Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Lonely Heart Beats ❯ Even In Death ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

An: Wow! I am so happy with the response that I have been getting. I have received nothing but beautiful reviews from my readers. I am so happy with everything. Now on with chapter two since you have all been waiting for it. Oh yeah you guys have this chapter thanks to a certain Pepp! ~_^
Disclaimer: Me no own, you no sue!
My Lonely Heart Beats
Chapter 2
Even In Death
*Naruto's P.O.V.
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Give me a reason to believe that you're gone
`There's so much blood it's everywhere. Kami make it stop!'
That was the only thought on my mind. I looked around frantically, trying to find any sense of life anywhere around me. All I saw was bodies. Bodies upon bodies. Men, women, and children alike, shinobi and non-shinobi, none had been spared from this blood bath. Everywhere I looked there were just more corpses on the ground, in trees, some whole others torn in half. Something had wreaked havoc on Konoha and I had been unable to stop it. Something had completely destroyed the village and no matter where I looked I could find no signs of life.
I see your shadow so I know they're all wrong

I was becoming desperate. No matter where I looked there was no sign of Iruka, Kakashi, Sakura, Tsunade, or…Sasuke. I had looked though the entire village and there was no sign of any of them. I had gone to every place that I could think of but one. I had by-passed my own home thinking that there was no way they would ever go there. Finally I had no other options and I figured there was no other place they could be. My house was the last place I had not searched.
Moonlight on the soft brown earth
As I ran through Konoha, jumping and dodging around and over bodies I felt that something was not right. There was something evil in the air; more evil than anything I had ever felt but familiar at the same time. I raced through town and I couldn't help the shiver that passed down my spine. There was something there, watching in the shadows. Waiting…for me.
It leads me to where you lay
I shook it off. What was important was finding my sensei and my team. What was important was finding Sasuke. I didn't know what had happened to him but I would find out. If I had to hunt down and torture it out of even Orochimaru I would find out where Sasuke was.
They took you away from me but now I'm taking you home
Finally I was almost there, I could see my apartment building in the distance and I put on a burst of speed. I could see no bodies outside of my building and yet I could still smell the blood, and it was fresh. Panicking I raced even faster to my apartment, relieved and yet still worried that I caught no scent of Sasuke's blood in the air. When I reached the building I didn't even bother unlocking the door, instead I shattered it with a well-placed kick to the center. Walking inside the smell hit me and almost drove me to my knees.
I will stay forever here with you
Now that the door to the building was open the scent of blood could reach my sensitive nose, and yet I could smell no sign of Sasuke. I raced inside frantically, absently noticing my landlord dead on the floor, in the back of my mind. There was blood here to; it was all over the walls and the floor, so slick that I almost slipped in my desperation to reach my home.
My love
As I ran by the apartments in the building I could see inside everyone and I could only stare in horror. The doors had been shattered from the outside in just like I had shattered the front door. Everywhere in every one of the apartments there was blood. The walls were splattered and the floors swimming in the crimson liquid. I could see the bodies of children and adults, some looked as if they had fought to the death, and others looked as if they had been sleeping when a monster had appeared out of nowhere.
The softly spoken words you gave me
I wanted to stop and help, to see if any remained alive but I couldn't. My senses had already told me that they were dead, and had been for a while. As a matter of fact it was likely that these had been the first to die in the massacre. Turning from the open apartment doors I continued to run up and up, all the way to the fourth floor and my apartment. Outside of the door I could smell it.
Even in death our love goes on
Blood, fear, death, and oh Kami, Sasuke.
With trembling hands I opened the only closed door in the building, my door. I didn't want to go in there just as much as I did. I had to find Sasuke no matter what! I twisted open the door and almost screamed at the sight that met my eyes. There was blood all over the living room walls and floor. It was everywhere and it was familiar. I could smell them all, my entire team and Iruka. Their blood was soaking my apartment, my walls, my floor it was everywhere.
Some say I'm crazy for my love, Oh my love
Slowly as if in a trance I followed the scents. I found Sakura in the kitchen, and I felt my heart break even more. She was bloody and sliced open, her insides spilling out onto the table that she had been pinned to with butcher knives. Her throat was slit and her eyes were wide open and glassy, they stared at me accusingly as I approached her body. I gently reached out and with a downward stroke of my finger closed her lids. I wanted to stop here and cry over her body, to take one of the knives and slit my own wrists. The village was gone, so was Sakura and I knew somewhere in the back of my mind, so were the others. But I couldn't stop now, not until I had found Sasuke, dead or alive I had to find him.
But no bonds can hold me from your side, Oh my love
I slowly made my way from room to room looking for any and every sign that could tell me who had done this. I wanted to find Sasuke and yet something was telling me not to run blindly forward. I needed to remain alert and on my toes, so I could kill the bastard that had done this.
They don't know you can't leave me
My next stop was my bedroom. The sight that met my eyes was horrible. There on my bed lay Kakashi and Iruka. They were rapped in each other's arms and looked like they were only sleeping peacefully. Or at leas they would have if it weren't for all of the blood. I went closer to them, unable to help myself. I walked right up to them and just gazed at them together with glazed over eyes. My world was coming to an end, there was only one person that could keep me alive and I wasn't so sure that he was alive himself. I would not however give up on Sasuke until I had proof of his fate.
They don't hear you singing to me
There on my bed was the only family that I had ever had. Although Iruka had never seen me for me, or had never bothered to look beneath the surface he had been all that I had for almost as long as I remember, until Sasuke that is. He had been such a kind man who loved his students and his very own perverted scarecrow. And now that man lay dead on my bed, blood soaking my sheets held in the arms of his lover. Whoever had killed them had been trying to send a message. They wanted who ever found these two to be horrified and I was. The bastard had used a giant shuriken to impale both men through the stomach and pin them to the bed together, Kakashi on top of Iruka. I couldn't bring myself to go any closer to the pair than I already was, so I turned and walked out, for some reason closing the door quietly on my way out.
My next stop was my last and I had some idea of what I was going to find there. I walked to the bathroom and the closer I got the louder the sound of running water became. The shower was running. Who was in there? Maybe it was Sasuke; maybe he would know who had done this awful thing. I gently opened the door and stepped inside. The shower curtain was pulled closed but besides that and the now obvious sound and smell of running water there was nothing out of place. And yet I still smelled blood, Sasuke's blood. Trembling, I stepped closer, my hand rising on its own to draw back the curtain.
I will stay forever here with you
When it was all the way back I could only hit my knees in grief at the sight that met my eyes. Sasuke was in the shower alright and it was just as I feared it was. The tub was filled with blood and water, so full that as I sat there it began to overflow. I didn't care, all I could see was the beloved face of my reason to live. I think that something in my mind shattered right then. The others I could have lived without, true a large part of my soul and spirit would have died with them, but I could have lived without them. But Sasuke, Sasuke I could not live without.
Unbidden my hand rose to gently caress his cheek as I had longed to do in life but could only now do in death. I refused to believe that he was gone. This could not happen, nothing could kill Sasuke! Nothing! No he was alive, just sleeping… He was so cold and I told him so.
My love
“Sasuke you're so cold, and your skins so pale, too pale. You really shouldn't stay that long in the bath you know. You could catch a cold like this, here let me help you.”
My hand slipped down from his face as my arms went down to wrap around him underneath his arms. I would get Sasuke out of the bath, get him warmed up and then all would be well. As a matter of fact this was all just a dream, just a very sick nightmare. As I gently went to lift him I noticed how light he seemed all of a sudden. Absently I glanced down at his legs and what I saw brought all sense of reality crashing back down on me. Oh Kami, Sasuke had no legs. As a matter of fact he had no body at all below his stomach.
The softly spoken words you gave me
“Oh Kami Sasuke! Don't you dare leave me! No not you to. I can't live without you by my side. Don't you know that you're my sun, my light? If you go what reason will there be to greet the day each morning? I have no desire to continue on without what completes me the most.” I gently dragged him into my lap uncaring of the blood and water that drenched my body. I tapped his cheek all the while begging him in my lowest voice to tell me that this was not real that it was all a dream or a joke.
“No Sasuke wake up. This is no time for you to develop a sense of humor! Don't play like this! Kami Sasuke this isn't a joke, please wake up, I don't want to play anymore! Please.” I whimpered. “Please wake up, please! This is a bad joke, a very bad joke. Oh Kami, wake up wake up wake up, wake up damnit!! Open your eyes! Don't you dare do this, not now!”
Even in death our love goes on
The words became a mantra in my head as I rocked back and forth clutching him to my chest my cheek resting on the top of his head. “Wake up Sasuke, wake up. Don't you dare do this to me. What happened to you and the others? What did this to you, who did this to you? Please wake up and tell me! Just tell me what happened and I promise I'll make it all better. Just tell me what happened. Sasuke, please?”
Some say I'm crazy for my love, Oh my love
I pulled back from him and glanced at his face. He was still so pale and his skin was so cold. He wasn't sleeping. He had gone somewhere that I could not follow, or could I? Absently I reached into my holster and pulled out a kunai making sure that it was sharp enough to split hairs. I fiddled it in my hand as I continued to question Sasuke's corpse about who had done this to him. When I received no answer after about ten minutes I gave up and decided that I would ask him in the next life. Maybe there I could be with him forever. Shifting him in my arms I moved his body to the side so that my heart was open for attack. This was the only way to do it. I had to stop my heart completely and damage it so badly that there was no possibility of repair.
I reared back about to plunge the kunai into my heart. As it made contact with my flesh and began to cut deep it suddenly stopped and would not move any further. Opening my eyes I glanced down, and with blurry vision saw a hand gripping my own and halting the progression of the kunai. I recognized that hand. Sasuke. My eyes flew all the way open and I stared down at the pale and bloodless face of the one I loved. His eyes were black and blank in a way I had never seen before. While he normally looked cold this Sasuke looked dead.
But no bonds can hold me from your side, Oh my love
“Sasuke, you're alive? How?”
“How indeed Dobe? After all I should be dead shouldn't I? Well guess what? I am dead! And do you know who killed me?”
They don't know you can't leave me
“No tell me Sasuke! Who did this? Who killed you and Sakura and the rest of the village? Please tell me I don't know what's going on!”
His hand tightened on my own and I could feel the pressure on the kunai increase as it was driven farther into my chest cavity. “Sasuke, what are you d-doing?” I was choking on my own blood and my vision was wavering again.
They don't hear you singing to me
He ground the kunai into my flesh even deeper as he leaned up to whisper in my ear. “You want to know who did this to us ne? Well I'll tell you! It was you Naruto! You did this to us! You slaughtered the whole village and your team! And I am going to take my revenge; I won't let you take the easy way out of this. You are going to die knowing that you killed every one that you ever cared for in your life!”
And I can't love you, anymore than I do
With that he threw all of his weight forward onto the kunai and drove it completely into my heart. As I felt the metal pierce the muscle and the blood gush forward I could vaguely feel my life slipping away from me. This was not how it was supposed to be. I would never hurt my team or Sasuke, would I? I felt my last breaths leave my body and the only thing I could hear was Sasuke's dead laughter in my ears.
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I woke up screaming. That was the worst nightmare that I had ever had in my entire life.
I will die, but real love is forever
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AN: Well you guys wanted more so here is a small chapter. There is more to come but first you must review to get it!! Ja!