Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 1

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My Immortal
Author: Dagger Stiletto
Pairing: Sasuke X Naruto
Warnings: Songfic, angst, yaoi, possible OOC
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or “My Immortal” by Evanescence
Dagger: This is my first songfic. I found a tattered paper a while ago that I had written the lyrics of “My Immortal” on. It was in pencil, and the paper was torn and dirty, so it was a little hard to see the words, and it’s been awhile since I’ve heard the song. So if some of the lyrics are a little off, I apologize. I tried my best from memory. I think I got it right, but that doesn’t mean anything.
Knives: That’s right, nothing that you say or think matters.
Dagger: I will sic the evil bunnies on you.
Cross: Evil bunnies?*starts shaking*
Travis: Oh no.
Dagger: I know I flushed those damn pills, so hush, Cross.
Travis: She got more and SMB switched them again.
Sexy Man-Beast(SMB): How can you tell? Maybe I was playing a different version of Russian Roulette.
Travis: I know how she gets.
Dagger: I think it’s time to get the straightjacket and lock her in my basement….
Knives: Brilliant!
Cross: NO!! The evil dust bunnies live down there….
Travis: Now there’s evil dust bunnies?
SMB: Then we shall sacrifice her to the evil dust bunny god so that the rest of us shall survive*pulls out a long piece of rope with an evil smirk*
Travis: Sorry, Cross.
Cross: YOU’RE EVIL!!!!!
Dagger: No, he is a spy for the evil dust bunny god.
Knives: And he has come to do his Master’s bidding.
*Travis, Dagger, Knives, and SMB start chasing Cross to sacrifice her to the evil dust bunny god*
*walks in* Please enjoy this fanfic*walks back out*
Cross: You shall never take me alive!!!!!!

My Immortal

“I’m so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my
Childish fears”

Naruto slid his hands into his sleeves to keep them warm as he walked the outer boundaries of the village. He was supposed to be checking for weaknesses in Konoha’s defenses, but he knew there weren’t any. The Hokage made him do this every two days. He wasn’t paying any mind to the task at this moment, however.

His heart ached with the loneliness he felt. It had been five years since Sasuke had left, his best friend and secret lover. They had a fight before her left, so he knew that the fault was partially his. When he’d nearly died at the Uchiha’s hands, he’d felt that it was proper punishment for his sin.

After repetitive failures to bring Sasuke back, all his friends abandoned him. Kiba still associated with him because of his ingrained loyalty to all his friends. Naruto was utterly alone except for Tsunade, Kakashi, and Iruka. He rarely saw them anymore. And the worst part was that his heart still yearned for Sasuke, and the Uchiha’s memory refused to leave him alone.

“And if you have to leave
I wish you would just leave
Cuz your presence still lingers here
And it won’t leave me alone”

The memories floating in his mind knew not when to leave well enough alone. They haunted him day and night. They permeated his blood, searing his muscles and shriveling blood cells. He no longer had the desire to eat. He rarely slept. The pain never away unless it was drowned by physical pain. The only reason why he was careless in battle anymore was because he didn’t want to walk away unscathed.

If he suffered enough in body, maybe he would suffer less in mind and soul.

“These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There’s just too much
That time cannot erase”

He drew out his hands and allowed the cold to sting his bared flesh as silent tears flowed down his face unchecked. The salty liquid streamed and crystallized on his skin, creating visible tracks, counteracting the whisker-scars. The pain only increased with time rather than eased. He was unloved and alone, hated by all but three.

He knew not if he would survive much longer without intervention. He became more distant from everyone. Sometimes, not even Kyuubi could reach him. She, too, suffered through her kit, and she mourned the loss of the man she had chosen as her and her kit’s mate.

The wind suddenly picked up without preamble, and Kyuubi tensed as she sensed something strange yet familiar approach.

“When you cried I’d
Wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d
Fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand
Through all of these years
But you still have all of me”

Naruto brokenly remembered all the times when he’d held Sasuke during the night while he cried and shook from memory-nightmares. He’d encircle the larger ninja as much as he could with both arms and legs, petting his hair, murmuring that it would be okaythat he was safesometimes even singing until the raven fell to a deep sleep. During those night, Naruto never slept, watching protectively over his lover.

Why had he been abandoned? He’d done everything for Sasuke. Had he tried too hard? When they made love, did he scream and moan too loud? Had he only been a plaything? A pastime?

Oh, kit, Kyuubi sighed. Sasuke loved you.

“Then why’d he leave me?”

She was silent.

“You used to captivate me
By your resonating light
Now I’m bound by
The life you left behind”

He could feel himself losing it. His heart was dying, and his mind was no longer capable of rational, let alone complex, thoughts. Sasuke, his one light in a dark world of isolation, had left him. He had tried to kill him. No one else had the will, strength, or desire to be with the Kyuubi container.

What was worth living if no one wanted him? What good was having life if no one wished to share it with him?

Naruto, don’t think such things,
Kyuubi pleaded. You are not alone. I am here with you, and Tsunade, Kakashi, and Iruka love you.

“Not the way I need,” Naruto sobbed.

“Your face, it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice, it chased away
All the sanity in me”

Not a night went by that he didn’t see Sasuke’s face, his beautiful obsidian eyes, so expressive when the rest of him was still and silent. He wanted to roar and scream and destroy everything within reach because of the pain held deep inside. The burden he harbored was weighted down further with each scornful glare directed his way.

He didn’t want to be here. He wanted to leave, to abandon the painful memories still there at Konoha, but Tsunade refused to let go of him. She no longer allowed him to leave Konoha for anything. Naruto was trapped here, and his only option to escape this hell was death.

“These wounds won’t seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There’s just too much
That time cannot erase”

Naruto let out a heart wrenching cry and fell to his knees, sobbing openly now, though there was no one to hear or even care. He crossed his arms over his chest, hands gripping the material at his shoulders. His body rocked. His sanity was slipping. Maybe he’d die from heartache out here in the cold. Then his suffering and torment would cease.


It was Sasuke’s voice.

“No! Go away!!” He clapped his hands over his ears, hunching over further, still rocking. He was so cold. So cold. “Go away,” he whispered brokenly, “go away….go away….go away…. Go….away….”

A hand rested on the back of his neck, and warmth spread through his body from that point. Naruto gasped; he had not sensed anyone there. The strong fingers kneaded his muscles, which had been taut and hard permanently for over eight months, ever-so-gently. Another hand tenderly pried the blonde’s hand from his left ear. Lips pressed to it instead, and words whispered, “I’m back, Naruto, and I love you so much.”

Naruto gasped again and shot straight up. The hands did not leave. He glanced, then stared at his left.

There, right beside him, crouched the constant object of his thoughts, gazing at him as though he was the most precious thing in the world. He wore the Akatsuki cloak, but the Uchiha symbol was embroidered in the middle of his back, and jeans clad his long, strong legs. He looked almost exactly the same as five years ago except for the small scar along his jaw line. His gaze was loving, and the usually shut-down face was open. Sasuke’s hands still retained hold of Naruto’s fingers and the back of his neck.

Naruto’s breath came fast and furious, unsynchronized. His tear-filled, blue eyes stared in disbelief. He licked his painfully chapped lips. He swore his heart was about to leap out of his chest. He seached his mind for something to say but only came up with one thing:

“What are you doing here?” It was barely a whisper.

Sasuke’s smile was dazzling as he moved the hand around the back of the tanned neck to brush the back of pale knuckles against a scarred cheek. The action was so tender. It was the sort of thing he’d been craving for so long. “I’ve come for you, my Naruto, koibito,” he murmured lovingly, still caressing his face. “I’ve missed you so much. I’m only half a person without you. I need you to make me whole. I want to be whole again.”

Naruto’s eyes were wide as a deer’s, and he couldn’t get his breath or heart to calm. His mind was racing. Was it true? Could he truly believe this? Or was it just a cruel dream? Unconsciously, he whimpered. He bowed his head, only to have it raised by the other male. His heart stuttered, breath halting, as pale pink lips descended upon his chapped, bluish ones.

That beautiful, soothing, burning feeling roared all throughout his trembling body, reminding him of just how much he loved and desired this man. The long-forgotten euphoria returned with the tongue he allowed to plunder his mouth. He thrust his body flush with Sasuke’s eagerly, arms wrapping around his dearly missed lover.

“When you cried I’d
Wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d
Fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand
Through all of these years
But you still have all of me”

The kiss broke languorously, and Sasuke used tender hands to wipe away tears Naruto hadn’t known he’d been crying. He hiccupped, then tightly gripped those pale hands in his.

“So you’re not angry at me anymore?” he asked hopefully, the expression in his gorgeous blue eyes heartbreaking.

“Dobe, whatever are you talking about?” Sasuke inquired, staring at his beloved.

Naruto had changed. He had grown so that he was a mere four inches shorter than Sasuke.. His now-shoulder blade-length hair was combed, straight, and tied in a ponytail. His skin was murky, grayish brown rather than the healthy gold color of five years ago. His body was buff, but he seemed weak at this moment. Whitish scars mottled his arms and fingers, three close-together slashes around his throat suggesting someone had tried strangling him with a thrice-wound wire around his delicate throat. His beautiful blue eyes were the most devastating. A cream rubbed under then hid the dark bags there, and the pain of desolation, emotional agony, abandonment, confusion, and self-hatred darkened the ocean depths.

Naruto, his most precious person, his one and only, had gone through hell without Sasuke there to take care of him.

“W-we had a fight b-before you left,” Naruto quavered, trembling. “We both didn’t want to be near each other because we were so angry, b-but…. You never came home. I never imagined that you wouldn’t come home!” He sobbed, trying to hide his face once again in agony.

Sasuke’s heart constricted, and he snatched the blonde against him, holding him tight and spreading kisses all over his damp face. “Nothing you did made me leave, baby. It wasn’t your fault. It was never ever your fault.” Sasuke pawed roughly at the wind-mussed locks of gold

Naruto snuffled his face to Sasuke’s neck, needing the closeness, the cold flesh making Sasuke shudder and realize how long the kitsune had been out here without proper clothing to keep his body at a normal temperature.

Apparently, no one really cared about Naruto.

“Sasuke….you can’t stay here,” Naruto whispered.

“I know,” the raven sighed remorsefully. “But I don’t want to leave you. My aniki is expecting me back. We didn’t battle. I knew you didn’t want me to. I knew you thought there had to be an explanation. We somehow ended up talking, and he explained how corrupt Konoha is. I ended up telling him that I forgave him, and that I needed to find my special one. He said that I should bring you out of Konoha before something happens to you.”

Naruto was quiet, unconsciously pressing closer. Sasuke waited. He wrapped the cloak around Naruto, bringing him closer and enclosing him in heat. A shuddering breath escape him.

“I don’t want you to go,” the Kyuubi vessel whimpered.

“But I have to,” Sasuke whispered, a lump forming in his throat.

“Take me with you.”

Sasuke’s eyes widened. “But Naruto, you love Konoha.”

“Not anymore,” was the reply. “I love you, Sasuke. I can’t live without you. Please, Sasuke. You can’t leave me here!” Desperate fingers clutched at him.

“I tried so hard to
Tell myself that you’re gone
But though you’re still with me
I’ve been alone all along”

“Are you sure that’s what you want, Naruto? Once you leave, you can’t ever come back. You’ll be hunted by those you once knew, and you can never leave me. I won’t lose you again.” The raven felt it was only fair to warn him.

“I don’t care! I need you, Sasuke. I love you so much.”

A warmth spread within hi, and he brought Naruto as close as he possibly could. Curling his arms around his back and under his knees, Sasuke rose with Naruto cradled against him. He nuzzled the blond locks that strayed from the ponytail and tickled his chin.

“One last chance, baby,” Sasuke whispered as the moon began it’s lazy descent from its highest peak.

“When you cried I’d
Wipe away all of your tears
When you’d scream I’d
Fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand
Through all of these years
But you still have all of me”

“No, I want this. I want you,” was the just-as-quiet reply. A tanned hand came up out of the cloak’s confines to cup a pale jaw, tilt it downwards, and allow chapped lips access to pale-pink ones.

And their fate was sealed. Yes, they would be living with a supposed-psycho/sociopath. Yes, they would be hunted down like dogs for the rest of their lives. And yes, there was sure to be some bumps along the road in their relationship.

But they were together, and that was all that mattered.

Their love would forever be immortal.

“Oh, me
Oh, me, ah”

Okay, so yeah. Review as quickly as possible and tell me if I did good with my first songfic. I’m counting on you guys!