Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love There Blood ❯ Safe and A Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Lena: Hi everyone I know I haven't updated in a while but I've been swamped with school and work etc but I'm updating now so yeah anyways I won't keep you any longer
Kakashi' words are in blue,
The OC words are in red
Everyone else's is in green
Kakashi' words are in blue and are underlined
The OC words are in red and are underlined
Everyone else's is in green.
<<Flashback>> these are in italics
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MY LOVE, THERE BLOOD: An Uchiha Itachi story
By: hellsdevilchild
Title: Safe And A Home
I awake and sat up swiftly. A pulsating pain ran through my body, I convulsed suddenly and wrapped my arms around my body. There was a sudden continuous beeping noise. My mouths open gasping for air but I couldn't get any. There was a loud rattling sound coming from my throat I held it. The door burst open and people in white clothes came in. I don't remember anything else because I blacked out.
Awaking slower than last time I looked around slowly. A hospital. “What happened?” I thought. I looked down at my body and saw needle sticking out and an IV attached. I groaned and looked out the window. Memories of what I thought were the night before flashed through my mind. Tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. I shook my head and thought “NO I will not cry I gave up crying a long time ago
The door opened and the man from last night came in. “I see your awake” he said. I looked at him. “My name is Hatake Kakashi and yours?” I looked down sadly. He took a chair and sat down in front of me. “Um…hmm? Can you talk?” he asked. I didn't answer or even look up. He tapped me on the arm, and I looked at him. “Can you hear me?” he asked and did some sign language type thing. I nodded. “Good now can you speak” he asked. I did nothing for a while, and then nodded slowly. “Ok now were making some progress.” He said and clapped his hand. “Can you tell me your name?”
I hesitated but opened my mouth and closed it again. I shook my head. He sighs. “Tell me your age” he said. I shook my head again. I wasn't planning on talking. “Okay will you speak for me?” I shook my head again. “Okay okay hmm?” he said and put his chin in his hand. “How about this” he said and pulled out a notepad and a pen and gave it to me. “Write your answer on this okay?” I nodded and took the paper from him. “What's your name?
Okay what's your age?
Whatmonth is it?
Then I'm 16 my birthday was October
Hmm? Sixteen but you don't look like sixteen” he said.
He was right I looked more like 14 or 13 ever since I was young my body has always aged slower than normal. “Why?”
I don't know
Okay then how are you feeling?” I thought about that for a moment actually I felt fine but in pain.
Fine but what happened?” he looked on me sadly
Well after I brought you here you were asleep for three days the when you woke up you went into cardiac arrest, you've being asleep for six months now
My eyes widen in shock. “Six months!!!” I thought to myself and ran my hand through my bangs and sighed.
Will I be able to come out soon?
Yes probably if they doctor say your fit
Really when will that be?
He shrugged. The door opened and a man came in.
Well hello it's good to see your awake” he said “I'm doctor Karamu” I looked up at him. “Well then tell me your name” he said with a smile. But before I could do anything Kakashi said “she doesn't talk doctor but here.” He took the paper from me and gave it to the doctor.
it seems your fine but we want to keep you here for about another week or so just to make sure you gave us a right scare when you went into arrest” the doctor said. I nodded. Looking out the window I gave and inaudible sigh and closed my eyes.
>Two weeks later< I was finally able to leave the hospital. The morning when I awake it was snowing. Sitting at the edge of the bed I thought to myself “how am I going to get out of this place and more over where am I going to go… I can't go back there Kakashi said the hokage said that I shouldn't go near them plus he banished them” I sighed. The door opened and Kakashi stepped in “hello ready?” he said. I nodded but stopped. I grabbed the notepad and wrote “ready but it's snowing and I have nothing to wear or anywhere to stay” I showed it to him. He smiled ^.\\\. “Well I have something for you” he said.
He pulled a box from behind him and handed it to me. I took it land looked at him. I pointed to myself and he nodded. I opened it and saw that it was some new clothes. Tears welled up in my eyes and I hugged him tightly. He patted me on the hand and told me to go and get changed. I nodded and went into the bathroom and put them on. They fit perfectly. It looked like this:

I stepped out of the bathroom and out on the coat. “Thank you Kakashi” he smiled and led the way out the hospital.
Walking in the town I stared at the ground. Then it clicked. I scribbled on the notepad “where am I going to stay? T.T” and gave it to Kakashi.
He smiled and said “with me” and continued walking. I smiled slightly.
I like Kakashi he was really nice. Smiling I put back down my head and stared at my moving feet in the snow. While passing the ramen shop someone from inside said “hey Kakashi-sensei what's up?
Oh hello Naruto how are you?
Great who's the girl?” “Oh this is Tena. Tena this is Naruto one of my students.
I looked up at the boy about 12 with blond hair, blue eyes and three whiskers like marks on his face.
Hey I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I'm going to be the next Hokage. Believe it” he said and gave thumbs up.
I slowly stepped back behind Kakashi a bit and looked down again.
Hey what's wrong with her Kakashi-sensei?” he asked and I went behind Kakashi even more. I never knew how to make friends and my sisters friends always use to tease me and were mean so making friends was never a good experience for me. I groaned slightly and he looked at me.
She's not really a people person Naruto” was all Kakashi said and walked off. “Good-bye Naruto.” I quickly followed suit behind him.
It took us forever to get to his place. Why? Because he was always stopped by random people. “Iruka I think I should be going now” Kakashi said to his friend after seeing the distraught look on my pale face.
You don't do well around people do you?” he asked as he looked for the keys to his house. I shook my head. I sighed an inaudible sigh and rested my head against the wall. “Don't worry you'll get over it soon” he said and patted me on the head. He opened the door and went in. I wavered at the door way for awhile then slowly stepped in.
It was nice clean for a single man. it was spacious and was simple. “It's a bit messy” he said. I shook my head. “it's great “ I thought. Well let me show you to your room” he said and went up the stairs. “Well here you are” he said and opened the door of the room. I step in and took it in. this was a big thing for me since I never had my own room or my own anything as a matter a fact. I grabbed the note pad and scribbled “mine?” and gave it to him.
yup yours” he said and smiled ^.\\\. “Well you get settled in” he said and went down stairs or to his room not sure.
I closed the door and looked around. The room was painted in an off white color and had blue curtains. It had a bed up against the wall and your regular dresser and chest of drawers. There was a balcony over looking the village and the Hokage Mountain. Turning to the bed I noticed some sleep clothes laying on it. I exited the room and found the bathroom.
I took a shower and went back into the room. Laying down on the bed I thought “I guess that pray I said at the shrine really was heard” I smiled. “this is the best…I hope it lasts” I thought. “Please, please forgive me. But I won't be home again. Maybe someday you'll look up, And barely conscious you'll say to no one, Isn't something missing
You won't cry for my absence, I know, You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant? Am I so insignificant? Isn't someone missing me?
(Chorus) Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you loved me. I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?” I never finished I feel into what I had hoped would be a dreamless slumber. But alas it was not nor was it ever.
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Lena: What will she dream about? What will happen next? Find out in the next chapter: “Dreams, Powers and Cell 7”
Lena: I know Itachi was in the first one at the end but don't worry he'll be in this soon I just have to find him yeah. ^.^' Anyways read and rate. ^.^