Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Precious One ❯ My Precious One ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Precious One
Haku's POV
It was late, and Zabuza-san still hadn't returned from his mission. The moon was high in the air, and I sat looking at her while I waited for my master to return. His dinner was getting cold, but then again it was always cold when he arrived home, and ate. He would be sweaty and covered in dirt, but that was a sign that showed he worked hard to complete the tasks given to him.
I love my master, and I would do anything for him. He gave me a purpose when I had none, and now I worry for him because he was the first in years to show he cared in his own way. Although I don't call him it, I believe that he is my true father, and the only person I'll ever need to get by in life. The many years that we have spent with each other, and the kind smiles that he gave to no other, but me warmed my heart to no end.
A smile crossed my lips as I thought of the past, and everything we went through. Now we are missing nins wanted by our own country but I don't mind as long as I'm with him. He'll protect me, and I'll protect him. My Zabuza-san, my otou-san.
I turned my head as I heard walking coming up the hall, before the doorknob turned and he stepped in. As usual his brow was furrowed in stress, and his body was covered in sweat and dirt. I watched as he set down his large weapon, before walking over to the table. As he sat down I got up to prepare his bath as usual while he ate his super before we went to bed for the night. A few minutes later he came in and I left while I prepared for bed before taking care of the dishes as usual.
Tomorrow I would go with him on his next mission, before we left grass country and headed for snow. My weapons and few material items already packed and waiting for the harsh journey that was ahead of us.
I turned around as I heard the bathroom door open and he stepped out in his usual attire. He looked at me before he headed for the bed before I followed and we both crawled under the covers. I turned around, before I snuggled into his arms as usual, while we both started to drift off into the realm of sleep. Tomorrow would be full of obstacles as usual but for now we could leave all of that behind, and just be together like we always are at nights.
I could feel the weight of sleep pulling me farther into the realm of dreams, while I curled even more into his arms. Even though we never spoke during this time, it was our promise that keeps repeating itself. During the day no emotions are showed, and the fake yet real world around us consumes us whole. But when night comes we sleep in each others arms to know that we are real and that the other is always there. So tomorrow even if we were to die, we would still have these moments in the afterlife with us. My Zabuza-san, my master, my otou-san, my precious one.