Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My ANBU Hime's ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My ANBU Himes
Summary: Pure sex fun with Anko/Hana/Naruto. Maybe Kurenai & Yugao if I can get them inn or expand the story! Hope u like it hehe! Time: Naruto just passed his exams by catching Mizuki with more display of power then he had shown before the real test. Aka: he had been holding back and he is around mid chunin too high chunin maybe low jounin level! Goes after the real series with a few twists!
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any characters in it nor do I make any profit for writing this story. Am doing this for reviews, improvement of my writing skills and to put my perverted mind at ease!
Naruto was silently jumping on the rooftops making his way toward the hokage-tower too get his genin picture taken. He had failed his original genin exams because he didn't manage the bunshin, but what he didn't know was that his chakra output was too high. He had stopped Mizuki from getting the forbidden scroll after he had been tricked by him. Naruto had learned 2 kinjutsu from the scroll and the rest he had copied on a scroll he had brought with him. The techniques he had learned were kage bunshin and shunpo.
Kage bunshin was actually very easy to learn, he had only used 10 minutes on the technique to fully make 10 clones. Shunpo was the real hard one to learn, he spent the rest of the time on it before Iruka had gotten there. He managed to get a few feet in a single burst, nothing combat worthy, but still it was progress.
He had known of the Kyuubi for a while now, during an attack when he was five years old he ended up in front of the gates of Kyuubi's cell. He had talked to it for a few hours and had come to an agreement that he let the fox get to sense what he did. In return Naruto would receive training from the demon.
Although it somehow ended with finding out that Kyuubi was actually female and doing something that would change his life forever.
He didn't like walking among the crowd in the streets because they always called him things like hell-spawn, demon and the likes of. Naruto did not want his good mode ruined some idiot villager and stuck to the rooftops. He reached the tower had his picture taken, not with the face paint, but with the Konohamaru scene. When he left the tower he went to get some ramen from his favorite ramen-stand.
“Oi, Ayame 10 miso ramen on the double!” Naruto shouted at the young woman's back. She nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden shout; she slipped on some grease making a stack of bowels fly into the air. Naruto saw that this could get ugly; his face lost his fake happy smile and narrowed in concentration just for a moment. Just as the first bowel was about to hit the ground he moved. In a burst of speed he had caught all the bowels and Ayame before they hit the ground.
Ayame just looked up into the blonds face with a bit frightened and astonished expression. She didn't know why, but she felt safe in his arms. `I have never really noticed, but Naruto is actually very attractive. Gorgeous cerulean blue eyes, spiky blond hair, his whiskers making him look cute as well as animalistic and…….WHAT THE FUCK AM I THINKING!!!'
“Sorry if I scared you Ayame-chan.” The blond replied a bit guiltily looking down at her spooked face.
She quickly snapped out of her daydreaming state of her and her blond friend in some…inappropriate positions.
“Huh, ho no it's fine, I was just a bit surprised that's all.” She gave the blond a full blown grin and added. “So are you going to hold me forever until death do us part, or are you going to let me go so I can make you some ramen?”
Naruto's face turned a nice cherry like red, before stuttering apologies making her smile. `Hehe, I still got it' she thought as he pushed her up to her feet with the outmost ease. It was so like Naruto to act this way, but she didn't know it was just it, an act.
“He he, don't worry about it Naruto-kun, am just joking with you.” She smiled and kissed his cheek. “10 miso ramen coming right up!” As she walked in the back of the ramen stand to make the noodles. Naruto was just standing there with a red face watching her swaying her hips as she walked in the back of the stand where the kitchen was.
After she disappeared Naruto broke out a mischievous grin as he thought of what just happened. He sighed before going around the counter sitting down laughing silently to himself a little while.
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“AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG, AM SO HORNY I COULD SCREAM!!!” Inuzuka Hana roared at her teammate. Moon cycles were a bitch for an Inuzuka, being that they was almost part dog.
The purple pineapple snickered at her teammate distress. “He he, you just did! Go find a dildo or something and get off on it!”
“Shut up Anko.” She spun around glaring at the snake-wielding Jounin. “Besides it won't do any good, I have tried that and still it will come back again almost right after!” She was standing there crying anime tears and sobbing.
“Get yourself a man then!” Anko said like it was an everyday thing.
Hana just looked at her friend with great annoyance in her gaze, making Anko look at her in return.
They looked at each other for a while until Anko could not stand it anymore and asked. “What!!!”
Hana just rolled her eyes at her friend. “Since when did any of the men in Konoha come close to be satisfying in any way EVER? They probably just screw until they are satisfied and leave it at that, not to mention ALL men in Konoha are pigs!”
Anko just sighed and just gave a nod saying. “True, all too true. So what are you going to do then?”
They both went in a thinking pose before Anko answered her own question. She gave her a dangerous smirk on her face that sent shivers down Hana's spine.
“What if we kidnapped a guy tied him down and had our wicked way with him!!!” Anko finished with a silly grin on her face.
“And who should that guy be? Kakashi?…Asuma?” Hana countered with a bit of distaste in her voice.
“Kakashi, HELL NO, I don't want that pervert anywhere near my private parts. Besides he will not be easy to capture, he may be a pervert, but he is still an ex-ANBU captain.” Anko said weighting their options. “As for Asuma, naw, he is too good of a ninja to be captured and he may be Kurenai's boyfriend in the near future!”
“We need one that's not to powerful, preferably chunin and below, one that do not have too much authority among people in Konoha and not some ugly pig!” Hana concluded.
Anko was in deep thought until a look of revelation came across her face. “How about Iruka, the one that teaches at the academy?”
Hana thought about it for a moment, but sighed in defeat. “We can't take him, he will be reported missing by the academy in the morning when he fail to show!”
“Kotetsu and Izumo?” Anko was getting desperate now.
“They have guard duty for the rest of the month!”
“But that the last of the chunins I could even consider having near me without killing them, the rest are complete pigs!”
“Then we will just have to find a genin to satisfy our needs!”
“Yea, but almost all genin are clan heirs and Gai's team is a no go! Unless you get turned on by a Hyuga creep or screams of youth while doing it!” They both gave out shivers at the last part.
“Let's NOT mention that EVER again as long as we live! Deal?”
“We still have our problem at hand, who to kidnap for our little play time.”
“Why don't we scout the streets for someone to play with?” Hana suggested.
“Might as well do that, I can't figure who to take so why not!” Anko agreed.
With that they got up from the couch and out of the HQ to find the `unlucky' victim to play with.
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After his ramen arrived, he ate it, used shunpo to flicker behind Ayame, held her closer to him and whispered in her ear a “Thank you for the meal…and everything else!” Then he kissed the nape of her neck and flicked away.
After she opened her eyes not even noticing when she closed them, but figured that it must have been around the time he held her close and now noticing she was slightly panting.
` What. The. Hell. Was that just now.' She thought just as she looked at where he was sitting and got red in the face. If it was from the flush she had on her face a minute ago or the fact that he just left her with a tower of ramen dishes and no pay.
`That cute little innocent bastard!!! He actually did an eat & run on me! Oh he is sooooo getting it the next time he comes around.' Thought Ayame with a devilish smirk on her pretty face that made her look like a fox. She then walked out of the stand and started down the streets thinking of how to get back at him. Among her thoughts was…well…um……Let's just say some of the things would make Ibiki pale in fright and skewer up in the nearest corner.
Somewhere in Konoha, Naruto felt a shiver go up his spine and the feeling of an independent doom wash over him as he walked down the street. He looked around franticly, but saw nothing.
`Must be my imagination, but it still won't hurt to be cautious.' Thought the blond as he was on *yellow alert* in his mind. (extra cautious state!).
`Right now I need to get to the academy so I can find out what team I am being put on. Hope it's with someone that actually cares about being a ninja and not some slacker, fangirl or things like that.' Naruto thought giving a shiver at the fangirl concept. A flash of a pink haired banshee went through his mind.
He left towards the academy and arrived as Iruka was done with his little speech about the responsibilities of a ninja, since they were now genin. Naruto was met with a glare from Iruka and all the eyes from the rest of the class, he was just about to go and find himself a seat when Iruka spoke.
“And where did you come from stranger, didn't I tell you to always be punctual. Your…” He looks at the clock at the on the wall, then back at Naruto. “…an half an hour late. Care to explain yourself?”
He didn't mean to snap at him, but he couldn't deny that he was worried about the blond. Naruto was like a brother to him, and when he saw the boy's skill against Mizuki he felt like he didn't know the real Naruto. The Naruto that was standing infront of him now was different from the orange wearing, loudmouthed, ramen obsessed gaki he was familiar with.
Here was a Naruto in a red sleeveless v-split shirt with fish netting under, black ANBU pants with a crimson Chinese dragon design with golden linings coiling around his left leg. He was wearing black ANBU amour and arm guards made of cloth, but he suspected that it was metal just underneath a thin layer or cloth because it was a few cm thicker than usual. He had normal ANBU shin guards only black instead of standard gray, completed with just a regular blood red bandana on his forehead to hold up his hair. His original headband he had gotten from Iruka was on his belt to the left-front showing the symbol of the leaf on it.
Everyone was looking at him like he had grown a second head, for a moment he wondered if he should just have worn that horrible orange jumpsuit after all. Going home changing after he had eaten at the ramen stand may have been a mistake.
He looked up to Iruka after scanning the crowd and smirked at his teacher. “Nothing big, I just overslept a bit. Hehe.” He said scratching himself behind the head in his usual maner.
Iruka smiled inwardly thinking. `Well, at least some things do not change. What is it that Kotetsu always say, *same shit, different wrapping*, guess I know now what he means by that.'
Iruka just nodded and said that he could sit down with the rest of the graduates when the banshee from hell screamed out. “HEY, WHY IS NARUTO-BAKA HERE? HE SHOULD BE HOME WITH HIS MOMMY CRYING HIS EYES OUT OVER THAT HE FAILED AS USUAL!!!”
After the ringing from everybody's ears finally stopped Iruka answered with a Big-head no jutsu. “SILENCE, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD SHUT UP! Naruto is here because he graduated under different circumstances; he did something equivalent to a B-rank mission and passed where even I failed. Now shut up and let's get on with the team announcements.”
Everyone had eyes as big as saucers at what Naruto had managed, doing something equivalent to a B-ranked mission was no small feat. Over by the window Uchiha Sasuke was pissed off that the dobe of the class had done something he hadn't.
“Everyone here is the teams, so shut up and listen!” He stopped and saw that for once they actually were paying attention. `Why can't they be so attentive in class?'
“Team 1…Team 7 is Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hanabi and Uchiha Sasuke under Hatake Kakashi. Team 8 is Aburame Shino, Inuzuka Kiba and Hyuga Hinata under Yuuhi Kurenai. Team 9 is active so team 10 is Akimichi Choji, Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Ino under Sarutobi Asuma. Please wait here for your senseis to arrive.” Iruka then started packing to leave the premises; he had other things to do now that the academy was finally over.
Well that was until an annoyed voice reached his ears. “Hey sensei why didn't I get to be on a team, you didn't put me on one?!”
Iruka stopped packing and starred at Naruto for a moment.
`Hehe, the dobe didn't even get a team. What a loser, serves him right for showing off like he did with his new clothes and the B-ranked mission. Does not matter, he is still just a dobe with no friends.' Guess who that was.
`Hihi, that's what you get for showing off in front of my precious Sasuke-kun. Stupid Naruto-baka, does not even know when to just let the ones that really matter in this world forward in the spotlight' a pink haired banshee thought as she watched what was happening in front of her.
The thought of the others in the room was just looking at the scene, wondering what was going to happen to the blond knuckle-head ninja.
“Well it happens to be an uneven number this year so you much either wait for a new batch of graduates or if anyone one of the other teams team members dies” Iruka finally answered the young demon carrier. “So until then you just have to train by yourself, improve and wait for orders from the Hokage. You may not have a team yet, but your still a ninja of this village and follow the orders from the Hokage.”
Naruto just nodded, and then smirked. Iruka saw this and asked what he was up too. “Can I still take missions?” asked the hopeful blond.
“That I don't know, but you can always ask Hokage-sama about giving you a few missions. So why don't you go see him now, they're supposed to be on a lunch break about now so he is probably free for now” Iruka said and smiled at him.
Naruto gave one of his trademark grins and said he'll do just that. He then jumped out the window of the classroom down to the courtyard, before making his way towards the gates. He proceeded to put a Henge on himself seeing the reactions he got from his classmates. He didn't need any more attention to himself for making people wondering what was up with him wearing those clothes.
After Naruto put the Henge up he left to find the Hokage.
In the streets of Konoha around the time Naruto was at the academy finding out about the team arrangements .
“ARRRRRRRG, not one of these are kidnap-able. Either they are surrounded by friends, assholes or to important to get away with unnoticed” Hana was getting frustrated and Anko was not fairing any better. Hana had been letting off pheromones and it was affecting Anko big time.
After a still fruitless search Hana saw an old friend walking in the streets, she told Anko and they both went down to her.
“Hey Ayame, Long time no see!” Hana said while taking Ayame in for a hug.
“Hey Hana, well yes it's been a long while since last time. What's up with that?” Ayame said pulling away from her long time friend.
“Well, I have been busy doing ANBU duties and such, it's a real drag sometimes and it takes up a lot of my time” Hana responded sadly.
Ayame got an understanding look on her face. “I see who is that you're with?” She said looking at Anko who was looking her up and down with a lecherous smirk on her face. Ayame felt a little nervous around her, but oddly excited at the same time.
`I really need to clear my head, first Naruto now this!'
Hana saw this and just had to shake her head at Anko's antics. “This is…” “Anko Mitarashi, snake mistress of Konoha!” Anko interrupted Hana in mid sentence and finished with a proud smile on her face.
“Oooooki, what are you guy's up to?” Ayame asked bit curious on what two ANBU operatives was running around the streets for.
“Nothing special, just trying to find a guy who's apparently very hard to find!” Responded Hana. “It's a pain and a bitch to find that guy; he is just nowhere to be seen. We have been looking everywhere for him, but we turn up with nothing” finished Anko.
Ayame looked like she was in a thinking pose before asking. “Is it Naruto you are looking for, I know everyone has a hard time catching him when he has done something.”
Hana and Anko just looked at each other with a questionably look on their faces, then turned to Ayame. “Who is Naruto?” They said at the same time as the other.
Ayame just looked dumbfounded at them. `Who the hell don't know Naruto, he is like the most wanted in all of Konoha.'
“You really don't know who he is?” They just shook their heads at her. “Uzumaki Naruto?” She asked again and got the same shake of the head. She got a distaste in her mouth at what she was going to say the next. “The demon child?”
Hana and Anko were prowling the streets for this Uzumaki Naruto character, after what they had heard from Ayame this was the perfect guy to kidnap for their fun.
He had almost no friends, everyone hated him, he was the dead last of the new genins, he was an unimportant individual in Konoha, no one will notice that he was gone for a long while and finally, jinchuuriki equals stamina.
He was practically too good to pass up. When they thought about it, it was sad that he didn't have any friends in the world. The life of a jinchuuriki was a very hard one, and many went insane as the years went by.
They stopped when they saw an orange clad boy walking through the streets with his smiling facade up. All he received in return was glares and whispering of “it's the demon child” before the parents hid their children from him.
Hana was starting to have doubts about this and voiced them to Anko. “Anko, are you sure about this, I mean doesn't it look like he has enough trouble in his life as it is?”
Anko just replied with. “We may be doing him a favor, he may never have sex with a girl with his `condition' ever! So let's do this before he disappears on us” with that they struck.
First Anko flew by him with a chop to his neck making him lose unconsciousness and before he fell to the ground Hana grabbed him. To the general populace he just seemed to disappear. After they got him they left towards Anko's apartment.
They strung him up to the bed by his limbs and got the last knot in place before he woke up.
He woke up with a minor headache and was about to touch his forehead only to find out he couldn't move his hands. He opened his eyes with a start and looked around the room seeing his own situation. He was strapped up to a bed by his limbs, was only in his boxers and there was two others in the room with him.
“Who are you? What do you want with me?” He asked them while testing the ropes pulling on them. He found out that with some wind manipulation chakra he could slice them with no problems, but first he wanted to find out what these two wanted from him.
The one with the pineapple hair took out a kunai and smirked. “We are here to take from you what makes you a boy....” As she closed the distance with the kunai in hand.
Naruto just went big eyed as she approached and got ready to slice the ropes, then he heard her finish the sentence. “…and make you a man!”
**********************Here it begins LEMON WARNING************************
With that sentence she sliced his cheek, licked the blood off it then sliced his boxers off and grabbed his little warrior.
If it was possible his eyes widened even more as his `little demon' was squeezed by the woman atop and the second one was undressing in the back.
While one was licking his cheek he couldn't help thinking. `Am screwed, royally screwed in every sense of the word and am loving every minute of it. Forget freeing myself, am going to enjoy the ride.'
He decided that he would act innocent and not know what they were doing to him.
“What are you doing, are you going to try and kill me like all the others?” Naruto asked in a frightful voice that was all an act.
“Oh no, far from it actually. Am going to let you feel what being a man feels like!” Anko said while looking at his warrior drooling.
Anko turned her head to her friend and said. “Hana, we scored big time. He is at least 9, possibly 10 inches and you're what 14 years old?”
“13” Naruto said meekly.
“Even better!” said Anko while lairing at him with a smirk and a little drool sliding down the crook of her mouth. By now Hana was naked and sat down next to Anko with a small blush on her face.
“Are you ready?” Asked Anko and before he had the chance to answer she had his cock in her mouth. If his mind wasn't mush before, it certainly was now.
She was twirling his member around with her tongue, sucking hard and then stopping for a moment, then starting up again. She didn't want him blow his load too soon and she was just starting.
Hana was watching all this and only got hornier by every suck Anko gave him. She started to kiss her way up his chest from his naval to his left nipple. She circled the nipple a few times before the grabbed it between her teeth, dragged it up a bit and then releasing it.
Meanwhile Naruto was groaning under their ministrations and knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He hung on for a while longer not wanting this feeling to go away, but had to give inn the end.
“Damn, am going to blow” he said before Anko felt his member twitch and began to suck even harder. With a grunt he released inside her mouth and shot five streams of semen in her awaiting mouth. She started to gulp down mouthful after mouthful not wanting to miss a drop of the warm liquid.
Anko found that it tasted kind of like ramen, she grabbed Hana off Naruto's chest and kissed her. Anko gave Hana the last mouthful she had through the kiss giving a taste for her also.
Naruto just got out of his orgasmic haze and was greeted by this lovely sight, making his little demon spring to life again. Hana started to moan into the kiss, feeling Anko's tongue playing with hers after she dropped something that oddly tasted like ramen in her mouth.
When the girls finally broke for air they looked at Naruto who was by now a panting, whimpering mess with very `hard' looking problem. This time it was all frustration and no act.
Anko leaned into Hana's ear and whispered “Your turn, give him all you got you horny bitch!” in a voice coated with lust. If it was possible, Hana only got hornier by the dirty talk Anko was whispering in her ear.
Hana couldn't keep herself in check any longer and she crashed her lips against Naruto's hard. She broke the kiss and said in what almost sounded like a growl “Make this worth my while and I'll give myself to you!” and then she kissed him again.
Hana then proceeded to turn around ending up in a 69 position on him, giving him free access to her dripping snatch. Naruto took his head towards her drenched pussy and took a long sniff at it. He had never done this before, but he had read a few Icha Icha books and knew what she wanted.
Naruto gave her a long test lick making her squirm in ecstasy at his rough tongue. She gasped and went down on him, licking and sucking to her heart's content.
Naruto stopped after the test lick deciding to figure out the taste `Hum, tastes like…salty gum bears, yummy.'
Hana felt him stop and was about to yell at him for stopping when a shout of “SALTY GUM BEARS!!!” rang through the hole room. Right after she felt him vigorously attack her dripping pussy making her scream out loud.
While the other two was going at it Anko was watching and fingering herself in the process, though she could not help but sweatdrop at the shout of `salty gum bears'. She could not wait until she could ram that hard cock strait up her hole and just ride him out until he was as dry as the desert.
Anko finally a few minutes after rubbing her clit furiously, came with a half satisfied moan. She always found out that she received heighted senses after an orgasm and now she was noticing something was off.
Anko crawled up the bed to get a good look at Naruto's face and noticed that something wasn't indeed right. `Genjutsu' she thought and did a hand seal, gathered a good deal of chakra and said “KAI.”
The word startled Hana a bit and she moved to turn around and look at what Anko was starring so intently at and what made her say that.
After two resounding popping sounds the clothing heap in the floor was turned back to the original clothes he wore, but the last was what blew them both away.
There was the same Naruto, but with a few new features that wasn't there before. Now he had claws on his hands and fangs prodding from under his upper lip.
Naruto was so surprised at Anko's actions, his eyes shot open from their closed state and made an attempt to bolt up and head for the window, but forgot about the bindings.
When he opened his eyes they were surprised yet again to see slits inside the cerulean orbs instead of the normal round pupils. Now Naruto knew they saw the real him and did something that the normal Naruto would never do, he cursed silently under his breath.
“Oh for fucking crying out screaming loud, why the fuck did this shit has to happen right at this fucking moment! I swear the motherfucker Kami-sama himself is laughing and plotting to have me die a virgin just to fuck my life over.” Naruto grumbled with one seriously annoyed voice.
Naruto only keep on grumbling waiting for the two girls too run out screaming about demons. After a minute or so it was deadly silent and he raised his head only to look that the girls was still there. Given that they had eyes the size of saucers; they were still there inside the room.
“Why aren't you two leaving?” Naruto asked really curious and with a puzzled expression to boot.
They just sat there speechless looking at the `new' Naruto in front of them, his eyes, his fangs, his claws,...his ears too! Anko's thoughts were going like `what.the.fuck that was unexpected!' and Hana was like `O MY GOD, KAWAIIIIII!!!'. Then again anything similar to a dog in anyway was cute in her eyes, and a boy with similar features was defiantly a cutie in her book.
The silence was unnerving for Naruto as he didn't know what to do at that exact moment. He could cut the ropes with wind elemental chakra and escape or stay and find out how they would react when they did react.
His musings was cut short when a very girlish squeal of “KAWAIIIIII!!!” rang out trough the room and was fiercely embraced by an overly happy Hana. Naruto just sweatdropped and Anko just looked deadpanned at the weird scene before her.
Hana was mumbling about dogboys, kawai and something that sounded oddly like `all mine' while hugging Naruto against her breasts. “Am a half fox demon damnit, not a dog!” Naruto was a little miffed that she called him a dogboy.
Anko was just starring at the two wondering what the hell was happening when something Naruto registered in her mind. `Naruto is a half fox demon!?
Anko interrupted Hana's kawai parade and asked “how come you're a demon?” That made Naruto flinch, remembering the events that led him to become a half demon.
“Kyu-chan turned me after I had been beaten to an inch of my life when I was five years old, she did it to save me from death!” Naruto hung his head at the painful memory. Anko saw the look on his face and it reminded herself of her until she was accepted into ANBU.
Now Hana had a question that left her hanging with a funny thought. “Naruto, did you just say Kyu-chan?” Realizing his mistake he gulped and heard a vice inside his head. “You stupid little shit, you just had to tell them that little bit of information you little twerp. Now my reputation is going to be shot to hell, at least they know what power the feline possesses.”
`Sorry Kyu-chan, I didn't do it on purpose I swear. It just slipped out.' Naruto thought as he knew that she could read his mind. “Just keep the ones that know to a minimal number or there will be hell to pay!” with that said he cut the connection and went to sleep.
“Yes the Kyuubi is a she and she does not want her reputation to be shot to hell so don't tell anyone! I don't know what she will do it to me if she discover that the world know of her secret.” He gave a shiver at the thought.
The two girls just nodded and promised that they wouldn't tell a soul.
“So what are we going to do now?” Asked Anko.
“I don't know!” Said a somber Naruto.
“Am still horny so am voting for a good fuck!” Anko and Naruto just looked at Hana incredulously. “What, am not going home empty-handed and besides I think Naruto is releasing pheromones because am even hornier then before so give me that dick!”
With that said Hana jumped on him and aligned his cock with her slit and sat down on him making him groan out and herself scream. He was way too big to take in one go and it stretched her to the limit, all the while loving every second of it. Pain and pleasure in the same mix made an unbelievable combination that Hana was very pleased with.
“YESSS, YOUR SO BIG NARUTO-KUN, GIVE ME ALL YOU'V GOT YOU BIG STUD!!!” Hana screamed while riding him faster and faster with each increasing moment. “Holy shit you're so fucking tight you bitch!” Naruto managed to groan out for beneath her. He kept pumping in her pussy meeting her trusts as she came down on him. “YES, CALL ME A BITCH, CALL ME YOUR BITCH, LOVER BOY!”
Anko was just watching from the sidelines as her friend viciously pumped herself onto the lucky boy. After a few minutes she found herself fingering her slit unconsciously while watching the two going at it. `This is so wrong on so many levels, but oh so exiting' Anko thought too herself grinning and found that she was wanting more than her just fingers.
Coming to that conclusion Anko went from the side of the bed to Naruto's face and kissed him passionately for a few minutes. When she broke from his lips she was grinning like a mad woman, and considering her reputation around the village it wasn't far from the truth.
“Don't neglect me Naru-chan” Naruto returned her grin “would not dream of it!” Satisfied with his answer she got up and sat down on his face, grounding her pussy onto his awaiting mouth. Then she sang out loud as he continued his assault on her folds, and he hadn't started on her ball of a clit yet. Suddenly the screams got louder on both ends, Naruto had discovered the fleshy numb and Hana's breasts were being fondled by Anko.
Their moans and screams could be heard all over Konoha and the neighbors were cursing in their beds trying to get some sleep. Kakashi who was lying right beneath Anko's apartment, making her bedroom right above his, was silently grumbling under the covers. Anko never had any lovers as long he could remember, they were ether turned down or didn't want anything to do with her. They didn't want to be associated with the apprentice of the treacherous snake sannin. Then to top it all he heard Gai shout something about *springtime of youth be damned* from the other side of the wall.
The world as Kakashi knew it was turned upside down at the moment and it looked like he was bound to be up all night with a boner after trying to picture what was going on upstairs. `To hell with it' with that thought he pulled down his boxers, grabbed his icha icha paradise from his nightstand drawer, grabbed his dick with the other hand and went to town. `At least I can get some good out of it, icha icha with audio' he thought as he was jacking off under the covers.
Back upstairs where the three where going at it like bunnies in heat, Hana was furiously slamming herself onto Naruto dick with him meeting her halfway there. Anko was grinning her hips onto Naruto's face while suckling and fondling Hana's breasts, they all had multiple orgasms still not stopping for a break. They had been going at it for a very long while, a few hours at the very least, but time and space was void in that room. The only thing that existed was raw lust, passion, pleasure and utter fulfillment.
After the fifth….or was it sixth orgasm Anko grew a little tired of getting licked all the time, not that he was bad with his tongue mind you he was very satisfying in that area, but she too wanted to feel his rod making turmoil of her insides. So in a moment of want she pushed Hana on her back making Naruto slip out of her with a loud plop before she aligned his dick at her entrance. Anko stopped there and played with it for a little, rubbing it around her slit making him whine at the loss of warmth and to make her stop her teasing.
“Beg for it Naru-kun, beg and I'll grant you entrance to Anko-sama hot warm pussy!” Anko said in a high almighty voice. She loved to make people beg, even though she had only used it on people she tortured with Ibiki, she figured she could do it while having sex. Only she underestimated her `opponent'. Uzumaki Naruto NEVER begged!!! He never begged for food, clothes, money or the likes in his entire life and he was not about to start now.
With a low “fuck it!” Anko heard a gust of wind, the sound of his binding being cut and the sound of Hana gasping as she saw what happened behind Anko's back. Anko tried to turn to get a look, but was pushed down against Hana's dripping cunt by her neck making her ass come a bit up. Before she could do anything to retaliate Naruto, now free from his bindings, came up from behind her and roughly entered her pussy all the way to the hilt making her scream out in pleasure. While inside her he lent in and said softly in her ear in a voice of lust. “I never beg Anko-chan!”
With that said and done he started to pound into her from behind at a fast pace. Hana was sitting in front a screaming Anko looking at the most erotic thing she had ever seen in her entire life. The sight was of two people lusting for one another, trapped in a dance of passion just riding them self into a place of pure lust and pleasure. She also knew that if she got anymore horny now she would go insane on a clinical level, so she did what any respective woman would do in her position. She grabbed Anko's head and dragged her down against her slit. Anko knew what she wanted and was only happy to obligate as she used the tongue technique that Orichimaru had showed her.
Even if the guy was a real bastard, a snake in the form of a human, he was a real shinobi. She could not help but to respect him for that, and the techniques he taught her was indeed useful to more degrees then one as she found out just now.
The sound of moaning, groaning and screaming was echoing around the room keeping everyone in the apartment complex wide awake. None of the three gave a damn as they were too busy to even come up with a coherent thought.
Naruto hardened inside Anko and started to up his pace even more, meaning that he was close to cumming. Anko felt this and knew that he wouldn't last much longer, then again so wouldn't she, Anko was fast nearing her own orgasm and it was going to be a big one. Hana, being mommy's good little girl had cum two times already under Anko's long coiling tongue.
“Anko am going to blow!” Naruto stated with a strained voice, and just as he said he came only a few seconds later. Anko felt him cream the inside of her folds and that made her moan very loudly as she herself came. The moan made her tongue vibrate inside Hana making her throw her head back and screamed out as her own orgasm hit the roof.
After that Hana plopped back on the bed as she passed out from too much pleasure and Anko withdrew her tongue from Hana's slit. Naruto released a sigh as he slid out of Anko's pussy dripping with his and her release and sat down on the bed. Anko's head whipped around to look at him with a disappointed look on her face.
“Are you done already?” She said as he just raised his head to look at her with a deadpanned expression on his face. He just sat there starring at her for a long time and it irked Anko to no end.
Then he finally spoke up “Anko am exhausted and am about ready to drop at any moment now, so…” He never got to finish that sentence an Anko suddenly whipped out a kunai from nowhere and held in against his balls.
“I don't give a damn, you going to fuck me more and you're going to like it!” She emphasized her last words with pressing the kunai to his balls giving him a light cut. Then she turned around and got on her hands and knees giving him a full view of her ass and pussy.
As Naruto saw this he started twitching madly `This bitch expects me just to do as she says and just take it! Oh snake girl you're to going to get it!' He then looked at her puckered anus and got a wicked idea `Oh yeah you're so going to get it!' He had in his mind as he came up behind her with a real fox grin on his face.
He aligned his dick at her pussy first and slowly bore his way inside her coating his member with the result of their previous fuck. She mewled as he went in her slowly, but as he took it all the way out she began to get annoyed.
“What the hell are you waiting for you useless little shitstain! I want it now and I want it hard and fast like before so get to it already!” She almost shouted.
`Oh I'll give you what you want!' With that thought he spread her ass-cheeks wide open and placed his cock against her anus.
Anko's eyes widened at what he was about to do. “NO WAIT, NOT IN THERE!” She shouted desperately, but he had made up his mind and plunged inside her butt hole.
The scream could be heard all the way to Kumo, and Kakashi cursed as he just had fallen asleep to be awakened by the woman's scream.
“ARRRRRRRG, Naruto I am going to kill you, but first rape my ass with that 10 inch pole of yours?” Anko said as she finally had relaxed enough. Naruto just sighed as he started to hump her behind. The hole was so tight around him he almost thought it would swallow up his entire cock and devourer it. He decided to get it over with and channeled some demon chakra his arms. The screams were pouring out of her as he took a hold of her ass and slammed against her in a speed no human creature could ever muster. To her credit she held out fifteen minutes off this torture until she succumbed to darkness after a mind splitting orgasm.
After the long, tiresome, sore and fucking awesome night, Naruto fell in between his two lovers and when out like a light with a giant grin on his face. There would be hell tomorrow and a shit load of explanations, but alas that was all tomorrow.
The fucking awesome end!
R&R people!!!
Peace & Love Bastard Omega.