Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Prologue: My Strange Finding ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SilverKyuubi says: Hey guys...I know some people might be a little ticked off about me not updating What Is Love Like? in forever...Sorry! I tend to get lazy, and I try to make myself write every chapter to a certain word limit and I write too much down too soon and wait a little longer. I usually write a little of the chapter each day.
I'm writing this other story now since it seems to keep bugging the hell outta me if I don't write it. I promise that I'll try to keep it going and interesting.
Umm...also, this is kinda un-betaed, so forgive any misspellings or anything like that...
Warning: yummy yaoi-ness. boy x boy lovin and smex! Don't like, don't read.
Pairings: SasuNaru (main), there will be other side pairings, so don't worry.
Summary: Sasuke is the last prodigy of the Uchiha clan. He's admired and adored, though he could care less. He wants revenge on his brother by getting power, even though he's got the greatest power anyone could ever dream the form of the adorable azure-eyed fox Naruto.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Although I do send rent requests to Masashi-sama to use the characters however I please!
You know, I think I might need to write an AU soon, because it seems that I keep changing the beginnings of the stories doesn't it? -_-' Oh well...
'Telepathic thinking'
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~* My Kitsune *~
Prologue: My Strange Finding
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My past is what some would call a tragedy.
Which I suppose it is in a way.
I was weak and afraid then. It seemed I always got in everyone's way. I wanted what my older brother had, as I'm sure most of the village population wanted too.
The village nearly worshipped the Uchiha family at the time. We were powerful, and feared. We held the highest reputation and respect. We were the genious clan who always served Konohagakure when it was in danger or in need. Children in our clan were expected to learn a lot of things in early ages. We had to uphold the deserved respect that we received from everyone. We were fire users, some of the best, and our family seemed to always smile and have a good outlook on life no matter what dangers they had to face every day. We were honored and cherished in the village, and my life seemed almost blissful and priveleged in others' eyes. But I guess I was the only one who didn't feel that way.
All I had wanted at the time was the approval and acknowledgement of my father. It was the only thing I every strived for, the only thing that I could ever really want. My father never really displayed love or affection, not even to his favored older son. But, atleast my older brother had received respect from my father. He was never turned away, or put off for some other reason. And while my big brother held a difficult life-style of working hard and not coming home until very late, it was still what I wanted. Because if I was as good as my brother, then maybe my father would look at me and see me.
He told me all the time that if I tried hard enough, I could become just like my nii-san. Over and over. No matter how hard I pushed, and far I got, my brother's level would always be too far beyond my limit. But if my father could look at me, then I would go to those limits and surpass them. But even then, it was a hopeless dream.
When the other students at the academy would look at me, their eyes would fill with envy. I was an Uchiha. I was wealthy and had a higher status than others. I was shown as better than others in everything. But I never payed attention to them. I focused everything in my beginning ninja abilities and in my schoolwork. I never cared about anyone or anything else.
I don't really understand the workings of fate or of the gods. I never put much thought in my younger years as to why certain things happen, or if should have atoned for earlier sins. Then I realized that maybe fate and the gods that supposedly live above the clouds in paradise are merely relics to blame for everything. At first, the people of long ago created these higher beings to explain certain phenomenons just to sate the curiosity of why some things happen. They made them seem so terribly human at first. But now, I can see that instead of completely worshipping these higher creatures, we now blame them for our faults and sorrows and pains.
I know I sure as hell did.
I used to wonder, "Why me?". But then I guess that at some point in their lives, everyone would wonder that. You're always wondering why something's out to get you. Or why this certain event had to happen to you. Or why you had to receive the short end of the stick in a particular situation. You lose something important to you, and you don't know who to turn your anger and frustration out on in that time, so you blame the higher beings in the sky that watch idly by as you tear yourself apart in your misery and anguish, and that maybe you might feel better.
I did all of that. But I never felt better. I still don't feel anything in myself. I have a certain someone to direct my anger and hatred and frustration at. I will never forget and forgive. Even at that young, tender age of 8 years, how could I have forgiven him for taking away the only thing I had?
I wanted strength and power. And I was willing to swim in the obyss of darkness in order to find it.
I thought I could get stronger by hating.
I thought I could get stronger by fighting.
I thought I could get stronger by crushing all other feelings within myself.
So it's not a surprise that I never would have thought that I would find everything that was taken away from me in the reborn form of a fox.
It was another rainy storm in Konoha.
That happened a lot in Konoha, mainly because of all the trees and prosperity lands that the village was surrounded by. Rain in Konoha was always refreshing, and the children loved to play and splash around in collected pools of water while their mothers would scold them and demand them to come back inside before becoming sick.
This, however, was not how it was in the Uchiha residence.
It was eerily quiet, and the rain was loud and echoing off of the nearby houses and shops in the vicinity. The roads were drenched, and there were strangely no lights on like in the rest of the large hidden village. There were no people out, even though it was in the middle of the day with the sun merely hidden behind the clouds. There was noone running the shops, and there were no lights in the houses and huts. The potted plants were decayed from lack of nurture and care, and the atmosphere surrounded this section of Konoha reeked of despair and blackness.
A cackle of lightning sprout from the clouds, and the rumbling thunder that followed seemed much louder than it normally should have. Death has made this place much quieter and revolting then it once was. The buildings inside the of this residence told tales of spilled blood and silent screams in the night.
Another flash lit the sky and the ground below, and a shadow stood out on the ground at the entrance to the Uchiha vicinity. It's eyes glowed slightly in the darkness of the day, its eyes quickly scanning the area to assure its safety. The creature that was slowly and cautiously easing its way in the deserted area was not human, but an animal. It was noticably smaller and slimer than a normal dog, and it's shape and body was graceful and feline looking. This young creature was but a fox that had happened upon the Uchiha estate.
As it slowly entered the vicinity, it winced when it accidentally stepped on its left hind leg. Even though the rain was getting heavier by the minute, blood was still noticeably coming out of its hind leg. The fox was wounded. It was desperately trying to get somewhere with shelter and protection from the rain so that it might be able to survive the on-coming night that was fast approaching, but it could hardly move. Even with its careful steps, the wounded leg would occasionally rasp against a stray rock or lump of dirt. The rain beating upon it was not making it better, and it appeared to become more swollen as time passed.
The fox glanced around desperately, drenched in rain, as the corners of its vision began to darken slowly. It spotted a nearby shop that held some form of shelter from the rain, and it began to limp as quickly as it could to get there. The fox was panting, and it felt terribly hot, and then cold right after from the rain, and light-headed. Its leg was throbbing in pain, and the darkness in the corners of its eyes were becoming more noticeable as it spread its vision. It was trying to get to the shop as fast as it could, but the pain was becoming nearly unbearable. The shop seemed miles and miles away, and the poor fox thought it might never make it there alive.
The furry creature finally tripped on a big lump of rocks and collapsed on the ground. Even though it was half conscience, it still fought and struggled to get up and keep moving to the shop, but its leg would not allow it. It finally gave up, and lay there, blinking the rain out of its eyes and panting slightly from the harsh effort it gave in order to get out of the rain.
The young fox was at its limit, and its vision was fading. But before it lost conciousness, a figure appeared above it, standing over it. It was quite shadowed, seeing as the fox couldn't see well, and at the appearence of the human the fox was nearly scared as the human stood there before the fox with an umbrella over its head. But when the lightning flashed over the earth again and revealed the features of a young boy with dark, ebony and the blackest pearls of eyes that the fox had ever seen and the pale skin of a doll, it suddenly felt at ease.
The injured fox had never seen a more beautiful person in its life, only the boy's strange beauty filling the fox's mind as it was finally consumed with a peaceful and painfree darkness.
Uchiha Sasuke at the age of 8 happened to love rainy and stormy days. It could be that its sounds were comforting in his very lonely hours, or it could be because it was the mirror of his emotions quite recently. Either way, he had recently developed a fond love for the rain, and he always looked out his window to admire it on these days. Rain in Konohagakure was common, and he couldn't ask for better company.
Sasuke's obsidian eyes traveled over the traditional Japanese style huts and houses of where his family used to live. He used to visit his family often, as they were all very close. The Uchiha clan all lived in one unit afterall. Or used to anyhow.
Sasuke's eyes shut briefly. Bringing up memories of his past family was painful, but he couldn't help but do just that. Now that they were gone, he was subconsciously conjuring up every last memory of every family member that he could think of. Their deaths were still very recent, and the pain and shock that the Uchiha clan had perished so suddenly and quickly was still very present in the minds of the villagers and in Sasuke.
It has been a whole month since their funeral and remembrance ceremony. He still remembered how it was. It was one beautifully carved garnet tablet to represent the whole Uchiha clan. Most of the vilage was present in this ceremony, and the sky had been just like it was on this day, though the rain wasn't nearly as hard. It had been a silent and subtle shower, with the sky very dark and soft rumbles had vibrated in the clouds. Sasuke had wanted to cry then, as only a child would after their whole family's deaths, but he didn't. Instead, something worse covered his face as he stared unblinkingly at the black tombstone as words of praise were preached among the crowd by the Sandaime Hokage.
His face was of total and complete icy indifference. He had now officially learned this look, and Sasuke idly remembered how at the time of the funeral, it must have mirrored Itachi's cold mask.
A spark of anger filled Sasuke has he snapped away from his memories.
That name alone brought a deep anger from his heart. When he had first thought of his brother after his awakening in the hospital, he could only think of betrayal and grave despair. Overhearing the nurses talk outside his room was immediately disturbing, and suddenly the ache in his chest was so grave that all he wanted was to sink in the bottom of a dark ocean and fall asleep and never wake up. He wanted everything to be a nightmare so that he could run into his mother's arms and have her stroke his hair and calmly tell him that everything would be alright.
But everything hadn't been alright. Even then, he knew things would never be alright again. He knew it when he left the hospital and walked towards the Uchiha estate. He knew it when he passed by shops and houses with memories of his family would appear, and then he could see that they were no longer there. He knew it when the rain started to come from the skies, and let the knowledge that his family was gone finally sink in. He knew it when he knelt before his parent's death site, blood stains still prominent and the white ink showing the outline of where they lay.
Even before that, he knew things wouldn't be alright the moment that his slow panic began when he came home from school and the figure that sat upon the high pole. When there were no lights to shine upon the roads, even though it wasn't near bedtime. When his heart was beating in his ears as he approached the room that held a dark aura about it, when he slid open the doors and found his brother standing over their parent's dead bodies. When his most admired person turned cold and emotionless sharingan eyes to him and showed Sasuke the memories of how his big brother had ruthlessly killed and murdered each member of the Uchihas.
Nothing would ever be alright.
Sasuke didn't cry at the funeral. He didn't cry when he was alone in the big and empty house. He didn't need to. He held in his tears, and let his subconscious inner tormoil tear him apart. He let the dark feeling for Itachi settle in the part of his heart that had been torn out by said person. Sasuke was beginning his plunge into the darkness, letting an indescribeable dark anger fill his heart to take up the space of where his feelings had been torn.
At such an innocent age, Sasuke still didn't realize that the feeling was hatred.
Even though he had claimed to hate Itachi back then, it was nothing like this.
Another flash of lightning startled Sasuke from his thoughts, and he once again payed attention to the outside droplets that were still heavy and falling like buckets. Sasuke looked down below from the second story of his house to see the roads with little rivers and large puddles. He watched some leaves follow the paths, and as he watched, his attention was drawn to a small movement below, farther down the path and coming upward more.
Sasuke blinked as he tried to recognize what it was that was coming down the street. Was it a person? What would a person be doing out here in this heavy rain near nightfall? In the Uchiha residence no less? Sasuke squinted his eyes as he tried to get a better look since the person was nearing toward his vision.
'Not a person...' Sasuke thought with a furrow of his brow. It was much to small to be human, maybe a dog? Yes, perhaps a dog. Sasuke's thoughts turned toward the Inuzuka clan, and maybe this was one of their dogs. Though he still couldn't understand why it would be here. It was raining to hard, and it might get sick if its out here.
The young Uchiha then noticed the way it walked. He was able to see that the dog was walking awkwardly and in a limping fashion. Sasuke then came to the conclusion that it must have been injured. He saw it try to attempt to get to the shelter of a shop nearby.
Sasuke sighed. Maybe he should just try to treat the dog and give it back to the Inuzuka clan. Or give it to them anyway even if it wasn't theirs. He didn't have any use for a dog anyway. With that thought set in mind, Sasuke got off his seat and grabbed a rain jacket from his closet. He went downstairs and grabbed an umbrella by the door before slipping on his sandals and leaving the house and into the pouring rain.
He couldn't spot the dog immediately, but as he went further up the road, he saw it still trying to frantically limp toward the small bakery shop there. It was a slim dog, Sasuke noticed, and he could make out a reddish type of fur that clung to the animal. It was horribly drenched and soaking wet. Sasuke avoided the bigger puddles and mud piles and attempted to get to the dog. When the creature collapsed some 2 yards away from its goal, Sasuke broke out into a trot to get to it.
When he was standing over it, the animal looked up at him in slight fear. Sasuke then realized that this wasn't a dog at all, but a fox. It's narrow snout, slim figure, and firy auburn fur was impossible to mistake. It was very beautiful, in fact, but its most stunning feature was its beautiful azure-blue colored eyes. Sasuke stared in awe at the hazy ocean pools that stared back up at him, fear gone, before the fox's eyes finally shut slowly.
Sasuke snapped back to reality, and turned his attention to the fox's hind leg. It must have been bleeding horribly, though the bleeding stopped now, and the area around the leg was swolen and turning purplish. It must have been infected.
Sasuke's first thought was that the fox died, and another rock sank in his stomach at the thought that he was once again useless, but the soft and almost unnoticeable breathing coming from it denied Sasuke's thoughts. It was alive, just horribly sick. And apparently, it wasn't from the Inuzuka clan either.
'I'll just fix it up, and then return it to the forest.' Sasuke set this idea firmly in mind. He didn't even know why such a thing was here, but it didn't matter. This would be his deed to it, and hopefully he would never be bothered by anything again. He didn't need such unnecessary emotions coming in. Whether it be something stupid like this fox, or anyone else. Sasuke's thoughts caused him to glower at the unconscious fox, and he slowly knelt down toward the collapsed animal. He put his umbrella down on the ground, no longer caring if he got wet or not, and picked it up carefully.
Sasuke held it gently toward his chest, as if it might break, and then trotted back to his house to get out of the rain. The thought that the fox might not even live crossed his mind, but he would do his best to treat it and let it return to wherever it came from. He decided that this would be his last gift to anyone other than himself. He knew it sounded completely selfish and uncaring, but he knew he didn't want a replay of what happened to his family.
Once the last Uchiha was inside, he kicked off his sandals and carefully placed the fox on a cushion in order to get a better look at its leg. It was definitely hurt bad, and it was panting heavily even in its state of sleep. Sasuke felt the fox's forehead and wasn't surprised to feel it burning. He got up to find a towel. It first had to get dry or else it would get even more sick then it already was. He got a fluffy one and then proceeded to dry the fox. Once Sasuke was sure it was dry enough, he went through the cabinets for a first aid kit. He didn't know if the same rules and medicines applied to animals as humans, but this was the only thing that he had that might help the fox.
He did his best to clean the wound and then bandaged it. After putting a cold wash rag on its forehead, Sasuke let it rest for a while. Maybe that's what it really needed after all of this. Sasuke went to hte living room and sat on the black leather couch that was there. He sat down exasperatingly, more worn out than he would have thought. All those thoughts running through his head were becoming more stressful with time, and he needed a break. A distraction. Something.
He wearily closed his eyes and shifted in order to find a comfortable position on the couch. He opened his eyes half-way hazely, and glanced at the fox laying on the soft cushion. It looked so adorable and peaceful in its sleep. Its breathing was much more calm now, and Sasuke allowed a small smile to escape on his lips as he gazed at it. He closed his eyes slowly with the fox still within his vision.
Sasuke felt his mind get a little hazy from weariness. He strangely felt nice and warm with the knowledge of some other living thing in the same room as him. He reopened them again very slowly and tiredly to once again glance at the adorable fox. Yes, he indeed was very pretty with that golden, sunlight hair and whiskers on the sunkissed skin, which was very unusual in the village. The auburn ears that were peeking were twitching cutely, and that tail sprawled out on the cushion looked very soft and huggable...yes, he was very-
Sasuke suddenly snapped his eyes open and he was immediately awake and alert as he looked toward the cushion again and the creature that lay there. He stood abruptly from his seat and was alert and cautioned as he stared with wide eyes at the boy who looked no older than him and was laying quite comfortably on his cushion.
Indeed, the young boy, not the fox that was once there, had blonde hair with firey auburn fox ears peaking out where normal human ears should have been. A long tail came out from right above his bottom, and the boy had 3 whisker-like marks adorning his cheeks. The boy was covered in old grey rags, as it was no excuse for clothing, and the bandages that once bound the wound on the hind leg of the fox now lay in ruins from the increase in size.
Sasuke stared in wide shock as he stared hard at the child that lay peacefully oblivious to his wonder.
What the hell?!
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A/N: Yup. that looks like a good cliffy. It's just a prologue, and this is how they meet. I am really happy about how this turned out, and I will try to keep it updated. This idea was very fresh in my mind and I have several ideas of what to do with it. Please drop me a review and I will be very happy! Reviews make me wanna update!
Just tell me what you think. I'll continue with this a little farther whether its liked or disliked, but reviews really do keep me happy.
SilverKyuubi has left the building...for now...