Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Life ❯ Attacked ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time:
Anyway, my dad and I never talked much after that. My mother, brother and I did though but in secret for if my dad was to find out that they talked to me, I was in deep trouble as well as my mother and brother. He never found out from what I know. Everything was perfectly fine, until my mother and brothers death that is.
Chapter 2: Attacked
My life had become so complicated after that. Many more than a few attempts were made on my life afterwards. Not were successful though. I had gotten hurt a few times but they were only scratches to me. Well from my point of view they were. The doctors had insisted I was very badly injured but I ignored them all.
They had told me to stay in the hospital for a week or two but I refused to so I escaped the first chance I got. The injuries were a bit more than flesh wounds though. Anyway about a good thirty attempts were made on my life within the last three months. That's about ten a month that is about either two or three attacks a week. Many were at night when I was walking home from my restaurant.
They tried to jump me many times. Fortunately I had the skill to avoid being jumped and to dispose of them. Very quickly and easily I might add. Every night I defeated them though more had come the next night they attacked. Stronger, faster and better-equipped one came. They tried so hard it seemed but they fail miserably. The only way I could assure them no shame was to be added to there name was the way that they had tried to shame me.
It was fairly easy. I never got into any trouble as well. If the police found the blood stains or the weapons my father would pay them a lot of money so they wouldn't report it to the station. How he found out who saw this is beyond me. He's probably a stalker. He did this so no investigation was made and both him and me got into no trouble.
My father would have a lot of proof of what I have done if we were to go to trial. He would have perhaps won any case if the police did not know that he hated me and wanted to kill me for not joining him and for going to college. The police knew though and instead of I going to jail he would for attempted murder. After all I only defended myself from people who wanted to kill me the only way I was taught to.
I may have gotten a tiny fine though for what I did but not anything too serious. Anyway the nights I had gotten hurt (About five out of the thirty times) were very bad and long nights for me. Not only did I have to go to the hospital to get treated but also I had to tell the doctor how and why this happened to me, which was not at all easy believe me. They knew what had happened to me after examining my wound so I told them what happened. Although I might have twisted it just a bit.
The last night it happened was the worst night by long. There were so many of them and they were all so powerful with many hidden weapons on them. It was as if I stood no chance in beating them. Well that was what had ran threw my mind when I saw them all. I was lucky my girlfriend wasn't with me, not that she can't take care of herself or anything. I just didn't want her to get hurt.
Anyway they had inflicted so many wounds upon my body that they damaged some of my organs and they almost sliced open important arteries and veins that would have made me bleed to death if opened. By the time I had dragged myself to the hospital my blood soaked threw my clothing and stained my flesh.
I was immediately put on a stretcher and moved to the emergency room where they had taken many x rays and patched up my wounds with stitches and bandages and a lot of other things. I have to say the wounds I had gotten during the fight did not hurt as much as I had thought they would instead they seemed to give me a edge over my enemies. It drove me to fight harder and show no mercy.
It was as if I had unlocked something very strong inside of me. The wounds might have killed a human but I was not at all worried about dieing because of them for I knew my time on this planet was not yet up. I would never die because of my father instead he would die because of me. I would never die or rest until his blood soaked either my sword or my own two hands. It was a promise I had made to myself as soon as he tried to have me killed.
The night I was last attacked I was walking home threw an alleyway short cut I had found when walking home a different night. I was half way threw the alley when a strange noise almost like a gun shot sound caught my attention. I looked to the direction it had come from which was oddly above me.
I saw a lot of dark figures up there looking at me from what I could see. They were all on a fire escape. One of them backhanded the other and the one who was backhanded dropped something on the ground right in front of me. It was a silver pistol with The Resistance symbol on the side of it.
I quickly picked it up before they could come down and get it back. I pointed it at the figure that dropped it and pulled the trigger. Bang! The guy fell over the railing of the fire escape and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Blood was coming out of the bullet wound in his chest and from his head, which had cracked when he had hit the floor.
I stared at him for a bit before shaking my head in disappointment. Idiots. I thought they were suppose to be strong. “What a waste of life.” I said as I moved my head to look above me.
The figures saw this and they absolutely knew there cover was blown so they jumped down and landed behind me. There was about a good forty of them. How the hell did they manage to all fit on the fire escape… I trailed off not exactly wanting to know. Anyway one of them stepped forward with pure hatred in his eyes that was directed at me.
“You are a traitor to us all. You first betrayed us when you said no to your father about being in our clan and you did it again when you killed your brother and mother. Your life has run out. You will die today by the members who's lives were ruined by his death.” The man who was the obvious leader said to me.
“Traitor? You will die tonight. If you have noticed it is nighttime not daytime as you claim it is. No sun. You see? Or are you too stupid to comprehend that?” I asked him, anger was clear in my voice at the comments he had said to me. Traitor and Killer he dare call me?
He will die for his insolence. “I care not for what time it is. I care only if I kill you.” He replied calmly. As if a signal the other men walked towards me, ready to kill me by the looks in their eyes. They were all a yard away from me when the leader spoke again.
“Before you die, I wish to know why you killed them when they gave you all you wanted?” He said to me. Actually it was more of a demand to me but whatever. I shook my head at the question and chuckled to myself. All who were around me sent me death glares. “What is so funny?” The leader asked me. I could tell he couldn't wait to try and kill me but alas that would never happen.
“You mean other than the fact you are all idiots who have learned absolutely nothing? I will not die by you or any of my father's people. Now will you go back to my idiotic father and try to get that threw his thick skull? And tell him to leave me alone. I am not in the Resistance nor will I ever be. If I ever do have a gang they will be all people who I trust.” I stated my anger getting the better of me.
“You will die now because of your big mouth.” The leader said and snapped his fingers. All rushed me. I jumped up on to the fire escape. I jumped off it and over my brothers henchmen with my back turned to them. They all seemed to have collided with each other. Stupid, idiots are what they all are.
The leader seemed to be the only one who wasn't as stupid as the rest. The moment I had turned to look back at them, I saw him in front of my face with a smirk on his own. A loud bang was heard as I felt my chest; just below my heart ripe apart as a bullet zoomed threw it. It seemed to find comfort in my spine since it lodged itself deep within it.
My head screamed to me in pure pain from the blow to my chest and I felt red-hot liquid slide down my chest towards the floor below. My breathing had easily quickened, as did the beat of my heart. My eyes were sending pure death glares at the one who did this to me. They told him he would pay but he was not listening.
For he had pulled a small pocket knife from the folds of his jacket and before I could move or even realize what he was doing he slid it across my stomach and than when he was done he thrusts the knife it my left wrist. Why is it always my left hand that gets injured? Well anyway he than flipped backwards and watched me. I felt even more red-hot liquid make it's way to the floor.
My stomach and the muscle in it had been torn open like a stuffed teddy bear. My wrist burnt with pain as I felt the bone split. More blood came out of my wrist than both my stomach and chest put together. I'm afraid he might have cut open my vein. Hell he did. I might be bleeding to death for all I know. Not that I cared though. I only care if I kill these idiots.
My left hand was useless due to what had happened but it would not stop me from tearing these guys limb from limb. My inner demon was yelling to me, well more like growling to me telling me to kill all those who dared have a part in my pain. Usually I would ignore my inner self but I found myself doing the opposite, I nodded in approval. So I went with it and attacked.
I rushed forwards towards the leader with the sword my father had given me out. I was so quick that he didn't notice me until of course he saw I was gone. I was quick though and I managed to slice open his right thigh as he did a back flip to avoid the blade. I stopped and he landed on his right leg and almost fell flat on his face.
If he didn't quickly put his left foot and hands down to support him he would have fell. By this time the other guys had untangled themselves and were surrounding me. Damn. There are too many of them for me too fight all at once. I'll have to figure out how to get them at least down to four or five at a time not ten or twenty at a time or else I'm totally screwed.
“Not dead, eh? You're a stubborn little idiot aren't you?” The leader asked me. I smirked at him and nodded. Of course I'm stubborn but there is no way in hell that I am an idiot. “Call yourselves names why don't you? Stop calling me them that way you might live longer.” I replied to the little comment. He was obviously angry at the comment since his face flushed red with anger.
“Why you little brat… Kill him!” He yelled at the other thirty-eight men and so they did. They all went and lunged at me. I jumped as soon as the first one was a foot away. I landed on another's head and looked down as he looked up at me. I was there for long since one of the other men chopped his head off in a failed attempt to get me. I jumped and landed on the fire escape ladder.
“You idiot you just sliced one of our men's heads off.” The leader yelled at the man who had did it. “Well he was in the way.” The man countered and I shook my head. What a fool. “In the way? You missed him by a mile! Damn it just shut up and kill him and don't hit anyone but him.” The leader told them all and they all nodded.
They all looked to where I was last to find me missing. Idiots should know better than to keep their eyes off their prey. I had snuck up the escape ladder to the roof. I found myself sitting on the edge of it as I watched them look in vain for me.
“Where the hell did that little brat go?” I heard the leader ask. He got no reply of course. I than pulled out a silence pistol and aimed it at one of the guys. I pulled the trigger and down he went. Of course no one saw him go down. They were too busy looking for me. So I continued to do this to the henchmen that had no one near them.
I got a good twenty-five of them before the leader finally noticed them all motionless on the ground. I tell you they are pure idiots. Even I would have noticed this long before twenty-five of them were dead. “What the hell happened to them?” He screamed in frustration. The other fourteen shook their heads not knowing what had happened.
The leader walked over to one of them and examined their body. “A bullet wound. Be careful he is around here somewhere with a silencer or a sniper. Be on guard and try to find the brat.” The leader snarled at them and they all nodded. I tell you they were pure idiots.
They were all standing in a straight line just waiting for me to kill them all. I shot about another ten bullets and they landed threw all fourteen of the guys. Killed them instantly too. I shook my head at how easy that was. Now alls I have to deal with is the leader. And he seems to have vanished into thin air.
I felt a cold object hit the back of my neck and tensed up. Damn I should really listen to my own advice. “Stand up now and drop the gun.” The leader said to me and I obeyed like a damn dog would his master. I stood on the edge of the building not exactly wanting to know how this was going to end.
“You should have just kept quiet you would have lived longer if you did.” The leader said to me and I sighed. Great I'm going to get a lecher now. “Just to tell you the first rule of martial arts is to always keep your eyes on your enemy.” He said to me. Duh. Hello I knew this already.
“What's your point?” I snarled at him. He pushed the blade harder against the back of my neck. “My point is that you should have kept your eyes on me. That bone headed move just got you killed. Oh but before I do kill you.” The leader said as he pulled me down of the ledge of the building. He pushed me to my knees and I felt a burning sensation in both my ankles and thighs.
I felt the same red-hot liquid slide down them as my other wounds. “Stand.” He stated and I obeyed as he returned the knife to the back of my neck. I went to get up but realized I couldn't. I tried as hard as I could to stand but I wasn't able to. He had sliced the parts of my legs I needed in order to stand.
“Good you can't stand.” He said as he picked me up somehow by the back of my shirt. I was yet again on the edge of the building. “Goodbye.” He said as he shoved me off the ledge of the building. I am going to die. Damn him to hell. Stupid legs work. I need a miracle. The ground was no more than a few feet from me now. Well my legs might not work but I can still land on them right?
I turned my body so that my legs would be the first to hit the ground. They were killing me though. Ok I changed my mind. Hands go first even though I'll probably break the bone but at least I'll still be alive. God am I selfish. I twisted my body so my hands would hit first.
The ground was a few inches away now. No time to change again. I hit the ground, hard. My wrist took the pain as I landed on the ground and did a back flip landing on my butt but at least I was still alive. Damn did my wrist hurt like hell. I had felt and heard them crack as I landed. They hurt the moment I tried to move them. Looks like I could still use them but they hurt like hell if I do. This is not good.
I can't use my wrist if that leader guys decides to attack again AND I can't move my legs so I can't even stand. My life is just perfect. I had dropped my sword some time before this point. Where I did not know but I was looking around for it. Hoping it was close by so I had at least some protection.
Unfortunately I did not see it anywhere in sight. That is until I saw that leader guy come walking towards me with it in his hands. Damn my luck and Damn him to hell. “Looking for this?” He asked as he chuckled with his annoying voice that I've grown to just hate. “Yes actually I was and I would appreciate if you would give it back to me.” I growled to him.
“Of course I'll give it back.” He said as he charged at me with it raised above his head. Damn he was going to attack. Okay that's it I'm not saying damn anymore I said it too many times already. Stupid word. Anyway he was about to swing it down on top of my head when I painfully put my hands up to catch the blade in my hands.
The force that it had when coming down on to my hands had cut them deeply. Blood was dripping from my hands and they were screaming to me in pain but I didn't listen instead I tightly closed them around the blade of my sword. “What the…” The leader trailed off as he looked at me with wide eyes. Looks like he never saw someone catch a sword before.
Well than I guess he'll love it when I use it against him. I had felt my legs return to me so I pushed the sword up while he was distracted and he was so surprised that I had managed to get the sword out of his grip and hit his nose hard with it. He fumbled backwards holding his now broken nose that was dripping blood down his face.
I took a last look at him before I quickly plunged my sword into his chest where his heart laid. He gasped and blood shot out of his mouth and right onto my face. I shut my eyes disgusted. Nasty. I pushed him off my sword and on to the floor. I wiped his blood off my face and wiped it on my already bloody shirt. “Know who you're messing with and what they can do before you go after them.” I said to him coldly as I walked away limping.
Even though I could walk my legs were killing me from the wounds inflicted on them. The hospital had to be a good two blocks away and I wasn't so sure I could make it there. It took me a good five minutes just to get passed the first block so I was pretty sure I couldn't make it to the hospital especially with the fact that I had to use every object in my sight to lean on just to insure that I didn't fall.
I had lost too much blood and felt as if I was going to pass out. I don't know what but something kept me going and I walked to the hospital with much difficulty but it was worth it. I stepped into the hospital and all eyes landed on me.
“Help?” I whispered before I fell to my knees as my legs gave out from beneath me. They luckily heard my weak plea and helped me onto a stretcher where I was quickly rolled into emergency. I don't know what happen next all I know is that they patched me up. I awoke in a soft bed as the light from the sun hit my face.
The hospital tended to me like they would any other patient of theirs. I'm positive half of them cared not if I lived or died. Their only wish was to make money. All of them were greedy animals that lived just for that. It is too bad that they would die before I could see them again.
(A/N: End of chapter two. I hope you guys are getting everything that is happening. Most of the chapters are flashbacks of Sasuke's past when he was eighteen and older. He thinks of the events that have occurred up until where the prologue took place. Anyway please review and for those who already did I thank you. Until next time.)