Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Precious Blossom ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I haven't written anything in over a year and a half. So, I decided to come back to writing with something new and fresh. Keep in mind that this is the first Naruto fanfic I've ever written. But anyway, I'm a big fan of Sakura pairings. Lately, I've been way interested in NaruSaku. I'm not sure why, but I really like it. So that'll be a major pairing in this fic. Anywho, the pairings in this fic are NaruSaku, KakaSaku, and SakuSasu. So it's like a love square sort of. XD Well I hope you enjoy my fic, and thank you to darkangelassassin666 (my good friend in real life, Kimmy) for volunteering to be my beta!

Also, as a side note:

Since this is a fanfiction, and I'm the author, I'm gonna change their ages a bit. Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto are roughly around 19. Kakashi will be 23. If you don't like it, oh well. The world will move on.

Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, Kakashi would be mine. Along with Itachi, Sasuke, Gaara, and Kiba. BUT LIFE'S NOT FAIR.


Naruto laid on the hill, staring at her. He always seemed to be watching her so closely lately. What's with the sudden extreme obsession with her lately? Inner Sasuke thought. Naruto had never been like this before, and frankly it was annoying the hell out of Sasuke.

Kakashi and Sakura were just about finished sparring, as the sun was already setting.

"Hey, I think we should call it a day. You're really getting better, Sakura. I see you improving all the time." He smiled at her, though it was only apparent through the expression of his only currently visible eye.

"Aw, thanks sensei." She scratched the back of her head and blushed a little.

Naruto just sighed and continued staring at her like a lovesick puppy. "Isn't she beautiful, Sasuke?"

"Whatever." Sasuke snorted.

"Tch, I don't even know why she likes you. Why can't she like someone like ME?"

"Like she'd ever like an idiot like you."

Naruto glared at his snide remark. "I'm a hell lot better than you! At least I don't go around hating my life and being an antisocial bastard all the time!"

"Hm." Was all Sasuke bothered to reply.

"Wow, what a comeback."

This was going nowhere, so at this Sasuke got up to leave, but not before adding in, "You know, you should just give up on her already."

"Oh yeah?! I'll prove to you I can get her to like me!" Naruto got up and ran down the hill with a newborn confidence, ready to prove that Uchiha bastard wrong.

This'll be interesting, Inner Sasuke thought, following him.

"Hey Sakura! Sakura!" Naruto called after her, waving his arms frantically.

She looked back to see him. "Oh, hey, Naruto!" She smiled sweetly at him.

"Well...Sakura...Do you think you wanna go out and eat something?" He had that adorable idiotic smile on his face.

"Well, I uhh -"

"WELL ACTUALLY, I was thinking on taking Sakura out for dinner," Kakashi butted in.

Naruto and Sasuke just stared at him wide-eyed. Did their SENSEI just say he was taking their TEAMMATE out to DINNER?

Sakura just gaped with her mouth as wide open as her other teammates, but before she could protest, Kakashi grabbed her by her arm and dragged her away.

Naruto just blinked. "Sasuke...did that just really happen?"

Sasuke was speechless, still in shock, mouth still hanging open.

Naruto was having none of this. "I'M NOT GONNA LET MY SENSEI STEAL MY GIRL!"

"She's not 'your girl.'" Sasuke retorted.

"You shut up. Since when did it matter to you?" Naruto shot back. Damn, did he ever have a point.

Sasuke just snorted and started walking in the direction Kakashi dragged their dumbfounded female teammate, his blonde haired companion catching up.


"What the hell was that?" Sakura shot at Kakashi, reluctantly still seated at the restaurant.

"Well, I thought it'd be nice for us to do some...student-teacher bonding..." He just smiled.

"Bonding..?" But before she could say anymore, the food Kakashi had ordered for her had come.

"I think you should eat, Sakura. Wouldn't want this food to go to waste." He just continued smiling, earning him weird looks from his ever-so-confused female student. Look how cute she is... Was all that was going through Kakashi's mind.

"But I don't have any money to pay for this..." Sakura sweatdropped and looked down nervously, fidgeting. Damn, I probably look like Hinata right about now...ugh, Inner Sakura thought. But Kakashi held up his hand in protest.

"No, no, it's on me. Don't worry about it. It's fine." What was with all his smiling? It was starting to creep Sakura out a bit as if he were plotting something...


Sasuke and Naruto took a seat nearby, watching Kakashi and Sakura, still undetected. Naruto couldn't help but wonder why Kakashi had dragged Sakura here so unexpectently. I mean, geez, he'd never taken Sakura anywhere before. And right when he had the possibility of scoring big time with Sakura, none other than his SENSEI had to ruin it. There were so many things wrong with this picture...not to mention this must make him look like even more of a loser to Sasuke. If he even cared what the hell was going on.

"What the hell is his problem, Sasuke..?!"

"..." Sasuke didn't feel like dealing with this right now...but that wasn't gonna stop his curiosity about the whole thing. HELLO. This is KAKASHI. Taking SAKURA. On a...DATE. thinger. Thinger, what a highly intelligent vocabulary word for the stuck-up Uchiha to use. But he couldn't help but look back at his boiling friend.

"Grrr...." Was all Naruto managed to choke out. This whole thing was outrageous. He could hardly restrain himself from going over there.


Kakashi lowered his mask and ate, behind the confinements of Icha Icha Paradise, of course.

"What is it with you and that mask..?" Sakura couldn't help but inquire. Was that the whole reason he had that damned book anyway? So when he ate, nobody could see his face? Nah, I think we'll just settle for the he's-such-a-pervert-he-can-read-hentai-in-public-theory.

"I guess that just adds to the suspense, doesn't it?" Suspense? What the hell? This was seriously getting weird. "I never knew you were so interested in what my face looked like behind my mask..." She didn't have to see his face to know he was smirking, from the sultry tone in his voice. Wait a minute...did that mean...he was FLIRTING with her?!

"Kakashi-sensei...are you...FLIRTING with me?!" She looked at him in bewilderment. But her saying this just pleased him more.

"Now, now, Sakura...where did you ever get an idea like that?" He was still hidden behind his damned Icha Icha book. It was times like these Jiraiya should have never existed.

"Uhm...because..." But again, before she could say anything, a furious Kyuubi container was standing in front of them, looking so psychopathic, he made Gaara on one of his killing sprees look cuddly and cute. (Heh heh...But we love him even if he is an evil son of a bitch.)

"WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA ON TAKING MY SAKURA?!" He shouted, making the other customers in the restaurant cower in fear, considering taking their food home...

"Last time I checked, she didn't have 'Property of Naruto Uzumaki' printed on her forehead," Kakashi said in a challenging tone. Woah, he was getting cocky. With a student.

Sasuke though, unexpectantly butted in. "Please, she would choose me over both of you in a second." This left Kakashi and Naruto wide-eyed and now in shock, causing Kakashi to drop his book, revealing his face. Almost every woman in the restaurant fainted, all but Sakura, who was probably gonna be in shock for quite a while.

"Since when did YOU ever make an effort to swoon her, Uchiha?" It was Kakashi's turn to be pissed off.

"And since when did you ever have a face, old man?" Now THIS angered Kakashi. Naruto though, was kinda speechless, still staring at Kakashi's face along with Sakura. What a sight to behold.

But Sakura was done with this. "All of you, stop it! I'm going home, I'll see you tomorrow at training!" She stomped off, but suddenly was grabbed by the waist and flung around, right into Kakashi's embrace. Wait...she felt...a warmth...on her lips...OH MY GOD HE WAS KISSING HER.