about challenges, Kakashi asked again,“What is it that you want?”
“Hmmm….a challenge!”

"Outside, ontop of the Academy roof."

Ontop of the Konoha’s Academy building, , both Konoha’s top jounins stood eye to eye with one another.

“So what is it this time?" Kakashi said as he continued to put more interest into the book. "Jan ken po? A legitimate taijitsu only match? Tongue twister? Hungry Hungry Hippos?”

“Nah, a better challenge! One that tests our skills in stealth and speed! It's called 'Snatch Steal'."

“Is that so. Okay then it's your funeral.”

“First off,” Gai said as he reached into his back and pulled out his pouch and then presented it to the Sharingan using jounin. “Earlier I have placed a number of Konoha’s shinobi names into my pouch. Now we both reach into this pouch and grab a slip of paper, whoever’s name is on that paper, is our target of the game. After announcing our target, the other play, you, tells what article on that person for them to take, okay?”

“You’re not going to cheat out and pick the slowest shinobi are you?”

“Akimichi Chouji is only one of the many shinobi in this bag. It would be impossible for me to cheat. You have my trust,” Gai replied, followed by a Mr. Nice Guy thumbs up.

“Fine fine….you first though,” Kakashi suggested.

“Alright,” Gai accepted. He then dug his hand deep into the pouch and pulled out a small slip of paper. With one hand, he opened the slip of paper up and annouced his candidate jackass.


“Morino Ibiki.”

“Huh,” Kakashi said. He then dug his hand into the pouch. “I want you to steal Morino's forehead protector.”

"No problem, yo" Gai deemed with yet another thumbs up. He then offered the pouched to Kakashi. Digging his hand in, his fingers went around and around in the pouch, knowing that he had to pick someone easy in order to win over what seemed to him another idiotic challenge by Maito Gai. A second later, he pulled out a slip of paper and opened it up to his interested look on his face..

“Well?” Gai questioned.

“Mitarashi Anko,” Kakashi calmly said.

“Really?” Gai said with a shit-eating grin. "Well I dare you to bring back Anko's coat."

"Fine then."

Gai then dug his hand into the pouch again and pulled out a desktop bell. “Okay, here’s the situation. When we start, we search Konoha for our target. First one to come back here, ring the bell, and show their opponent proof of success, wins.

“Sounds fair to me,” Kakashi said as stretched, getting ready for the challenge..

Gai placed the bell by his foot. The two then walked to the edge of the rooftop and overlooked all of Konoha.

“On three.” Gai commanded.


“One….two̷ 0;..three!”


“Hello !” Anko said sweetly as she approached an sweet shop counter in downtown Konoha.

“Ah, Miss Mitarashi,” replied the clerk. “What can I do for you today?”

“The usual order,” Anko replied.

“I see, eighteen odango sticks.”
“And make them fresh ones,” Anko said, almost impatient for her daily eating routine.

Outside, Anko sat on a thick branch of a shady tree, eating away at her purchase and some oshoriku bean soup she brought along from her home. After a morning of strenuous tasks a special jounin like her must uphold, she needed a break. All it took her was five minutes to be halfway done with her sweet rice dumplings and half of her red bean soup. Just then, she looked up and hanging directly down in front of her was Kakashi.

"Kakashi," Anko said without hestitation. "What can I do for you today, cutey?"

"A favor," Kakashi said. "I need your coat."

"What for?" Anko replied. "Does this have to do with those challenges you have with Gai?"

"You may say that, but he always suckers me into these things."

"Well tough for you," Anko said. "I just got this coat washed and I can't afford to get it dry cleaned again. Now make like like a hooker and fuck off."

"Fine then," Kakashi said as he dropped himself off the branch of the tree and onto his feet. "But before I go......YOINK."

Kakashi then sprinted off with Anko's coat in tow. For those who have never graced the physical prescence of Mitarashi Anko, she wears that long coat for a specific reason. It's to cover up what she calls "her goods", as her daily preference of daily jounin wear consists of her coat, a short matching skirt, her usual footwear, and her ninja fishnetwear. And knowing Anko, wanted to look her sexiest at most times, never wore a bra underneath the fishnet. So now she was almost vaguely topless, seeing that only a centimeter and a half of fishnet was preventing that.

"KAKASHI....YOU GET BACK HERE!!!" Anko yelled cupping her welly developed fishnetted chest with her arms.

"I'll return it as soon as this challenger is over," Kakashi said as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop of Konoha. Speeding along, trying to reach the rooftop of the academy building, hoping to end this stupid challenge he got suckered into. All he really wanted to do was sit down to some chai tea and read Itcha Itcha Violence. That's all he wanted, not to be chased around by a pyscho hottie like Anko.

"Correct that," Kakashi said as he felt blood trinkle down his cheek. "A kunai throwing pyscho hottie."

"HATAKE KAKASHI.....THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!!" screamed Anko as she now threw kunai with one hand, while covering herself with the other.

"Oh stop being so uptight," Kakashi replied back then continued his race towards the finishing line. He was only a few more blocks away from reaching the academy. All he would have to do is avoid any more disturbances and Anko and he could be scot free. And maybe he would get "Konoha's most dynamic guy" off his back.

He got closer, only a few more rooftops to go and he'll be home free.

Or he thought he would be until he felt something wrap around his legs. Something tight, and something with fangs. And with scales. Kakashi looked down to see his legs were pulled by what happen to be the trademark move that Anko learned from her former sensei. Sensei jashu....and right when he was one leap and bound from reaching the rooftop.

"Heh.....not so high and mighty, eh, Kakashi?" Anko said with a smile.

Kakashi turned around, seeing Anko's arms stretched out, holding the other end of the snakes with her hands. He had to think quickly, to get out of this bind Anko had him in. Course then, something picked up when he noticed how "perky" Anko was today.

He raised his hands in signal of forfeit. "I give up....I'll give you your coat, Mitarashi."

"Good then," smirked the female jounin.

"But I do have one thing to say before I give you back your coat."

"What's that?"

"You have such lovely tits."

"I do don't...I......"Anko said then looked down with her eyes, seeing her protruding breasts hug hang out, her nipples, each sticking out of a hole in the fishnet, stiff as if she rubbed them with ice cubes. Embarassed, she let her snakes go, and covering herself once again. But in return, she let Kakashi go.

Laughing, the Sharingan user leaped the moment he was free and headed towards the academy rooftop. But he couldn't have helped smile as he will have to remember those five glorious seconds later when he was alone in his apartment.

"Done and done...." Kakashi said as he landed on the rooftop, looking back at a cursing and swearing Anko from down below. He then turned his head around and headed towards the bell. But to his eyes, there sat Maito Gai holding up Morino Ibiki's forehead protector in one hand, and the other one hovering over the bell.


"I win, take that, my rival!"

Sighing, Kakashi hung his head low in shame, dropping Anko's coat on the ground below him. He took a big breath and raised his head. "All that trouble" he muttered. "And this is what I get....could this day be any worse."

He then felt a tapping on his shoulder. Without thinking, he turned his head towards the direction of the tapping. From then on end, it was a series of images flashing. Anko. Anko's fist. Anko's fist coming closer. Anko's fist extremely close up. Then black out.

Hours later...

"I can never understand you, Kakashi," muttered Anko as she gathered ice from an ice machine in the academy instructor's lounge room. "Always taking on Gai in those stupid challenges of his, when all you have to do is ignore him and walk away."

"Yeah, whatever," Kakashi replied as he laid on a couch, nursing the bruise on his right cheek by applying a nearly melted bag of ice ontop of his masked face. "I do get suckered in, but half of the time I win."

"And the other half you lose," Anko said as she handed Kakashi a new bag of ice then sat down beside him. "And when you lose, sometimes people suffer for it."

"That's not true," replied the masked jounin as he pulled out his copy of Itcha Itcha.

"Yes it is. Three months ago, you and Gai had a competition on who could chop the most firewood with their barehands. I'm still finding half broken trees in the Forest of Death!"

Kakashi lazily replied, "It's yeah but you did manage to sell it and buy new trees."

"Then there was the time the two of you sparred until one person collapsed, you invited me to referee it all.."

"I won that one."

"Of course you did...but after Gai collapsed, you did. Guess who had to drag the near dead bodies to the hospital?"

"..." was all the came out of Kakashi's mouth as he was more interested in reading his book.

"And today. Chasing you around through Konoha with my girls set free."

"It's always good to let them breathe."

Pissed off that Kakashi wasn't taking her words seriously, Anko raised her fist again and rushed it into the top of the greyish-white haired ninja. A minute later, Kakashi got up, rubbing the indented bumps ontop of his head.

"I guess I wasn't thinking too much," Kakashi realized for himself. "I guess I should apologize."

"Apologies aren't really going to help," Anko said, turning her head away from Kakashi.

"Well...what can I do to make it up?"

"You could do a favor for me."

A favor. Kakashi thought. "I can read her like a book. Obviously she wants me to spend all of my last mission's pay on some rice dumplings. I guess what Sakura told me was right, she's like Naruto in many ways, tricking people into getting what they want, and being able to read like a chapter of Itcha Itcha."

"I know....what you want," Kakashi said to Anko as he reached into his pouch and pulled out his wallet. "Exactly how many odango sticks..."

"Put your wallet away," Anko said to the slight shock of Kakashi. "I want something that's more than rice dumplings."

A bit perplexed, Kakashi set his wallet and money aside and questioned Anko, "This is rare, exactly what do you want out of me?"

"That," she said prodding the jounin's mask, touching his lips.

"What? My mask?"

"No...I want to touch and feel your lips....sans mask."

Casually backing off from Anko, Hatake raised an eyebrow and stated, "What exactly is it with you people and my mask. Just a few days ago, my cell was following me around and spying on me all because they wanted to see what was under this."

He then pulled down his mask, showing his slender yet perfect lower face to Anko. "Seriously, don't you people ever understand the concept of this thing? I use it mainly so people can't read what my lips are moving, and it helps me blend most of my face in the shadows."

Anko smiled as Kakashi finished his small controlled rant. Feeling that his duty was done, Kakashi began pulling up on his mask, readying to cover again when Anko stopped him midway through. "Huh? What now?"

"I didn't get to feel or touch it, silly" Anko said as she inched closer to him, to the point that she was sitting directly next to him. She moved in closer and for one moment the her lips came into contact with his. And both of them, it felt good.

The two held each other by the lips longer, their tongues between them would mingle and tangle with one another, while Kakashi slid one his hands up and down Anko's thighs. And as she felt the head of his hand rubbing up and down her lower body, she in return used one of her hands reached into his pants via his zipper and rub the nub of Kakashi's member.

Their lips parted by a little, still breathing among one another, as now Kakashi's roaming hand no longer slid and rubbed on the thigh of Anko, but not rubbed in the space between her thighs. Caressesing the sensitive skin and regions of the female jounin. She was already wet, even after nearly one minute of passion between the two that started as a moment of fun. He continued on, while his other hand unbuckled the belt that held Anko's short tan colored skirt together then tossed it aside.

Anko took a minute away from feeling Kakashi's erect cock in her hands and tossed her coat aside. Then went back to feeling Kakashi's throbbing dick. While he continued to finger around her wet sex, she let out a moan of passion. "Yes, Kakashi....oh God....."

Heat of passion grew between the two, her moaning grew as the more they continued to feel each other up. But as time passed, the two yearned for more of each other. Anko started as she pulled away from Kakashi and then knelt on the floor before him. He sat there on the lounge's couch as she pulled down his pants to knee level and placed her tender lips on his cock.

Without hesitation she began to give head to Kakashi. Her head jerking up and down on his thick hot cock, while her lips and tongue trailed every single inch of the shaft and head. With one hand she held his dick in place, while in the other she played with his sack.

Moaning "Anko" every once in a while Kakashi did, his hands placed on her head, helping her control her rythem on him. She looked up at him, he grinned back, she shot him back with a smile while she had him still in her mouth.

Pumping his cock faster and bobbing her head up and down with building speed, the two began to enjoy the sexual tension between each other. She then heard his groans and moans growing louder, and his breathing increasing with every second. She was making him reach orgasm. She wanted him to enjoy this as much as she did, so she decided to do the best she could in order to pleasure him.

Her lips came off his cock, as well as the fishnet top off her body. Her nice round breasts exposed more fully than before. "You did say I had nice tits," she joked.

He smiled. "Yeah you do."

She then raised up to where her breasts met with his throbbing piece. Then, she slid him between her tits and began rubbing with her soft spongey flesh. She rubbed them with great care for him. And as she did, she could feel his orgasm coming even closer. She knew that he couldn't hold back.

As she continued, Kakashi put some movement into him and thrusted his cock between her tits in near synchronization. The more he did, the more he would have do to hold back. But it wasn't until at certain moments, Anko would let her tongue touch the tip of the cock that would peep through the thrusting.

"Oh God.....Anko..........oh God.......Anko...."

"Yeah.....thrust that hot cock of yours...."

"Ahhhh....Ahhhhh AHHHHH"

One final jerk from the two and immediately, he couldn't hold anymore. In a sudden moment, Kakashi came, his warm self spraying his hot cum onto the top of Anko's tits. One more jerk, and Kakashi laid back a bit, trying to regain himself.

She smiled as she wiped the dripping cum that slide on the side of her mouth, seeing a looking of pleasure on Kakashi's mouth. She then got up and walked over to the only door to the room.

"What are you doing?" asked Kakashi.

She answered back, "Well since we're this far, we might as go all the way. Besides, nothing ruins sex like someone else walking in on you...believe me I know"

Anko then twisted the door's lock until she heard a click signalling it's locked position. She turned around and before she could take a breath, Kakashi stood before her, she walked right into him and another warm embrace. As their lips were occupied each other, Kakashi's fingers danced around, fondling Anko to her and his delight. His fingers playing delicately with her soft bossums. His lips parted from hers once more as then they began to suck on one her nice soft nipples.

"Ah.....ah.......Kakashi," she moaned as he continued on, his warm mouth sucking down on her nipple, making her hotter every second he continued. The intensity of this all was getting to her, she laid her back to the door, leaving her in a perfect position as he was on the floor on his knees, rolling off the last piece of fishnet off her and then, he began to slowly orally pleasure Anko.

His mouth on her hot wet sex sent a rush of lust through her body. His tongue caressed her lower lips, making her wet even more. He spread her legs further as well as her sweet pussy and then dug in, in reaction, she moaned his name that probably echoed into the outside hallway.

Anko's hips shoke as the more Kakashi spent more time pleasuring Anko's nether regions. But like Kakashi before, couldn't hold up any longer. She was at near orgasm. Her body heat rose as the closer she approached. He increased his pace even faster than before. And within a few seconds of doing so, Anko's moans of pleasure turned into screams of ectasy.

Her loud cries of bliss continued as her pussy gushed out her honey over the mouth of Kakashi's mouth. After what seemed to be a timely rush of sexual sensation, she looked down and smiled to Kakashi, who returned back with one of his own.

"Was that good for you?" Kakashi asked as he got up.

"It was....but I yearn for more," she replied as she rubbed Kakashi sexually. "But I don't think we're done yet."

"I don't think so also," replied the jounin. As Anko walked over to the couch, he could have sworn he heard something near the door. But before he could make any movement to find out, Anko called out to him again.

"Well are you gonna stand there all day with your dick hanging out?" she joked as she laid out on the couch, waiting for Kakashi.

"Of course not," he replied as then he walked over and slowly began inserting himself into Anko. She was tight and hot, just as he expected. She left out a small cry as he continued to insert himself further into her. But when he was fully in, her cries turned in little yelps of joy and ectasy. He began to thrust slowly into her, while she hooked her arms around the back of his neck for leverage.

"Oh yeah.....oh yeah.....oh my God Kakashi.......OH AAAHHHH!!!" she yelled as he would continuously bury his dick into her then pull out till the tip of the head of his cock, then repeat, making her feel every inch of his throbbing piece with her pussy.

His speed of thrusting heightened with every passing moment. His long cock would later slip through the more and more wet she got. The two then upped the ante as she hooked her legs around his back, still holding onto him for leverage. He then fully stood up and continued to fuck her hot pussy.

"Oh yeah Anko...." he whispered. "You're so hot....and tight."

"OH GOD KAKASHI! OH DON'T STOP!!! DON'T STOP!!!" she yelled loudly as the two continued to make passionate love. Just then, she yelled even louder as then she hit orgasm. And while she did, he continued on, driving faster and faster. After her orgasm, she rested. But Kakashi wouldn't have much of that as his arms moved from her back to her gentle butt. He then used his might and picked her up and placed her down his cock. And began thrusting again.

It only took a minute later before she came back from her moment of after orgasm bliss and began once again. Once again, the Kakashi decided to change things up as he sat down on the couch, their intimate connection still place, but now Anko was facing away from him, givng him a nice shot of her beautiful ass.

She raised up and the lower herself down his well hung erect member and began again. Driving from head all the way to the hilt. Her large natural breasts swaying with every motion she made. She then arched back and turned her head around. They kissed passionately while she laid one arm on the back of his head.

His hands reached around and played with her breasts. Pinching her nippes as she continued to bound off and on his cock The tighter he pinched, the more it drove her sexually. And the more she drove herself on him, the closer he was reaching towards orgasm.



The two were simultaneously reaching orgasm once again. Their bodies shivered in delight as they reached closer and closer to that moment of high passionate love.

"OH FUCK....KAKASHI....I'M GONNA COME....OH GOD!!!!" she called out loudly in her rush of the bond between her and her fellow jounin. "OH GOD.....OH GOD....I.....GONNA.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!""""


And with one final thrust by the two, the rush of her pussy's honey with the release of his cum into her delighted both at the the same time. For that moment, they were in heaven. The feeling the two felt was blissful.

Anko turned around and kissed Kakashi one last time. They parted lips, a small thin trail of saliva still connected the two. Slowly she got off him and cuddled up next to Kakashi, purring like a little kitten.

"That was great," Anko said.

"So....have repaid the favor?"

"You have," replied Anko while still teasing Kakashi's face.

"Good then..."

Then there was an akward silence between the two.



"You think you have more go in ya?" Anko asked.


But before Kakashi or Anko could make any move on each other, they both heard the door creak loudly. Loud enough that both their heads jolted their heads in the direction of it. And within a minute, the creak turned into a crash, as the door's hinges gave out.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Anko yelled while Kakashi sat in dead silence of the situation.

"MY RIVAL!!! YOU WON!?!" yelled Maito Gai as he laid on the bottom of the pile of him, Kurenai and Asuma. "THIS UPSETS THE SCORE ONCE AGAIN!!!

"I what?" Kakashi said as he placed his mask back in his original position.

"The passioniate game of love!" cried Gai with tears that are like waterfalls. He then bolted up, tossing Asuma and Kurenai aside and continued to cry. "You have captured the heart of the sweet Anko of Konoha and..."

But before Gai could say anything more, time stopped. As for what he remembered, he saw Anko. Then Anko's fist. Anko's fist coming closer. Then a total black out.


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