Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Murder in the leaf village ❯ Murder is a terrible crime and should not be taken lightly ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"...Yeah, it was great. What did you think of it Naruto?" asked Sasuke
"Oh yeah! I loved it when the....." Naruto paused as he looked down on the floor at the sight infront of him. Fear immediately consumed him."S....Sak..ura?" he asked weakly. "I....Ino?" He turned around, "Sasuke, what's wrong with them?" He turned back around and kneeled between the two girls.
 "check for a pulse." Sasuke replied, his voice slightly shaking.
Naruto nodded. He reached down and touched the side of each girls' neck. He flinched back and screamed. "Oh...Oh my God! Sasuke there's no pulse!" Noticing that Naruto was about to make a run for it, Sasuke grabbed his arm and said,"Clam down Naruto! Lets just go find Kakashi-sensi and the other elite ninja. They'll know what to do." Naruto relaxed a minute. "ok." he said calmly. As soon as Sasuke dropped his arm, her boltted out the door yelling "KAKASHI-SENSI! MASTER IRUKA! PERVY SAGE! HELP!"
two hours later, detectives and other ninja were all crowded all along the street. Pictures were being taken of the bodies and crime investigators were searching for any evidence that might have been left behind. Looking around, another ninja was talking to Iruka,while Kakashi and Jiraiya tried to comfort Naruto (who was mourning the death of Sakura) and Sasuke.
 "chin up Naruto," said kakashi,"This is part of being a ninja. Death is one of the many things we must go through in life. Remember the shinobi rule #25? A shinobi must never show emotion no matter the circumstances. emotions are..."
"A sign of weakness. We must never shed a tear. I know." Naruto finished. He sniffed and gave a small sob. "I just really miss her is all."
"there,there." said kakashi giveing his shoulder a sympathedic squeeze."I haven't heard a word out of you, are you alright sasuke?"
"Yeah.Like you said, death is something that happens and you just have to accept it if you plan on being a successful shinobi."
"Don't worry,kid," said Jiraiya,"when this is all over i'll take you out for a bowl of ramen."
Naruto sniffed again and gave a weak smile. "thanks pervy sage."
"Kid my name is...oh forget it, now's not the time."
"excuse me, kakashi, lord jiraiya," it was lady Anko, "we need to get prints and sample DNA from the two boys since right now they're our prime suspects. After that, Sasuke can go home but Naruto's place won't be ready for awhile.It should be atleast a week before he can go home."
"ok, And i assure you, Naruto is most welcome to stay with me, that is if he wants to." replied kakashi. "what do you say naruto?"
"I guess, but just for a day, I'd kinda rather stay with master Iruka. No offense sensi."
"none taken."
"Ok then now that thats settled, lets get that dna. Open you mouths and hold out your hands. " She commanded.
Soon the street cleared. The ninja started heading either back home or to work. Sakura and Ino's bodies had been taken to a local mourge and Naruto, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Jiraiya were headed for a nearby ramen shop. Naruto had stopped crying, leaving his eyes red and swollen. Sasuke was pale as a ghost and had hadn't said a word since they left the scene.
  When the got to the ramen shop, they were shocked to find that Jiraiya really meant it when he said and bought everyone a bowl of roast chiken ramen.
"You guys gonna be ok?" asked Jiraiya
"I know I will," said sasuke, his voice sounding strained, " it's not like this is the first time i've seen amyone dead."
Jiraiya nodded and turned to naruto,"what about you kid?"
"i'll be ok. I just need some sleep." when he spoke his voice was inaudiable and sounded extremely dry.
"goodman." said jiraiya
 They finished their ramen in akward silence. NOt knowing what to do or say to one another. Once they were done, they bid each other farewell and parted home. Turning, Naruto followed kakashi, realizing that it would be the first time he'd ever seen his sensi's house. They walked for about two more blocks before walking into a tall apartment complex.
 Inside it was none to glamorious. THe floor was a faded once glossy wood,
There were three large windows and three doors; one for the stairs, the door they entered,and another for the elevator. The room itself, was a pale blue and was covered by many black and white photographs spread out here and there on the walls. "com'on Naruto, " said kakashi, walking toward the stairwell. "we have 20 flights of stairs to climb."
DO WHAT?!" Naruto yelled completely dumbstruck.
"We gotta burn off that ramen one way or another."
"But sensei, I'm too tired to climb them!" he complained.
"Fine, you take the elevator and i'll take the stairs."
Naruto pushed the bottom to call the elevator and waited while kakashi started to climb the many stairs. When it came, he was surprised to find that wasn't just any ordinary elevator, it was in fact a fraet elevator. Cautiously, he stepped insid, closed the door, and pressed the number 10. It slowly grinded up past the floors. about 5 minutes later, he finally made it to the 10th floor; he opened the door and stepped out and looked around. Kakashi was nowhere in sight. "Looking for me?" kakashi asked, nearly making Naruto jump out of his skin.
" Me? Oh nowhere, just around the corner. You were taking forever. Now come on I wanna get some shut eye before starting this case."
Naruto nodded and followed kakashi down a long white narrow hallway. They stopped infront of a black wooden door with a plastic number 311 nailed to it. "Home sweet home." said kakashi, lazily flipping on the lights. "I'll give you the grand tour."
    He walked a little bit down the hall and flipped on a light and said, "THis is the kitchen." It was lime green and included an oven, fridge, microwave,two small counters,and black& white tile floor. He stepped out and pointed a door across from the kitchen. "Thats the bathtub and shower." He walked to the end of the hall and flipped on another light. "This is the living room.THe door on that far back left wall is the toilet." Naruto examed the room for a moment. There was a large glass sliding door leading to a balcony, wood flooring, a leather couch with 2 matching leather chairs,a small coffee table (which was occupied by a phone and laptop). He turned around and opened a door on the left. "This is my room, I'd appreciate it if you stayed out of here. I have a lot of stuff i don't want broken." Naruto walked a little bit inside. The walls and carpet were both white.There was a long, twin bed with a shelf behind it. On the shelf, were three books entitled,"Make-out Paradise" and two photographs. One with himself and Naruto,Sasuke,and Sakura. and in the other was a kid version of kakashi and three strangers. "Who's that in the picture with you?" Naruto asked pointing to the kid version of kakashi.
"Thats me, Rin,Obito,and Yondaime, or as you may know him, the fourth hokage." kakashi explained.
"The fourth hokage was your sensei?! But he looks so young!" Naruto exclaimed
"He was. Yondaime was only about 25 yrs old when he died."
Naruto nodded, and asked,"Umm..sensei, where can i sleep?"
There's a room next door to mine. Its all yours. Now if you'll excuse me, i'm quite exhausted."
"Right."He said heading for the door. "Good night sensei."
"Good night Naruto."
Leaving the room, Naruto stepped into the room next to kakashi-sensei's. THe walls were blue and bare. There was one window over looking the village,a small desk,and a long thin twin bed identical to his sensei's.Naruto laid back against the pillows and pulled the mattress up to his stomache. He felt weight of sleep baring down on him. He closed his eyes and tired not to think about the murder. Before he knew it, he was fast asleep.
  "WAKE THE FUCK UP NARUTO!" Shouted kakshi.
"Huh?" asked naruto, sitting up a little and rubbing his eyes.
"I've been telling you to get up for the last  2 hours!"
"But sensei." he whined,"It's only 7:30 in the morning!"
"Exactly!" Kakashi replied," We were supposed to meet with Anko and Ibiki at 5:30! Now get dressed! THere's no time for breakfast so it'll have to wait."
With that being said, Kakashi left the room leaving naruto alone to get dressed. Hurriedly, Naruto got out of bed changed clothes,and went to the door with kakashi to leave. They left the apartment without a word and quickly ran door the stairs and through the village.In 5 minutes flat, they had made it to the crime station. When they stopped infront of the door, Sasuke,Mizuki,Shikamaru,and Choji were already waiting outside.
"Morning everyone.'' kakashi said giving a small wave,
"Good morning kakashi, are we ready to start?" asked Lady Anko.Kakashi nodded. "Good. All of you follow me. Let's go!"
 Anko opened the door, and the group followed her down a midnight blue narrow hallway in beeline formation. "We'll be interigating everyone in here." she said indicating the two rooms behind her."First up, is mr. uzumaki naruto." Nervously, naruto stepped out of the line and followed her in to the first interigation room. Inside, it was grey and boring. A plain wooden table and two metal chairs, a one-way mirror ,black tile floor,nothing else. NOthing else but 4 grey walls.
  "Take a seat." said Anko. He obiediently sat down in the chair and Anko sat in hers. She had a small file in her hand with his name on it. When she opened it, there was a copy of his birth certificate,medical records,mission records,and other forms. "Mr.Uzumaki,"she said,"Tell me everything you know about last night and no lies or i will throw a kunai at you!"
Naruto gulped and said,"Well...umm..ok you see, the other 8 rookies and I were supposed to meet up and go see a movie together. We waited a bit outside. When Ino and Sakura didn't show we just went in and saved two seats for them. To my knowledge they never showed."
Anko raised an eyebrow."What do you mean 'to your knowledge'?"
Naruto blushed slightly and said sheepishly, "Umm...well Hinata and I were...well we were...umm kinda..."
"I get it." anko replied. "But what-" But she was cut off by a knock at the door and Master Ibiki entered the room.
"Miss ANko, May I start interigating the Uchiha boy?" he asked.
"Yes,yes. Fine. KNock yourself out." she replied.
He nodded and left the room.
"Now where were we?"
"Mr.Uchiha Sasuke, come with me please." said Ibiki.
Sasuke quietly got out of his chair and followed the man into the free interigation room.
"Sit down,Uchiha."He commanded,"Now tell me everything you know."
"Ok. But i doubt it'll be what you want to hear."Sasuke replied.
"Well start talking anyways."
An hour later, Naruto and Sasuke were finally released from interigation. Their alibies were confirmed. Lady Anko came to the door with a new file in her hand and said," Kakashi Hatake, you're needed in the lab, But i need to see Mr. Nara Shikamaru."
Shikamaru got up lazily from his chair .
"Man this is a total drag." he muttered following the lady anko for his interigation.
"And I need Mr. Abarme Choji."
Nervously, Choji followed the abnormally large man into the room.
"You two go do whatever, I'm gonna go head down to the lab. See ya." And thous disappeared leaving them with nothing.
Hearing the fast approaching footsteps, Asuma Sarutobi instantly look up from his work. relief swept over him when he realized it was only Kakashi.
"What've you got?" he asked.
"Well, we examined the bodies and found nothing unusual about the two girls. Both were very healthy, alchol levels normal, and no signs of poisioning."
"So what killed them?"
"Well on Sakura, she must have been the first one killed because her body temperture was lower than Ino's. We also found that her neck had been snapped. As for Ino, she must have put up a fight. THere's fresh scratches on her knuckles and arms. But in the end,we found large bruising around her neck indictating that she was strangled. So we're thinking that someone told them their movie meeting spot was Naruto's appartment."
"What else does evidence tell us?" kakashi asked.
"You're not gonna like it."
"Tell me anyway." he commanded.
"We compared the prints around the girl's necks to your boys' and we made a match."
"Who's is it?" Kakashi asked impatiently.
Naruto walked through the hidden leaf village looking for Jiraiya. He'd just left Iruka's house asking to stay awhile,which Iruka agreed to with no questions asked.It didn't take long to find the old perve. Jiraiya was standing outside of a ramen shop as though he'd been waiting for Naruto the whole time.As though he'd expected Naruto to come looking for him.
"Konnichiwa."said Jiraiya,walking towards Naruto."Ogenki-desu?"
"Konnichiwa pervy sage."Naruto replied.
"You look terrible.Have you had any breakfast?"
Naruto shook his head.
"Com'on. I"ll buy you something."
"You mean it?" Naruto asked suspiciously.
"Do you have any money?" he asked.
Naruto shook his head again.
"Then com'on before I change my mind
"Are u certain those are Naruto's prints?" asked Kakashi
"Positive.Although I don't get how, seeing as he was with the other genin the whole night."
"Do you think it's possible that he used the dopplerganger?"
"It might be.Who knows."Asuma replied.
"Well keep me posted, I'm gonna try to keep him clean for as long as i can."kakashi said headed for the door to leave.
Asuma nodded and returned to his work.
"So,who do you think-"Jiraiya stopped as he was cut off.
"Hi Naruto." It was HInata, Naruto's girlfriend.
Naruto took a moment to study her. She was wearing a midnight Kimono with small light blue butterflies and navy blue roses. In his opinion, she looked beautiful.
"Hey,HInata." Naruto replied,leaning forward and kissing her on the lips.
He smiled as she blushed.
"I'm sorry to hear what happened last night." she said, her voice small like it usually was when she was shy or scared.
"Don't be," Naruto replied,"It's not your fault."
"But still,"she said,"It must have been awful!"
"Forget it. We both know we didn't do anything and thats that."he said firmly. Putting down his chopsticks and pushing back his bowl.
"I know...I was's just that I was afraid,When i heard, I thought something might have happened to you as well."She said avoiding his eyes.
Naruto took her hand in his. He was grateful that she cared about him but didn't want her to worry.He wanted her to be happy and safe."Look at me, Hinata." she locked up and he locked his gaze with hers."I'm safe,your safe,we're gonna get through this together,ok?"
She nodded and pressed her mouth to his. Their tongues sliding together for a heart-pounding moment.
"Take care,Naruto." she said pulling back and leaving him to ponder on what they had just talked about. He watched her leave, her long black hair blowing in the wind.
"HOW THE HELL DID YOU SCORE A CHICK LIKE THAT?!" yelled Jiraya making Naruto nearly jump out his skin. He had completely forgotten the old perve was even there. Not knowing what to say, he just smiled sheepishly."Well she's definetly a keeper." said Jiraiya.
Lady Anko and Ibiki were running out of options. They'd been questioning Mizuki for nearly three hours and he still hadn't cracked. If they didn't get him to say something soon, they'd have no reason to hold him.
"Ok,"said Anko,her patience growing thin and resisting the urge to throw a kunai at the man infront of her."Where were you last night between 5:30 and 9 pm?"
"Again, I went to the damn grocery store,bought some damn food,and came back to my damn house.End of the damn story."Mizuki replied.
"Oh really?" Ibiki asked,"Because we have a tape of you lurking around Mr. Uzumaki's apartment between those times.
"Bullshit.I was nowhere near the runts place."Mizuki replied,his face frozen with anger.
It was clear they were getting nowhere and the only way he'd talk was if they came up with some hardcore evidence.
"Fine!" Anko said standing up,"For now you're free to leave. But don't leave town Mizuki."
Mizuki stood and left without a word.
"Don't worry miss anko, we're gonna get to the bottom to this."
"For Naruto's sake I hope you're right Ibiki."
sasuke sat on the edge of his bed starring around. Noticing the grey color that was his walls and the pictures of his friends and dead family. A mountain of clothes spilling from his closet and chest of drawers.  The feeling of being alone coming back. He was sad about the murder but yet strangely happy as well. It made him sick to his stomache. His teammate was dead and he was glad of it. 'What does that make me?' he thought,'does that put me on the same level as him? THe same level of nii-san?.....NO! I'm nothing like that bastard!' He continued to organize his thoughts and feelings. Ignoring the sensation of sorrow that was urging to overwhelm him. He continued to stare at the objects around his room. The white of carpet starting to fade to a dengy grey. The same color as his walls,of his mood. It was disturbing. Pushing himself off the bed, he walked over to a bookcase which was wedged between a chest of drawers and a small desk. He studied the objects on the shelves; A small collection of books he managed to save after his clan's massacre, binders filled to the brim with notes from his acadamey days, a photoalbum Sakura had given him for christmas,now filled with pictures of his friends,teammates,etc. and other random stuff he'd collected through the years. Not knowing what he was looking for, he just sat down by the window . Starring out at the village but not exactly seeing anything. He was a mix of grief and happiness. 'What does that make me?' he continued to ask himself.
'' Ok," Mizuki shouted,"WHat the fuck are trying to pin me for this time?!"
"SHUT UP!" Anko yelled back, "Mizuki, you're hereby under arrest for the murders of Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka!"
"Like Hell I am!" Mizuki replied.
"I beg to differ.Get that piece of shit outta my sight." ANko ordered to the awaiting chunin,twirling a kunai around her left index finger.They were close to closing the case. She could feel it in her veins.
"Well, I'm gonna head back to Iruka's place."said Naruto, "ja pervy sage!"
"For the last time my name is Jiraiya! Ji-Rai-Ya!" He shouted after Naruto.
In all honesty, Naruto had no intention whatsoever of going home just yet. He wanted to find Hinata and spend some time with her. For now, Naruto was a free man. THe only problem was, explaining how or why the bodies were in his apartment. It made no sense. Besides Mizuki, Naruto couldn't think of anyone who would sink so low as to make him out as a murderer. He wished he knew who it was to get the case over and done with. It wasn't that he was afraid of death, it was just one of those subjects he didn't like talking about. ONe of his many touchy subjects.
 Walking a few more blocks over, he found Hinata sitting under a large cherry tree. If it were possible, she looked even more beautiful than she had looked only hours before. As he walked closer, she looked up and smiled. "Hi Naruto,"she said sweetly as he sat down beside her. "What's wrong?" he shook his head and said,” Its nothing. I'm fine." "You don't look that fine." she replied. "I am, just tired as all,” he said calmly,” Is it all right if I lean on your shoulder?" She nodded. He let out a sigh and gently set his head on her shoulder. "I'm really glad you're safe Naruto." she said softly in his ear."
"Thanks, but like I said before, you don't have to worry about me. I'm a full fledged shinobi,remember? We'll always be together."
He waited for Hinata to say something. No reply came. He looked up at her and she was looking back, slightly blushing and smiling weakly. Words couldn't express how much loved her or how much he wanted her to stay by his side forever. She was his weakness. The most important and precious person in the world to him.” If I'm still a free man, then would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" he asked. She kissed him on the lips. "Is that a yes?" he asked slightly confused. She giggled and  kissed him again, this time brushing her tongue against his. When she pulled back he asked, "IF I ask the same question again, do I get another kiss.?" She smiled and he pressed his mouth back to hers. Her eyes fluttered closed and took his hand in hers. Their mouths opening and closing together, tongues sliding past each other. It was all too good to be true. He was completely unaware of his surroundings. Just as he was about to kiss her sweet lips again, he heard a very loud "AHEM" and regretfully pulled back.
"I hate to break this little private time up but," opening his eyes and looking up, he was embarrassed to find it was Kakashi,"Lady ANko and Ibiki requests your presence."
"Do I have to go sensei?" he begged.
"Yes and No.” He replied.
"It means would you rather come now while anko has patience or later when she's ready to throw a kunai at your head?"
"I think I'll go now." he replied.
"That's what I was hoping you'd say. I'll give you a minute to get your stuff together."
Naruto nodded and kakashi went to stand in front of a shop and wait for him.
"I'll see you tonight, right Hinata?" turning back to her.
"I'll be waiting."
He quickly kissed her first on the cheek and a final kiss on the mouth. "Ja Hinata! Watashiwa ai anata!"
"Ja Naruto! I love you too!"
He nodded and ran towards kakashi. He couldn't believe what just happened. A perfect moment ruined. And worse, he'd been caught by his sensei! He was so embarrassed and angry. It was times like these he wished he wasn't a ninja, for they always ruined his plans with Hinata. But it was his job, he'd just have to live with it. There was no other choice.
"I'd like to apologize Naruto,"came kakashi's voice," I didn't mean to intrude like that."
"It's not your fault sensei."
"IT just means I need to meet up with Hinata in a more secluded area next time."
Kakashi laughed at that.
"SO what do they want that was so important?" asked Naruto.
"Unfortunately, I haven't a clue."
"damn." he swore.
YOU'RE LATE DAMMIT!" yelled Anko as Naruto and Kakashi got closer to the building. "What the hell were you two doing? Hanging out at the strip club with Jiraiya?!"
"No, but one of us was having a private moment in a very open area with his girlfriend. “stated kakashi pointing at Naruto.
Anko shook her head and muttered something that sounded close to "men''
"Alright kid, Ibiki and I have some hard evidence on Mizuki and we'll need your help." she said somewhat calmly.
“Me?” Naruto proclaimed, “Why me?!” Anko pulled out one of her kunai's threateningly pointing it at Naruto and said, “Because, you're the one who put him away last time. You help us crack him this time, we'll make sure he stays away for good this time. Do we have a deal?”  Naruto look at the kunai. He could follow Anko's orders and get rid of Mizuki but then again there's no telling what she'd do if he refused. After pondering this over for a moment or two, he nodded his and head. “Agreed. What do I gotta do?” Anko said nothing and gave him a wicked grin.
Sasuke walked through the village like a zombie. He wasn't going anywhere in particular, but still wanted to find Kakashi-sensei. He'd been arguing with himself for the last three hours on what to do. If he stayed in his room talking to himself he may go insane, but if he left his house maybe it would help clear his mind. He continued walking, passing stores here and there. None of it seemed real to him. He was completely lost in his own head. “Hey Sasuke, Anyone home?!”
Sasuke turned as he heard his name being called. “Sasuke, wait up dammit!” as the figure came into view, he realized it was Neji Hyuga who'd been calling him.  He stopped in his tracks and waited for him to catch up. “What do you want?” Sasuke asked when Neji stopped in front of him.
“Your sensei, Kakashi, told me to tell you, that your needed down at the station. Naruto and Kakashi are already down there.” Neji explained.
“Why do they want me?” he asked
“They're going to try and crack Mizuki. It's obvious he's lying so you guy are going to help Anko and Ibiki crack him.”
“Oh. Is that all?”
“No. He also said you better hurry, Anko is growing impatient. Now that is all.” Said Neji.
“Ok. Thanks.” Replied sasuke.
“No problem.”
Sasuke turned and ran toward the station. He didn't have a clue on how to make Mizuki crack. `Why should we even be the ones to crack him?' he thought,' Ibiki is the interrogation master here. They must have something up their sleeves.' As he got closer to the door, he saw a figure waiting outside the building. He slowed and walked cautiously towards the entrance. Relief spread over him as he saw it was only Kakashi.
“Glad you could join us. “Said kakashi. Sasuke nodded and followed his sensei into the building without a word. They walked past the interrogation rooms and into what looked like a training field. There were barrels full of shuriken's, kunai knives, and other weapons.  He was at a loss for words.
“Welcom, Uchiha.” Said Ibiki coming out of nowhere.
“Umm…hello sir…uh tell me, what are we doing here?” asked sasuke
“We're going to try a new form of Interrogation.”Ibiki explained.
“How so?” sasuke asked again.
“Normally,” said Anko, also popping up out of nowhere,”Ibiki can break anyone. He's a natural. He plays with your mind enough to were you starting telling us stuff your own mother doesn't even know about. But not Mizuki. Mizuki won't budge. So we're going to use a battle of him against naruto to make him talk. But we won't let it get to far seeing as how much he hates Naruto, he may use this as an advantage to try and kill Naruto again.”
“Oh. So what am I here for?”He asked a third time.
“You and Kakashi are going to set up a hidden recording system. Naruto will already be wired, but if the battle gets intense, it may not be good enough, so we want another recording system available so we can get every word he says.”
“I see. Ok I'm in. Just tell me what to do.” He said finally agreeing to their terms. Anko nodded.
 Ten minutes later, Naruto and Mizuki were in the middle of the training field. Everything was set up just as planned. The recording systems were hanging from the ceiling, in bushes, and in other odd places. There was no telling if this would work. But they hoped it would. Ibiki stepped into the middle of the field and shouted, “Ok you baby-faced punks, let's get this over with! When I give the word, you two begin fighting, the first one to lose all his chakra losses. Now then, READY…STEADY….GO!”
Naruto fiercly began making signs, he decided to use his best move, the dopplerganger. While across the field, Mizuki dug out many shuriken and kunai knives Naruto ran across the field as did his Doppelgangers. They attacked, pulling out kunai knives, using martial art combat skills, anything to bring him down.Mizuki fought back as though it were a life or death situation. The Doppelgangers disappeared in a cloud of the smoke and the real naruto was sent skidding across the ground.Mizuki had sent five shurikens from his left hand into the air, all aiming for Naruto's torso. All except the real Naruto had been hit. He had to think fast, a way to get him to talk.
“Hey Mizuki!” shouted Naruto,”You know you can't beat me. So why don't you just give up already?!”
“Like hell that's going to happen! There's no way I'm losing to a runt like you.” Mizuki spat.
“That's where you're wrong! You can't beat me `because I'm going to become the next hokage! Believe it!” Naruto shouted proudly.
“The day you become Hokage, is the day I become a fairy tale princess. It ain't gonna happen.” Mizuki replied.
“Says you! But I know if I work hard enough it will happen! I will become Hokage! I'll be a greater Hokage than Lady Tsunade and the other past Hokages! Believe it damn it!”
“Whatever. Now are we gonna finish this battle or what?”
“Not yet,” Naruto replied. He leaped ran up a nearby tree, leaped into the air and landed feet first on Mizuki's chest. “Tell me how you did it.” He pushed a kunai up against Mizuki's throat.
“I don't know what you're talking about you little bastard.” Mizuki replied. He pushed the kunai up a little more and put most of his weight on the man's' chest. “Tell me how and why you killed Sakura and Ino.”
“Never.” He replied.
Naruto pulled the kunai away from his throat and thrust it into the man's arm. He screamed in agony as it quickly went in and was thrust back out. “Tell me now or I stab you again.” Mizuki didn't say a word and after a minute, Naruto thrust the knife into the other arm. “How about now?” He still didn't talk. Naruto added more weight by pushing his knee into Mizuki's stomach. He winced slightly. “OK!”he screamed,” I'll tell you. But afterwards you have got to get you damn knee out of my stomache and let me breath!” Naruto ignored the request and added more pressure to the man's torso. He winced but began to speak regardless.
“I wanted to destroy you like you destroyed me.” He explained through pain , taking in deep breaths at a time.” I hated you. Always have and always will. You and that thing are nothing but trouble!” Mizuki lifted his legs and sent Naruto flying through the air. He painfully landed on the ground near tree stump. Naruto tried getting up but was forced to lay back down as Mizuki pushed all his weight onto Nauto's body. “I did it. You me brat?” he hissed. “I had it all planned out. I had overheard you and those other rookies making plans, so I disguised myself as you and told dear little Sakura that the meeting spot had been changed. When you left to go to the theater, I went to your apartment, picked the lock, and waited. When she came in she had no idea it was all a set up. As she shut the door, I grabbed her from behind and snapped her neck on the spot. She didn't even attempt to fight back. “
“Ok …that...explains Sakura, but what…about Ino?” Naruto asked through deep breathes. Barely able to breathe, his vision growing hazy.
“Oh it was rich. Just as I was about to leave your `home sweet home', the other girl walked in. Apparently Miss Sakura had informed her of the spot change. She actually tried to save her life. But in the end, I was able to strangle her. She thought kicking and scratching would work but it didn't. And I left them both in your apartment while I got away with murder. Do you know who my next target is going to be Mr. Uzumaki?” Naruto wanted to answer do something. But there was too much weight on him.  He struggled to move as he saw Mizuki withdraw a kunai to Naruto's throat. He knew what was about to happen. If he didn't do anything he was about to die. “Say goodbye to your pitiful life Naruto!” Mizuki shouted. But just as the kunai was about to penetrate his throat, a shot went off and Anko came out from nowhere holding a 9 mm. pistol. “Drop your weapon, Mizuki or this next shot won't miss!” Mizuki looked from her to Naruto and back again. “Drop the weapon or I will kill you.” He made no attempt to drop the kunai. After a moment passed, Anko shot, Mizuki screamed in pain, and Naruto could breathe again. Naruto slowly sat up from the ground and looked over at Mizuki. Three elite ninja were surrounding him; one was putting handcuffs around his wrist, another put cuffs around his ankles while the third kept him on the ground. Anko walked toward Naruto.
“You ok?” she asked
Yeah, just a little bruising. Nothing major.” He replied still trying to get his breathing back to normal.
“Ok kid. You're free to go.”
“Thank you ma'am.” He said bowing slightly
“No problem. Now go tell that Hinata the good news before she gets sick with worry.”
“You got! See ya lady Anko. Tell Kakashi and Sasuke I'll catch up with them later as well!” he shouted as he headed towards the door.
She nodded as he left. She'd never seen that kid happier. “Now Mizuki,” she said turning back to him, “How many years do you think we should keep you in prison for this time?”
 Naruto ran out the door and looked around. He spotted her immediately and shouted “Hey Hinata, Hinata!” She got and ran towards him. Worry spread across her face.
“Whats wrong, Naruto?” she asked nervously.
“Not a thing.But were should we go for dinner?” He asked kissing her passionately.
Gently pulling back, he gazed into her pale blue eyes. There was a huge smile across her face. She laid her head on his chest and whispered,” I'm so proud of Naruot. I knew you'd pull through.” It was true they'd done it. Mizuki was going off to prison and he and Sasuke were off the hook. The case was no more.  Naruto took a step back, still holding her hands and asked, “So have you decided where we should go eat? Cuz I was thinking of that sushi spot you love so much.”
“You mean it?” she asked, looking slightly taken aback.
“Yeah I do.” He replied.
And with that decided, they walked off towards the restaurant.
Three days later, Naruto was able to move back into his apartment and a small funeral was being held for the dearly departed. At the funeral, the caskets were closed and had sakura blossoms spread across the top for Sakura and Roses for Ino. To make the day even more depressing, it was raining like the day the of old man hokage. Naruto looked up and down his row. To the left, were Kakashi, Sasuke, and Neji. And to his left, were Hinata, Asuma, Shikamaru, and Choji. He didn't have a clue who was behind him and only knew that Mr. and Mrs. Haruno/Yamanaka were in front of him because they were the ones who seemed the most depressed. He didn't dare look at the casket or anyone around him for fear of bursting into tears himself. He stared at the ground. Listening to the sobs of Hinata,the parents in front of him, and other family members and friends who came to pay their respects. When it was over, he took Hinata by the hand and looked her dead in the eye. Her eyes a red and swollen from crying and a face extremely pale. But ignoring those features, he spilled his guts. He told her of how much he loved her and how much he cared for her. He told her how he would die for her. And she told him how she felt the same. A weight was lifted and they were safe once again. Just like he said, they made it through together.
~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~