Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Everything ❯ Thinking ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Summary: While being in Sound, Sasuke has come to realize that he’s in love with Sakura. Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sai have all come to bring him back to Konoha. (A/N I know Kakashi isn’t supposed to be there but I wanted him to be instead of that Yamoto guy or however you spell his name.) Sasuke doesn’t want to tell Sakura he loves her because although it will make her the happiest girl in the world, Itachi is still out there. Unfortunately for Sasuke, life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect. Itachi ends up finding out about Sakura and now wants to kill her to get to Sasuke. Since he and Sakura got together, now he has to deal with his new relationship and Itachi. Oh, what’s a guy to do?
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto.
Chapter 1
Sasuke walked down the dirt path as thought swirled through his mind. He always went on walks because it helped to clear his head. Boy, did he have a lot to think about. He hated these thought because they were always the cause of his torment. Sakura, Itachi, Konoha, Naruto, Kakashi, even the rest of The Rookie 9 and Gai’s team.
Am I doing the right thing? Did I make the right choice when I decided to betray my village? I told myself I would do anything for power in order to destroy Itachi, yet some small part of me always thinks that I made the wrong decision. That I should have stayed in Konoha, that I could have gotten stronger there. I miss Konoha; it’s so cold and lonely here. I even miss that dobe. No matter how annoying he was, I still can’t help but miss him. I miss Kakashi as well. I wonder if he’s disappointed in me. Che, I don’t have to wonder that, I know he is. I told myself I don’t care what he thinks of me but I do. As much as I hate it, his opinion of me matters. I hate the thought of disappointing him. What about the rest? I know we were never really friends but we were comrades. Besides Neji, Tenten and Lee, we went to the academy together. A small part of me can’t help but care what they think of me. Even that bushy browed freak and Neji’s opinions matter.’
Sasuke continued walking down the dirt path, a frown on his face. He hated thinking about her the most. That stupid annoying girl, always asking him out on dates, always bothering him.
Che, annoying girl.’
He couldn’t help the tiniest of smiles that appeared on his face as he thought about her.
She’s the one I miss most of all. I don’t know when it happened but I fell in love. It pains me to not be with her.’
Sasuke let out a mocking laugh at the irony of it all.
I can’t believe I fell in love with her! I used to detest her and now I can’t imagine being without her.’
Whenever he thought of her, the image of her tear stained face before he left came to mind. It always brought him such agony to think about it. He knew her heart was breaking but he didn’t let that deter him from his goal.
I’m such a bastard.’
Sometimes he would wonder if Sakura still loved him or if she had found someone else. He always stopped those thoughts before they could fully develop because he couldn’t bear to know the answer. He always thought it was better to know than to not know but for these two questions, he didn’t want to know. He would rather live in ignorance than to know that Sakura had moved on or that she no longer loved him.
This is pathetic. I can’t stand to know the answer to two simple questions. I’m so weak.’
He stopped walking when he got to the entrance to the forest. The forest looked ominous with the bare trees and darkness.
Sasuke turned around and headed back to his room.
Sakura, do you still love me?’

Sakura sat on her window sill looking out into the night sky. As always, her thoughts were on Sasuke.
Why? Why couldn’t you stay here? I know you were happy here! Why couldn’t you have stayed?’
Even as these thoughts swirled through her thoughts, she knew why he couldn’t stay. Sasuke was so focused on revenge that he wouldn’t rest until he got it. He would do anything for power.
After all, he was the one who said he would sell his soul to the devil if need be.’
It had been three years since he had left, yet it seemed like yesterday. She remembered that night clearly. Her pleas for him to stay and his heartless response to her confession of love. Even though she was fifteen, in some ways she was still that twelve year old girl from long ago. She had never really recovered from Sasuke’s departure. Yes, she smiled and even laughed, but it was never completely real. She hadn’t really truly smiled or laughed since he left. She knew everyone could see it too. The ever present pain in her eyes, how her smiles never quite reached her eyes. Almost but not quite. How her laughs had this slight sound of pain that always accompanied it.
Despite all the pain he’s put me through, no, that’s not right, after all the pain I let him put me through, I’m still in love with him. Sometimes life can be so cruel. I’m in love with a guy who will never love me back.’ (A/N If only you knew the truth Sakura, if only you knew.)

Sun filtered through the room and onto Sasuke’s back. A bird was chirping and Sasuke groaned and burrowed deeper under the covers. After another minute of the bird chirping, Sasuke threw his covers off in anger. He stormed over to the window and roughly pushed it open.
The ninjas outside and everyone else within hearing distance sweat dropped at this. They knew that Sasuke was not a morning person and this was just proof to that statement.
He slammed the window back down and stormed back to bed, mumbling about stupid birds. He lay back down in bed and a few seconds later, his eyes popped back open.
You have got to be fuckin’ kidding me!’
He had to go to the bathroom. Sasuke had been so caught up in the bird, he had not realized this in his walk to and back from the window.
Sasuke heaved a sigh and got up from the bed.
A minute later, he crawled back into bed. He was just about to fall asleep when there was a crash outside.
The gods hate me!’
Sasuke growled as he got out of bed. He stomped towards the door and slammed it open.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?! I’m trying to sleep here!” Sasuke shouted his Sharingan activated.
The Sound ninja cowered away from him.
“I-I’m s-sorry! I d-dropped a p-plate!” He said.
The ninja further cowered away when Sasuke’s glare got deadlier. He was intimidating, even when he was just in a pair of boxers.
Sasuke glared at him for a second longer and slammed his door shut. He walked back to his bed, this time mumbling about stupid ninjas who can’t carry plates. He sighed in contentment as he slid back into bed. This time Sasuke slept the morning away, with no more interruptions.

Sakura woke sunshine in her eyes.
“ARGH! Evil!”
She turned around and now had the sun shining on her back.
Ha! That’ll teach you to shine in my eyes! What now?’
Sakura closed her eyes and luckily no one witnessed her idiotic actions or could read her thoughts, for if they could, they would think she was insane.

Sasuke threw another kunai and smirked when it hit the bulls eye.
Perfect as always.’
He turned around and walked towards a dummy. He did the hand signs and took a huge gulp of air.
“Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!”
Flame shot out and incinerated the dummy. He practiced more jutsus and finally prepared to do his ultimate jutsu.
Before he did the hand signs, Sasuke paused. His eyes took on a sad look as he remembered Kakashi teaching him this jutsu. Sasuke quickly shook his head to get rid of the memory.
That was in the past. Think of the future. Defeating Itachi is the only important thing. Not anyone back home.’
Sasuke did the necessary hand signs and his right hand gripped his left wrist. A chakra ball appeared in his left hand as he ran towards a dummy. Straw flew every where as his left hand went threw the dummy’s chest.
Sasuke stood there breathing heavily when he heard a voice.
“Very impressive. No wonder Orochimaru-sama wants you to be his vessel.”
Sasuke slowly turned around, like he didn’t have a care in the world and saw Kabuto standing there, smirking.
That’s what you think. I’m gonna kill that bastard. There’s no way I’m gonna let him take over my body for his sick purposes. This body is mine and it’s gonna stay that way.’
“Is there something you wanted?”
“I just thought I’d ask if you were hungry.”
“I can feed myself.”
Sasuke walked past Kabuto and grabbed his water bottle. He uncapped it and drank greedily from it. He threw the empty bottle aside and picked up his towel. He wiped of the sweat from his face and neck and tossed the towel down as well. He glanced over when he felt Kabuto still there.
“Is there something else you wanted?”
“No, lunch is ready if you’re hungry.”
“I can feed myself.” Sasuke repeated.
Kabuto shrugged.
“Suit yourself.”
Kabuto walked passed Sasuke and headed back to the castle. (A/N. I’m not sure if that’s where Orochimaru lives but I know Sakura and Naruto went there to get Sasuke back once. Or am I wrong?)
Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Kabuto’s retreating back. He never did like him; even before he found out he was a Sound ninja spy. He walked to the targets and pulled out the kunai. After putting them back in his holster, he picked up his water bottle and towel and headed back.

Sasuke sighed as the hot water hit his back. There was nothing like a hot shower after training. He put his hands on the wall and was once again thinking as the water beat down his back.
I have nothing left to learn from Orochimaru, I should just kill him now. Then I can go after Itachi. After he’s dead, I can go back home, back to her.’
His heart clenched as he thought about her. There wasn’t a day since he left that he hadn’t thought about her. There wasn’t a day that went by that his heart didn’t ache every time he thought about her.
Sasuke sighed and turned off the water. He opened the sliding door and grabbed his towel. After toweling off, he wrapped the towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom when his stomach let out a loud growl.
Looks like it’s time to get some food.’
He quickly got dressed and headed out his room. He arrived at the kitchen and got out the ingredients to make a couple of BLTs, with extra tomatoes of course. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and carried that and his plate back to his room.
Once he got there, he set down his bottle and opened the door. He picked it back up and closed the door with his foot after he walked in.
Sasuke sat on his bed and let out a sigh of pleasure. He disliked everyone here and loved whenever he could be alone.

Sakura knocked on the door and walked in when she got the say so. She bowed down when she saw Tsunade.
“What is it, Tsunade-sama?”
“We’re waiting for three more people and then I’ll tell you.”
There was a knock on the door and two more people walked in.
“Naruto, Sai, I didn’t know you two would be here.” Sakura said.
“I didn’t know you would be here either Sakura-chan.”
Sai said nothing; he just looked out the window behind Tsunade’s desk.
Half an hour later, there was another knock on the door and Kakashi walked in.
“You’re late.” Tsunade said.
“Sorry, I-“
”Save it. I don’t have time for your pathetic excuses. I called all of you here for a very important reason. I’m sending you four to retrieve Sasuke Uchiha.”
Sakura and Naruto looked at Tsunade in surprise. The air got a tense feel at the mention of their friend’s name and the former Squad 7 all got a sad look in their eyes as they thought about Sasuke.
“When do we leave?”
Sakura and Naruto looked at Kakashi as he said this.
“Tomorrow morning.”
Kakashi nodded and bowed to her.
“Meet me at the front gate tomorrow at eight.”
Sakura, Naruto and even Sai nodded their heads. Kakashi poofed away after this.
“You’re all dismissed.”
The three bowed to Tsunade and walked out the door.

“All right! We get to get Sasuke back!” Naruto shouted.
Sakura smiled at the thought.
I’ll get to see Sasuke-kun again. This time, we’ll get him back.’
“I’m gonna kick his ass for leaving us!”
Normally Sakura would have bonked Naruto on the head for saying that but she was just so excited at the thought of bringing Sasuke back home that she didn’t care.
Sai didn’t say anything and neither Sakura nor Naruto noticed that he didn’t seem excited at all about this mission.
“We should all go out to eat ramen to celebrate! To bad Kakashi-sensei’s not here, he could have come too.”
“Come where?”
Naruto whirled around, clutching his heart.
“Kakashi-sensei, don’t scare me like that!”
“You’re a ninja; you should’ve been able to sense me.”
“ still shouldn’t have done it!”
“Where did you want to invite me?”
“To Ichirakus to celebrate getting Sasuke back.”
“We haven’t gotten him back yet Naruto.”
“Well, we can go again after we get him back. The teme can come too.”
Kakashi smiled at Naruto’s response. It was typical Naruto.
“We should get going.” Sakura said.
Kakashi and Naruto nodded and followed Sakura. She stopped when she noticed Sai wasn’t with them. She turned around and saw him in the same spot he was before.
“Are you coming?” She asked.
“Yeah.” He said, with his ever present fake smile.
The three waited until he caught up and began walking again. Sakura couldn’t help but think back to Sai’s smile.
His fake smiles creeps me out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him give a genuine smile before.’

Sasuke fell back onto his bed. He had just finished eating dinner and was relaxing now. Or he would be but he couldn’t shake this feeling that something important was going to happen.
It’s not a good or bad feeling just a feeling. Something big is going to happen. I just hope it’s nothing bad.

Sakura sat on her bed, leaning against the wall. She was hugging her pillow and leaning against her knees. After dinner she came up to her room to think. Her thoughts were on none other than one Sasuke Uchiha.
I hope we can get him back. I just have a feeling that this won’t be easy. Wait, of course it won’t be easy, duh! It’s not like Orochimaru is just gonna hand him over to us. Yeah right, like he’d really be like here you go, you can have him back. Maybe in some alternate universe.’
Her eyes strayed to the photo of Squad 7. After Sasuke had left, she had moved the photo to her bedroom. It was torturous but it was also nice to be able to see him every time she was in here. She got up from her bed and picked up the picture. A tear fell onto the glass as she stared at Sasuke. The fact that she knew she would be seeing him soon, stopped her from bawling.
A sad smile formed on her face as she continued to look at Sasuke. Of course he was smirking in the picture; she had never seen him smile before.
Everything seemed so simple back then. We were all happy, even Sasuke. You’d never be able to tell from this picture that something terrible was going to happen. I knew our squad wouldn’t stay together forever, none of them do but I had always thought that our squad would stay together until the three of us became Jounin. Sasuke’s the cause of all our pain yet I can bring myself to hate him. I love him too much.’
Sakura took one last look at Sasuke’s face and set the picture back down. She walked to her bathroom and opened the door. Tomorrow would be an early day so she should start getting ready for bed.
She turned on the water and took off her clothes. She stepped in and let the hot water relax her.
A bath would be nice after this. With the mission tomorrow, it’ll be awhile before I get to take one again.’
After she was done, she stepped out of the shower and turned on the water for the tub. She put Cherry Blossom bubbles in the water and lit some Cherry Blossom candles. She popped in a CD and put her hair up before she turned off the water. She sighed as she stepped into the tub. She leaned her head back and relaxed.
Ah, this is so nice.’
Sakura’s thoughts strayed to Sasuke and little did she know that at that exact moment, Sasuke was thinking about her as well.

Sasuke sat on his window sill with his right leg propped up and his arm resting on his knee. His back was supported by the wall and he looked out into the night sky as he thought of Sakura. It seemed he was always thinking about her. Her silky pink hair, her shining emerald eyes and her beautiful face. How he wished he could see her. He longed to see her face.
‘Sakura, I know it’s selfish of me but please wait for me.’