Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Own Tutor ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Own Tutor
Author: Dagger Stiletto
Pairing: SasuNaru
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own this fanfic, so back off.
Dagger: I was hoping I’d be able to post this up with chapter 3, but that obviously didn’t happen, so I’m gonna post it up now. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter Four
Sasuke could barely wait till Friday, but when it came around, he was on pins and needles all day. He just couldn’t sit still. Itachi was happy for his baby brother, and all the raven’s friends were as well. Gaara approved, though you never would have guessed just by looking at his permanently foreboding, scowling features.

And people said that Sasuke was antisocial.

The only dampener on Sasuke’s day was an English test. He was the last to finish the damn thing, trying to put everything Naruto had taught him to good use. Kakashi-sensei finished grading the papers and showed them all to the students just so he had ten minutes before next class to read his perverted book. Sasuke almost died of heart failure at his grade.

Perfect score.

“See?” Naruto said from in front of him. “I told you I’d raise your grade.” His eyes sparkled with pride.

“You,” Sasuke drawled huskily, “are an angel.”

Neji smirked from beside the raven and patted his shoulder. Tehre was a slight twitch to Gaara’s lips from where he sat in front of Neji and beside the blonde, turned in his seat to participate minimally in the current dialogue.

Naruto predictably blushed and shook his head, as though the thought was silly to him.

The bell rang, and off to next period they went.

Sasuke was jumpy for the remainder of the day.

Once at home, he reached another dilemma. What to wear?

After half an hour of deliberation, he went in search of his aniki, finding him with his own blonde boyfriend, Deidara, in the sitting room.

“Aniki, I require assistance,” he stated, a little embarrassed at asked his sibling for help, intensified with an audience present.

“Oh? Of what sort?” Itachi asked distractedly, not looking up from the forms he and Deidara were mulling over.

“I don’t know what to wear tonight,” he said nervously.

“For what?” Deidara inquired, unaware of his boyfriend’s otouto’s affairs.

“I have a date tonight.” An uncharacteristic but easily hidden flush came to his cheeks.

“Oh? I wasn’t aware you were dating anyone, un,” Deidara commented with interest.

“Well, the relationship only recently started. This is out first date.”

“Hmm…. Well, I can help you find an outfit, un.” Deidara stood and patted Itachi on the shoulder. “You keep looking, koi, and I’ll be back in a moment, un.”

Sasuke led the way to his room, and Deidara proceeded to raid his closet, giving small tips on dating that the raven considered entirely reasonable. Several outfits were swiftly tried on and discarded before he settled on a pair of black slacks, black dress shoes, a blue button-down shirt of silk with silver cufflinks and buttons. A silver wristwatch went on the left forearm. Then the raven made a slight modification to his hair before thanking his brother’s boyfriend.

The long-haired blonde and younger raven went back downt he stairs, and Deidara went to retake his position next to Itachi. Said raven tossed a ring of keys over. The younger’s eyes widened. They were to Itachi’s Porsche.

But all his aniki said was, “Have fun, be safe, and get home by 11:30.”

Sasuke gave his silent thanks, waved good-bye, and hurried to get in the car.

Naruto was resting on the front porch swing when Sasuke pulled up to his house. He was dressed in skin-tight slacks that looked slightly feminine, a flowy silk blouse with a silvery sheen and a low collar, and black dress shoes. His golden spikes had been carefully styled to feather gently around his angelic face.

Sasuke smirked as he walked up to the blushing boy and crouched down in front of him. “Are you ready?” he asked softly.

Naruto smiled shyly and nodded. They linked hands and walked down to Itachi’s car, which Naruto gaped at. “Don’t worry,” Sasuke said softly as he opened the door for the blonde “It’s my brother’s. He’s letting me borrow it.”

Naruto nodded and slid in. Sasuke closed the door and moved to the driver’s side. He buckled in and started for the new restaurant on the other side of town.

The rest of the night was quite pleasant. It stared out shy and awkward, but it was easier to settle into an amicable atmosphere due to their friendship prior to their more intimate relationship. It wasn’t all that different from what they’d experienced previously except that they felt closer and allowed themselves just a tad more freedom to express who and what they were.

Outside spectators, of course, eyed the small blonde that linked his arm through Sasuke’s and leaned against the raven. Some were disgusted, some outraged, and others seemed to want the blonde for themselves. Sasuke glared at the people who despised the boy and held him away from the ones who desired for their own.

All in all, it was as good of a date as he could imagine.

On the way home, Naruto ended up falling asleep and leaning his head on Sasuke’s shoulder. A smirk tilted the raven’s lips. He continuously glanced at that angelic face with those odd scars on each cheek. The lower lip was slightly plumper and fuller than the upper, mesmerizing him before he had to drive forward at the green light. The warmth and weight of the blonde against his body comforted him inexplicably.

When Sasuke pulled up to Naruto’s home, Kankuro was sitting with a shotgun on his lap on the front porch swing, expression cold and forbidding. Sasuke ignored a tiny thrill of trepidation as he got out and moved to remove Naruto from his seat. He carried the tanned blonde boy up the stairs, and Kankuro assisted in getting said boy to his bedroom, though he kept the gun close to his side. Sasuke kissed the tanned, uncreased forehead softly before leaving, sending the blonde’s guardian a mocking salute.

Sasuke was eager to see Naruto on Monday, eager to see if he, too, was as happy about Friday night as the raven was. He hid his enthusiasm under a smirk as he slowly traveled through the halls. Sakure once again tried to gain his affections, which he brutally pushed her away again.

He heard rapidly approaching feet from behind and only had three seconds to prepare before a powerful force caused him to stumble forward with an “oomph!” Arms wrapped around his neck, legs hiked up on his hips, and sweet breath puffed in his ear.

“Sasukeeeeeeee!” Naruto squealed happily. “I missed you!”

Sasuke laughed happily, stunning other students and causing smiles to spread across his friends’ and teachers’ faces. “I missed you, too,” he replied, gripping underneath the boy’s knees. “How was the rest of you weekend?” He started moving down the hall happily with his boyfriend bouncing lightly and laughing softly as he snuggled his head close.

“Boring. Gaara stayed all weekend at Shino’s, and Temari had to leave on a business trip,” the boy replied, nuzzling the side of Sasuke’s neck. “And Kankuro went womanizing.”

The soft touches to his neck made shivers run up and down Sasuke’s body, but he concentrated on not smiling too widely for fear of causing an epidemic of heart failure within the school bodystudents and faculty alike. “Shouldn’t he have been taking care of you?”

“I’m used to being on my own,” was the casual reply. “How was your weekend?”

That nonchalant reply, followed by the immediate change of subject, unnerved the raven, but he went along with it for now and described the tedious and irritating lessons his father put him through as “preparation for you future career at Mangekyou Corp.”

“I don’t even want to work there,” Sasuke said with obvious disdain. “I want to do something for myself, not to be handed everything to me like the spoiled, rich child everyone thinks I am.”

Naruto slid off Sasuke’s back as they arrived at the blonde’s homeroom, which happened to be study hall. “I think that’s the most passionate thing I’ve heard you say aside from when you asked me out,” he claimed joyfully.

“Is that a good thing?”

“Mm-hm. Oh, by the way, I was wondering if it was okay if the school knows about us or if I should hide it.” He absently smoothed the rumpled material of Sasuke’s shirt.

“I don’t care if the whole world knows, as long as you’re happy, Naru-chan,” Sasuke replied in a low voice.

Joy sparked in Naruto’s eyes, and he leaned up to shyly peck the raven’s lips with his own. He pulled away with a blush. Sasuke smiled as a way to say that he had enjoyed it and that it was all right if he so desired to do it again. He kissed Naruto’s forehead before he had to leave. He waved over his shoulder, smirking as he saw Kiba take up position beside the blonde.

At the end of the day, Naruto was sitting off to the side away from Gaara and Shino, who were busy doing there best to eat each other’s faces off. Sasuke smirked at the blonde’s bashfulness. He moved forward and sat close to Naruto, who immediately smiled and opened the English textbook. Sasuke was content with this. At least until the noises coming from the other two boys started to distract him.

Even Kyuubi seemed irritated, making disgruntled noises as he perched on Naruto’s shoulder, the one closer to Sasuke.

“Oi!” Sasuke called over when he’d reached the end of his patience. “Get a room, you two.”

Gaara pulled away and glanced around with glazed-over eyes. “Huh? Oh, sorry Naru, Uchiha. The original plan was to leave once you were here, but I guess we got too distracted.”

“I guess so. You can go now, though.” Now that the boy wasn’t otherwise occupied, there was something about Shino that had the Uchiha wary, watching closely.

“I’ll see you later, Naruto,” Gaara murmured, kissing the boy on top the head. Then he walked off, hand in hand with Shino.

“No, he won’t,” Naruto whispered sadly.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Sasuke inquired, absently petting Kyuubi.

“He’ll end up staying with Shino, Shino will screw him, and then Shino will treat him like trash. I keep telling him that Shino is only using him and doesn’t care, but he doesn’t listen. He’s gonna end up getting hurt.”

Sasuke rubbed his back comfortingly for a bit, expressing his deep compassion, before he allowed the blonde to switch tracks and start tutoring.

About halfway through English, Naruto stopped midsentence and looked up. Then he gasped and scrambled to his feet. Sasuke watched bemusedly until he saw Neji.

The other brunette looked absolutely miserable. His face was moist and dirty, eyes swollen and bloodshot, and his shouldersin fact, his whole bodyshook. His respirations were broken and agonized. He looked like he wanted to die.

Naruto embraced the other boy, and they both went to their knees as Neji broke into gut-wrenching sobs. Sasuke moved to rub his best friend’s back while Naruto combed his fingers through the thick hair. Neji curled on the ground with his head resting on Naruto’s lap, and he sobbed and wept until he was exhausted.

At that time, Naruto whispered, “What happened, Neji-kun? You have to tell us so we can make it better.”

“There’s nothing that could ever make this better,” Neji croaked miserably. He sat up and wiped at his tear-soaked face. “Kiba cheated on weight two people at once! I saw them with my own eyes! They were right there in the art room, not even trying to hide their sin. I thought the world had stopped when I saw it. I couldn’t believe it, but no matter how many times I wiped my eyes, they were still there!” He drew up his legs and wrapped his arms around his knees.

Naruto’s eyes were dull. “Sakura?” he asked quietly.

Neji’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

“She wants to get revenge on all the people she feels has stolen Sasuke from her,” he whispered “I heard her talking to Hinata this morning.”

“Hinata was the other one,” Neji choked out, emotional agony clear in his every aspect. “Why would my own cousin betray me? I’ve always been loyal to her. I would have given my eyes for her. Why did she do this to me?”

Sasuke knew these questions were rhetorical, but oh, how he wished he could give an answer that would ease such excruciating emotional pain. Unfortunately, he didn’t know how to deal with anyone’s pain aside from his own. He had no idea what to do to help his best friend, whom he had never seen this way ever before.

Naruto brought out his cell phone and dialed a number while holding Neji’s hand. “Hey, Temari-san, can a few of my friends stay over tonight?” He paused. “No, Gaara’s staying at Shino’s again.” Pause. “His parents are out of town, and something happened today, I don’t think he should be alone tonight.” Pause. “Okay. I promise. Love you, too, Temari-san.” He ended the call and put the phone back in his pocket.

“Temari agreed to allow you and Neji to stay the night,” Naruto announced, still holding Neji’s hand.

“I thought Temari-san was on a business trip,” Sasuke said, frowning, though he wasn’t opposed to the idea of staying his boyfriend for the night.

“She said she didn’t mind. She trusts me as a capable, responsible person who can keep his peers from destroying his house. Besides, if there’s three boys at the house, Kankuro can’t go womanizing and putting himself at risk of disease.”

“Well, if that’s the case, let’s just finish the tutoring there,” Sasuke said, standing. “I’ll get our stuff.”

Naruto helped Neji to a standing position and wrapped his arm around the taller boy’s waist. Then he grasped Sasuke’s hand and headed toward the raven’s car, which Sasuke had earned the rights to after getting a perfect score on his last English and French tests.

Knives: You’re horrible.
Dagger: O_O Why do you say that?
Knives: Why are you so horrible to the characters in every fanfiction you write. What did they ever do to you for you to treat them this way?
Dagger: It’s all for the good of the plot. I promise all will turn out well in the end. Well, except for a few of them. But on the whole, there will be a happy ending, and I assure you that just about everything I write has a reason, good or bad.
Knives: You’re still a horrible person.
Dagger: Kiss it, darling, cuz I’m not changing. Review please. Also, a special shout out to StarPrincess who has been so kind in her reviews of Primitive Instincts. Love you, darling.