Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My first... ❯ My first KISS ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: No false claim.

Summary: This is a small backflash of Iruka's youth.

First Kiss

"And that's today's lesson." Iruka set down the chalk right when the bell rang. "Okay. Class dismisses."

The class cheered happily and ran for the door, then groan in disappointment when Iruka added, "Don't forget to study for a test tomorrow."

When the classroom is empty, Iruka stretched and gather his papers to the mission room. There, he met with a familiar face.

"Oh! Genma-kun, hi." he greeted his old teammate. "What are you doing here?"

"Oi', Iruka-kun." the sendon-chewing jounin waved at him. "Just visiting. How'd you've been?"

"I'm just fine" he said with a small sad smile. Genma stares at his suspiciously. "Really I am."

"Uh-huh." he chewed the needle, unconvinced. "So, what's wrong?"

After a moment of denying and protesting, the chunin dropped to his chair with a defeated sigh. "Alright. It's about Naruto."

"Him again?" he said mockingly and laughed when the younger man glared at him. "Okay, okay, what happened?"

"I'm just worried that he's going through that phase." he sighed.

"Phase?" he repeated curiously.

"You know, the 'dating phase'." he made a pained expression when he said it, causing the jounin to laugh out loud. "It's not funny, Genma-kun! He'd even asked me about my first kiss. Do you know how horrified I was?!"

That just made him laugh harder, holding onto the back of a chair. Few minutes pasted when his side-busting laugh finally died down and he wiped the tears from his eyes. Iruka glowered at him.

"I'm sorry. Ha ha. But, just thinking about it. Bwahahaha." he went to another fit of laughter.

Iruka tried glaring pitifully at him but gave up when he made no effect. (or the opposite effect) and groan hopelessly.

"And the worst part was that I couldn't even tell him." he sign, resting his chin on his palm. "I'd forgotten about my first kiss."

After settling down, Genma looked at him in surprised. "You've forgotten? Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

"Really now? Wow. I would've thought you remembered lack of experience and all." Iruka glared at him for the last comment as he continued thoughfully. "Actually, now that I think of it, If I were in your position, I waould want to forget it too. Since, it was a hysterically funny to my part, yet scaring to yours."


Pulling himself a chair, He sat backwards on it, so his arms were resting on the back. He chewed on the sharp weapon pleasantly as he started the tale.

"It was about twelve to thirteen years ago, I think. When you were around twelve. Anyways, you just graduated from school and was promoted to a genin...

You were hanging out with that Mizuki kid, after me and Anko specifically asked you not to. (Actually, it was more like Anko threatening me and you were trying to blackmail me.) Hush, I'm telling the story. Now, as I was saying; you were hanging out with the punk and stupidly left yourself get tricked by him (hey!) into his sneaky games. He won, of course and you were forced to do a punishment. And that punishment was to...

"I'm. not. doing. IT!" a young Iruka yelled though the door.

From outside of the apartment door is another boy around the fourteen years old. He has pale white hair that splits down the center to his chin covered with a bandana and dark eyes that shines wickedly. A smug grin held it's place on his face.

"Come on, Iruka-chan." he called out through the door in a sweet tone. "Remember the deal. You have to do what I say for the whole day. And I say, come out now."

"No! I'll never come out!" Iruka's cute voice ranged out stubbornly.

Mizuki frowned, a little annoyed at his resistance, but smirk when he thought of a solution.

"Ok, fine, then. I'll just leave you by yourself." the mischievous boy said uncaringly and walked loudly away. He counted the seconds with his finger to two before he heard Iruka yelling, "No wait! Don't leave!"

Inwardly he smirk in triumph, but kept his face straight when he turned around to face the door. "Well?"

"I'm coming." a dark cloud formed at the door, as if it was weeping. The knob turned slowly and the door cracked open, creaking as it opens.

Stepping hesitantly out of the shadows, a bare tan leg in flower sandals stepped out. A few seconds later, standing under the sun was a tan-skinned girl with silky brown hair that falls to her shoulders, her bangs hiding a pair of wide chocolate brown eyes full out innocent.

She's dressed in a soft-yellow sun dress with white ribbons as straps, the hem od her shirt flows just above her knees, showing off a large proportion of skin from her sensual shoulders and arms to her thin, curved legs.

"Perfect. See, it suits you." Mizuki scan the girl fully, like a hawk with prey. A seductive smirk on his face. "Very nice."

The girl fidgeted under the hungry gaze, her knees crossed together and arms wrapped around her bare shoulders, weakly shielding her exposed skin. A dark, but cute blush spread against her scared nose.

"Mizuki," the brunette whines shyly. "I'm not sure about this."

"Now, Iruka-chan." the white-haired boy tsked at him. "Remember the bet; if I won, you'd put on the dress and pretend to be my 'obedient girlfriend'."

Iruka whined softly in distress and humiliation. Mizuki just grinned wider at his misery.

"Oh, almost forgot." he reached in his pocket to pull out a compact. Iruka wrinkled his nose when the older boy rubbed the make-up on him. Powder to cover his scar. "And to top it off."

Iruka winced when he felt his hair being tugged and a 'click' sound. "There."

Confused of what the other boy put on his hair, he reached up to touch it, but Mizuki grabbed his wrist, telling him not to touch it. It made Iruka nervous and try to take it off.

"W-what is it?" he asked timidly.

"Just a clip. Now come on." he took the captured hand wrist and starts to drag him off. Iruka almost stumbled over his flower sandals and have to quicken his pace, clip forgotten.

"Whoa, where are we going, Mizuki?"

"I'm going to show off my cute girlfriend."


Iruka had paled at the thought of dressing up like a girl, but he nearly died when Mizuki introduced him to his friends as his 'girlfriend'. Sadly the word is: NEARLY. It was so humiliating. Being shown off as a girl.

Luckily for him, none of Mizuki's older friends seemed to recognize him. He doesn't know any kids older than him, besides his cell mates: Genma and Anko. Both crazy but mean well. Though a part of him thinks these friends of Mizuki are nice, he doesn't like the leering looks he's getting from them.

Besides the light powder, Iruka was forced to wear his mother's (Kami rest her soul) make-up. Some lip gloss and a hint of mascara. He didn't need to put on blush since his is natural. Though he would never say it aloud, he looks good as a girl. Kind of like his mother. Which is the reason he kept his hair long. But at the moment, he wished he was bald.

"Hoho, is this the little chick you were telling us about, Mizuki?" one of the boys chuckled, looking up and down at Iruka. "Fine looking thing."

"Check out the legs. Smooth like honey." another boy whistled, trying to touch his legs.

Iruka yelped, jumping away from the groping hand, a deep blush on his face. "Eek!"

The guys laughed at his innocent actions. "Aw, look she's blushing. How cute."

Mizuki laughed along, wrapping his arm around Iruka's thin waist and pulled him to his side with a cocky grin.

"Come on, 'Ruka-chan. Don't be shy." he whispered into his ear mischievously, cause Iruka to shudder in disgust, which the other mistaken for excitement. "You're never shy when we're alone."

Iruka's blush darkened and spread to down to his whole body when the other guys laughed and hooted at the comment. Having enough of this humiliating game, Iruka shuts his eyes and shoved off of MIzuki's chest. Then ran blindly away as fast as his naked lags can take him.

As he ran, he cursed Mizuki in everyway he knows.

'Damn that stupid Mizuki!' he yelled in his mind. 'Now what am I going to do? I can't go back home to take off this stupid dress. He might be there waiting and would probably say something about "breaking deals".

'And I can't go to Anko's or Genma's house. They;ve been complaining to me about hanging out with Mizuki all week. If I tell them about the bet, I'll be deaf. And I don't feel like being yelled at now.

'Ooh! I can't even visit Mom and Dad's grave. They'll just die (again) if they saw me like this. Their only son cross-dressing as a girl. Mom might actually liked the idea but that's beside the point.'

"ARGH!" he gorwled in frustration, shaking his head. He slowed his pace when his energy was dying out and stopped to catch his breath. "Huff. Huff. Whew."

He fanned himself with his hand and took a look around. "Where am I?"

It was across town, he hasn't really been around here yet. There were many trees that leads to the forest, some steep hills over mountains, and a clear lake with a dock. To his relief, there weren’t anyone around.

Iruka stared captivity at the clear blue water. Deciding this is a good spot, he carefully walk to the dock and stopped at the edge. He sat down and continued to stare at the calming water before tears started to well up his eyes and he dried.

He cried right then and there, just as he always to when he's alone or visits his parents’ graves. After a few minutes to pouring his eyes out, he rubbed his eyes dry. His vision was still slightly blurry from the tears

When his vision began to clear up, he was expecting to see the blue lake. Instead he was staring into pools of gray.

He blinked, then blinked again to make sure the gray eyes were really there. Then…

“Aaaahhh!!” he shrieked and fell back. His eyes widen when he saw it was a boy.

He looks about his age, maybe a year or two older. Dressed in a black and gray cross-belt shirt, dark shorts with a shirken poach on his leg, a Konoha hatai-ate across his forehead that is holding up his gratifying silver hair. And a black mask that covered the bottom half of his face, showing only his eyes.

Iruka was still shocked to find someone, a boy watching him cry. What unnerved him the most was that the pair of gray eyes was still watching him.

“Uh, w-what are y-you doing?” he stuttered out, his tear-stained face still flushed.

The boy continue to stare blankly at him for a moment before tilting his head and replied in a mono-tone voice, “Watching.”

“W-why?” Iruka asked, slightly disturbed.

“You were crying.” He stated flatly, eyeing the brunette hard.

Iruka could feel his face turn hot again for being caught in a shameful act.

“Oh, uh, ano.” He turned his head away again, unable to face the other boy, too humiliated. “I-I got to go.”

He tried to make a quick escape, but felt his wrist being tugged back by a strong grip. He fell back on his knees and turned to demand him to let go but had his words caught in his throat when he meets the other’s eyes.

“Why were you crying?” he demanded softly.

Surprised, Iruka blinked. “Huh?”

“Did someone hurt you? Or,” the silver-haired boy looked at him curiously. “did you broke up with your boyfriend?”


“ I guess it’s the latter. But I will say this, whoever he was, he sure was a fool.” His eyes curved happily when Iruka tilted his head in bemusement. He raised a gloved finger to the ‘thought girl’s’ and caressed his flushed cheek. “For letting go a cute thing like you.”

Soft brown eyes widen at the compliment, then shifted shyly away. “N-no. Y-you must be mistaken.”

“I’m not mistaken and you are cute. I bet you have a string of male-followers.” The older boy commented.

“N-no. None.” Iruka shook his head.

“Lucky for me…I won’t have to kill anyone for looking at you.” He teased in a playfully seductive tone.

Iruka started to fell a little uneasy by the comment and try to scoot away. The other boy just followed and scooted closer. Their faces were mere inches from one another, their cheeks practically grazing.

He felt another blush spread across his powdered nose and feared that the quick beating of his heart can be heard from the village.

When he felt a ghostly hand traced his bare arm, he quickly scooted away, one hand to the other’s chest.

“D-don’t! W-we shouldn’t. I don’t even know you!” he blurted out in a panic.

“You don’t know who I am?”

The masked boy blinked at him in surprise, as if Iruka just admitted he was a boy. He stared into Iruka’s innocent eyes before a feral grin formed behind his mask, his eyes curved like downward crescent moons.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

Iruka shook his head.

“Really? Cause I’ve seen you before. Many times actually.”

“Eh? When? Where?” he asked surprised.

That’s when the teen leaned close with a wicked spark in his lazy eyes. “Every night in my dreams.”

Iruka gasped before bursting out into a fit of giggles at that corny pick-up line. The older boy seems satisfied by the other’s laugh.

“Hehe. Well, even if I was in your dreams, I still don’t know your name.” Iruka retorted back playfully, smiling.

“Hm? It’s Ka-ak!” he stopped himself as he realized his mistake and choked out a weak, “-shi.”

“Shi?” brown eyes watch in confusion, urging him to finish.

“Uh, it’s Shi…ka.” He finished lamely, then tested the name again with confidence. “Shika.”

“Shika?” the brunette repeated.

“Yes, I’m Shika. A pleasure to meet you.” He took the small tan hand into his pale gloved hand and shake.

Iruka giggled again and returned the shake with a smile. “Likewise, Shika-kun.”

Smiling behind the mask, Shika lifted their joined hand to his covered lips, planting a kiss and smoothly asked, “And may I ask for the lady’s name?”

“Lady?” that’s when it hits him that he was still dressed as a girl. “Oh! Oh no, I can’t!”

Shika’s playful mood dropped and was replaced with surprise at the panicked outburst. Then he narrowed his eyes at the 'girl's' scared face.

"Why?" he took his shoulders in his hands, forcing IRuka too look at him in the face. "Are you in danger? It's alright, you can tell me."

'Oh no! I can't tell him my real name, he'll find out that I'm really a boy and would surely beat me up!' was the thought that ran through the brunette's mind and he shook his head. "I can't, Shika-kun. If I do, I'll be in big trouble. Please forgive me."

"Hm. No. I won't forgive you." Shika retorted, to Iruka's disappointment. give me a kiss."


"Yep. On the lips." he added slyly with a grin.

Iruka just blushed hotly at the request. His mouth hanging open, speechless. "Uh...."

He nearly leaped out of his skin when Shika suddenly leaned in closer, that their breaths were touching.

"Well, My lady?" the moon-haired boy whispered sauvly, his hand crawling to Iruka's bare back.

Suddenly, Iruka acted from impulse. With his eyes clsoed, he planted both hands on the advancing boy's chest and then gave a good hard push, shoving the surprised boy into the lake.




Slowly, Iruka peeked open his eyes to see the boy no where in sight.

"Huh?" he blinked and crawled to the edge of the dock where Shika was earilier. He looked over the edge to the water and saw tiny bubbles floating up to the surface, indicating that there was someone under there breathing. At least, for now.

"Shika-kun? Shika!" Iruka called out into the water. "Shika-kun! Come out this instant! Please don't play around!"

But nothing happened and when a few minutes had passed, his insides turned cold.

"S-Shika?!" he gasped and widen his eyes in horror when the tiny bubbes stopped. "SHIKA!"

Without a second thought, he dived right into the water.

Thanks to his family's bloodline, he was a master of water. Diving deep into the water, he quickly formed a seal to allow him to see clear through the water, like the Byakugan. And in seconds he spotted Shika's drifting body down.

Kicking his legs as hard as he can, Iruka reached for the drowning boy and was able to grab his arm. With Shika in tow, he used all his streanth and at the speed of a dolphin, he reached the surface with a gasp.

Once above water, he gasped for breath and try to hold the older boy's head above water. Then stars dragging the body to the dock. He he reached it, the pushed themselves up.

"Shika!" Iruka yelled out again, rolling the boy on his back. Pushing his draipping water back, he leaned his ear to the boy's mouth, trying to listen for breathing. But when there weren't any, he panicked. "Oh my god, Shika!"

Acting fast, he starts to perform CPR. Taking the mask in both hand, he pulled it down and start the mouth-to-mouth. After ten breathes, he pulled back and pushed his fist to his chest.

"..., eight, nine, ten!" he counted and blew more air into the mouth again. Repeat. "C'mon, Shika, breathe." Push. Push. Breathe. "Please don't die."

Iruka pshed the chest again and pressed his lips to the other's. And just as their lips touched, a tongue has shoved its was through and intertwined with the other.

That small contact shocked him to the spot and before he brain could shout for him to pull back, a hand was already holding his head in place.

"Mmgh!" Iruka's shrieked into the mouth, muffled by their tongues as they play around. "Mmmn."

Suddenly the feeling of shock was replaced by a strange sensual feeling. Iruka couldn't understand what was happening, but his body starts to soften up against the body under his and his eyes drifted to a close.

Unconciously, he deepened the kiss, his hand creeped its way to Shika's shoulder and squeezed lightly. Then he found himself on his back while a dripping Shika is on top.

He moaned in pleasure when he felt rouch fingers running thorugh a sensitive spot in his hair, automatically tightening his hand to the shoulder. Their mouths soved hungrily together, their tongues battle for more taste. Until they finally parted for air, their tongues still connect with a thin string of saliva.

"Shi. ka. shi." Iruka panted, eyes dazed and face flushed. He looked up at the equally flushed yet handsome face.

"You're. forgiven. My lady." the attrative boy grinned wolfishly at him.

'Forgiven?' Iruka blinked, confused at the comment. Then his brain clicked in realization and gasped. 'He TRICKED me!'

Outraged, Iruka screamed out "PERVERT!" and and punched the other boy so hard that not only did he heard a loud click, but the silver-haired boy was sent flyingin the air and back into the water.

Then the poor boy in drag ran as fast as he could away, ignoring the faint calls.

'I can't believe I'd let him to that to me! I'm so stupid!' Iruka cried in his mind, running harder. 'That pervert stole my first kiss! My first kiss! Stolen by a boy!'

"This is the worst day of my life!"

He was so wrapped up in his misery that he never noticed hid dolphin hair clip was gone.

And after that, you went running straight to my house and cried the whole story to me and Anko. You didn't leave your room for a whole week until Anko bust into your door and tossed you out, yelling about being unhealthy.

"And that's what happened." the senbon-chewer chuckled as he remembered that past, then turned to Iruka. "Remember now?"

When he turned, he found Iruka sittingin the corner of the room in a fetal position with a gloomy cloud over his head. Huge blocked kanji letters of "Shame" crushing his little head.

"I still can't believe I'd let him kiss me." Iruka muttered misrablly, frustrated tears running down his cheeks. "Aargh! I can't tell Naruto that my first kiss was stolen by a boy!"

Genma just snickered at his friend's reaction and gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Iruka-kun, only me and Anko knows about it. We won't tell."

Iruka sniffed and looked up at him gratfully. "Thank you."

"Plus that guy you kissed you also, but it doesn't seem like he'd told anyone we know, so that's okay too." ignoring Iruka's pale face, a thought strucked him. "Say, Iruka, have you ever ran into that Shika-guy again? He's from the same village as us."

Iruka sighed. "No. I haven't seen him to this day. I'd even went looking for him; asked around some kids, teachers in the academy, even checked for his name at the Memorial Stone."

Genma whistled softly, impressed. "Hohoho. Smitten, weren't you?"

"S-shut up!" the chuunin glared at him, turning back to his work. "It doesn't matter now."

'Thought. I can't help but wonder what ever happened to him.'


Dripping wet from head to toe, the silver-haired boy trudge pleasantly to the forest entrace, where three people were waiting .

"Oh! Kaka-ah?! What happened?!" a dark-haired girl gasped when she spotted the dripping boy. "you're soaking wet!"

Beside her was a dark-haired boy with goggles. He burst out laughing when he caught sight of him, pointing as he mocked, "Ha ha! Look like the Great Hatake fell into the lake. Man, you're so stupid! And I thought you were a jounin! Ha ha!"

"Shut up, Obito!" the girl yelled, smacking the laughing boy.

"Ha ha-ow! Why'd you hit me, Rin?" he whined at her, holding his injured head.

"Because you're stupid!"

They gray-eyed boy ignored the arguing pair and turned to the older blond man. The man smiled, amused at the two kids but his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"So Kakashi-kun, "he whispered knowingly tot he boy. "Did you had fun?"

The masked teen look down at the plastic dolphin-shaped hairclip in his hand.

Many years later, the same plastic clip is still in his now large palm.

"Yes. I did had fun, Sensei." he lifted the pin agaist his masked lips, a wide smile hidden beneath it as his eyes curved happily. "I wonder whatever happened to my cute lady."

From the mission office, Iruka sneezed.


Yes, yes we understand that the time lapse were different. We actually figured that out after typing the ending part, but stuck to it. So it's around the time after the Kyuubi attacked and before Kakashi got the the same time. Heh.

Any-hoo, hope you all enjoyed.

idiot_lord - thanx & peaceout