Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Talk Shows! ❯ Gaara,Sasuke,Kakashi and *Sqeels* Neji! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kayleigh: Welcome! To my talk show! Today we have Gaara
Gaara=Howd I get here!
Kayleigh=Remember I stole your gourd
Kayleigh=Kakashi,Sasuke and Neji!
Kayleigh=*Glances round room* Were's my Neji-Kun?
Sasuke points to corner where Neji is hiding
Kayleigh=Neji!!! *Tackles him*
Kayleigh=Ok now that every one is here lets start!
Sasuke=Wait a second how did I get here!
Kayleigh=O yeah well I dragged you while you were sleeping
Neji= What about me!
Kayleigh= Same with all of yous
Kayleigh=Any way so tell me Sasuke what have you been up to lately?
Sasuke Looks in to crowd of girls
*Sasuke shuffles his chair back a bit*
Sasuke=*Gulp*Them(Points to Druling Sasuke fans)
Kayleigh=How about you Gaara?
Gaara=*Stares evilly*Trying to get my Gourd back*Points at Kayleighs back were Gourd is strapped on
Kayleigh=Heh I know
Kayleigh=*Flutters eyes*And what about you Neji-Kun!*Squeel!*
Neji=Umm trying to hide from um…………..
Kayleigh=Yeah………………… …
Kayleigh=Aww your so cute!*Goes in for hug*
After nearly chocking Neji to death she takes her seat again
Kayleigh= Ok then Hey Kakashi Wasup?
Kakashi=zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…hh..uh..oh… 230;.Yoh!!
Kakashi starts to read book
Kayleigh*Think Think Think!Everyones getting bored!* (Light bulb)
Whips out cell phone Kayleigh=“Yoh Muffin Man Its NejiStalker here make three boxes of Cookies!”
Neji= That.. That was you!
Kayleigh turns round to see a fuming Neii
Neji=Last night it was you! You where the one pulling that Prank on me
Kayleigh Sweat Drop
Neji= Im gunna kill you!*Tackles Kayleigh*
Kayleigh= YAY!!!!!! ILove you too Neji-Kun XD
Sasuke=Hey why are we all fighting when we could be dancing!*Starts to Dance*
Gaara=Starts to dance
Kakashi=Puts book away and joins in
Neji= What the hell *Starts to dance*
Kayleigh Faints when Sasuke starts to Strip!
//::Kayleigh wakes up and stares at Naked Hottie's:://