Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto a new arc ❯ Akatsuki Future Plans ( Chapter 25 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 25
Itachi and Kisame are walking down a hallway which looked like inside of ancient Egyptian temple. It was dark and dim that's only light torches lead the way throughout the hallways. Kisame didn't want to go in front of these people empty handed again as they both had two failed attempts on capturing two Jinchuuriki right in front of them. Kisame eyes Itachi walking behind him wondering if Itachi have feeling for this girl that made him back off from capturing her. They get into a chamber entrance wooden double door as they push it gently. The doors open by themselves.
The room was field with experimental specimen jars that look more like a science laboratory. A secret jar, which looked like tea kettle, had seals, placed all around it to keep it from harming anybody. This is where Shukaku the one-tail demon lied captured in until further use. Next to it was a huge sword of Inoshishi the two-tail demon and a tiger statue of Hinode the four-tail demon as they were both trapped within them. These were the Bijuu's that the Akatsuki have already captured. A forty year old man, with the same clothing as Itachi and Kisame, was writing something on a scroll. He had a scar coming down his right eye of almost losing that eye in combat long ago.
“You failed to capture yet another Jinchuuriki Itachi and Kisame,” The man says in a calm tone still writing on the scroll. “Why?”
“It was a trap from the beginning of luring us to her. Tori is more complicated in capturing her then you think. Unlike the others she has complete control over Okami's powers which others couldn't do. We have to be cautious when facing her. Itachi says defending his actions.
“Your not afraid of her are you Itachi? Because if you can not perform this task I will send another team to do it.” The man assured him.
“And they will fail doing it as she will send their heads back to you in a box. Okami is protective over the girl. Attacking her physically is endangering us all together as she can devour her victims and learn their Jutsu and memories as well.” Itachi said with the long ago experience with being Tori's sensei.
“So boldly to speak out of the blue like this Itachi. But I am also aware of Okami's powers with Tori but Tori doesn't use her powers that often, as she wants to prove to her that she can become powerful on her own.” The man explained.
Itachi eyes him. How does he know this? Even though this guys is the leader of the Akatsuki I wonder what his true objective is with Tori.
“But the girl is protected by Konhoa and now she's in contact with the Nine Tail Fox Demon. How are we going to lure her out now? The fifth Hokage will in no doubt take actions of her safety.” Kisame explained.
“The girl has weakness especially dealing with her village. Her relationship with her father is what drives her to become better then the rest and prove to be acknowledged by him. He will be our token of bringing her to our understanding easier then you think. But I don't want to rush this or she will pick up our trap when she comes. We must plan this precisely if we are to succeed. Which leaves who will deal with this plan?” The man says eyeing Itachi to see his expression about to give the job to somebody else.
“I can do it. I know her better then anybody because she wants to kill me. Using that, she will eventually let her guard down.” Itachi says stating his claim of still keeping the mission with Tori.
“Fine,” He says giving him another chance. But fail this, I will send them to accomplish the mission without any restrictions on bringing her to us. The more we drag this out the more Orochimaru will capture her.”
“Understood.” Itachi responds.
Almost a week went pass with Naruto and Sakura training. They have one day left to complete two hundred laps by tomorrow or they have to start over again. But the problem is it was almost nightfall leaving ten hours to complete fifty laps that they haven't done. Their bodies were already torn and warn out of the weights on their body and not even taking them off is making it worse each day. At fist when they started they could barely walk in them but know they can jug at a normal pace that made Sakura breath much harder then Naruto as her body looked more beaten then his. But because of this, Naruto body can heal much quicker then Sakura.
Tsunade and Shizune were watching on top of the walls of the premier of Konoha, watching Naruto and Sakura struggle so much in one week and it was just running around Konoha. Ton-Ton was in Shizune arms as he sniff the air of their chakra about to be depleted pretty soon if they keep this up.
Shizune looks down at Ton-Ton. “She's really working them hard. At this rate they won't last the day. What is she thinking?”
“After failing their last mission to get Sasuke back, they will do anything to get stronger to bring him back from Orochimaru. But what worries me is Tori making all the attention go on her, using herself as bait. The Akatsuki will go after Tori then Naruto because she is their biggest threat. But it can't be help. Tori maybe powerful then anybody in Konoha...even me.” Tsunade eyes at the idea of a girl twice her age already powerful enough to take down a Hokage of any village.
Shizune eyes her surprised. “Tsunade-sama?”
Tsunade smiles at Tori of how much she grown in less then three years of seeing her last. “Shizune the next time we see Naruto and Sakura they will be on a level of a Jounin. Tori's methods maybe hash and questionable, but she can breakdown a person ability to the tea and figure out the best Jutsus that well fit them since she known over a thousand of them just like Kakashi. Three months...Humph...lets see.”
Kakashi watches from a distance of Naruto and Sakura struggling as they continue to jog around Konoha concerned about their safety. He looks off in the distance and vanishes.
Tori is sitting on top of a apartment building where she is staying at, looking at the sky, while Nezumi head is on her lap sleeping, as Tori strokes her hair like a mother to quiet a child to sleep. She hums a song at a low key as this humming of hers always put Nezumi asleep. Tori sense somebody near but keep her calm expression, watching the sky.
“You mine as well come out Kakashi. I smelled you a mile away.” Tori said.
Kakashi appeared next to her. He eye down at her and then at the sky. “Was this the training you gave your other students under you?”
“Yes. They wanted me too because they too wanted to be strong, but not strong for themselves but for the people they cherish the most, so they wouldn't see them fall in front of them. With that dream nobody could touch them. Tori replied with no regret of her training.
“But two hundred laps isn't that a little to steep for even them.” Kakashi purposed.
“You will see Kakashi. If they completed it or not its teamwork is what matters even if they fail now, they can say they failed as a team and not just themselves individual. Naruto wants to prove that he can become stronger without using Kyuubi so often. Sakura wants to prove to Naruto that she's not useless. A team will determine how well they will perform if they are going to beat Orochimaru. They seem like they have a long way to go but...they will push themselves to get to their goal no matter what. Like I said three months...Don't worry...Kakashi.” Tori says eyeing him then back at the sky.
Kakashi diverts his eyes back on Tori. Even thoughher teaching methods are extreme even I want to see how strong they will become in three months. No wonder why Itachi and the Orochimaru want her,especially Itachi. I wonder if she as strong asher formersensei or will her emotions start to show and get to her in the end. No doubt she probably is planningsomething if itgoes wrongwhen the event approaches itself. I just hope your not pushing yourself to hard Tori. I don't want you to end up like Sasuke of hating Itachito seek power.
Ok these chapter were a lot of explaining about things in which I want to happen. I wanted to keep the plot going with Tori and keep it good, as this open a lot of story paths for me to add people in the story that'sin Naruto anime.

Also on a note as you been reading that Tori have a split personality which is Fukushu. Now to not confuse you in my future chapters. When she is talking to Tori in her head it will be in blue and in one
quoteinside of two. So you won't think Tori is talking out loud to herself. You will know when Fukushu is taking over her body when their talking to other people as I will mention it first. Fukushu will play a big factor in Tori's life to give you guys a little happy thought of things to come. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy.