Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Business ❯ My Business Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Several things were running through Sasuke’s mind at the time, and one of them was that this situation was definitly getting out of hand. Not only was he completely powerless to stop Itachi, but his mind was still processing the fact that this was not his imagination. No, it was real. It was happening. And Sasuke found himself wondering if Itachi was the one who had had perhaps one too many drinks. Otherwise, why....? He knew that his brother didn’t give a damn about him--the only reason he could come up with at the present time for him doing this, was because he knew it would torment him. Itachi had always been a sick bastard, and to go this far for the sake of his own amusement wouldn’t be much of a surprise the younger Uchiha.

“No,” was all Sasuke managed to hiss, before a long, warm hand began to lazily creep up along his belly. Itachi’s fingers left a burning, unsatisified feeling along his exposed skin, and despite himself, the boy’s breath hitched when he lowered his mouth. Their faces were close, and their breaths mingled together as black eyes bore into one another. Sasuke’s questioning, and Itachi... his expression as usual, unreadable.

The warmth accumlating in his lower belly was not quelled by the pressure of Itachi’s hips resting against his. It was unfair that he could put him in a position like this. Sasuke had been stupid. He could tell by the look on Itachi’s face that not only was this a game to him, but Sasuke was doing a piss poor job at winning it. Despite what he may have told him, what he may have told their parents, it was painfully obvious now that Itachi had been lying about it. He’d had no intentions of missing this family gathering---he was a respectable student, and believed to be rather intelligent, the type of person with a bright future. Not only that but since their father was very influential in the business world, for a person in Itachi’s situation, it would be almost rude to do what he had claimed he was going to do.

“Tell me how much you hate me.” he whispered, and shock reverberated throughout Sasuke’s entire body. His mind went blank at this request, and their current close proximity was forgotten. Making such a demand was cruel. Offhandedly, he would possess no qualms with muttering his detest for his brother. But he could detect the sincerity in Itachi’s words, and he no doubt expected it in Sasuke’s response. And when Sasuke took more time than he needed to reply, a smirk befell the other's previously solemn expression, and he closed the gap between their mouths, reminding the younger sibling of just exactly the kind of position he was in.

The kiss was not brutal like Sasuke had expected, and he was met with an almost yeilding mouth. He found it extremley difficult not to allow his tongue to be coaxed between the other's lips, and he would have commended himself for keeping his mouth closed, but Itachi rocked against his clothed hips and he gasped. Itachi did not fail to take this to his advantage, and he pressed his tongue against the boy's upper lip, slyly almost, before proceeding inside. Their kissing turned into something along the lines of a war then. Sasuke struggled for dominance, although it was hard given his current position, and Itachi showed no signs of allowing Sasuke to take over. Instead, he drove his tongue deeper, exploring his mouth with fervor. Sasuke managed to pull away and once his mind had cleared some, frantically fought Itachi off of him. He had always wondered what this would be like in all honesty, but to actually have it happening was an entirely different thing as opposed to his imagination. Not only that, but he had just thrown up for God's sakes. How could Itachi even think of doing something so... disgusting?

Once he had managed to wiggle himself from underneath his brother's body, Sasuke wiped his mouth with the heel of his palm, before yanking up the shirt that he had been wearing. It had slipped down his arms, and had been exposing far more skin than he would have liked. A warm flush washed over his pale flesh as hungry dark eyes swept over his body, before Itachi moved forward once more. Sasuke couldn't conceal the yelp that escaped his lips when the momentum of Itachi's body colliding with his sent them both over the edge of the bed. A dark head of hair hit the floor, momentarily sending Sasuke into a daze. As the dots cleared from his vision, he was mildly surprised--slightly horrified--to find that Itachi had constructed a make-shift rope out of his loosened shirt. He flexed his fingers, the veins greedily seeking blood as the circulation was cut off in his hands. They were tied up above his head, and the sleeves were fastened quite tightly to one of the legs of the bed they had just fallen off of.

“What the fuck Itachi,” he muttered, giving a violent yank of his arms. He was rewarded by a burning sensation as the material raked against his sensitive skin, and he cast an irritated glance to his older brother, who was looking over his handy work with a sick expression of satisfaction. This was enough to make Sasuke’s temper boil over, and he would have held his tongue, but the alcohol that still remained in his system helped to dull the more sensible part of his mind.

“You like this, don’t you? You’re disgusting!”

Itachi’s amusement was gone in an instant, and Sasuke did regret the words he’d uttered when he found himself once more face to face with his brother. Except this time, he looked pissed off. His body jerked when Itachi’s hand began to run the length of his thigh, and he shot a panicked look downwards before lifting his gaze back up to meet the other’s. Itachi had an irritated look in his eyes, but the smile that was slowly claiming dominance over his semi-swollen lips (from kissing me, Sasuke thought) resembled something along the lines of a malcious smirk. Without warning, long fingers curled around Sasuke’s clothed erection, and the bound youth had to forcefully bite back a moan by digging his teeth into his lower lip. The smirk that Itachi was then wearing grew, and he lowered his mouth to Sasuke’s ear as he gave another languid stroke upwards.

“How can you say I’m disgusting when you’re just as hard as I am?”

The words didn’t really register in Sasuke’s mind. Something warm was running along his chin--he briefly wondered if it was spit or blood, but he lost his train of thought when Itachi continued to lazily run his palm along the length of his clothed member. The friction from his pants and underwear felt sinfully delicious against his extremley sensitive arousal, and a soft pant slid passed his lips before he could register that it was even close to escaping his mouth. If Itachi kept this up... he didn't know what was going to happen. And as expected, Itachi did not relent with his hand like he hoped (or did he?) he would, and the warmth that was beginning to bubble inside of Sasuke's lower belly grew steadily hotter. Fingers clenching as he yanked his hands against his bindings, Sasuke fought the notion to just give up and blame his weak resolve on the alchohol.

“It feels good doesn’t it?”

Sasuke swallowed and closed his eyes. They were as tight as he could get them, and small balls of light were beginning to formulate along his closed lids. His toes curled when Itachi squeezed his cock, almost as if he were searching for an answer, and despite himself Sasuke uttered a small, strained; “Uh-huh.”

“I always knew you were a slut,” the older proceeded conversationally, as if he weren’t jacking off his younger brother. “I guess you wouldn’t be surprised if I were to tell you I was expecting this kind of reaction.”

Sasuke briefly wondered what had ever led Itachi to believe he was a slut, let alone be anything near permiscuous. He had fooled around with a few girls sure, but he had made sure that it wasn’t anything serious. For fuck sakes, he was still a virgin. Head spinning, he pressed his face into the side of his arm as Itachi relentlessly stroked him further and further towards the edge. Biting back a moan, in its stead Sasuke snapped, “I’m drunk--what’s your excuse?”

Itachi didn’t like this remark. Sasuke’s stomach curled at the look on his face, and were Itachis grip on his erection not so firm, he probably would have lost it all together. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol that was making him like this--normally he would take the verbal abuse from his brother. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t willing to accept the fact that what he was saying was true. If Itachi were to ask him to do anything right there, he would probably do it, no questions asked. But secretly, Sasuke had always wanted to please Itachi, to impress him. As the years went on though, he simply learned that a cold facade was the best way to avoid conflict, and socializing in general. Unfortunatly, this also meant taking all of the bullshit that his brother chose to throw at him. And, given his current circumstances, Sasuke really was in no place to be issuing insults and implications at Itachi.

“You try too hard little brother,” Itachi chided, and his hand slipped away from Sasuke.

He nearly whimpered.

“It’s so obvious that you try to hide everything. But what you don’t realize is that I can read you like a book.”

Leaning over him so that he had to support his weight with his hands, Itachi pressed a firm kiss to the underside of Sasuke’s jaw. Trailing his lips along his throat, he smiled against the shell of his ear. Sasuke shivered, and he could feel Itachi’s smile grow against his skin.

“I always could.”

The sound of buttons popping was so distant that it took a moment to realize what was happening. Itachi was undoing his pants. He was going to take them off.
Struggling ensued, and despite his rageing hard-on, Sasuke fought as Itachi tried to rip them from his legs. It was a rather difficult feit, as Itachi had the advantage not only because of the fact that he was tied up, but because he was stronger than him as well. It didn’t take much to pin his hips down and yank the trousers off. They were discarded in a messy pile by the opposite bed, and Sasuke let out a hiss when his fingers curled beneath the elastisized waistband of his boxers. In a sick, twisted sense, Sasuke wanted this to happen. He wanted to fuck Itachi. The only problem with this was that he knew his attraction to his brother went deeper than just a need for physical closeness. But it would be okay of he pretended otherwise, wouldn’t it?

In his mind, he couldn’t at that present moment and time, deduce any reason for it not being alright. Besides, who had to know? He highly doubted--no, he knew Itachi wouldn’t tell anyone. He never spoke much, and when he did decide to give his company the pleasure of his words, they were never about his sex life. Uchiha Itachi didn’t fuck and tell. It just didn’t suit his character. But then again... he was acting much different from his usual cynical, narssistic and distant self.
It wasn’t every day that he tied him to the leg of a bed and gave him a hand job.

Which brought him back to the events currently taking place. Blinking, Sasuke was surprised he’d drifted in his thoughts. He was also surprised to find that his boxers were down at his ankles, and Itachi was nowhere in sight. Anxiousness washed over him, and the struggle to free himself from his bindings began anew. This entire situation was retarded--how could he have let himself get this far? He would be humiliated for the rest of his life--he would never be able to face Itachi. At least not when his slim arousal was standing so proudly in the air for anyone to see. He just prayed that Itachi had closed the door--locked it, when they’d returned to the hotel room. He’d shoot himself if someone were to find him like this.

Footfalls dulled because of the carpet sounded, and Sasuke craned his neck so that he would be able to see who was coming. Itachi emerged from the bathroom, and relief momentarily flooded through the boy’s nervous system. Until he spotted the bottle of shampoo that was in his hand. Wary curoisty struck him, and Itachi didn’t even so much as spare him a glance as he dropped to his knees beside him. Popping the lid open, his dark eyes moved from the bottle to Sasuke’s questioning eyes. A dry, dark smile crossed his crafted lips, and arching a delicate brow, he asked in a voice laced with amusement, “Do you know what I’m going to use this for?”

“Do I want to?” Sasuke snapped, his voice coming out more frightened than he’d initially intended.

Squeezing the bottle with slim, strong fingers, Itachi waited until the thick gel ran onto his index and middl finger. Dropping the bottle beside his thigh, he grabbed the inside of Sasuke’s knee, and yanked it away from his other. His intentions became clear to the younger as soon as he’d forced his legs apart and inched between them, setting his bare ass in his lap. Sasuke let out a rather long stream of curses as Itachi’s free hand settled on a sharp hip bone, and he leaned over to make access to his entrance easier. The boy jumped noticeably when the tip of his index finger pressed against the tight ring of muscle, and when he grit his teeth, Itachi only smirked in response.

“You’re making this harder on yourself by resisting, Otouto.” Itachi said mockingly, as he slid his index finger past Sasuke’s tight entrance. When he’d had his finger buried up to the knuckel, he stopped, almost as if giving the younger boy time to adjust to the strange feeling. Sasuke did not relax, but he stopped fidgeting long enough for the pain to subside. He regretted it though, for as soon as he did, Itachi drove the rest of his digit all the way inside.

“Fuck,” Sasuke breathed as Itachi removed his finger, only to press it back inside, this time joined with a second finger, and deeper than the first penetration. The discomfort was dissipating though, and as Itachi’s digits ran along the nerves that Sasuke didn’t even know existed, his mind started to wander. He found himself envisioning what it would feel like to have Itachi inside of him instead of his finger and--it was only for a split second, but the feeling of extreme warmth washed over his entire body. It felt as if an electric shock reverberated from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes. His skin suddenly felt hypersensitive, and he let out a startled moan when it happened again. He could see, just barely through the tangled mess of his bangs, his brother’s smile. It was again a satisfied expression, and he began to writhe as Itachi repeatedly ran the tips of his fingers over his prostate. His hands were white now, and cold with loss of blood as he fought frantically against his bindings. Itachi’s hand simply held firm to his hip, naturally finding little difficulty pinning him in place as he brought him near his first orgasm.

“Itachi,” he panted, breathless now as an extremely pleasurable haze consumed him, “Itachi I’m--” He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he knew that the unbearable ache in his cock coupled with the sinfully delicious pressure increasing with each stroke of his brother’s fingers, was bringing him higher than he’d ever been before. He bit down hard on his lower lip to keep from whining any more, but when Itachi’s fingers wandered from his hip to curl around his erection, he choked on a scream and bucked against his fingers, before that warm hand gave a long, firm jerk upwards.

Sasuke saw stars as he came, and his body slumped lifeless against the floor and in Itachi’s lap when he was finished. His chest was heaving and there was a light sheen of sweat lining his lean, naked body. He didn’t even move when Itachi withdrew his fingers from his backside, and despite the thoughts that immediately began to swarm through his mind, the pleasant, sated afterglow of his orgasm was beginning to take effect. Eyelids heavy, he turned his head to Itachi, who simply smiled down at him sadisticly. His grip slackened on the boy’s now rather flaccid member, and he brought his hand up to his mouth, lazily running his tongue along his fingers. They were dripping with Sasuke’s essence, and he felt his cheeks color and grow uncomfortably warm upon witnessing the sight. He was too tired to say anything though, and simply laid there as Itachi finished what he was doing and untied him.

“You need to think about what you’re getting yourself into, Sasuke.” Itachi whispered against his lips, his hands wandering down to rub against the raw skin on the other’s wrists. They too slumped against the floor like the rest of his body, and he was only slightly aware of being lifted up and dropped back on to the bed.
A warmth encumbered him and he let the darkness that was weighing down his mind and pushing all of the things he knew he would regret later, into the distance surround him.

As he was drifting, he heard voices. A knot began to build in his stomach, and he rolled over.

“You’ll come back for more.” was the whisper he heard, before succumbing to the pleasant nothingness that was sleep.


A/N : So. If you haven’t noticed by now, I take a long ass time to update. But I do update. Eventually. <.<
Despite my love for ItachixSasuke, I had major issues with writing this chapter. I guess it’s because I don’t like being vulgar, but I got fed up with that and decided to change some of my...descriptive verbs. Hope you like. Read and Review please. <3