Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ The Mission ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter One: The Mission.
Hinata walked down the quiet hallway of the mansion toward her room. She hummed softly and running her fingertips along the walls as she did so. She was in a very good mood that day. For the mere reason that she could be near Naruto for and entire six months. The lady hokage had assinged them to a A-ranked mission together protecting a princess when she delivered her baby and the baby when it was born. They only had to protect them till the prince of the castle came back. The whole thing would take six months at least.
She made it to her room and started searching through her closet for her traveling pack. Finding it she placed it on her bed and started packing her essentials for the trip. Still humming quietly to herself as she did this. It was a song her mother used to sing her to sleep with. A small tear slid down her cheek at the thought of her mother but she wiped it away and started singing the words to the song.
Moon so bright, night so fineKeep your heart here with mineLife's a dream we are dreaming
Race the moon, catch the windRide the night to the endSeize the day, stand up for the light
Swaying her hips and spinning around the room as she packed, dancing to her own rythem. She slowed hugging herself picturing her true love in her head and swaying as she sang the chorus.
I want to spend my lifetime loving youIf that is all in life I ever do
Neji watched from the doorway and smiled to himself. He knew she was thinking of Naruto and he wondered just how long it would take the guy to figure out she loved him or when Hinata decided to tell him. He secretly wished that this mission would help the two figure out their feelings toward eachother. He watched for a few seconds more then as quietly as he came he left.
Hinata never knowing he was there continued singing and dancing. Unclasping herself and twiling around the room once again.
Heroes rise, heroes fallRise again, win it allIn your heart, can't you feel the glory?
Through our joy, through our painWe can move worlds againTake my hand, dance with me

She slowed as she placed her hair bush in her bag and turning swiftly she imagined Naruto was there with her, smiling down at her with love in his eyes. He reached a hand toward her and she grabbed it lovingly. Still singing she and her imaginary prince twirled around her room.
I want to spend my lifetime loving youIf that is all in life I ever doI will want nothing else to see me throughIf I could spend my lifetime loving you
She gazed into his eyes with all the love she had.
Though we know we will never come againWhen there is love, life beginsOver and over again
Save the night, save the daySave your love, come what mayLove is worth everything we pay
I want to spend my lifetime loving youIf that is all in life I ever doI want to spend my lifetime loving youIf that is all in life I ever doI will want nothing else to see me throughIf I can spend my life time loving you
As her song ended Naruto leaned down their lips inches apart. She could almost feel his breath on her face.
She was boke out of her trance by her father’s voice. She turned and looked at him with a startled look. “y..yes..f..fa..father?” she said meekly fear evident in her voice. Hiashi stared agrily at his daughter. “Haven’t I told you never to sing that song? What are you doing prancing around your room when your supposed to be packing for your mission?” Hinata flinched as he yelled at her. “ y…yes..fa…father. I..I’m…s..s..sorry. I..I’ll…finish..right..a..away.” she said fearfully her head down. Hiashi glared at her “See that you do.” He turned to leave but turned his head to look at her. “And Hinata…” she looked up at him with hope in her eyes. “Try not to be a burden” he said coldly. He then turned and left. Hinata stood there a moment till his footsteps faded in the distance. She dropped to the floor, her face in her hands and cried.
Naruto ran around his apartment packing things into his traveling pack. He was really excited. This was the first mission grandma Tsunade had given him since he got back from his travel with Jiraiya. And it was and A-ranked mission! He had just gotten back over a month ago and was glad he finally had time to catch up with his friends and learn what and how they did over the two and a half years he had been gone. He was shocked to hear Gaara had become the next Kazekage and that everybody was either Chunin or Jonin already. He threw the last item in his bag and flew out his door locking it behind him. He turned and headed toward Ichiraku’s ramen and have a bowl before he had to meet Hinata at the village gate.
Teuchi smiled as he saw his favorite customer walk into his shop and sit at the bar. “well hello Naruto.” He said happily. Naruto smiled and said hello back. “What will you be having today Naruto?” Teuchi said drying his hands on a dish towel. “Chicken flavor today. But I have to hurry I’m meeting Hinata later” he said. Teichi smiled while he fixed the ramen. “OH a girlfriend of yours” he asked over his shoulder.
“Nah, just a mission. We have to go guard a princess and her baby for four months” he said as Teuchi handed him his ramen. Ayame, Teuchi's daughter, laughed silently at him. Naruto paused and looked at her, his eyebrow cocked in question. She simpy smiled and turned to help her father.
thank you for reading i will update ASAP. R&R