Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Confession ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
OK here's chapter 8. Let me say a few things before you get started.
1. I didn't mean to offend you if you are of Irish heritage in fact I myself am also of Irish heritage. I just put it in their to bring the story into play. You will find out later why.
2. If you have visited my Deviant art profile I would also like for you to leave some comments on the characters too so I have something to go on.
3. If you story happens to have the same name as one of mine that's not my problem. I pick titles at random or recommended by friends.
I hope you continue to like the story.
I do not own Naruto or any of it's characters but I do own Aiko, Kumiko, the mysterious woman and her daughter Vitani.
Thank you.
Chapter 8
Naruto walked towards Hinata. The closer he got the more confident he became.
Hinata had finished her song and was now sitting quietly with her eyes closed and her hands softly caressing Aiko's fur.
As Naruto drew closer Aiko's ears perked up at the sounds of his nearing footsteps. She lifted her head and looked at him, then smelling his familiar scent layed back down. Hinata whom noticed Aiko's sudden movement opened her eyes only to come face to face with Naruto whom had at sometime sat beside her. He smiled foolishly at her. She blushed slightly but did not pull back. "Yes Naruto? D...Did you w...want s...something?" Her stutter had returned and she had to mentally slap herself for it.
Naruto laughed and leaned back slightly so as not to make her feel uncomfortable. "Yes actually." He said.
He crossed his legs and stared into the water. He was starting to feel nervous again but he stomped the feeling down.
After he sat there for five minutes Hinata reached a hand out and placed it on his shoulder. "Naruto is something wrong?" She had gained control over her accursed stutter but felt it linger in her throat. "Hinata what do you think of me as? What are your feelings for me?" He did not turn around when he spoke but his voice was kind and caring. Hinata was taken aback. She had not been expecting that! But before she could answer he turned and smiled lovingly at her.
Her eyes widened when she saw his eyes. They were so full of love, passion, and what surprised her most, pain.
"Hinata, I have been thinking for the past month and a half. About my life, my past, my present, and my... future. And Hinata over the time we've been together on this mission... and ..."
She stared at him confusion clearly written across her features. 'Ah to hell with it!' Naruto thought as he gently grabbed Hinata's wrist and pulled her against him in a passionate kiss. Aiko growled in protest as she was forced aside.
Hinata's mind went blank. She waited for the screaming denial to come from the dark recesses of her brain, but strangely she only found empty silence as if her conscience watched in amused approval.
Naruto straightened slightly, and his blue eyes burned into hers with an unspoken question: Do you love me as much as I love you? Will you deny me as so many before have?
Hinata raised parted lips to meet his and sliding silken arms tightly about his neck. She came to him with an eagerness that astounded him, having no thought of holding back or refusing him. Their lips blended with an impatient urgency, and, locked in eachother's embrace, they were caught up in the fierce tide of passion.
Naruto pulled back breathlessly and stared at her with all the love and tenderness shining in his eyes. They stared into eachother's eyes for what seemed like forever. Blue meeting lavender, hearts enter twined in a passionate embrace. Hinata smiled up at him her breathing regulating and Naruto smiled back. He brought his head down and brushed soft kisses against her lips.
He pulled back again and Hinata moaned in protest. He only smiled and caressed her cheek and sliding his fingers through her hair. Hinata smiled and leaned into his touch. "I love you Hinata. I have for a long time now."
Hinata opened her eyes and stared up at him a soft smile caressing her swollen lips. "I love you too, Naruto." She whispered as she brought her lips to meet his in a fiery kiss.
They were interrupted as the maid Midori came rushing into the garden dress in her nightgown and cap. She skidded to a stop in front of Hinata, her long hair flying about her. "Madam Milady's time has come! You are needed in the birthing room!" Hinata looked at Naruto and squeezed his hand before getting up and following the frantic maid.
Naruto got up slowly and went to stand at the door to protect the princess and her baby from any intruders. He reached the princesses door and he grimaced at the sound of the princesses screams and Hinata giving out orders to the maids. 'Apparently she's done this before.' he thought to himself.
He sat himself against the far wall and settled in for the long wait ahead of him.
Well there's chapter 8, Hope you liked it. I really couldn't think of something for Naruto to say for his confession so I just had him kiss her instead.
Let me know what you think. Next chapter Kumiko finally has her baby.