Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Pet Boyfriend ❯ Episode 2: Getting to know you ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this following story. They all belong to their creator Masashi Kishimoto
“Beep, beep, beep.”
“Damn alarm clock.” I mumbled in displeasure. Without opening my eyes, I reached a hand out to hit the snooze button on the clock. Instead of touching cold metal, my hand came in contact with something smooth and soft. I lightly trailed my fingers over the device as I tried to figure out what the object was.
“He he he, that tickles.” My eyes shot open at hearing such a child like voice. I almost jumped once I saw a creature with black cat ears and a tail sitting Indian style on my bed in front of me, not too mention that the creature was nude. The red collar on the animal's neck reminded me of the package I got last night and all the events that came after that.
“Yay, Master is up.” The cat like being yelled joyfully.
“Lee! Get out of my bed!”
----- Episode 2: Getting to know you-----
After shoving Lee off my bed and after getting the boy a long white t-shirt so he could cover himself, I took the creature into the living room so we could have a talk. I had finally figured out whom or more like what Lee actually was and I almost wanted to kill myself for thinking for a moment that human like cat beings could exist. I need to stop watching so much `Careless.'
“Okay, Lee. The joke is over. I get it now.” Lee gave me a blank look as if he didn't know what I was talking about. I admit he was pretty good at acting but I was better at figuring things out.
“I know you're just some guy dressed up in a cat-boy outfit. Jiraiya must have hired you as a gag, right.”
“Ji…rai…ya. Hey! That's old man's name.” Lee clapped happily.
“Stop playing around, Lee! Enough with the cuteness and enough with the child like mannerism. I know these ears are fake.” I said before I grabbed a hold of one of the fuzzy, triangular appendage sticking out the boys head and began to pull at it.
“Oww! Master, please stop pulling. It hurts.” Lee whined, but I ignored the boy's protest as I concentrated on taking the fake cat ears off the imposter; they were glued on pretty tight and even though I knew they were fake I had to admit that they felt just as soft as any real cat ears would feel.
“Master, I told you everything Lee says is true. Look.” With his hand Lee parted his hair at the area where his `ears' were. I looked at the parted section and gasped. I saw the fresh pink flesh of the ear I was pulling connecting into the Lee's scalp. Jiraiya is a joking man, but he would never go as far as have someone commit surgery just for a laugh. Then that could only mean…
“I'm your pet, Master.” Lee said before hugging my naked chest. I allowed the boy to embrace me only because I was still caught up in my realization that I had a furry (1) living in my home. It was like I was in a MahÅ shÅnen (2) anime, except I doubt Lee is magical, at least I hope so. But what am I going to do. It's one thing to watch an anime and it's another to live one out.
Lee nested his nose into my neck and I groan in frustration. How did I even get into this situation… wait Jiraiya. I stood up abruptly causing Lee to fall backwards on to the floor. I went into the bathroom and picked up an already worn grey shirt and a dirty pair of pants. I had no time to take a shower or put on clean clothes. I needed to speak to Jiraiya immediately.
I walked to the front door ready to leave.
“Mew.” I turned around to see Lee staring at me with sad puppy dog eyes, well in this case kitty cat eyes.
“Master are you leaving, Lee.” Lee asked with a dishearten look on his face.
“Yes, but not for long. While I'm gone I want you to stay in this house.”
“But, can't Lee come with you?” The cat boy asked hopefully.
“Sorry, Lee. But if somebody sees you someone might come and take you away from me, like the police, or scientist, or even journalist for The National Strange magazine, you understand?”
“No, but if Master wants Lee to be safe, then Lee will stay inside.” Lee said smiling. I couldn't help but smile as well. Lee was being so obedient that it amazed me.
“Good.” I said before leaving.
After breaking several driving laws, I was at the JFuntime building 5 minutes later. I ran in the building and went straight for the elevator. Once inside I noticed that there was a dark haired man with a dazed look on his face right beside me. Upon further exception I realized that the man was no other then Sasuke.
“Hey, Sasuke.” I greeted my best friend. Sasuke said nothing, he just continue to stare at the elevator wall with a blank look on his face.
“Sasuke?” Again no answer.
“SASUKE!” I finally yelled
“Hmm, what?” Sasuke said after snapping out of his dazed. He then turned around to look at me and his eyes widen in surprise.
“Hey, Gaara. I didn't see you come in.”
“Really?” I said sarcastically, “What's wrong with you? You were just standing there staring at the wall.”
“Oh, sorry about that I just have something on my mind right now.”
“Sasuke I think you got some hair on the front of your jacket.” I said while noticing a piece of orange fuzz on my friend's suit.
“What! Where?!” Sasuke yelled as he frantically began to brush down the front of his clothes.
“Calm down. It's just a piece of hair.” What the hell is wrong with Sasuke? He never has acted this strangely before. The elevator's doors open and Sasuke quickly ran out.
“See ya, Gaara.” Uchiha said before he left.
“Yeah, if your not in a mental institute, maybe.” I mumbled to myself, “Now for Jiraiya.” I pushed the button for the top floor and the elevator's doors shut immediately. As I rose floor to floor, I felt myself getting angrier and angrier at the situation my boss had put me in. What kind of person sends a humanoid animal to another person's house? What kind of person would even have a humanoid animal? If Jiraiya was in some crazy dilemma, like the letter had foreshadowed, he needed to send Lee to somebody he trusted and knew very well, not one of he's employees. I swear once I get to his office I'm going to curse him out so much that his hair will turn black.
The elevator's door opened up to reveal the fancy room I was in the other day. I smirked evilly. Time to get that bastard.
“Jiraiya! You son of a bitch!” I yelled while walking into my boss's office.
“What's the deal with sending that so called `package' to my house, and what the hell makes you think that I can take care of Lee, and more importantly what is…your…not…Jiraiya.” I said once I got close enough to the desk to see a blonde busty woman who looked to be in her 40's sitting in Jiraiya's chair.
“Your right. I'm not my husband. I'm his wife, Tsunade.” The blonde lady said so calmly that I wondered did she even hear me yelling a few seconds ago.
“Wait, Jiraiya has I wife?” I asked surprised.
“Yes. Hasn't Jiraiya spoken of me?” Tsunade asked.
“No not really, but then again he was probably to busy womanizing to care.” I heard a huge growl coming from the woman in front of me and I immediately regretted speaking, “So do you know where Jiraiya is?”
“Yes, he's on vacation.” Tsunade said after calming down.
“Vacation!” That sneaking toad, he must have planned this whole thing long time ago. “Do you know when his going to be back?”
“I don't know. A week. 3 months. Knowing my husband I'm guessing a year.”
“A YEAR! It can't take a year. Who's going to run the company during that time?” Not only that but I need talk to him about Lee.
“Me, of course.” The busty woman said with a smile, “Oh that reminds me. Seeing that you have red hair and girly black eye liner on…”
“Hey.” I shouted in defense of my makeup.
“…that means you must be Gaara. My husband told me to give these to you.” Tsunade picked up two sheets of paper from her desk and gave them to me. I looked at the smaller piece of paper first to see that it was a paycheck made out for 366, 793 in yen (A/N: That's 3,000 in U.S dollars). Holy crap! That's a lot of money and I don't even get paid today. I looked at the other piece of paper in my hand to see that it was a letter from Jiraiya:
Dear, Gaara
The paycheck you received today is to help you with Lee. You will be receiving these checks daily so I expect you to be alright financially. Also I have told Tsunade to give you two days off, since I know you will have other things on your mind besides work. Oh and if your thinking that I'm using a vacation as an excuse to get away from you, well you just think too much of yourself. I have much important things to deal with then you peep squeak. : P
With smooches,
P.S: If you told my wife that I womanized, that's half your pay when I get back.
“Mr. Gaara, are you alright. Your face has gotten red all of the sudden.”
“No…I'm…fine.” I said as I tried to bury the rage I was feeling right now deep inside me, “It says in the letter that I get two days off?”
“Yes, that's true.” Replied the blonde lady.
“Good, because I don't think I can even hold a pencil in my hand right now without snapping it.” I said truthfully.
I knew as I drove my car might have looked like a blur to all drivers and pedestrians on the road. As I release my rage into the streets I couldn't help but think about that bastard Jiraiya. He thinks he can just leave Lee at my house and bribe me with money, damn adulterer. Worse of all I had no ideal what I was going to do with Lee. I mean I can't leave him in the house forever. Also I need to know more about the boy, but the only person I could to turn too for information is gone. I could maybe get some info from Lee, but with the way his mind works I probably no more about him then he does himself. * sigh* but I guess I have no other option do I.
I finally drove up to my house and got out of the car. As I got closer to my front porch I noticed that the front door was slightly open.
“What the hell?” I said as I push the door back farther to enter my house. Once inside my home I noticed that it was a bit too quiet.
“Lee!” I called out, but I received no answer not even a small mewl. I ran up to my bedroom to see if the catboy was in there. He wasn't. I then searched through all the rooms in my home and afterward I still hadn't found Lee. Now I was worried. If the door was open when I came home that could only mean Lee had gone outside.
“Oh god! How am I going to find him? He could have left here a long time ago and he can be anywhere by now?”
“Woof, woof, woof, woof.” I heard the annoying neighbor's dog bark from outside. It was probably just growling at something that was bothering it, but I didn't have time to worry about that I had to find Lee.
“Woof, woof, woof, woof”
Once I heard Lee's meow coming from where the dog's woof were; I quickly ran over to neighbor's backyard. After I jumped over the metal fence, I spotted Lee in the white shirt I gave him, sitting high on a tree branch as a small white dog barked madly under him. It was kind of a funny sight really. I could see that Lee was shaking in fear as the dog attempted to jump at him, but the mutt was so pint-sized and scrawny that it was almost embarrassing.
“Okay, leave him alone now.” I said as I ran up too the tree and brushed the dog aside with my foot. Apparently the dog didn't like that so to retaliate he started to gnaw at my leg.
“Master, stay away from him. He'll try to eat you.” I heard Lee scream from the tree. I scowl as felt that the canine's bites were less painful then a mosquito's.
“Akamaru, why are you so rowdy today.” I heard a man's voice say behind me. I turned around to see the neighbor's back door opening and I quickly began to panic.
“Lee, hurry up and go back home!” I order the catboy.
“No buts! Just go now!” Lee's ears drooped a little and I felt bad for yelling at the cat being, but it couldn't be help. If somebody saw Lee it could be trouble for the both of us.
Lee hop out of the tree. He then ran to the metal fence and jump over to my house. I was about to leave as well but couldn't since the dog was still gnawing at my leg.
“You lousy mutt. Get off of me.” I said as I tried to shake the scrawny mongrel off my leg.
“Excuse me can we help you?” I raised my head up to see two grown man staring at me. One of the men had a scar across his eyes and he was reading an orange book in his hand, and even though he had silver hair I could tell that he was only in his late 30's. The man standing beside the silver headed one had tan skin and an `X' shaped scar across his nose, he seemed to be a few years younger than the other male.
“Uh…hi. Your probably wondering why I'm in your backyard.”
“More than less.” The silver haired man said without evening lifting his eyes away from the book he was reading.
“Kakashi, be nice I'm sure he has an explanation.” The younger man said to the older one, “And, Akamaru, get off him.” The microscopic excuse of a dog immediately stopped chewing on my knee and ran happily to his owner's leg.
“Sorry about that. Akamaru usually a friendly dog.” The tan man said while picking up the small pooch, “Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Iruka and the man beside me who has his nose too deep in that ecchi book of his to be polite, is my husband Kakashi.”
“Um…I'm Gaara. You guys must be new here because I never seen you two around here before.”
“Actually we've been living here for three years now.” Iruka said. Wow! I'm really behind. I need to start attending those neighborhood block parties.
“Sorry, I guess I haven't really noticed you two since I'm so busy working.” I lied.
“It's okay, me and my husband spend most of are time in the house, so even if you weren't so busy you probably wouldn't have seen us anyway.”
“But you probably have heard my koi's yells of pleasure in the middle of the night.” Kakashi said with a lewd smile on his face.
“Kakashi!” Iruka screamed
“Wait, those yells are from you two?” I asked as I remember days where I woke up at 12 am in the morning from the neighbor's moaning and groaning.
“So…um…your in are backyard because of what again?” asked a now blushing Iruka.
“Oh, well you see me and my…uh…roommate was playing baseball and the ball flew into your yard and I just came over here to get it back. Sorry for trespassing” I resisted the urge to pat myself on the back for coming up with such a good lie.
“So where is this `baseball'?” asked Kakashi.
“I already got it, so you don't have to worry about looking for it.”
“Well can I see the baseball then?” I had a feeling that this Kakashi fellow wasn't very trusting of people, or else he would have bought my lie.
“Actually I just threw the ball back over to my house; in fact I should go back over there before my roommate gets bored I decided to eat all the food in my refrigerator.” I said as I walked towards the fence gates, “Well it was nice meeting you two, bye for now.” And with that said I was off.
“Well he seems like a nice neighbor.” Iruka said as he waved Gaara off.
“Yes, but he's a terrible liar.” Kakashi said before going back to his book.
I stared at the creature in front me as I tried to figure out exactly what I wanted to ask it. After severely yelling at Lee for leaving the house, I sat the catboy down in the living room so I could ask him some questions. Only thing was I didn't know what to ask it.
“Master, are you alright? You've been staring at Lee for a long time. Is something wrong?” I sighed. I really hated Jiraiya right now…wait Jiraiya, I'll start with him.
“Lee, you seem to have a relation with Ji- I mean the old man, have you met him before?”
“Uh huh, the old man was one of the people who took care of Lee behind the glass wall.”
“Glass wall? What glass wall?” I asked confused.
“The glass wall is where Lee use to be before he met Master. People in white coats use to take care of Lee there, the old man was one of them.” Lee tried to explain but I was still confused. Who were these people in white coats and what did he mean by a glass wall? He could have been in a zoo, but zookeepers don't where white coats. God! This whole situation is complicated and weird.
“Master, can Lee go to sleep now. He is very tired from running from that white beast.” Lee asked while yawning. I nodded my head yes since I couldn't think of anymore questions to ask the creature.
“Can Lee sleep in your bed?”
“N-, Uh sure whatever.” As I watched Lee crawl sluggishly upstairs I couldn't help but think that keeping the humanoid cat meant big trouble for me in the future.
Wow I really didn't plan on adding a Kakashi/Iruka side pairing to the story. I wasn't even planning on having the two in the fanfic, but one thing led to another.
Careless = Loveless
Furry - An animal character with anthropomorphic characteristics.
MahÅ shÅnen - Magical boy anime, like D.N Angel. replies:
Heaven or Hell: Thank you and I plan too.
Gaara'spsycob'tch: Thank you, I was going for that.
Glitch: Afraid not. I was thinking about it be Naruto, but I didn't know how to work into the story.
Akatsuki Feathers: I'll try to update as fast as I can.
Recita: Thank you and I'll try to catch my mistake the best I can.
fuu09: Again I'll try to update the fastest I can.
Otaku no baka: Yay a lengthy review, I like lengthy reviews. Also thank you for thinking my story is so original.
Darkwing67: Here's the next chapter : )
MM replies:
Mistress shadow: thank you for the review.