Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Cat Talks ❯ Found You ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Cat Talks &
Someone far back once told me “If you're going to love someone, at least do it properly.” Thinking on it, that cat had absolutely no idea what it was talking about. Yes, you heard me correctly; cat.
For those of you whom are still confused, a cat is a small carnivorous mammal domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet. What this dictionary fails to mention is that they are fickle, independent, rude, and don't follow the privacy rule.
I happened to run into such a cat, and let me tell you that I regret it. A LOT. This… animal is still driving me crazy; did I mention cats don't shut up? I think I've officially decided I am a dog person.
You seem a little shocked, confused. Heh, you probably think I'm crazy. Don't worry, this is a normal occurrence, but maybe I should enlighten you so you have a better understanding.
§Two Weeks Previous§
“WHAT?!” The silent clearing was interrupted with a loud yell, “WHAT DO YOU MEAN `NO MISSION'?!”
Sakura was right along beside her teammate lecturing their teacher about responsibility. Sasuke on the other hand, just stood there and let the two of them deal with it, there was really no point in arguing if two of them were already doing it for him.
“This is second time this week sensei.” Naruto finally hissed, panting a little because of his recent loud yells, “This is getting ridiculous!” Blue eyes narrowed into icy pools, something the other three witnessed very rarely. Frankly Sasuke and the others were wondering why the blonde was getting so mad.
“What's your excuse this time?” The blonde demanded, eyebrows rose in challenge, as if daring the older man to tell a lie.
The three other sweat-dropped, but then again…
Recently it came to the attention of the ninjas of team seven that their teacher had finally settled down with someone. Unfortunately, he didn't quite yet have the permission of that someone.
This `someone' was none other than Umino Iruka. Needless to say neither the teacher in question, nor student was pleased to discover this, and it has come to the attention of Naruto that the reason of Kakashi's lateness was because of `harass-Iruka-time'.
“Actually, the hokage herself declared no missions because of… your stunt yesterday.” Kakashi replied (surprisingly) truthfully, looking mildly embarrassed.
Naruto's face fell to a whiny pout, “She's never going to let that go, is she?”
“Not for a while.” Kakashi replied, honestly tired of the situation himself. Who knew that that woman could keep such a tight grudge?
The blonde let out a full body sigh, and slouched forward, “So… no missions?”
“Not for a while.” The silver-haired man repeated.
Naruto groaned and picked himself up, “So much for getting up, I actually came right on the dot this time too…” He muttered, walking away.
Sakura, who was most possibly more irritated than Naruto scowled the whole way back to her own home, not once asking Sasuke to walk home with her like she usually did. Yes, she was that tired and cranky.
Kakashi turned and looked at him with a questioning gaze, as if asking why he was still here. Not one to disappoint (though that's not really true) Sasuke snorted and left the clearing himself, knowing that if he turned around he wouldn't find Kakashi because the pervert of a teacher would have already left, eager to play his new game of cat and mouse.
Sasuke really didn't have anything to do, and he couldn't find Naruto anywhere so sparing with him was out of the question. Currently he was just wandering aimlessly throughout the streets looking for something interesting to do, he didn't want to go home just yet because he knew he would just lay there being bored out of his mind.
Half way through his second round he heard a small sound coming from one of the alleyways. Now, Sasuke's not a curious boy -just to let you know- but he was a ninja and so he deemed it necessary to find out what was cause of the noise.
Cautiously entering the shaded area he found none other than a cat, a small calico cat. Sasuke cocked his head to the side, and cutely, the cat did the same. Sasuke glanced around to see if anyone was watching before he bent down and held his hand out to the colorful ball of fur, “Hey little guy, where'd you come from?”
The cat mewed cutely and trotted towards him rubbing up against the boy's outstretched hand. Sasuke, being the generous ninja he was gave the cat a few scratches behind the ear before standing up, “See you later cat.” He said over his shoulder and continued on his way, now deeming it late enough to go home.
“But the kitty is so cute, how can you not take him home?” A voice rang out.
Sasuke stopped in his tracks and turned with wide eyes to the cat Did that cat…The small cat mewed cutely all the while enlarging, it's green eyes to impossible sizes. He could feel a tick starting at the corner of his right eye, something about that face reminded him of Naruto…
Impossible, cats can't talk…
The cat meowed again this time with more force as if saying `you know you love me…'
Sasuke -sighing at his broken iron of will- picked up the cat and cradled it in his arms. The cat mewed softly and snuggled in his arms purring loudly. Strangely, this ice prince found it cute!
“I guess…” Sasuke muttered with a forced annoyance, “Since you have no home, I can take you with me.” The cat mewled loudly and placed a small and cute lick to his cheek. A small blush came to Sasuke's cheeks and he quickly stuttered out, “D-don't get the wrong idea! I just can't s-stand to see a cat without a home. A-as soon as I find one for you, you're gone!”
A serious of meows could be heard from the prodigy's arms as he continued on home.