Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belongs to me…
Read and enjoy…
Chapter 1
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Naruto squealed when he felt the person who was carrying him move. And it wasn't towards Kyuubi. His struggled and his tiny faced scrunched up. Iruka stopped and looked at the obviously distressed boy. “What are you doing?” he asked and Naruto pointed towards where the chaos was. “Don't worry. I'm taking you to safety.” Iruka patted his back. He thought Naruto was worried about Kakashi who the boy seemed to like a lot back then. So he started on how Kakashi could take care of himself but was stopped when Naruto tugged at his hair.
“G-go… Bak…Bak…” He stumbled over the words. He didn't really understand some of the words Iruka was saying, but a voice inside him has been teaching him to understand, speak and read the words from some of the books in a cave back in Kyuubi's land. That very same voice told him to go to the cave and to a place hidden where he could find the stash of funny books. Then, his lesson began. He couldn't live with the foxes for his whole life even though he wanted to. And Kyuubi knows that. Being several centuries old does have its benefits you know. Sooner or later, Naruto would want to venture out into the human world. The world where he belonged…
Iruka stared at the boy. “So you can talk.” He smiled at the boy. With a poof, Kakashi appeared in front of them. He peered at Naruto. “Do you know who is causing all this?” He asked waving his hands in the direction of where Kyuubi is now stalking through Konoha, sniffing for Naruto's scent but and tracking him with chakra. The ninjas were all keeping back, wary and tried to lure Kyuubi off into another part of the town where there was a trap waiting for him.
Naruto nodded, “Papa find me.” He said and smiled at their stunned face. A loud yelping called out. Naruto turned towards the sound. “Bye bye. I go now.” He said and tried to slide down Iruka but Iruka instinctively tightened his hold on the child. Naruto wriggled some more. Kakashi nodded at Iruka and Iruka released his hold. Naruto dropped to the ground softly and scurried off towards where the barking was coming from.
“Is it all right to just let him go? And towards the demon again? How can we be sure it is looking for him?”
“Don't worry. It definitely is looking for something. And I think that bundle of sunshine you were trying to force me to carry earlier smells different.”
“What do you mean different? He's just a normal kid!”
“Nope. He smelled off. Like not from around here. He smells… foresty. You know what I mean.”
“So? He could have played in a forest before he and his parents came here.”
“I don't think so… Just watch.” Kakashi said. They had followed Naruto towards the fox. Numerous ninjas spotted the child and attempted to snatch him out of harm's way but all of a sudden, the fox's nine tails seemed to be everywhere and it started snarling and snapping at anyone who dared come towards Naruto. Naruto sported a huge grin as he ran towards the huge fox that towered over the buildings. Naruto's squeal of delight was heard by the fox and it turned its head towards the child. Before Naruto could reach Kyuubi however, a blur rushed out from a doorway in one of the buildings and spirited the little boy away.
Naruto looked puzzled for a moment before he screwed up his face and started to wail. The ninja tried to calm the now frantically squirming kid in his arms and wincing from the loud wail. Kakashi chuckled, “Kid's got good lungs.” Before poofing away to where the ninja now stood with Naruto. Kyuubi had stopped moving and fixed his eyes on Naruto who is now wriggling himself halfway down the ninja who was trying to keep a hold on the boy. “It's okay. Let him go.” Kakashi said from behind the ninja. [He seem to like doing that to people huh?]
The ninja loosened his hold and Naruto ran to the edge of the building and jumped. “Oi!” The ninja reached out in reflex to grab the kid but Naruto was already gone. One of Kyuubi's tail whipped out and Naruto landed with a tiny `oof' flat on the fluffy tail. The he giggled and squealed happily as he grabbed fistfuls of Kyuubi's hair and snuggled into the soft hair he knew so well. Kyuubi brought the tail to the ground and Naruto slipped off landing on his butt. He waved his hands in the air trying to get Kyuubi's tail.
If it was possible, Iruka actually heard the giant fox snorted before it started to shrink. Soon, Kyuubi was the size of a horse. Not one ninja had moved since Naruto took what they considered the `suicidal route' and jumped off the four storied building. “What do you think you're doing?!” Kyuubi barked out. Iruka gaped. “It talked!” He said, stunned. Kyuubi glared at him. “Of course I can you stupid human!” He growled before turning his attention back to Naruto who was trying very VERY hard to look angelic and innocent.
Kyuubi snorted. “Don't even try that with me. I'm not THAT easy to fool like these humans. Do you even know what you did? You left without telling where you were going! I thought you were dead or kidnapped by some pedophile or maybe worse!” Kyuubi ranted. Naruto pouted and his eyes turned watery. “M' sorry…” he mumbled. Every single ninja there witnessed as Kyuubi went mother-hen mode on a five year old boy. After a few minutes of guilt trip for Naruto, Kyuubi heaved out a huge dramatic sigh. “Fine. We're going back.” He muttered. Naruto smiled at him. Kyuubi huffed again and picked Naruto up by the scruff of his collar.
Naruto turned to wave at Iruka and Kakashi, who waved back before he was carried out by Kyuubi with all tails waving in the air. Silence echoed through the part of the village where Kyuubi left everyone speechless. All that was heard was the energetic chatter of Naruto who recited every single thing that had happened to him to a very patient Kyuubi. [You don't live for centuries without patience a mile wide.]
Kakashi smiled at a still spaced out Iruka. Slinging a shoulder over Iruka's shoulder, he said, “See, I told you so. And nobody got killed! Isn't that great?”
As Kyuubi carted Naruto out, the little ball of sunshine spotted another little boy licking a huge lollipop and staring at him. Black obsidian eyes met sky blue ones and something clicked in the depths of their souls. Naruto waved at him as the black haired little boy smiled back tentatively. Then the moment passed and the little black haired boy turned to the older boy beside him who looked uncannily alike him, (except older of course) “Who's that, niichan?”
The older boy shrugged, “I have no idea, Sasuke.”
Five year-old Sasuke turned his attention back to his lollipop. “He seems nice. I hope he comes back to play.”
Itachi stared down at Sasuke's head. `If he does, I hope he actually remembers to tell that guardian of his…' He thought. Itachi slid his katana back into its sheath and adjusted his ANBU mask and told Sasuke to go on home before he went to report in to the Hokage. He hated doing reports and he still can't put his finger on why yet. Perhaps being a thirteen year-old ANBU captain had something to do with it.
Next up, Naruto reappears again. This time with a football sized red fox who seems to be… Kyuubi?!? Well, its not like he has anything important to do. Naruto and Sasuke, eternal rivals and best friends…
Please read and review… Also, any ideas on the next continuation of the story is much appreciated… BWAHAHAHA!!!