Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Life as Sakura Haruno ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Sasuke... I'm at point B," Sasuke voice was heard through my head set.

"Sakura here, I'm at point C!" I said after Sasuke.

"Naruto... I'm at point A. Believe it!" Naruto said. He was a bit on the slow side and Kakashi wasn't going to let that one slide.

"You're slow, Naruto!" Kakashi voice was heard. "Okay, squad 7-- The target has moved!" This got my attention! "Follow it!"

When the three of us stopped running I saw that Sasuke was behind me and Naruto was above me. "Over there!" he stated the obvious. We all moved again closer to our target.

"What's your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"5 meters," Naruto answered. "I'm ready, just give the signal."

"I'm ready too," Sasuke said.

"Ready!" I said still watching where our target was.

"NOW!" Kakashi instructed and we all jumped towards the target; but Naruto was the one who ended up getting it. It was a brown cat with a red ribbon on his ear. Naruto was having a pretty hard time with the little thing.

"I got him! I got him!" Naruto said still struggling. I felt sorry for Naruto so I picked up the cat.

"It's going to to be okay now!" I cooed. "Naruto won't hurt you any more!"

"Me, hurt that thing?!" Naruto screamed as the cat cuddle close to my chest. "It's the devil incarnate!" I just laughed until Kakashi got my attention.

"Can you verify ribbon on its right ear?" he asked.

"Affirmative, we have a positive id" Sasuke said.

"Right, lost pet, Tora, captured," Kakashi said. "Mission accomplished."

"CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THAN THIS?" Naruto yelled into the mic; I saw Sasuke clutched his ears, I would have done the same thing but I was holding the cat. "I HATE CATS!!"

A Dangerous Mission!
Journey to the Land of Waves!


I watched as a big woman hug the death out of the cat we had just returned. I grimaced at the scene in front of me. "It's no wonder it ran away!" I thought shaking my head.

"Stupid cat! That kitty deserves to be squashed!" Naruto laughed.

"Now then, for squad seven's next mission we have several available tasks," the Hokage got our attention. He looked a lot older in person! "Among them are babysitting the chief councilor three-year-old, helping his wife to do the shopping, digging up potatoes--"

"Well, how long is the damn list!?" I thought with my eye twitching. "These tasks sound an awful like chores!" He looked as if he was about to continue!

"Noooo!" Naruto groaned in agony making the Hokage stop and look at him. "I want to go on a real mission!" he shouted with his arms like a X. "Something challenging and exciting! Not this little kid stuff! Come on old man!"

"I knew this was coming," I whispered to Sasuke; he nodded his head in agreement.

"Though, he has a point," Sasuke said making me nod my head in agreement.

"How dare you!" Iruka said slamming his hands on the desk in front of him. "You're just a brand new genin with no experience! Like everyone else you start with simple mission to develop your skills and improve yourself!"

"Are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission! It's just a stupid…!" Kakashi cut off Naruto's little rant by knocking him over the head.

"Would you put a lid on it?" he asked calmly.

"Naruto, it seems you do not understand the tasks you have been given," the Hokage said gaining Naruto's attention. Well, I heard this all before so I'm not going to bother listening to him. Yeah, I know that's kinda rude but hey! I won't tell if you won't!

Suddenly Naruto started talking to us. I don't think he or any of us were paying attention to the Hokage right now, even Kakashi! We were all listening to Naruto's story... why? Heck, I guess we were all bored. "So then I had this ramen yesterday and I was thinking miso ramen today--"

"Silence!" the Hokage got our attention; man, he sounded a little mad. I wonder why...?

"Oh, sorry," Kakashi said rubbing the back of his head.

"You're always lecturing me like you're my grandfather or something! But, I'm the little brat that used to pull pranks!" Naruto shouted. "I'm a ninja now and I want a ninja mission!" And then he turned around and pouted. So, he's not a little brat, huh? -Rolled eyes-

"I'm going to hear about this later..." Kakashi said still rubbing the back of his head.

"Naruto wants us to know he's not a brat. He's a former brat," the Hokage said. "And he wants a mission... so be it."

"Huh?" Naruto said.

"What...?" Sasuke said. So, Naruto's whining landed them the dangerous mission?

"Since you are so determined, I'm going to give you a C-rank mission," the Hokage said smoking his pipe. Oh, isn't he generous...! "You will be body guards on a journey."

"Really...?" Naruto said turning his head. "Yes! Who? Are we guarding a princess or--"

"Calm down Naruto!" I said patting his head; he was still on the ground. "So what are we doing?"

"I will bring him in now," the Hokage said. "Send in our visitor!" We all looked towards the door to see who we were suppose to guard. The door slid open and in came an old man with a bottle of what I'm assuming was either sake or wine... though sake usually comes in something smaller; he also had glasses.

"What the-- a bunch of snot-nosed kids?" his words were slurred; the man was a little drunk I see, he drunk some more of whatever was in the bottle.

"Excuse me? But do you see snot running down my nose?" I thought; I could feel my eyebrow twitched. "Drunken old fool!" Naruto stood up and made a 'huh' sound.

"You, the little one with the idiotic look on your face," the man said pointing. "Do you really expect me to believe you're a ninja?" Naruto started laughing making me look at him like he was a moron.

"Who's the little one with the idiotic look on his f--" Naruto stopped and looked as Sasuke and I walked closer to Naruto.

It was almost like lines appeared telling each of our heights. In Sakura's body I was a little shorter than Sasuke and Naruto was shorter than all of us; realization dawned on Naruto and he got mad almost instantly. "I'll demolish you!" Naruto yelled; it was lucky that Kakashi grabbed him by the back of his jumpsuit.

"You can't demolish our clients, it doesn't work that way" he said.

"I'm the super expert bridge builder, Tazuna. I expect you guys to super protect me until I get back to my country and complete the bridge."


"Let's see what I'll need for this mission," I said going through Sakura's stuff. Oh, medicine is good! I'll pack that! "Now, what exactly happens on this mission?" I thought. I know that Haku and Zubuza... or whatever his name was comes along. I never really saw those episodes..... I put the bag on my back and walked out of the house. I raced to the giant gates only to realize that Sasuke was there; he was the first one too.

"Sakura...!" Sasuke said when he noticed me.

"What? Don't tell me you are surprised," I said grinning. "Man, if you're like this all the time then... you will eventually die of shock."

"Hn...." was his retort. I rolled my eyes at him and then leaned on the wall. ".....Sakura...?"

"Yeah…?" I mumbled with my eyes closed.

"Why did you... change your appearance?" Sasuke asked and I gave him an O.o look. "And yourself for that matter?"

"Well Sasuke, I don't want pink hair," I answered. "And I didn't really like the way I looked at life. I want to focus more on being a ninja than boys and make up."

"Is that your reason...?" Sasuke asked.

"What? You thought I changed to impress you?" I asked grinning. "You really need to get over yourself!"

"Hn... that's not what I thought!" Sasuke said. I grinned some more.

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" I said. "You were really thinking 'If she gets any cuter... how am I supposed to impress her?' weren't you?" Sasuke turned his face from me and said.

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh, you know you want me!" I said just plain cheesing!

"Hey! Are you ready for the mission?" Naruto got my attention.

"Oh, yeah!" I said giving a victory sign. "Bring it on!"

"I'm glad to see that you're so enthusiastic about this mission," Kakashi's voice made me turns to him; he was with that bridge builder. The gates were already opened and everyone was already exiting.

"Yeah!" Naruto shouted after we had all exited and were now behind the doors. "This is the first time I've left the village! I'm a traveler now! Believe it!"

"Am I suppose to trust this brat with my life?" bridge builder asked Kakashi while pointing at Naruto. "This kid's a joke!"

"He's with me and I'm a jounin so you don't need to worry," Kakashi chuckled lightly. I'm surprised Naruto didn't lash out at the bridge builder.

"Hey! Never insult a ninja!" Naruto yelled pointing; so much for being surprised. "It's a big mistake! And I am one of the greatest ninja ever. Someday, I'll be the greatest Hokage and then you will have to look up to me! My name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

"I think he meant loudest ninja," I thought sighing.

"Hokages are powerful and wise, you are puny and brainless," bridge builder said. "The day you become Hokage is the day I sprout wings and fly."

"Shut up! I'm willing to do anything to become Hokage….No matter what it takes!" Naruto yelled. "And when I do, everyone will have to admit that I'm the top ninja, including you!"

"I wouldn't acknowledge you even if you do become Hokage... ten times over!" bridge builder said; that was kinda harsh! Naruto started yelling again and it looked like he was about to attack but Kakashi held on to him again.

"This is going to be a long mission," I sighed. "With those two idiots...."


"Hey… Kakashi-sensei?" I said.

"Yes...?" he asked.

"What do Hokages do exactly?" I asked.

"Hokages rule over thousands of ninja," Kakashi answered.

"Seriously...?" I said. "Naruto… ruling over thousands of ninja, huh? I wonder what that would be like." Suddenly a visual of Naruto being Hokage came to mind; he was demanding that everyone eat at least four bowls of Ramen everyday and the people were looking at him like he was crazy. And I saw that all the people were wearing orange jumpsuits.

Before I knew it I started laughing at that! I mean, imagine Kakashi and Sasuke wearing an orange jumpsuit!

Inner Mayu: FUNNY!!!

"What's wrong with you?" Sasuke asked making me turn to him; that made me laugh a little harder! "Okay, forget I asked...."

"Well anyway, there are no ninja battles in a C-rank mission," Kakashi put his hand on my head. "So you can relax."

"Okay...." I said.

Inner Mayu: Relax? I want to go into a heated battle already! CHA!

We were now crossing a bridge, no one said a word. And it was getting kinda annoying, not to mention boring! I noticed we walked by a puddle of water... but there was no other puddles around. "Kakashi-sensei?" I said.

"Yes, Saskura," Kakashi said.

"Has it rained recently?" I asked.

"I don't think so, why do you ask?" Kakashi asked.

"It's just, I noticed awhile back that there was a puddle," I whispered so that only he could hear me.

"Hmm... you're quite the observer, Sakura...." Kakashi said patting my head.

"Hey! I'm not a dog!" I said irritated. Suddenly I saw something coming at me and Kakashi so I ran! I thought he would follow me but he didn't! It was a metal rope and it wrapped around Kakashi. "Kakashi-sensei!" I called.

I saw that these two guys were the ones with the metal rope. "Do it!" one of them said and then they pulled tearing Kakashi apart.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto called out in disbelief drawing my attention to him. I saw that the two ninja were behind him.

"Naruto, watch out!" I yelled.

"Now it's your turn!" one of them said laughing making Naruto turn around. The two flung their metal things in the air preparing on killing Naruto but Sasuke pinned the things to a tree.

The two ninja were trapped. "I can't get loose!" one of them said. Sasuke kicked the two and then one of them headed straight for the bridge builder! I stood in front of the bridge builder.

"Stay behind me!" I said and as soon as the ninja was close enough, I kicked him making him fly in the air!

"Sakura...!" I heard Sasuke say my current name as I jumped up to the ninja. I did a flip in mid air and used the back of my foot to kick the ninja down again.

"SHAAZAM!!" I shouted when my foot collided. "I love these great skills combined with Sakura's speed and agility!" I thought landing next to the bridge builder with a shuriken in my hand for protection. Kakashi came from no where and grabbed the ninja before they could attack again.

"Sakura...?" Sasuke got my attention making me smirk; he was walking towards me.

"Hello there," Kakashi said calmly.

"He’s alive!" I thought cheerfully.

Inner Mayu: Kakashi is soooo cool!

"He used the replacement jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Naruto, sorry I didn't help you right away, I didn't mean for you to get hurt," Kakashi said still he had a hold on the ninja. "I just didn't think you freeze up like that." He started walking towards me and Sasuke. "Good job Sasuke, very smooth, you too Sakura."

"Thanks," I replied.

Inner Mayu: Damn straight! CHA!

"Hey!" Sasuke got Naruto's attention. "You're not hurt are you... scaredy cat?"

"Sasuke! You don't have to brag!" I yelled. "That wasn't very nice!"

"SASUKE--" Naruto was interrupted.

"Naruto, stand still.... these ninja had poison in their claws," Kakashi said. "We need to take out the poison as soon as possible. Don't move around, that spreads it." Naruto... I am truly shocked! When does he get all cool and tough? That's what I wanna see!

"By the way mister Tazuna...." Kakashi said.

"Uh.... Yeah, what?" bridge builder said.

"We need to talk," he answered. Kakashi then tied the two ninja to a nearby tree, we all stood in front of them. I had a angry look on my face.

Inner Mayu: CHA! I wanted to do more than just a simple kick!

"Man, my Inner Mayu sure does have some issues!" I thought. "I wonder if I could sweat drop here."

"They're are chunin from the village hidden in the mist," Kakashi informed us. "Their specialty is relentless attack. They keep fighting no matter what the sacrifice."

"How did you know about our ambush?" one of the ninja asked.

"Sakura... would you like to explain?" Kakashi asked making everyone's attention turn to me. I could feel myself blush at all the attention.

"Uh... sure! I saw this puddle... one puddle and when it hasn't rained in days... weeks even. I thought that was pretty odd considering this fact," I started. "So I just happen to tell Kakash-sensei about my little observation. Though, I'm sure he noticed it too."

"Very good explanation, Sakura," Kakashi praised.

"Thanks!" I said grinning.

"How could she notice that but not me...?" I heard Sasuke ask himself.

"That's simple Sasuke," I said getting his attention. "It's because I got mad skillz, yo!" I saw Sasuke roll his eyes at me making my grin grow wider.

"In that case, why did you let the genin do the fighting?" bridge builder asked.

"I could have taken them out quickly but then I would have learned nothing. I had to know who their target was," I saw Kakashi give Tazuna a sidewards glance. "And what they were after...."

"What are you getting at?" bridge builder asked.

"This.... I wanted to know if they were attacking us; ninja fighting ninja or if they were after you, the master bridge builder?" Kakashi said. "When you put in your request you ask for standard protection from robbers and highway men. You didn't say ninja were hunting you down. If we knew this it would have been a B-rank mission or higher. Our task was to simply get you to your destination and protect you were you finish the bridge. If we knew this we would have changed it and charged it accordingly. You must have your reasons but lying to us is not acceptable. We are now beyond the scope of this mission."

"This might be too advance for genin like us, I mean Naruto completely froze when we were attacked," I said looking at Naruto. "We need to get that poison out of him fast before it spreads any further."

I saw Naruto look at his hand and then looked at Kakashi who had sighed loudly. "Naruto's hand could become a problem... oh well, I guess we have to return to the village," Kakashi said.

"But I wanted to continue so badly!" I thought sighing. Naruto suddenly took out a shuriken and stabbed himself in his already wounded hand making everyone gasp. "GASP!" I gasped making Sasuke look at me strangely before turning his attention back to Naruto.

"Why am I so different? Why am I always so-- argh!" Naruto growled out.

"Naruto please calm down!" I said. "You really don't have to do that!"

"Yes I do! I worked so hard to get here, pushing myself until it hurt. Training alone for hours;anything to get stronger and reach my dream," Naruto said making me smile. "I will never back down again and let someone else rescue me. I will never run away and I won't lose to Sasuke! Upon this wound I make this pledge. Believe it! Bridge builder, I'll complete this mission and protect you with this kunai knife. Real ninja never give up and neither will I! Don't you guys worry about me, I'll be fine! So let's go!" he finally finished.

"Naruto, that was really cool how you got the poison out and all but...." I started.

"But if you lose anymore blood... you're going to die!" Kakashi finished. It got real quiet after he said that; Naruto had frozen on the spot. Naruto suddenly turned blue in the face and he was sweating bullets.

"Aaaaaaah!!" Naruto shouted.

"Really good idea to stop the blood now!" Kakashi said in a sing song voice.

"No! No! No! I'm too young for it to end like this! No! No! No!" Naruto shouted going into panic mode.

"Show me your hand," Kakashi sighed out.

"Naruto calm down! It is not all that!" I shouted.

"No! No! No!" Naruto yells continue; I rolled my eyes. "Um... um... you have a serious look on your face! Your scary me, am I going to be okay?"

"Uh... yeah, you will be fine," Kakashi said wrapping up Naruto's hand. Why do I get the feeling Kakashi is hiding something from Naruto.

"So, are we continuing the mission, Kakashi-sensei?" I asked.

"Yes, we are!" Kakashi said fully standing up.

"Alright!" I said grinning; I turned to Sasuke. "Isn't this great, Sasuke? Now I can show you some more of my skills!"

Inner Mayu: CHA! That's one small step for the mission... and one giant leap to Gaara-kun!!!

"Whatever...." Sasuke grumbled looking away.

"Man, you are a walking popsicle!" I said patting his back rather harshly.

"Stop that!" Sasuke yelled making me laugh.