Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ WIth Sasori 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What a night.
She was still fast asleep by the time I got up. I made her nice cup of hot green tea and a rice ball for breakfast. I never starved her. I always liked my beautiful doll to be well nourished. I left it on the bedside and the sweet smell of the green tea must have woken her out of sleep.
She opened her eyes and reached for the green tea, smiling. She winced a little. I may have made it a little too hot but she was enjoying it all the same. Sakura usually ate her breakfast in a sullen sulk. I was half expecting her to go on a hunger strike, maybe try to take her own life but I wouldn't allow something like that. I watched her from a distance the whole time and made sure she ate it all. She was quite complying after a while anyway.
Sakura took a small bite out of her rice ball. The delicate white flakes of rice dripped down her tongue as she swirled them round her mouth, taking in the full flavour. It was all gone in a couple of seconds.
-You are hungry this morning, aren't you, my darling?
-Well after a night like last night, I'm not surprised. I think you need to get your energy back. Me too, actually.”
She laughed.
She got out of bed and reached for her black dress, which was hanging on the end of the bed. I walked back holding her pink dress, looking bran new, in my hand.
-No need for that black one. I cleaned this one up for you.
-I'm glad you're finally seeing things my way.
“Well I'm actually appreciating a lot of the things you're doing for me.”
-I'm trying my best to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
I passed her the pink dress and she put it on herself. Her mind was mine now - she had no control. When she was done putting on her dress, she walked over to me and put her arms around my neck, kissing me on the cheek. It seemed odd to me that she had changed so suddenly. A part of mind thought it may have been a trick; she was a smart girl after all.
But after I rendered her unconscious, I delved deeper into her mind, hypnotizing her. It was my secret technique that I only used on rare occasions. I kissed her in her sleep as if my soul was passing into hers. We were becoming one.
I remember holding her in my arms like she was my baby. Our bodies were super connected. The girl acted tough, but really she was weak - a weak, helpless little girl just looking for someone to guide her. I knew I would be the man to guide her as I guided her back to the bed.
My tiny little cesspit home now seemed like a palace with golden drapes on each side of the bed; a giant archway for a door. Sakura leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. “Kiss me quick.”
My chakra had only worked for a short time the first time but now it was indelibly etched inside of her. I didn't even need to say anything now. I just wanted her to kiss me and she did as I ran my fingers through her hair.
We sat side by side on the bed and ate another rice ball together. We each bit one end and in the middle, our lips met. We were truly meant to be together. I couldn't stop loving her. I had never felt this way about one of my dolls before, but she was so beautiful, so perfect. I had to have her.
I grabbed her around her slender waist and lifted her up on the table, smothering her. I kissed her neck moving up towards her mouth. I climbed up on the table as well. We knocked off all the other dolls on the floor, some of them smashed but I didn't care. I had my perfect doll right here with me and I wasn't going to let her go.
She released her embrace for a moment and looked me in the eye. Her eyes were brown the same colour as mine, her emerald eyes had changed. I took this as a sign, a sign that her mind was now mine.
“I love you” she said.
I felt a warm, fuzzy feeling pass through me. I had never felt it before. Could it be love? I always imagined what love would be like but always thought it wasn't for me. But now, seeing this girl in front of me, it was real, love was real and it definitely real for me.
I felt a pain - a sharp pain.
Blood started gushing out of my head. I put my hand over the wound to try and stop the bleeding but it was just pouring out so fast. I staggered around in agony. A dull, aching pain, the worst splitting headache ever. I looked back at my love.
Angelica, my love, she was holding my sculpting chisel. She must have stabbed me with it. She had an evil look on her face. I stared back into her emerald green eyes. What on earth was going on?
She came at me again, this time stabbing me in the shoulder. The chisel cut me deep and there was no stopping the mad woman now. I fell to the floor and she jumped on top of me trying to stab me in the face again. I could feel the blood on my face, the taste of iron on my tongue.
I tried desperately to claw the chisel out of her hand. But she seemed to be possessed, stronger now than ever, stronger than even myself. The chisel was just an inch away from my eye and I was so scared, even the slightest knock and I'd be blind.
My vision began to become hazy. Was this the end? Was I going to be killed by this helpless little girl? I couldn't let that happen. I caught her with a left hook out of instinct. It wasn't a hard hit, I was still weak from the blood loss, but it was enough to knock her back. I gathered up all my energy and kicked the chisel clean out of hand. I then got behind her and grabbed her round the neck, choking her.
-Stupid bitch, you will obey me.
The blood on my face was tripping down and turning Sakura's pink hair, red. I really dug my forearm into her throat cutting off any air into her body. She weakened fast, even faster than I was and it wasn't long before her strong struggles were nothing more than a bunch of pathetic whimpers.
I released my arm around her neck as she flopped limp to the floor. I pulled her up by her arms and shook her.
-Do you see what you made me do? I didn't want to hurt you? What were you thinking? Now look, you've got a horrible bruise on your face.
I was the one who must have been deluded there. I had two massive gashes both in the side of my head and in my shoulder, but I was more worried about a little bruise on the girl's cheek. But she was more important to me than my own well-being. It didn't matter what she did. But she definitely crossed the line. I had to be firm.
I shook her again and slapped her in the face. I tried shouting at her again but it was no use. She had completely passed out. I threw her down on the bed and immediately headed to the bathroom to try and stop the bleeding. I was in agony just walking. My adrenaline was gone, my vision was fading and I didn't even make it to the bathroom. Before I reached it, I fell to the floor and passed out myself.
Haze was all I saw.
Everything spaced out and blurred. I tilted my head back and gurgled something I don't remember.
A flash of light shining bright.
I opened my eyes and looked around.
I was on the bed. There was someone standing over me. Delicate curves, soft pink hair, it was Sakura. I tried to sit up but then realised that my wrists were tied to the bedpost. I couldn't move.
Sakura looked down at me and smiled. But something seemed strange; something seemed different. The pain, the pain in my shoulder, it was gone. There was no blood and my head, my head felt better too.
I looked back at Sakura who was holding a cloth in her hand. Not the chloroform, I thought!
“Don't worry,” she said. “It's just a little antiseptic. Don't want those wounds to get infected now do we?”
The girl dabbed on the antiseptic. It stung like crazy and I screamed out in pain.
“Oh, don't be such a baby.”
Why didn't the girl escape whilst I was unconscious? She had gone to the trouble of tying me up. Was she going to torture me? I suddenly had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.
Sakura covered the wounds with bandages and left me to rest. She made some green tea in the kitchen and gave me a cup. With my hands tied, it was pretty difficult. But she held it to my lips as I sipped it.
“Don't worry your pretty little head, Sasori. I'm not going to escape. No I haven't been awake that long myself and I saw you sleeping on the floor, I couldn't just let you lie there bleeding to death. I'm a medic for gosh sakes, saving lives is what I do, even if it's of the most psychotic man in the universe. I just tied you up to make sure you don't try to treat me like a puppet again.”
-Shut up, you are my puppet. You are mine.
“Now, now, I won't hear that. You shouldn't be shouting anyway, it'll get your blood pressure up. Here this will help you relax.”
She brought over a bottle of clear solution and a white cloth. She poured the solution onto the cloth. It was the chloroform; I could smell it.
“Now, open wide.”
She placed the chloroform soaked pad over my face. I began to get dizzy as I breathed it in and the then the world started fading around me. No matter how hard I tried to hold on, I couldn't stop myself from sinking deeper and deeper into sleep. It was just a few seconds later that I was out cold and I knew no more.
My last thought was wondering what this insane girl was going to do with me.