Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Own Tutor ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Own Tutor
Author: Dagger Stiletto
Pairing: SasuNaru or NaruSasu, not sure yet…. -.-"
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own this fanfic, so back off.

Sasuke ran up the stairs to his room and slammed the door, immediately proceeding to throw things and smash them against the walls until he wore himself out. He roared in anger, yet another emotion brought out by his pressuring, domineering, never-satisfied father. The bastard hadn’t been happy with the young raven’s 95% on his English test. English was not his best class, nor was French, but he’d worked hard and managed to get five pints below the top-studentUzumaki Naruto. His father wanted him to be the absolute best, like his aniki Itachi.

This time he’d threatened to send him away to a sort of boot-camp to teach him discipline and respect if he didn’t bring his grades up by the end of that semester, which was in two weeks.

A coo came from the bed, and he turned to look at the blood-red cat sitting there in the middle of the mattress. Golden eyes stared at him calmly while a sleek tail twitched every now and then. The tag on its black collar read “Kyuubi”, and there was a note on said collar.

Anger cooling in the face of his curiosity, he approached the cat cautiously. He took the note off. Unfolding it, he pulled out a pair of reading specs and placed them on his nose.

“This is Naruto. I am in your English class. The cat belongs to me, so please treat him with respect. Your brother has been in touch with me regarding your difficulty in English and French. I have agreed to tutor you with the conditions of you not insulting me in public an dto keep that Orochimaru and his gang from harassing me. These are all I ask, and I can guarantee that you will get a perfect score on your next test. Please send your reply back with Kyuubi.
~Uzumaki Naruto”

Sasuke blinked, turned the paper over, scanned it once more, then glanced back up at the neko on his bed. Kyuubi chuffed at him before standing, stretching, and sitting once more. He seemed to be waiting patiently for the raven’s response.

The young raven spun around when his older look-alike knocked once before entering the room. Itachi closed the door and just stood there for a moment.

“Is this for real?” Sasuke inquired eventually, holding up the paper.

“Very much so. The blonde is a very courteous and willing, albeit quiet and shy, boy, and he respects most everyone equally. He is also quite attractive, and the Akatsuki gang has taken interest in him. For him to help you, he must be able to concentrate. For him to concentrate, he must be left alone by all those who bully him.” Itachi paused. “He is an honorable bitumen, and it is a considerable trade. You help him, he brings your grades up, Father ceases railing your ass, and you and I can live in a peaceful house once more.”

Yeah, until he finds something else about me he doesn’t like.

Itachi unexpectedly dropped to a crouch and pulled something out of his back pocket. “Kitty, kitty,” he called.

The cat dropped to the floor and trotted to the elder raven, who set down an open can of tuna. Crooning and purring happily, Kyuubi began to eat from the open can on the floor.

Sasuke frowned. “Since when do we keep tuna in the house?”

“Since Mother-dear has started a rather strange tuna, prune, and cheese diet,” was the sighed reply.

Sasuke grimaced, then sat at his desk along the wall that was next to the sliding glass door, which led out to the balcony facing the sea. Itachi left the room quietly, as was his way, while the younger Uchiha proceeded to write a note back to Naruto, his soon-to-be tutor. Once satisfied, he turned to the right, only to find Kyuubi already sitting primly atop his desk, waiting for Sasuke to finish.

Blinking, the raven carefully attached the note to the collar. Then, as an afterthought, he rubbed Kyuubi’s ears gently. The cat nuzzled his hand in thanks before trotting to the open window facing town. He leapt out and to the ground with ease before disappearing beyond the Uchiha compound.

Sasuke watched until the neko was out of sight before closing the window and heading to his adjoining bathroom in preparation for bed.

“So what’s going on in Uchiha World?” the annoying Kiba asked as he bounced over to Sasuke, who’d just gotten out of his father’s limo.

“Aside from the usual? I’m getting a tutor.”

“Dude, are you serious? You, the almighty Uchiha Sasuke, are getting a tutor? Now I’ve heard everything. How much does your dad have to pay ’er?”

“One, it’s a guy, and two, Father doesn’t know about it.”

“Then how are you paying for ’im? Didn’t your dad pull the plug on your allowance until you get a full semester of straight As?” Walking backwards so he could see Sasuke’s face while he spoke to him, the dog-loving idiot ended up tripping and falling on his ass.

Which immediately revealed his presence to Haruno Sakura, who instantly sped over, squealing like a madwoman.

“Ooooohaaaayoooo, Sasuke-kuuuuuuuun!! How are you?!” She was once again, for the nth time, up in his face and gagging him with her overpowering perfume. “Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to”

“No.” Sasuke cut her off and reached down to pull Kiba roughly to his feet.

“Oh, well what about”





“Sakura, no. I do not want to go out with you, and nor will I ever. I am not interested in you in anyway, and I never have been. You are only hurting yourself by constantly pursuing someone who could care less.” He stepped past her stunned face with Kiba tailing him.

“Troublesome….” Shikamaru said as he came into step with the raven and the other brunette. “I fear she will never learn.”

I fear what she’ll do if you end up in a relationship while she’s still alive,” Kiba remarked. “So who’s your tutor anyhow?”

“Tutor?” Shikamaru questioned indifferently.

“Shikamaru, do me a favor and keep loud-mouth over here quiet. I don’t want this to get out all over before Friday.” Which was three days away. “And yes, I’m getting a tutor for English and French.”

“Mendokuse,” came another mutter. “Who is it?”

Before he could answer, a scream of fright and a neko yowl of anger came from down the hall. Neji poked his head out form the men’s restroom, his pupil-less eyes scowling in distaste as he came the rest of the way out. He came to the other three brunettes. “Those damn Akatsuke,” he hissed as Kiba dropped an arm around his shoulders happily. “I feel sorry for that little blonde.”

“What little blonde?” Sasuke demanded.

Neji frowned. “I think it’s Uzumaki. Why?”

“Shit.” Sasuke shot off at a run down the hall and turned the corner where he found the AkatsukiTobi, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sasori, Deidara, and Kisamepummeling a crimson-haired boy, who protected a blonde. Kyuubi the cat was busy adding scratches to the shark-like Kisame’s face. Kabuto managed to scoop the bruised blonde around the waist and dragging him back to Orochimaru, who grinned lecherously and snaked his arms around the thin waist, molesting tanned skin.

Sasuke wasted no time in driving a fist into the snake’s face. Orochimaru hadn’t seen it, so he let go as he stumbled back into Kabuto. Sasuke grabbed the blonde, then pulled the scrawny redhead out of the fight. He and his friends, who’d newly arrived, cruelly intimidated the Akatsuki into retreating, though they did with threats of payback.

Sasuke turned to face the two boys he’d just rescued. The blonde held Kyuubi in his arms while the redhead stood in front of him, the scrawny body shielding the even scrawnier body from view as best as he could.

“Are you two okay?” Sasuke asked, concerned at the bruises forming stark purple splotches on pale and tan skin alike.

“We’re fine,” the redhead said defensively, chin rising defiantly. “What do you want, Uchiha?”

What have I done to this one for him to hate me so much? the raven wondered. “Perhaps I will think twice before I help someone again,” he said aloud coldly. He turned to leave.

“Thank you, Uchiha-san,” the blonde called out.

Sasuke paused, amazed at the sound of the small voice. He’d never heard Uzumaki Naruto speak, even though they had three classes together. It was beautiful. A little girly, but had a nice, gentle pitch to it that made it perfect for the small body, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

“Um, I got your message,” Naruto said. He pet Kyuubi nervously while the neko purred happily, staring smugly at the raven. “When….when do you want to start?””

“Today after school would be good. Is that okay with you?”

“Um, yeah. That’s great!” He made a sad attempt at a smile, then buried his face in the blood-red fur of the cat in his arms.

I wonder what his real smile looks like, the raven pondered. He reached out and patted the blonde the shoulder and said, “I’ll see you around, okay?”

Said blonde nodded, then reached out to take hold of the redhead’s hand. “C’mon, Gaara, we should find Shizune so she can take care of your bruises.” He gave a gentle wave to Sasuke and the others before heading down the hall.

Okay, so I just randomly got this in my head. I don’t know whether to continue this or not. I also don’t know whether I should make it SasuNaru or NaruSasu. If NaruSasu, I would probably have to make Naru-chan somehow get bigger and less-scrawny because I don’t like my semes scrawny and weak. Not normally anyway. It’s up to you whether I continue with this idea. Do you know what that means? Oh come just think. I know you can do it. It’s so easy. Yes, that’s right. REVIEW!!! XD Thank you for your attention. Go read Primitive Instincts or Cramps. Cramps is one of my faves that I’ve done, and it’s been neglected. No reviews! C’mon, it’s Itachi and Naruto in love! They’re so cute together!
~Love you all~