Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Mysterious Dancer, Broken Dream ❯ Its Hit the Fan... ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I had a dream the other night that I typed up the entire fic. It was so wonderful…but it was only a dream! Damn! Why?! Why Bob?! Why?! ::Sigh:: Oh well…now I have the whole story figured out. ^_^
Rating: M
Disclaimer: If I were Masashi Kishimoto, I wouldn't bother writing the damn thing out! I'd make the cartoon! But I'm no Kishimoto! Am I?!
Summary: Naruto spends a little more time with Kakashi, getting along fine. But Kouji sees the little glow on Naruto's face and decides to rain in on his little parade.
Warning: Yaoi, slash, shounen-ai, murder…stuff
Beta: TurtleDemon
Inspiration: Shi-chan
Thoughts- ::…::
Change of Scenes- >.<…>.<
Italic- Things past
Authoress, stretches, cracks knuckles, neck and shakes out limbs: “Okay, let's do this!”
Naruto is toying with the loose string of Authoresses jacket, humming and swinging his legs back and forth: “Doot, doot, doot…”
Authoress: “Hey don't mess with-!”
Naruto pulls string too hard and the jacket's sleeve unravels: “…” :=D
Authoress: “Skip the story! I'll kill you first!”
Naruto: “Gah!”
Yaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiy aoiyaoiyaoiyaoiya
Blood Lost, Blood Shed
“Bleh, six years already and he still acts like he's the shit.” Naruto made a face and put his hands in his pocket.
Kakashi smiled cheerfully, “I thought you two would've grown up by now.”
“Are you calling me immature?”
“Not at all.” They both laughed.
It was a long walk from the academy to the club but, nevertheless, it was rather enjoyable. Visiting times past, some bitter and some sweet but all had the same engaging effect that would make them both lose themselves and forget their problems. But it seemed that their favorite subject of all was `Team 7' and the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto. At the moment, it didn't seem like Naruto ever grew to forgive Sasuke for the way he treated him back when they were younger. But, all in all, Kakashi was glad to distinguish Naruto never changed.
Naruto sighed then became solemn in an instant, “Kakashi…do you remember…when Sasuke got the curse from Orochimaru?”
“Why…why did you insist on training him? Why not me when I asked it?” The young blonde gazed at Kakashi with a gloomy expression, as if waiting for the worst of excuses.
“I…,” Kakashi lowered his head. ::Why did I? Yes, Sasuke had the curse but it was likely that Sasuke would've been able to take care of it himself. He had incredibly strong will. Not that Naruto didn't…but…:: “I thought Sasuke needed me so much more. I had this sort of…belief in you that you would be able to take care of yourself I guess.”
The copy nin gave Naruto the most heated expression through his half-lidded eyes, “I gave you utmost respect because I believed you were capable in becoming strong yourself.”
Naruto blushed and turned to the street ahead of him. ::It's a lie. But why does it sound so good?:: “We're here. You sure you wanna stay for a bit? You don't have to if you don't have the time.”
“Oh, it's ok.”
::Damn.:: “Ok. Go inside and I'll be with you in a second.” Naruto ran in through the employees' entrance, cursing himself for inviting Kakashi. Everyday, when Naruto would come, he would check in with Kouji. He could not have Kakashi meet Kouji or else…::I don't know! It'd be bad!:: He bit his lip and knocked on the door, “Kouji?”
“Come in.”
Naruto opened the door a crack and peeked in. Several young girls stood in front of his desk, all holding money out to him, “I-.”
“Stay there for just a moment. I have something for you.” Kouji smiled at the young girls before him and spoke in a strange language, “Hm…sick? Yes…you may want to stop and run away from this but how will you get home without the money? Not to mention the antibiotics to keep you alive long enough for you to see home again.”
One of the girls at the end began to sob and Naruto became confused, not knowing what was going on. For a while these girls had been coming and going but until today he had never really seen any of them act as anything else but Kouji's androids. “Kouji, I just wanted to let you know that I was-.”
“Shut up. Stay there.” Kouji frowned and stared down at the young girls. The other young women hugged the one that had begun to sob, nearly on the verge of tears themselves.
“So…what's it going to be? Run away now and suffer? Or stay here and at least know you're provided for? Besides! Who wants you home anyway? They sold you to me in the first place! Still have blind faiths in your families? They abandoned you! You're worthless to them! You're nothing but my little novelties now. Get out of my face and don't come back with this bullshit until you get your quota for the month!”
The girls cried out and Kouji's familiar smile crept across his face. As soon as the girls left, Naruto looked at his boss with embarrassment, “Um, what was that-?”
“If I had wanted you to know, I would've explained it to you as soon as they'd left. But I didn't, did I? So I guess that means I don't want you to know.” The ebony haired man, shuffled through a few papers before looking at Naruto again. “Anyway, I have something for you.”
The blond looked up shocked, “Another job?”
“Mm…perhaps…,” Kouji sneered, he loved to make Naruto dangle.
“Kouji, please.”
He laughed, “Yes, yes. Nothing much. Just a little of this and a little of that. You'll meet him outside the tofu shop located in the centre of the village. He's pretty tall, with brown hair and high cheekbones.”
“Wait, why make it like some sort of hit? Why not just have him meet me in a room or at his house or something?” Naruto was suspicious. It sounded more like a murder attempt than some kinky sex demand.
“Apparently the guy is married.” Kouji bit down a laugh when he saw the expression on Naruto's face. “Society and its sick kick, huh?”
::One of the guys from last time were married too.:: Naruto shuddered, “Um…ok. Hey, wait, then where are we going to-?”
“He's arranged all of it, you just have to meet him. Not a problem? The pay will be double that of last time's. Though I have no idea why they would pay so much for…”
“Double?” Naruto looked up, wide-eyed, “I'll be there.”
“Good, now run along.” Kouji smiled, seeing the muddled look Naruto had on his face.
The blond couldn't be happier; he would finally be able to get Iruka back after this and maybe he and Kouji could both live happily. He could possibly convince the older man to quit this life and live normally. Lead a more honest living. Just with him and not all these other men. He could always forget about all those other women that he just saw. It couldn't have been anything bad. He spotted the familiar gray tuft of hair in the corner of a club, hiding a deep blush under his mask and shooing a man away from the table. “Kakashi!” Naruto waved happily. The blonde sat beside his old teacher and the man that had tried to take the seat beside him, got the idea and left.
“Naruto, finally. Why are you so happy? Something good happen?” The silver haired man let out an eased sigh and smiled at the young blonde.
“It's…a secret…,” Naruto smiled and gave Kakashi a wink that made his heart melt.
“You can tell me.”
“Can you keep a secret?”
“Well…so can I!” Naruto laughed at Kakashi's frustration and listened to the music that echoed through the club. “Ah, come on. Let's dance! My shift won't start for another few!”
“Uh…I don't think so.” Kakashi replied, taking a sip of his glass.
“Two left feet?”
“We'll see after a few more of these.” Kakashi hinted towards his glass and downed the first. “How about…right now we just talk?”
“I think not. My shift starts soon, you're not drinking fast enough, and how will both of us enjoy this if you're all tipsy?! Come on!” Naruto pulled Kakashi by his arm with unexpected strength and pulled him to the dance floor. Immediately, Naruto got the rhythm and started to sway his body, and wave his arms about as if he had so much experience, all the while, Kakashi just rooted his feet in one place. “Feel the rhythm. Oh, come on.” Naruto took hold of the collar of Kakashi's vest and brought him close to make him start swaying.
Naruto's sudden hold on him was surprising but Kakashi moved with him anyway. ::I guess standing around like a nitwit would be even worse than dancing like a nut.:: The silver haired man, in turn, took Naruto's waist, embarrassed to be touching him like this. Soon they were all over the floor, Kakashi losing himself almost entirely. Naruto gave him his back and reached behind to wrap his arms around Kakashi's neck, thrusting his head to rest on his shoulder. By this time, Kakashi's face was flushed as he watched that perfect body sway before him and his lips tempt him as they parted as if waiting for him to take them. Naruto faced him again, his face flushed also, staring at Kakashi with half-lidded eyes. Without thinking, Kakashi touched his forehead against the blonde's and Naruto pulled back, “I think I have to go now. It's time for me to get dressed…or undressed or…well, whatever you consider it.”
Kakashi slipped his hands off his waist reluctantly, “Hn.”
“I hope to see you later.” Naruto smiled and ran off in the other direction, leaving Kakashi in a confused state of mind.
The silver haired man would have expected more of a reaction from the blonde. But…not that he wanted one. What if it had been in a negative way? He spotted Naruto in the far side of the club, talking to a snakelike man. A strange vibe ran up and down his body, he threw a dirty look at the man who didn't happen to notice. Not wanting to wait around for Naruto's performance, Kakashi left the building as soon as Naruto ceased conversation with the older man. From afar, Kouji also spotted Kakashi, giving him a sneer as he disappeared out the doors of the club.
>.< Waiting Outside the Tofu Shop >.<
“In the centre of the village…,” Naruto glanced at his surroundings, “How come I never noticed the shop before?” Just as he said it, he saw a tall man with brown hair and a crazed look approach him.
“Hey, are you-?”
“Half right now and half later. How's that sound?” Naruto answered in a demanding voice.
The man frowned, “Damn, little whore…,” he pulled out wads of money and handed it to Naruto who counted it feverishly.
“Come on.” Naruto demanded again, eager to get it over with.
With a forceful `ok', the man lead Naruto through the streets of Konoha, only acknowledging him when he looked back to make sure he was still following him. The young blonde tried to keep himself from trembling but that was almost impossible as they kept wandering through parts of the village that he had never bothered to explore. Soon they came to an isolated building near the gates of Konoha, back in the dark areas. The man smiled as he watched Naruto squirm under the extreme pressure. As soon as they were within the confinement of the building, the man pushed Naruto's back to the wall.
“Hey! Watch it! If you leave bruises on me, that's your ass! You can't-!”
“I don't intend to let you leave.”
“What?” Naruto tried to pry his wrists from the man's hands but they held fast.
(A/N I know this is moving kind of fast but I need to finish before I hibernate today.) “Maybe your pimp explained already but I married not too recently. There's no way she can know about this or I'll lose everything. My home, my wealth…everything if she divorces me. I can't let you leave here alive. So you can guess that means you don't get paid after this.” The man laughed at the horror in Naruto's face and reached to roughly stroke the sensitive flesh between the blonde's legs.
“Let me go!” Naruto couldn't die here. Not now. Two lives are on the line. Not just his. Iruka's. And he couldn't die in such a shameful way. There was a deep fire in his belly; the man was pulling his pants off, ready to make entrance. He couldn't take it anymore; the monster was slowly beginning to crawl its way up and out of his throat. It was frightened. Naruto no longer had control over his emotions and everything went dark.
>.< Kakashi's House >.<
::He's younger…much younger.::
::But you love him.::
::He doesn't love me back.::
::What is it that you know about anyone else's feelings?::
::It can never happen.::
Kakashi had lain down for quite a while already, thinking of nothing else but the brief moment that he had touched foreheads with Naruto. Sure it wasn't much of an intimate moment but he felt strong waves of pleasant energy surge through the spilt second they came in contact. And dancing! He'd always hated to dance but when he did it with Naruto it was something more. It was actually…NEAR enjoyable. Not quite but it was there. But…the moment they touched foreheads! Just before Naruto pulled his head back he could've sworn he felt the same longing from the younger man. Somehow…he knew Naruto felt the same way. Then again…he just didn't know what to think. Maybe it was just blind hope. Love did the strangest things to you.
::Well, now that you've gotten the point that you're in love…On with Phase Two!::
“Shut up.” Kakashi murmured to himself and tried to get his heart to cease its insistent back flips. “I know…that phase two is to get him to at least like me as a friend.” He smiled and turned on his side to try and get some sleep, hoping for dreams of more intimate moments with Naruto.
>.< Back With Blondie >.<
“No…,” the blonde turned his hands over and over, as if the crimson stains were to disappear the instant they faced the ceiling. It was all a horrible nightmare. It just had to be. The man was fine. He wasn't on the floor, his face wasn't distorted and he definitely wasn't lying in a pool of his own blood.
::Are you maybe hoping that he spilled cherry juice on himself or something? Pretty thick for juice, isn't it?::
::Why'd you-?::
::I wasn't about to die because you failed to act. You think you were the only one living in this sorry excuse for a body. I'm a part of you!::
::I could've-!::
::Could have nothing! You didn't do anything. I feel everything you felt. I felt pain and I wasn't going to die! No, run! No doubt someone was bound to hear something.::
::I can't…::
::You sure were quick to run and abandon Iruka weren't you?! Do it now!::
Naruto burst out the doors of the building covering his face with his cloak, tears of fear flowing down his face. ::I didn't do it…I didn't do it…:: He didn't stop until he got home and fell to his knees against the door. He sobbed for a while before washing off the blood from his body. Whilst cleansing his belongings before the blood could stain, he pulled out the money the man had given him. ::Enough for Iruka…but not for Kouji.:: He had to go to Iruka tomorrow and avoid Kouji at all costs. Tomorrow…he had to quit working for Kouji…
Yaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiyaoiy aoiyaoiyaoiyaoiya
Authoress: “Bleh…that chapter sucked more dick than Naruto.”
Naruto: “Hey!”
Authoress: “Did I say that aloud? Sorry.”
Naruto: “It's ok…I guess. But why do I have to be the whore of the story?”
Authoress: “Because you're so cute!”
Naruto blushes: “Ahem, yeah…”
I want more reviews this time damn it!