Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Sasori 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I watched Sakura from the bathroom as she tried desperately to untie the knot around her ankle. She had almost done it when I decided to come back in and put a stop to it.

-Tut, tut, Sakura. Don't bother trying to escape from me. I make my living making puppets. You really think a delicate little flower like you stands a chance. Now let's make this doll have a more appealing pose shall we?

"You're a sick, sick man, Sasori."

I smiled and undid the rest of the knot. I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't struggle but that would probably mean that she was planning something. I knew she was pretty clever, not as clever as me of course, but still clever.

I reached down and picked her up in my arms. She did try to take a couple of swipes at me whilst our bodies were so close, but they were just weak shots on my chest. She could do nothing whilst locked in my iron grip and she knew it. I laid her down gently on the bed and pulled out more cord.

I grabbed both her slender wrists in my left hand and used the cord to tie them together above her head onto the bedpost. I could now feel her squirm under my body, her breast pushing up and down against me. It felt so erotic, I could have made love to her right there, but I restrained myself for the time being. Foreplay came first and I loved to play.

Now that she was fully tied up and just sat back and watched her struggle and squirm against her bonds. She kicked and screamed, all of which was highly amusing. I went to my table where I kept some of my wooden dolls and picked up a lovely black ribbon. It matched her dress just perfectly. I walked over to her and tied it in her soft, pink hair. She scowled at me, but I knew she loved it really.

"Let me go! Why are you doing this to me?"

I stroked her face with my index finger running from her cheek, down her chin stopping just before her breast.

-Sakura, it was meant to be this way. You are my doll and nothing more. Like all dolls, your whole existence is simply to bring pleasure to the user and to serve its purpose. I have never made a doll as pretty as you before though.

"I'm not going to be your doll, you sick freak!"

-But you will, Sakura. What choice do you have?

She struggled furiously now against the cord that held her with no avail. I tried to shush her, there was little point struggling, as fun as it was to watch. She may as well save her energy for what I had in store for her later. I knew that my mind control powers only lasted a certain amount of time so I had to use that time wisely. Watching her bound and helpless would be more than enough for the time being though.

I noticed her legs were still free and she was kicking around quite a lot. I decided not to tie them though. She posed no threat now. I sat by her side on the bed and gave her a little kiss.

-From now on, I don't think I should call you Sakura. How about Angelica? That has a nice ring to it. It suits you better. I've always wanted a doll called Angelica, one who looks like you.

"No" she screamed. "My name is Sakura! My name is Sakura!"

-Listen, Angelica, I think you're getting a bit over excited. I think you might need a nap.

She screamed again. I had promised not to use drugs to knock her out, but I felt a nice nap would calm her down a bit.

-Angelica, don't make me use one of my poison darts. Actually, if I look around, I think I might have some chloroform left lying around.

I looked around the table and in the cupboard. Chloroform wasn't exactly something I needed often. I had used it a few times to subdue a rowdy male ninja that I used for a puppet one time. He was awfully hard to carry home. I was so glad I had stuck to female dolls. I didn't think it would be necessary though, more of a last resort.

There it was, on the top shelf in the cupboard, behind a bunch of dusty wooden dolls. I grabbed the bottle. It smelt terrible - it was certainly strong stuff. I put it down on the table for a moment and went back over to Angelica.

She tried to turn away from me, but she couldn't. She stared me right in the eyes, those bright emerald eyes shining deep within my soul and I could see her soul and it was pure and bright. Shining white light back at me, there was no hate or spite in her, she cared for people; she wasn't a fighter.

"Fuck no, no, no"

She cried and cried and cried. I was positive that she thought I was going to rape her. But I had no intentions, at least not yet, that wasn't my game at all.

-So, Angelica, you don't want me to use force again? Remember I promised not to drug you and make you sick but that's only if you do everything I say. Is that still a promise, Angelica?

"Who is Angelica?"

-You are, my sweet.

"No, my name is Sakura, you psycho. Let me go! I hope Sasuke rips your fucking lungs out, you sick bastard."

-Such ugly words from such a pretty girl. I don't think I'm going to tolerate that. I'm sorry, you broke your promise, so I'm going to break mine. Off to sleep you go and trust me when you wake up you will be a little bit more respectful towards your master.

"Like hell I will! I won't do anything for you!"

I could see her trying to rub the knot of her bonds against the bedpost hoping it would rub the cord thin. It'd take a while though and time wasn't really on the girl's side.

I grabbed the bottle of chloroform off the table and poured a small amount onto a handkerchief. The fumes were just horrifying. I held my nose and moved over to Sakura as she twisted and writhed from side to side. I stood there for a moment. I just loved watching her struggle so much; did I really want her to sleep?

I thought it would be for the best. She would feel much better in the morning. I put my left hand on her forehead to stop it her moving and then brought the handkerchief down across her nose and mouth. I had to straddle her to stop her legs from kicking me.

She tried to escape my grasp but it was only a few seconds before she began to weaken. I could see her eyelids slowly drop. She knew she had lost the battle but she didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to admit any sign of weakness to me as she tried to hold onto her consciousness. She held her breath against the noxious fumes.

-Just breathe.

I whispered it softly into her ear and she let out a small gasp. She had breathed in more chloroform and was slipping deeper and deeper into slumber. Her vigorous struggling had all but stopped. Her arm went limp and fell to her side and I lifted the handkerchief from her face.

My little doll was now deep in sleep.

I studied her motionless form. I couldn't decide whether she looked cuter asleep or awake. In either form, she was a helpless doll. I didn't know why she bothered being so aggressive; her body couldn't match her spirit, always a losing combination.

Whilst she was asleep I untied her. I picked her up and danced around with her limp, lifeless body in my arms. It was ok, I definitely preferred her awake though. The dancing wasn't quite as erotic if I couldn't look into her eyes.

I put her back on the bed, showered and shaved and then laid down on the futon on the floor. I had got the futon for Sakura, but I thought the bed might be a little more comfortable. I didn't mind sleeping on the floor anyway, as long as my precious doll was happy. I figured she would need the whole night to sleep off the chloroform so I closed my eyes and got a couple of hours sleep.

The next morning, I woke up early. Sakura was still sound asleep. I got up and walked over to her and stroked her cheek.

-Wakey, wakey sleepy head.

Her eyes flickered open. She looked around her and took in her surroundings, no reaction on her face.

-How are we feeling today, Angelica?

"Just perfect."

This was good. There had been little side effects from the chloroform so all was good - my doll had good health. I extended my hand, she took it and I pulled her up.

-I told you, you would feel better in the morning, Angelica, my precious little doll.
"You are so right Sasori. I feel better than ever."

She put her arms around my neck and I placed mine around her waist. I knew my little trick would work. I looked into her emerald eyes now, I could no longer see her deep soul now, I could only see my own.

I pulled her in for a passionate kiss and she reciprocated. She then jumped up so her legs were straddling either side of me. I turned and fell down on the bed and kissed her again.

Kissed her all over.