Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ❯ Motherhen Kyuubi ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

None of the characters below belong to me in any way possible…
Oh gawds… Just read and review…

Naruto: 5 years old (haven't had his birthday yet or else he'd be the same age as Sasuke…)
Sasuke: 6 years old
Itachi: 13 years old
Neji: 7 years old
Hinata: 6 years old
Hanabi: 4 years old (I don't know the age difference of her and Hinata so I'm guessing here…)
Kyuubi: centuries old… XP
The current Hokage is Tsunade as Sarutobi has retired…

Mother-hen Kyuubi - Chapter 4
by: c7bi_kyuubi
Previous chapter
Itachi sighed. He was about to inflict serious damage on the kit when his eyes met with innocent clear wide blue orbs that were filled to the brim with happiness and innocent joy… Unwillingly, Itachi felt his killer intent and murderous chakra fade away. The relieved sigh from around him announced to him that ALL UCHIHAS AVAILABLE were around them. They had felt the killer intent. Only one person had this killer intent and that was Uchiha Itachi.
And the feel and taste of this type of killer intent and murderous chakra was felt only when someone dared to come near to Itachi when he was meditating or his hair was involved. Apparently, this time it was both. To say that the Uchihas were shocked when the person who did it was not harmed in anyway convinced them more that Naruto is the bringer of miracles. They had started to prepare for a funeral but instead, get to see Itachi smile. Again for a second time in a day. IT'S A FUCKIN' MIRACLE!!!
End Preview

And so, there came a day in which chaos reigned. Well, lo and behold, that day is today for the villagers of Konoha. Naruto was enjoying himself in Konoha, and surprisingly, so was the Uchihas. Now it was common knowledge that Uchihas and Hyuugas don't `enjoy' themselves unless it's a brooding fest, killing fest and some other fest that normal people consider un-enjoyable. But being the prestigious and wealthy clans of Konoha, they became pricks soon enough, lording their clan power over normal folks.
This is why the clan of the Uchihas and Hyuugas often clash together and like the dueling cowboys in the west said, “This town ain't big enough for the two of us…” and why they sent cold glares across the street when both ice pricks saw each other. But it became general knowledge that Uchihas were a lot more dangerous when provoked, being the silent moody types. Hyuugas tend to be grumpier because of all the politics they did and because their clan is so uptight and warped around so many rules and regulations.
People often thought that being an Uchiha is easier than being a Hyuuga. An Uchiha is programmed to attack when provoked, kill before killed. And that creepy swirling Sharingan is enough to make a normal thug piss his pants when meeting an Uchiha in a dark alleyway. However, a Hyuuga is also programmed that way too, except they tend to go over all the rules and regulations in their head before doing anything. If one were born in the main house, then all was well except for all those rules and regulations. But, if one were born in the branch house… well, one gets a cursed seal stuck on one's forehead that could kill you on a main house member's mere whim. Sucks to be in that position… No wonder Neji's all `Oh cruel fate!' all the time…
But back to the point, it was exactly two months since Naruto has been with the Uchihas. And he has been having fun. But only inside the Uchiha compound. One day, he decided to go outside the Uchiha compound for some fun. He could smell all sorts of delicious smells over that tall gate and the wavy transparent thingy hiding the gate from view of the outside world. He could see Uchihas going in and out easily after doing something with their hands to part the wavy thing but when he did try to follow one out, he wasn't fast enough and the wavy thing closed right on his curious nose, sending electrical jolts all through his tiny furry little body and blasting him back into the Uchiha compound.
The Uchihas still in the house ran out, thinking an attack was happening but found a dazed and very much in pain little fox with smoke still coming out of its body lying on the ground and its fur standing on end. He did ask one day why he can't go outside to play, he wanted to go outside to play with Sasuke and Itachi. He whined until one Uchiha, an old geezer smoking a pipe, told him that if he goes out then the evil Hyuugas with their white eyes will kidnap him and torture him.
This scared Naruto for a few moments until he decided that he was strong enough to protect himself. Besides, that must be only a story as the people here are quite nice to him and why would the Hyuugas kidnap and torture him? Its not like he did anything wrong to them right? And so, being a fox, a sneaky little one that is, he hid himself under the bush by the gate and the wavy thing, far enough that the wavy thing wouldn't hurt him and waited.
Soon enough, an Uchiha came to the gate and did the hand thingy. Naruto got ready to pounce the moment the wavy thing opened. When he saw the hand thingy, he asked the Uchihas to teach him but they refused. So when, the pair of feet stopped right in front of his snout, he tensed. The moment the wavy thing opened, he shot out through the gate and into the street. He took a breath of fresh air, finally he was free to play outside!
He turned around and around in a full 360 degree circle, spot a place that seemed to be interesting and shot towards it. It turned out to be the Ichiraku. (What else???) He could smell all the ramen and he whined a little, catching the attention of Ayame. He saw her and the old man put bowls of steamy stuff in front of people and he just knew this is where all the ramen came from!!! This is where the nice smell came from! He whined some more and gave a puppy dog look at Ayame who went `aww' and slipped him a small bowl with a wink. He pounced on her and gave her a few grateful licks of happiness which sent her into bouts of giggles before he plunged into the bowl.
But this seemed to only serve to fuel his hunger for more and his stomach growled even louder than before. He was hoping for seconds and maybe thirds or maybe fourths but it seemed that he was out of luck as the lunch hour rush started and Ayame became too busy to notice him. He turned around with his head drooped low and bumped into a pair of feet. Following the feet up, he met a pair of white pearly eyes that belonged to a pale girl with a short helmet shaped haircut who was with a boy with the same pearl white eyes but with longer hair. He stared at them as they stared back. The girl squat down and reached out with her hand.
The boy pulled her back, “Don't. It might be wild.” Naruto cocked his head at them. They look funny and he felt he should remember something important about them that someone once told him about… but he couldn't remember. The girl frowned in confusion. “But it doesn't look wild. It looks so cute!” She said shyly in a tiny voice that Naruto could barely hear her. Neji, the boy's name, rolled his eyes. He didn't try to stop the girl who turned out to be Hinata when she knelt down and extended a hand to the fox. “Come here fox-chan…” She coaxed softly.
Naruto sniffed at her hand curiously. Then he sat back on his hind legs and stared at the two curiously. They didn't seem so bad. He didn't care much for the boy as he looked like he had some personal issues to deal with but the girl seems nice in a quiet and weird way. He got up and went over to the girl, nuzzling at her hand happily. `Maybe she'll give me some ramen…' He thought.
Hinata giggled as the cute baby fox licked her face. The fox then turned to the ramen stall and whined, looking back at her with a puppy dog face. “Oh, are you hungry? Poor little fox…”
“Hinata… I don't think it's a normal fox…”
“Eh? But he's so cute…”
“Ah. Yes, he might be but I've never seen a fox with nine tails before and this is the first time I've seen a fox wanting to eat ramen…”
“But he's still so cute…”
“(sweatdrop) I am not a part of this if anything happens…” Neji stated in all his stoic glory.
Hinata smiled at the fox, “Let's get you some ramen ne?” She said and sat down on one of the chairs at Ichiraku. It just so happens that Iruka and Kakashi were there too. On a date though Iruka would blush and change the subject and Kakashi would make up lewd jokes and leer at the blushing Chuunin if they were asked if they were on a date. “Iruka sensei…” Hinata greeted softly.
“Oh hello Hinata chan. Neji kun? Here for lunch are you?” Iruka asked smiling while subconsciously slapping away a certain Jounin's wandering hand that was headed towards his but.
“I found fox chan here by the stall. He was hungry and he wanted ramen.” Hinata said petting the fox she had deposited on the seat next to her.
“I have no part in this…” Neji said when Iruka looked at him curiously. Kakashi leaned over and stared at the fox.
“He looks stupid.” He stated out loud while mentally, he felt something was off of this fox. It didn't feel right.
Everybody reacted at the same time. Iruka glared and bashed Kakashi over the head, Neji smirked a millimeter smirk while Hinata pouted and looked ready to cry and be angry at the same time. However, the chaos was interrupted by a tiny puff of smoke as the fox disappeared and was replaced by a scowling Naruto who in turn yelled at Kakashi. “I'M NOT STUPID YOU ONE EYED PERVERT!!!”
“Pervert…???” Iruka and Hinata asked puzzled. Neji remained stoic but question marks were floating around in his head also.
“And how would a three year old boy know of perverts?” Kakashi drawled leaning back as he cheered on inside his mind. `Hah! I knew it… This kid looks familiar… Where have I seen him before?'
“Me and Kyuubi jiichan met a stupid white haired pervert one day when he was spying on girls taking a bath in the river. He said he was researching for his book and he showed me that book. Kyuubi jiichan kicked him for that and said he is a pervert and to stay away from people like him. So if that old fart is a pervert then you must be too because you're reading his book! PERVERT!!!” Naruto yelled at Kakashi triumphantly. Kakashi however focused on other stuff that Naruto mentioned. Iruka beat him to the chase first.
“Kyuubi? Hey! Aren't you the kid that got lost that day? Then Kyuubi came to get you?” Iruka said. Naruto nodded wisely. “Kyuubi is my guardian. He's old. And he has nine tails like mine. See?” Naruto turned around and with a small poof, nine tails waved back at his audience. Then with another poof, Naruto turned back into a normal kid again smiling cheekily.
Kakashi waved that aside. “Na… that's not important… That old man you mentioned, did you get a copy of his book?” He asked staring intently at Naruto picking up Naruto with both hands. Iruka bashed him on the head again and scowled at Kakashi, taking Naruto out of his grasp and putting Naruto on his lap for extra precaution against the silver haired porn reading pervert. “Of course he doesn't have a copy of the book! He's just a kid for goodness sake!”
Kakashi whined, “But it's the newest edition that Jiraiya is working on… I've been waiting for so long for it…” He pouted and he would have looked adorable too if it wasn't for the mask that was covering half his face. Iruka glared at him. “Of course I have a copy of the book! I stole it to make him mad but he didn't notice it.” Naruto said cheekily grinning at the two stunned adults. One stared at him with hope shining in his eyes while the other stared at him in horror. “But you didn't read the book did you?”
Naruto pouted and crossed his arms, “I don't understand the book. It's stupid anyway. Everybody knows that they shouldn't kiss girls because they give you cooties but the character in the book kiss them a lot…” Iruka's eyes widened in horror as Kakashi's one visible eye widened in hope and happiness like a kid who found out that Christmas has come early and Santa Claus has decided to give the whole world's present to him and him only.
“Do you still have the book!?” Kakashi demanded.
“Kakashi!!!” Iruka cried out in horror.
“Well, yeah… But it's with my stuff that I left with Kyuubi…” Naruto said puzzled as to why the one eyed pervert was so agitated.
Iruka sighed in relief and Kakashi slumped in defeat and resignation and crushed hope. Iruka smiled. “Ma… I can't be helped then unless you want to find Kyuubi to steal it…”
Kakashi's eyes gleamed at the thought. `Anything for the book… anything…' Iruka choked Kakashi. “It was a joke you stupid ignorant idiotic hentai Jounin!!! Don't you dare do it!”
“But Iruka koi! It's the latest edition!”
“Mmm… please?? I'm sure Kyuubi won't mind… I'll just take this little midget here hostage and exchange him for the book!”
“Ne… ne… Kyuubi is going to be here sometime this week to pick me up. I could give it to you then…”
The gleam in Kakashi's eye increased and Iruka sighed in defeat. `Kakashi's going to be a horn dog… I'm not going to find any peace if he gets that book. Goodbye sleep hello glorious kinky sex…'
Kakashi looked wary and Iruka looked hopeful. “I'm hungry and I want ramen…” Naruto finished and as if on cue, his stomach growled. Kakashi chortled happily inside his mind. `This is great! I get the latest limited edition of Icha Icha Paradise in exchange for buying a kid ramen!!! This is great! It's like a super discount!'
“It's okay! I'll treat you to ramen and you give me that book okay?” Kakashi asked ignoring Iruka's logical protests.
“Deal!” Naruto said, shaking Kakashi's hand. Kakashi, grinning under the mask ordered a bowl of special ramen for Naruto, who immediately started to drool, and started fantasizing on the very near future where he would be seducing a very cute and adorable dolphin… Yes, sweet sweet thoughts for him indeed while his `dolphin' was blushing more and more as he knew what was going on in that perverted mind of the hot and sexy Jounin beside him now. Ten minutes later, Naruto put down his chopsticks, thank the old man for the food and ran off with a stunned Hinata and Neji who was staring at the pile of empty bowls and the counter top.
Iruka was too busy rearranging his schedule mentally to notice what was happening around him and Kakashi was too absorbed in his fantasizing of what he and his dolphin were going to do in the VERY near future to realize that what he thought was just one bowl was now more then ten times what he thought it to be.
“Ahem… Kakashi san? The bill?” Ayame coughed, smiling as she caught the attention of Kakashi and handed him the bill. Kakashi dreamily sighed and handed her the money for the ramen Naruto ate. “Um… this is not enough…” Ayame said. Kakashi snapped out of his reverie. “Wha?” He looked over the bill then over to the empty space where Naruto once used to be. There sat in their eaten glory was fourteen bowls of special ramen all empty and eaten by none other than Uzumaki Naruto. Five minutes later, a shout of anger and god knows what echoed through Konoha, crying for the blood of a certain blonde haired kid with a cheeky grin. “NAAAAARUUUUUTOOOO!!!!!!!”
This alerted the Uchiha search party who was looking for said blond. Who rushed to the source of the sound only to find a one eye weeping Kakashi mourning over the chunk in his wallet. Iruka was smirking slightly. By this time, Naruto was already ten steps ahead of them and playing happily with Hinata, Neji and the other kids who he met (the rookie 9 including Sasuke) in the park with their guardians or parents watching over them which meant Itachi was watching over Sasuke and the other parents over their own kids when Naruto came rushing in to play. To say that Itachi was surprised was true and he could only imagine the chaos that is now in the Uchiha district. He did what was appropriate in this situation. He smirked.
Meanwhile, Naruto was completely oblivious to the chaos he caused as he built a sandcastle with his bestest friend, Sasuke. He was happy and that was enough for him.

The end of this chapter. Review please!!! Oh and this fic will be getting more and more yaoi so if there are those who don't like to read yaoi fics, leave sometime soon… You have been warned.