Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Dancer, Broken Dream ❯ When We Met ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

If I had my own cartoon…
Rating: `R' or `M'? Damn it, You know the guy Masashi Kishimoto? Yeah, he owns the show.
Summary: Kouji and Naruto remember the first time they met and memories begin to surface Kouji's mind. Most of which were meant to remain buried.
Warning: Yaoi, slash, blah, blah, blah, yak, yak…
Beta: IceHeart, to you I will donate a liver!
Inspiration: Shi-chan! Queen::bows:
Thoughts- :…:
Change of Scenes- . … .
Authoress is eating a sandwich and sipping a margarita: “Woohoo! Let's get pissed!”
Naruto: “I didn't know you drank…”
Authoresses face falls: “It's virgin…” TT
Naruto: “I see…”
Authoress/Naruto: “…”
Naruto: “Let's start the story, shall we?”
Authoress: “Yeah…”
Can You Tell Me Why?
:My head…it hurts…and…why's it so wet…: There was a gentle pressure against the side of his face that would disappear and reappear. It was a rough pressure, bumpy and wet. Kakashi opened his eyes, hurting with the effort, and paused a second before shouting at Pakkun, making the dog leap away in fright. He wiped at his face and cradled his head in his hands, incredible poundings like drums destroying him inside. :How much did I…: He stared at the bottles that littered the floor and a sudden churning his gut began to rise and he fled for the bathroom. Unfortunately, it seemed that the floor was a lot faster to find than the toilet, so Kakashi settled to spill the contents of his stomach there. After retching for a good, long while, Kakashi picked himself off the floor and stepped over the mess of sick to the bathtub.
:I'll clean that up later.: As soon as the steam from the bath began to rise, Kakashi stripped himself of all articles of clothing, just realizing how uncomfortable he was in them. Just what was he thinking last night of wearing that? The warm water made his skin tingle and eased the weight on his physical and mental state. Last night's event played on and on in his mind and he could feel it slowly creep through his body. Naruto's words certainly hit him in the right place. It wasn't true…he did care for Naruto…probably more than anyone else did! How could he think or say such things.
“Ne!” Kakashi fell back in the tub with a loud splash, water spilling from the edges.
“Calm down! It's just me!” Raido threw his hands up in defense, sure that the other ninja was going to hit him and, instead, Kakashi's eyes were only visible as he had pulled the rest of himself underneath the water.
“Raido! What are you doing here!” Kakashi bellowed when he regained composure.
“I'm going to take a bath! You're not the only one who got dirty last night!” The copy ninja's eyes widened as he stared down Raido's naked form, lump catching in his throat as his companion stepped into the tub.
“Last night! You stayed! Last night! And I was…!” Horrid thoughts ran through his mind and his ears rang with vicious, imaginary, cries that he could have sworn were of pleasure from the happenings of the night before. His face that had once been green from ailing went bright red with embarrassment.
Raido's eyes widened, “Oh, um…wait! It's like this-!”
“I think you should leave.”
“Huh? But-!”
Raido leapt from the tub and gathered his clothes from the floor, fleeing Kakashi's apartment.
As for the copy nin, with the hangover…
. (The one in the story that we hate at the moment) Naruto .
“Ah…,” Naruto gasped, the pain between his legs told him that the man from last night was no joke. He made sure of that. And yet, it was satisfying as he walked out with 1000 yen in his pocket. Iruka's treatment was that much closer.
You acted against orders, endangered the lives of your comrades and handed out information to the enemy!”
Fool! You're lucky I don't remove you from the squad right now!”
I never meant-!”
You never meant for it? Child's excuse! Fact is it happened! We shall discuss details later! I have patients to attend to!” Tsunade's second turned on her heel, leaving the young blonde, drenched in blood that was anyone's but his own.
. Near the Academy .
:She's right you know…it's true. One mistake in a delicate situation such as this is enough, but there were multiples! One by one like dominoes: “Shut up…,” Naruto muttered to himself, burying his face in his hands. He sat there for hours, wearing his eyes with tears. Iruka was in the hospital, all his fault, and he could do nothing for him. The poor man had no other family to pay for the treatment he needed and Naruto had no money for which to pay for it. Most likely…Iruka was going to die.
My, my…quite a sight…”
What…?” Naruto looked up into cobalt eyes.
I'm sorry to stare…but I just couldn't ignore the beautiful creature sitting here…alone and…so sad.” His voice was deep and his complexion…so pale…nearly as white as snow.
Their faces were too close, “Please…I really don't feel…”
Feel? Feel what? Tell me what you feel…I wish to know…what makes you feel this way.” The other man sat beside Naruto and placed his hand on the blonde's.
I…my…who…who are you?”
Kouji…Kouji Watanabe.” Kouji's face was dangerously close. “But…I'd like to know you name…”
Uh…I'm…,” Naruto blushed, it was unbelievably hard to keep from staring at this man, “Naruto.”
Swirl? Cute, very cute.” The grip around Naruto's shoulder tightened, “Now tell me…what is troubling you.”
Despite the dark eyes that Naruto only knew so well, he felt he could trust Kouji. The pale faced man's demeanor seemed anything but malevolent and the tautness in his stomach didn't resemble fear, “I…my…my father is in the hospital.” Iruka did deserve the title as his dad, no one else dared to share such emotions for him as he did. And maybe if he hadn't cared so much…he wouldn't be in the hospital. The thought struck him like lightening and tears pooled in his eyes.
Your father?” There was glint in Kouji's eye.
Yes. And it's…all my fault!” Naruto doubled over in tears and Kouji wrapped his arms around the small writhing blonde. “I don't know what to do!”
He felt so weak and helpless that day. And out of nowhere, Kouji came along. Some glimmer of hope came out of the darkness with him in the form of Kouji. He knew that at one point or another…he fell for Kouji…hard.
You need money?”
Is that all?”
I can give you a job…”
You can?”
Yes. It's much more rewarding too.”
What do I have to do?”
Yes. But, of course, if you don't want to…”
How much does it pay?”
Soon after that, he started work for Kouji. First he was Kouji's employee then he was his lover. Such love Kouji gave him, it was hard to imagine that he would ever do this to him. But, as Naruto explained to himself many times, there was reasonable explanation for his actions. Maybe Kouji was mad at him, maybe had been desperate, or maybe he had been hurt. Whatever the reason, Naruto believed it as his place to help and follow the orders of his love. He walked on through the crowded streets, making his way to his lonely apartment to get ready for work. Sleep was short but it was still no excuse to skip work and miss a day's pay and delay Iruka's life any longer. Maybe if he got to work early, he could get a desk for himself and take a little nap using the manila folders as a pillow. How far was he away from the herbs that could cure his dad and end this nightmare so he can rest in a life with just Kouji and him?
. Kouji's Office .
“Just in time I believe?” Kouji smiled and folded his hands on his desk.
“Better watch yourself, Watanabe. Any later and this place would have been history.”
“Burn it down? Why, I believe if I had not paid you, you wouldn't even dare to scrape the paint off this building. Not without worry that authorities should find out about our little transaction.”
“Care to test your little theory?”
“There, there, no need for that. Now, if you don't mind, take your money and leave. I have work to do.” With a toss of his head, Kouji turned in his seat to tally the week's earnings.
The tall, burly man grunted and exited the room, slamming the door behind him and knocking down many files off of Kouji's desk. Automatically, the ebony haired man let out a breath of relief. For so long the transaction money has been delayed and threats became more and more serious. But luckily, Naruto came just in time. He smiled to himself and leaned his head back, staring at the ceiling.
How do you like the job?”
It's okay. I never thought I'd ever see so many men in one place.” Naruto blushed, scanning the region that was covered in snow and trees that popped up out over it, small flakes falling to spot on his eyelashes.
What is?”
With a smile, Kouji traced the pink band that crept across Naruto's face with his finger, “The way you blush…I think it's cute. Always have.” He withdrew his finger, still smiling, all the while Naruto had started to shiver slightly and his hands were fisted as to hold himself back from pouncing Kouji.
I want to know…what you think of me.”
What I think of you?”
Suddenly Naruto was on the offensive, he faced the raven-haired man, leaning towards him as if to attack even though he kept his arms to his sides, “I don't care if it's rude or anything like that. I just want to know the truth! I want to know…your feelings!”
There was a moment's silence as the two stared at each other, a insisting face on Naruto and blank was Kouji's. Finally, “You're a brat.” Naruto's face fell. “But I love it.”
Naruto smiled wide, blushing harder than ever, “So…does that mean…you love me?”
Yes.” Arms wrapped around him tight and he smiled, pressing his lips against the blonde.
Kouji's eyes widened when he realized that had not been so long ago. He placed a finger against his lips, the thought of ever having kissed Naruto made him sick. He remembered the time Naruto actually took him to see Iruka at the infirmary.
Daddy! No!”
How Naruto wrapped his arm around him tightly.
Don't let them daddy! No!”
The sweet encouragement Iruka gave him as he slowly fell back to slumber.
Shut up you little fuck! Be a fucking man and take it!”
The longing look Naruto gave Iruka as they left his room.
It hurts! Please! Don't! I'll help daddy! Make them let me go!”
Such unquestionable love…
Daddy, no!”
…from a father…
You're worthless. Time to make use of you!”
…to his son.
I love you!”
There was a strange churning in his stomach and he leapt from his chair to the bathroom. That little bastard…
. At the School .
“Finally, the pay that I was asking for!” Kakashi rubbed his hands together, very pleased with the check he received and pocketed it to return to the rest of the work on his desk. :Big pay came for those who work hard for it.: He smiled to himself, happy to know that the day was finally begin to rise in mood.
There was a knock at the door, “Kakashi?” Raido poked his head in through the door.
Kakashi gave a little grunt of disgust, and pouted, refusing to look at Raido.
“Um…Kakashi…listen…about last night…”
“What about it? As far as I'm concerned, nothing happened last night.” Kakashi scribbled on a sheet of paper violently, tearing through it in various places.
“That's what I'm trying to tell you! Nothing happened last night.” A lie. He felt his lips buzz with the memory of Kakashi's lips against his.
“Nothing? Absolutely nothing? Raido!” Kakashi faced his friend, glaring at him with malice. “I know how much of a sex freak you are! How do you expect me to believe that you would do nothing to me while I was intoxicated like-!”
“Oh yeah! Sure it was tempting but I'm your friend! I wouldn't do that to you!” Another lie. There was no way he would ever take advantage of Kakashi, vulnerable state or not.
“Plus you would know if it was me! You think you would wake up feeling all `laddie dah' after a night with me? You underestimate me.”
True. Kakashi woke up with nothing but a hangover and walked just fine without so much as a limp in his step, “But how-?”
“Kakashi…trust me…I'm your friend.” Raido wrapped his arms around Kakashi's shoulders.
Kakahi paused for a moment, “I guess you are. Not very good friend but a friend at that.”
Raido smiled, “Come on. You know you love me!”
“Yeah, yeah. Big love between you and me. Now leave. I have work to do.” Kakashi threw away the sheet of paper that was mercilessly torn through.
“Don't tell me you're still earning money for that guy!” Raido prodded, peering over his shoulder.
“He might not think I do but I care for him nonetheless. I won't give up and-Wait! How do you know about-!”
“Oh, you see last night you told me-.” Raido stopped abruptly and backed up towards the door slowly as Kakashi gave him a funny look. “No! Wait I knew about this before-!”
“Get out!” Kakashi tossed the lamp and other various objects from his desk at Raido as he made for the door, “Get out you lousy bastard! I don't want to see your ass again for the rest of the month! Do you hear me!”
Raido screamed behind him as he flew out the door, “PMS!”
Naruto watched the funny man run down the hallway as if the devil was after him and walked into the door from which he came from. He halted at the doorway when he saw Kakashi huddled at the desk, working diligently. He stepped back out of the room and pressed his back against the wall to take a deep breath and stepped back in. “Hey.”
Kakashi looked up; an angry look on his face when he thought Raido had come back for more. He was surprised…to see Naruto standing there with actual clothes on.
“Oh, hello.” A blush slithered across the bridge of his nose, surprised that the blonde was even talking to him and in such calm manner. It was as if Naruto was a robot or something.
“What are you doing in here?” Naruto asked calmly, keeping his eyes on Kakashi the entire time.
“I'm…a sub for Iruka.” Kakashi swallowed deeply.
There was a flicker of emotion in Naruto's eyes, “Oh…money?”
“Yeah…just…needed more.” Kakashi smiled and tore his eyes form Naruto's hypnotic gaze.
Silence. The blonde brought his hand down to seize Kakashi's pencil and placed it on the desk. “Don't mean to be rude…”
Kakashi looked up in Naruto's eyes again, “…?”
“I just want you to listen to me for a sec. About last night,” Naruto bowed his head, “I'm sorry.”
“I was just mad, is all. I had no control in my life. In such a short while my life went to shambles and then you came along to give orders. I lost it.” Naruto looked up at Kakashi again, a sad expression on his face. “But…I want you to know that I absolutely refuse to stop working there as long as Iruka's still in the hospital. That's my decision and it will not change. I hope you will respect that.”
It was Kakashi's turn to bow his head, “I'm sorry to order you around like that. You're an adult now and I have no right to make you do what I say when say it. But…I just want you to know…that I will never accept the fact that you work there. I will not stop you but I do not support your decision to work there.”
Another pause and Naruto stood straight up again, “That's fine. Just as long as you know that will continue to work there. But…thank you…for showing that you care.”
Kakashi smiled, “Since the day that you joined my squad…I will always care.”
Naruto smiled back, “Listen…would you like to walk with me to the club after work? You don't have to stay after but…I'd like it much more than walking by myself. And I don't start my shift as soon as I get there so maybe we could talk a bit…”
Kakashi frowned, “I'll walk you…but as soon as your shift starts I'm leaving.”
The blonde smiled wider, “Of course.”
Well…:sigh: my b-day is on the 28th. Gosh I'm old. Sorry I took so long and there's a something in a pear tree. Again sorry it took so long. And this wasn't beta-ed yet I'm just putting the original up until my beta finishes.
Reviews will save me!