Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Knight In Dirty Rags ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Enjoy and stuff.
Warning: This story isn’t beta’d. I do it myself, so if I missed anything sorry.

My Knight in Dirty Rags

Hinata opened her ivory eyes, her vision blurry with left over sleep in them. She slowly reached out her right knuckle to rub her eyes and yawned before sitting up. Her cotton blankets fell silently to the side as she swung her legs over the king size bed. Looking around the room, she noticed a blue summer dress taken from her dresser and hanging by her bathroom door.

Sighing, she stood up and stretched her limbs. Walking over to the dress, she examined it and smiled. It was one of her favorite dresses to wear. Opening the door to her bathroom, she silently took a hot shower. Once done, she walked into her room to change into the dress picked out for her. She hated the fact she had her clothes picked out for her, but she did not complain.

When done, she slowly walked out of her room and into one of many halls in the castle. Silently walking down the stone walled halls, she made her way into the dinning area where she saw the familiar faces of her sister, cousin, father, and many advisors eating their breakfasts and discussing important matters.

Everyone stopped eating and talking to look up at the girl, but soon turned back to what he or she was doing before. Hinata took a seat next to her baby sister and across her cousin. Smiling weakly she started to put various fruits on her plate. Looking at her father, the king, she sighed as she noticed the all too familiar face he had on while speaking with an unfamiliar man.

The man he spoke with, she did not know. It made her feel uneasy, for occasionally she could feel their eyes on her. She ate slowly, picking and jabbing at her fruit. Her cousin, Neji, looked at her with concern when she didn’t answer him.

“Hinata-san? Are you even listening to me?” he asked tapping his finger on the table in annoyance.

Startled, Hinata looked at Neji with wide eyes, before realizing she had been ignoring him. A slight blush formed as she gave a quiet apology. Neji rolled his eyes and said again, “Your father, before breakfast started, requested that I tell you that he would like to see you at about noon. Why he couldn’t tell you himself, I do not know. He must be to busy talking with that man.”

Hinata nodded, looking over to her father and the man, looking away when they looked at her. She quickly ate what she could of her breakfast, and excused herself from the room. She ran down the countless number of halls, tears falling from her eyes. In her gut, something told her she wasn’t going to enjoy the meeting she will have today.

Coming to a halt, she found herself in her little sanctuary-her garden. It wasn’t her garden entirely, but she was the only one who went there almost 24/7.

Her father was one of four kings. Each king ruled one fourth of the land. Hiashi, her father, ruled the Northern lands. A young king, Sasuke Uchiha, ruled the Southern land. The other two rulers were not of the importance, but there was always the emperor, the one who ruled them all. The ruler was Lord Tsunade, who was a great ruler. She didn’t take no for an answer and was the first female ruler, maker her very scary. Villages often, thinking she was a female, was weak, sending assassins, only to have them killed on the spot.

Hinata sat on the bench looking at the flowers surrounding the small pond. Her mind left her body for what seemed like hours. She started to daydream about life as a common folk. Life where you have to work hard to earn a living, no father expecting you to be great, no huge responsibilities. No burdens put on your shoulders but to do your best.

Snapping out of her far off daydream, she plucked a small flower form a patch of them, brought it up to her nose and sniffed the scent. It was a nice scent, not too strong but not to weak. Twirling it between her two fingers, she sighs and stood up. It was almost noon, her spending most of the morning out daydreaming.

She walked slowly up the staircase to the third floor. It was slightly dark; most of the flames on the torches were low, since it was daytime. Looking straight ahead of her, she wondered what her father could want with her.

‘Another lecture about me needing to be stronger? Alternatively, something about me not being smart enough to rule this land when he dies. Most likely both. There was that man, though. Could he have something about this meeting? What though? What could it be?’ she thought, fighting back tears fighting to come out.

Stepping into the hallway, she took a deep breath, calming herself. Meetings with her father were always nerve wreaking. Walking into her room, she went straight for her mirror, to check to see if she was presentable. When confirmed she was decent, Hinata walked out and headed down to the throne room, where her father waited for her.

Her movements were swift and she waited to be announced when she arrived. It seemed like hours, not seconds, standing there, waiting for the approval to go forth. When the doors opened, there, standing next to her father was the same man at breakfast. The look on his face was puzzling, but very frightful.

“Hinata. This man next to me is from the south. He has come on the behalf of their king, Sasuke. He requests your hand in marriage, as a way to strengthen our bonds, since we never truly got along with each other.”

Ivory eyes snapped wide open at what was heard. ‘What? No…,’ she thought. Gulping she looked down at the red wine rug she stood on.

“This is a good chance to make the south our allies, they are strong in war. If they are with us, we can become most powerful. Besides, you’re no use to me here. Go, pack your things, you leave early morn.” Hiashi finished, motioning for her to leave at once.

Hinata bowed slightly, turning on her heels and walking out. Upon leaving, she could here the man next to her father say it was a wise choice.

Tears fell silently from Hinata’s eyes know. She ran as fast as she could up to her chambers, knocking into servants here and there. Slamming her door open, she was welcomed by Hanabi, her sister, and Neji. They both stood up when they saw her tears and ran to her.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Neji demanded as Hinata walked quickly to her bed. Collapsing onto it, she sighed, trying to conjure up words. Failing, she just sobbed into her pillow, trying to stop the tears.


Sorry if it’s so short. I can’t do much about that. I hope you review for this, and give me any feedback. This is my first Naruto fic. ^-^