Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto and the Key of Twilight ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kingdom Hearts/Naruto Crossover
-Naruto and the Key of Twilight-
~Time Skip- One Day~
Naruto sat down on his bed, resting a hand over his slightly enlarged abdomen. This was the real reason that he hadn't wanted to lay with Sasuke that day. He hadn't wanted to hurt the fruit of his and Sasuke's lust.
He would never tell the babies this of course. Telling a child that their father never loved their mother would be heart wrenching. Now, Riku was pregnant too. He had no idea how they were going to handle the babies and the mere thought made his head spin. Or was that the nausea? He didn't know for sure, but ran into the bathroom with a hand over his mouth anyway.
Unfortunately, the door was closed and retching could be heard from within the bathroom. So, doing the unthinkable, he opened the window and threw up out onto the sidewalk. When he relaxed and got a few gulps of air in, he looked down in time to see Tsunade standing there with his yellowy vomit splattered on her pants and a scowl on her face.
“Let me in, brat. I'm here to check up on your quads…and I won't even ask why you threw up out your window.”
Naruto scratched the back of his neck embarrassedly and, wondering what on earth quads were, went to open the front door. Riku was still retching in the bathroom, which made Naruto slightly worried. He went to the door and opened it to see a very harassed-looking Tsunade and a slightly tired-looking Shizune. He let them in then said,
“Make yourselves comfortable, I'll be right back.”
The blond went back to the bathroom and went in. In all honesty, Riku looked like hell. But then again, Naruto felt like hell still, so he guessed he could sympathize. He knelt beside Riku and held his hair back. There were bits of vomit on the lilac colored strands already, but Naruto paid them no mind.
With his free hand, he stroked circles on Riku's back and waited patiently as the boy dry-heaved. When Riku finally withdrew his head and flushed the toilet, he looked up at Naruto with an unidentifiable expression on his face.
“Perhaps I should have a look at you, Riku?” Tsunade suggested. “You seem quite ill as well as pregnant. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to your babies.”
Riku nodded and followed her and Naruto into the bedroom, pausing only briefly to clean off his hair.
“Lie down,” Tsunade ordered.
Riku lie on his back and tried to remain calm as Tsunade examined him, her hand glowing blue as she moved it over his abdomen. It suddenly turned the same color as Riku's hair, the glow increasing in intensity until it nearly blinded them both.
Tsunade pulled her hand away from Riku's abdomen. “What you bear is neither human nor demon,” she told him. “What it is we can only wait to see. Unless you'd rather not risk it.”
“Abort my baby?” Riku blinked. “Not on your life!”
“Then we'll just have to do all we can to make sure you and the baby are safe,” Tsunade told him.
“But what if the child turns out to be dangerous?” Naruto asked, concernedly.
“We'll just have to risk it, now won't we?” Riku asked dangerously.
Naruto gulped and took a few steps back. Having just met Riku a few days ago, he wasn't quite sure how much power this guy had and decided that he wasn't going to risk it.
“Okay brat. It's your turn.”
Riku stood and Naruto lay back on the couch, lifting his shirt so that Tsunade could see the considerable swell of his stomach. Her hand once again glowed blue and she slowly moved it over the swollen abdomen exposed to her. When she moved her hand up toward Naruto's ribcage, her hand started glowing a bright red, similar to the chakra that the Kyuubi housed.
She pulled her hand away and said,
“Well, there's definitely four…”
Before she could finish, Naruto groaned out loud and said,
“Great, four mini Sasuke clones running around! That's all the world needs!”
Tsunade shot him a glare that made him cringe and he quieted while she continued.
“Two of them are definitely human, but the other two…well…”
Naruto looked at her, concern etched into his features.
“What about them? What's wrong?”
“Nothing's wrong, per se…but the babies are definitely not human.”
Naruto looked confused, so she decided to put it into terms that any idiot (meaning him) could understand.
“Brat, you're having puppies.”
Riku blinked in bewilderment.
“He's having…puppies? How is that possible?”
Naruto glared up at the other boy and said,
“Well, at least I know what I'm having.”
Riku turned and walked out of the room, leaving both Naruto and Tsunade staring at the door.
“Well, now you've gone and done it,” Naruto said, to himself.
~Time Skip: 1 hour~
Naruto looked out his window with a worried expression on his face.
“You should be resting,” Kasumi told him as she walked into the room. “You're not doing your babies any good.”
“I wish Riku was here,” Naruto told her. “I was so stupid to say that.”
A group of townspeople surrounded Riku. One of them glared at him.
“What did you sleep with, boy?” she demanded. “What planted its seed within your womb?”
A tense murmur rippled through the crowd.
“My child is not your concern.”
“Oh, I think it is,” the woman argued, coldly.
The townspeople neared him. Riku wondered how best to defend himself and his baby when it happened.
A warm comforting feeling enveloped Riku and he felt a surge of power that he knew had not come from himself even as he closed his eyes and sighed, contentedly.
When he opened his eyes, the crowd that had surrounded him were all getting to their feet. They had been knocked over and a few ankles had been twisted. But otherwise there were no injuries.
Riku had some idea of what had just happened, but didn't dwell on it too long. The people were standing so Riku took this opportunity to turn around and go back home. He rested a hand over his abdomen and said,
“Thank you.”