Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Chat Rooms w/ Me ❯ Chapeter 9! The Dare..... Dun Dun Dun ( Chapter 9 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapeter 9
the dare dun dun dun!
DogMan: I dare you to tell us your deepest darkest secret.
Orange**Ninja: Tha-that I l-love Raya……
Kikboxer4life: *passes out*
DOGZRULE**: Now you've done it……..
Kikboxer4life: OH! What a weird dream……..
Orange**Ninja: Cassie T or D?
Orange**Ninja: I dare you to eat Raya's sock.
Kikboxer4life: *gives her a sock through computer* (its ANIME! They can do that. Deal with it.)
DOGZRULE: *eats it* ew….. *throws up*
Kikboxer4life: Naruto… that was a little over board…… it was… AWSOME!
DogMan: Well it was nasty! God I'm glad she don't have athlete's foot……..
Kikboxer4life: actually…….
Orange**Ninja: Eww……
Kikboxer4life: WHAT?! I play sports! It's not my fault! *turns onMP3 to Anthem by Super Chick* We are fire inside; we are lipstick and cleats. We are not going home; we are playing for keeps!
Orange**Ninja: nice lyrics.
DOGZRULE**: Yeah! They tell about the Kunoichi of the leaf, sand, snow, and star!
Kikboxer4life: yep!
Orange**Ninja: sweet………
Kikboxer4life: oi…. pervy sage….. I know it's you.
(ILUVGIRLS is off)
Orange**Ninja: I knew it.
Buggin': g2g…… Mom needs another wasp…. *groans*
Kikboxer4life: *laffs* yeah I know what you mean.
(Shy and Innocent is in)
S.A.I.: Hi!
Kikboxer4life: t or d?
S.A.I.: Dare.
Kikboxer4life: um…. I dare you to….. tell us your deepest secret.
S.A.I.: That I'm going out with Neji….
Kikboxer4life & Orange**Ninja: eeeew!
Kikboxer4life: THAT'S MY BORTHER!
(Byakugan_Worrior is in)
BW: HEY! So!
Kikboxer4life: that is soooooooo sick……………….. ick!!!!
BW: oh shut up………….. Hey Hinata-chan! I'm coming over.
(BW is out)
Kikboxer4life: I don't want to know.
(S>A>I> is out)
Orange**Ninja: that was random………
DOGZRULE**: Weird….
DogMan: woah……
(SailorLaLuna is in)
SalorLaLuna: who are you?
Kikboxer4life: LaLuna?! IS THAT YOU?
What is up with the sudden rise in warps?! READ AND REVIEW!