Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Naruto Work of Fanfiction ❯ Will the pain ever stop?! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Look at the previous chapters; I'm tired of typing this.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you see a person's stats, you don't have to read them, I'll try to incorporate everything into the story, but I can't promise anything.
“Blah” = Talking.
`Blah' = Thinking.
$$ = Separation/Start/End etc.
$$$ = Go to someone else.
$Story Start$
Neji grabbed Jigoku, holding her to his body as she continued to scream, rubbing small circles on her back in a vain effort to calm her down.
The ANBU all hung their heads, thinking about their dead member; Genma's eyes held a sad softness in them, for once being serious.
Ibiki didn't show any outward signs of grief, but on the inside -on the inside- he really was going to miss Kakashi.
Now, Sasuke, on the other hand, knew that, even though his sensei was dead, an opening appeared. He rushed forwards, hand forming a fist.
Looking out at the desolate area, Sota couldn't believe it, her attack just wiped out two people and most of the forest, `Wow . . . I'm getting stronger! A lot stronger!' She probably would have continued her train of thought if it wasn't for the fact that a fist just slammed into her back, taking her breath away and launching her across the once-forest; now-clearing.
He followed up his attack with an elbow to the stomach.
But this time, Sota was prepared! She grabbed his elbow when it made contact and brought him down with her, flipping in mid-air so she ended up sitting on Sasuke's chest, sticking her tongue out at him.
Growling, Sasuke moved to strike her but Sota had other plans; first, she hooked her feet under his body, next, she dropped her hands to either side of his head, and lastly, she tightened her muscles -all of this happening within the span of three seconds- before pushing up with her legs, hand standing for but a moment until she dropped down onto her back, flinging Sasuke into a pile of rubble.
`Now she dies.' He thought, getting up and attacking her.
Pushing Neji away, Jigoku turned to the other shinobi; passionate green eyes glittered in the orangey sunset, making them glow surreally. “This is your fault! If you hadn't of been chasing us, she wouldn't be dead!” She held up her index and middle finger, the chakra at their ends buzzing and cackling as if it were a fire, ready to burn -or cut- those who opposed it.
Ibiki and the ANBU got into their places while Genma moved out of the way, knowing from experience that you should never mess with a girl when she's mad. He thought about his favorite saying: `Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.' And smirked, `They are so dead.'
Holding up her hand, Jigoku disappeared, only to reappear behind one of the ANBU, her chakra infused fingers slicing his back open, `And I'm just getting started!'
Neji watched with little interest, smirking when Jigoku nailed the guy in the back.
“Hey.” Genma mumbled, walking over to Neji.
Neji nodded in return.
“So, are you really a traitor? Ya know, by helping them an' all?”
“Of course not. Morino-san told me to watch her, and I did. He never said anything about stopping her from running away.”
Laughing, Genma clapped Neji on the back, receiving a glare in return, “That's rich!”
“I don't see how it could be rich, but, if you say so.”
Genma stopped laughing and looked at Neji for a moment, than turned back to fight, rooting for the “babe”, all the while getting dirty looks from Neji.
“Well, well, well. What have we here?” A deep voice rumbled, a pale hand reaching out to grasp the chin of his prisoner lightly, turning her head side to side. “Not the one I wanted, but she'll do”
He than waved a hand to one of the many servants, the deep baritone of his voice once more making it's way past sadistically grinning lips, “Take him to the dungeon.”
The servant carried his second prisoner to the dungeons, leaving the girl to lie across the floor at his feet; not knowing that her peaceful sleep would be interrupted by a horrible pain.
The ANBU and Jigoku were about to collide in a fistfight when she screamed out in pain, dropping to her knees and grabbing her skull.
The ANBU stopped and looked at one another, Neji running over and placing his hands over Jigoku's, “Are you ok? What's wrong?”
Jigoku didn't answer, just continued to scream, until, suddenly, the pain stopped. She gasped and looked up into Neji's face, an uneasy smile on her lips, “Aoi's alive.”
“So you're saying, that while in the middle of this “battle”, she just had a premonition that her friend was alive?” Tsunade asked, leaning her head onto her hands, elbows on the table.
Receiving a simultaneous nod them from, save for Sasuke and Sota, she then continued, “And you wanted to know if you could leave to go find her and Kakashi, as a team?”
More simultaneous nodding occurred.
Tsunade thought for a moment before, “Alright. The ANBU and Ibiki stay here, the rest of you may leave.”
Everyone got up, the ANBU disappearing and Ibiki just walking out, “Good Luck.”
Sasuke was still brooding, even though they had just hiked for an hour in the woods. He was mad that he never got to finish his battle with Sota, `And I can't believe we're actually following the directions from the `feelings' that she's getting. She, herself, said that she had no sense of direction! Agh.'
Everyone was following Jigoku's lead, who was now sweating under nervousness from having to direct a bunch of people when she can't even direct herself, `Stay calm, just go with the feelings, they can't lead you astray . . . I hope.' She gulped after this thought.
`She looks nervous', were Neji's thoughts, `But she's doing such a good job, maybe I could help calm her down.' He then wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “It's ok; we'll find them.”
“I hope so.” She whispered softly.
Walking behind everyone was Genma, whose only thought was, `Nice butts,' with a perverted grin.
As Sota walked next to Sasuke, she couldn't help but peek over and notice what a handsome piece of male specimen he was, `I bet he has a nice body under those clothes.' After this thought, she slowly -but surely- got closer, taking every centimeter as they came.
He noticed. Who, you ask? Why, Sasuke, of course! He noticed that she, Sota, was moving closer. Once she was within a foot or two, Sasuke glared over at her, “What are you doing?”
The innocent face directed back at him answered his question more then her comment did, “Why, I have no idea what you're talking about,”
“Don't play stupid with me. You were standing several feet away, but not you're miraculously here! Right. Beside. Me.”
Nervous laughing. she strached her cheek, “I am, aren't you?”
Sasuke gave her a flat look in return.
“You have such an attractive personality, though! How could I not be drawn to you?”
“Leave me alone. I don't know you.”
“But you could.” She mumbled.
Sasuke took a step away, hearing her soft, sad sigh. `What's this?' His eyes widen slightly at the small pang that went through his heart. `No. I do not regret anything. If she wants to be sad, let her!' But he would learn, it may not be today, or tomorrow, or even this week, but he would learn.
He would soon learn what his heart already knew.
A pull on his sleeve alerted Neji to the girl next to him. Looking down, he saw her terror filled eyes, which he also noted, seemed to be lacking the flare they held before. “Jigoku?”
“She's in pain.”
“Who is?”
“To much pain.”
“Much . . . pain.” Jigoku promptly fell unconscious, the painful feeling that ripped through her body taking its toll.
Genma rushed forward, past Sota and Sasuke, so also went over to her, realizing something was wrong. “What happened?”
“She said something about `to much pain' before losing consciousness.”
“Pain?” Genma asked, “Why would she been in pain?”
“Stupid men, obviously it's that girl she's connected with.”
Everyone looked over at Sota, realization dawning.
“We should hurry than.” Sasuke said.
“Yes we should, but we can't continue until she wakes up again. We don't know where she, and hopefully Hatake-san as well, are hidden,” was Neji's comment as he looked up at Sasuke from his crouched position.
The night stars had come out some time ago, while the group was still trudging through the forest. Even though they knew traveling outside at night was dangerous, they had kept going, for Jigoku's sake. She wouldn't have stopped even if they had anyway, so what was the point?
At the moment, there were three tents set up around a blazing fire. One of the tents occupied with the sleeping girl, a moan or two of pain coming every now and then. Neji would check on her, of course; to rewet the cloth on her forehead; to move the blanket back over her sweating body when she kicked it off; even tried to wake her to get her to eat.
She did not budge.
Neji joined the other three on one of the logs that laid about by the fire, staring into the reddish-orange flame as it roared, heating the small encampment.
“How is she?” Sota asked in a small voice, turning to Neji.
“She's been better. At least it seems that she's not in so much pain.”
“That's good.” She finished, looking back at the flames.
Silence enveloped them once again; only the chirp of crickets, the cackle of the fire, and the wind as it swept through the leaves could be heard.
“Well, I'm goin' to sleep. Night all.” Waved Genma, heading to his tent.
The three remaining people soon turned out to be two as Neji left for the tent with Jigoku in it, keeping an eye on her the entire night.
Sasuke stood, brushed off his pants, and started to walk from the area.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business.”
Sota pouted at Sasuke's retreating back, but it went unnoticed.
When the fire finally dead away an hour and a half later, Sota got up, ready to go to sleep when she remembered that Sasuke hadn't returned yet, `He could be in trouble.'
With that thought, and many others as to what torturous acts he could be enduring, she sprang from the ground, away from the tents, and into the direction that Sasuke had gone.
What she found was not what she expected.
He was ok, that's for sure, no wait. He was more then ok; he was fine. Standing near the edge of a small cliff, Sasuke trained. And, boy did he train! Muscle rippled under taunt flesh that she could see clearly now that his shirt was off. Though with the sky just starting to lighten up by the ever-rising sun, this was probably pretty easy.
He would punch, or kick, and the sweat would glisten under the watchful gaze of the Night Goddess, who was slowly stepping away to let the Sun God shine.
She watched him, mesmerized by the defined detail of his body; he was like a work of art. In every sense of the word:
But the dream that she had dared to enter was shattered as he turned and faced her, panting with the effort to slow his racing heart after such a vigorous workout, “What are you doing here?”
Stumbling for words, Sota tried to remember how to form them correctly, “You never came back. I was . . . worried.”
“I'm sure you were.” He picked up his shirt and vest and walked over to her, “Might as well go back anyway, since you deemed it your life's mission to wreak my training.”
At this, though, Sota couldn't help but glare. How dare he! She came to make sure he wasn't being killed off slowly, and he thought she was just here to wreck his good old time! Well, she would prove -prove- that she had more uses then wreaking his training.
“Fight me!” She growled, dropping her gear onto the ground and getting into stance.
“What?” Asked Sasuke, eyebrow raised in half-amusement.
“Fight. Me.” She repeated, slower this time.
“More like, waste of time.”
“Yes, you are a waste of time, but I still want to fight you.”
Sasuke gave Sota a look that clearly stated `That's not going to work on me.' Didn't stop him from tossing his shirt and vest than getting into his own stance though!
The Sun deity glared down at the two fighting beings, sweeping his gaze across there burning skin as they tested their limits; pushed the other's; and had, most of all, a good time.
Fighting, to a shinobi, is like writing a letter to you and I. It takes time to get what you want across, but once you're finished, it's a masterpiece that you never want to let go. Yet, we still give it away.
No weapons were used, no jutsus, only fists, feet, elbows, knees, and any other part of the body that could be construed as lethal.
As the tension in the air surmounted any good feelings that had been left, the battle of strength, defense, and wits, grew to an unfathomable size.
And this day, years to come would be the end of the bad; the start of good; and known forever and always as, How it started.
But I shall not spoil the surprise and tell you yet as to what is to come. I shall, though, allow you to continue reading, so that you may experience the joy I have in knowing that . . . well . . . you will see.
Just as Sota was about to land the deciding blow at Sasuke, who also swung a punch of victory towards her, the unthinkable happened!
Sasuke, instead, dropped low to the ground, pivoting around on his heel and coming up behind her -one hand closing around her mouth, the other around her waist- and smashing her to a tree, body pinning her there.
The stifled gasp that came out was enough to bring Sasuke's head down, forehead resting against her shoulder.
“You know,” He started, gulping in air to his deprived lungs, “I thought you were just annoying. But, I've come to find out that you're not just annoying. You're a great training partner as well.”
A scoff was his only reply.
“And yet, I can't seem to hold back. I can't control myself.”
Sota started to wonder what he meant by that, when she was suddenly spun around and found lips smashed to hers, devouring her face as though he had not eaten in days.
She brought her arms up to his neck slowly, her eyes closing in peaceful bliss
Than a scream echoed around the forest, birds taking flight at the sound.
Sota and Sasuke both cursed in their minds, breaking away from the kiss and, grabbing their things, ran back to the camp.
$End chapter$
Done at, originally, 1:48 in the morning, Saturday, February 18th, 2006. Done with after getting checked over, 2:33 in the morning, Saturday, February 18th 2006.