Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Not So Little Anymore ❯ Chapter 3: Change ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Naruto. Sad, but true. =)

Thanks everyone that reviewed, please keep doing so if you would like me to continue, if not then I will take it as a sign not to do anymore chapters! :P

Chapter 3: Change

"Sniff..Sniff..." I look at the crying Shizune, she looked so sad. I smiled sadly, she had grown up so much...She was 21. I was 18. Her once short, dark brown hair had grown to her shoulders, and she had grown a lot taller than she use to be, which was like 2 inches taller than a 13 year old girl. I place a comforting hand on Shizune's shoulder, "Sniff, chuckle...Domo Natsuki- sensei." Yes over the next past 5 years we had trained Shizune here, she has called me Sensei, but remained calling my sensei Tsunade- sama. Only because Tsunade- sensei wanted to only consider me as a student, wanting me to have a student of my own. I did do most of the work after all. "I- I really am going to miss you." I nodded, and laughed slightly.

"Same here Shizune- chan." she then pulls me into a little hug, a nice tight, loving hug. I suddenly felt a pain in my heart...As if I was leaving a sister kind of pain. I pat her on the back as we hugged, "Hey take care of Tsunade- sensei okay? Laughs, keep her under control of gambling and what not." I hear her's.....And Sensei's pained laughs. This averted my attention to Sensei. I pulled away from Shizune to face the tears streaked Tsunade. Her golden wheat eyes were blurred, filled with even more tears than Shizune- chan had. I can see she was slightly shaking, trying to hold back her sobbing. I felt somewhat surprised at her unusual reaction, 10 years ago I wouldn't had predicted that the Tsunade, that cold, old hag would cry, nearly sob, for me. Although, it had been so long...Since we known each other. Ten years. We were close. Very. "Tsunade- sensei--"

Suddenly I was enveloped in a death grip(I MEAN IT) hug. It almost stopped any air to get through my lungs, but I managed to embrace the woman back, breathing. "Damnit kid! Sniff. I'm gonna miss you!" I laughed gently, patting Sensei's back just as I did to Shizune, but instead of comforting the woman, it had only made her cry more. The hug continued in silence as the women weeped, the sadness caused me to start crying myself. "Sniff, sniff. Crying is g-going to get us a-nywhere now is i-it?" Tsunade- sensei had broke the long warm embrace while smiling grimly. "Take good care of your self here in the Village of the Hidden Clouds. We'll visit once you return to Konoha." she says grinning proudly. I nodded.

You're probably wondering why I am here in the Village of the Hidden Clouds and not at Hidden Leaf, since I had completed my ten years. Tsunade- sensei has an old friend located in the Hidden Clouds. Moto Akina. Akina- sama had requested that I stay with her to learn of medicines just like Sensei had. Tsunade had traveled a lot after her family had died back in Konoha, she had traveled to learn of cures, antidotes, and medicines from the different countries, unlike what she was doing now which was traveling to different countries to learn about how addicting gambling was. Anyway, during her learning days Akina- sama had taught Sensei many things and became a professional in medicines and such, and hearing much bragging from Tsunade- sensei of how good I was in the medical subject she had asked if I could be trained by her. And Tsunade- sensei agreed. It would only take me 4 months, then I could return to Konoha. I didn't argue though with Sensei, this was too much of an honour to pass.

"We'll visit Konoha sometimes after your time is up in this country." again I nodded at my cheerful sensei, her radiant gold eyes filled with pride.

"Take care my dear friends." I bowed lowly, showing my gratitude. And hiding the tears that were slowly making their way to my pale blue eyes.
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Four Months Later

Tsunade looks up at the ceiling, zoning away. Her thoughts were fixed back on that day, the day her pupil had been left in the Hidden Cloud with her good friend Akina. It had been four months already, day after day Tsunade waits for some kind of sign, message, anything! As long as it said when her student was coming back. She sighs looking out the window of her office, it was beautiful outside. It was Autumn time, the leaves had just turned orange, red, yellow, and light green. Days had been cooler and the breeze couldn't have been anymore gentle. Her soft pink lips curl into a peaceful smile as she continued to gaze out into Konoha in its most beautiful state. Giving the name Hidden Leaf truly fit. "Tsunade- sama?" a voice calls out hesitantly to the older woman.

"Yes Shizune," Tsunade slowly turns her head to look at the dark haired girl as the young lady walked towards her, and surprisingly without any papers to sign for the exhausted Hokage. Yes, Tsunade had been Hokage for 3 months now. Just shortly after Shizune and Tsunade had seperated from Natsuki, Naruto and Jiraiya had come to fetch her and asked her to be the Hokage. And after much inspiration from Naruto and a battle with Orochimaru, Tsunade has accepted to be the Godaime(Fifth Hokage). Although she has regretted doing so as soon as she saw the paper work for the so called "honoured" job. Tsunade looks curiousingly as Shizune, wanting to know what the girl needed if it wasn't doing paper work.

"Two people have requested to speak with you, ninjas." Shizune jerked her head at the door to signal that these ninjas were outside, waiting. Tsunade immediately nods, wanting to get away from the paper work. Without question, Shizune rushes out to the door and leads the two ninjas in.

"Ah! Kakashi, Iruka! Nice seeing you here, what can I do for you?" Kakashi and Iruka bow lowly to the Godaime, who merely waves her manicured hand, wanting them to skip the whole respect treatment.

"It is sort of concerning a private matter," Kakashi says, darting his one eye at Shizune, Tsunade seemed to understand.

"Shizune, if you don't mind can you leave us alone for a moment?" After a quick bow, Shizune exits the room with a quickness. And with the click of the door the two shinobi walked closer, taking a seat. "So what is this private matter about?" her hands fold together as her elbow rest on the table, her face full of amusement. Iruka cleared his throat while he and Kakashi give quick glances at each other.

"Hokage- sama...As you remember many years ago. A girl named Kobayashi Natsuki was sent out of this village to be trained under you and was said to return this year, but it has been 4 months over due since her actual time of arrival. And we, Kakashi- san and I, were concerned when she wasn't with you when you came back to Konoha. Do you think you can tell us where she might be?" Iruka seen a glint of glee in the golden orbs after mentioning the name Kobayashi Natsuki, it was evident that the woman adored the girl.

"Ahem, yes. I do know of her where abouts, but why is it any importance to the both of?" Tsunade, leans back in her blue chair and crossed her legs, looking inquisitively at the two men.

Kakashi took his turn to speak, "Hokage- sama, I do not know if you remember, but ten years ago three people besides the Jounins and the Hokage had woke up early in the morning and had come to say farewell to a dear friend of theirs. Just like ten years ago we had woken up fairly early for the little girl because we had cared so much for her, well ten years have passed we would like to know where that little girl is." Kakashi maintains a calm look in his drowsy eyes, the Hokage smirks at the genius.

"Well," the ninjas both tense up in their seats, their secret eagerness eating at them. "She not within our country, and I cannot say when she will return for even I do not know." Iruka had lowered his head, discouraged as Kakashi sighs deeply. Tsunade smiles sadly at the disappointed young men, how can such a small child(referring back then) had so much significance in their lives? "But I'll be sure to inform you of her return immediately once I had found out. I promise." after a long silence of thought the ninjas both nodded, then excusing themselves from the office and left Tsunade to think even more of her student. 'Natsuki, what's taking so long to return? Everyone is waiting so eagerly to welcome you home...'
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S everal weeks had past since the two shinobis had visited the Hokage's office on the subject of Natsuki. During those weeks the ninjas and the Godaime had wondered even more of where the girl might've been. Reaching the extent of her patience, Tsunade ordered Shizune to contact Akina to ask of her student. "Tsunade- sama, how are we suppose to--" The Hokage didn't let the girl finish her question, she had pulled open her desk draw pulled out a piece of paper and pen and slammed it.

"A letter, send out those messanger hawks(hawks that call Jounins to meetings) to deliver it, they seem to do it pretty quick." the woman began to write a letter with a quickness as her assistant watch with curiousity. "There! Hurry and send this out! I should get a reply by the end of the day, the place isn't that far!" the Godaime shoved the piece of paper at the brunette haired girl.

"Hai Tsunade- sama!" and with the that girl immediately sends out the letter, and for the whole day the two await for the reply.

But the wait had been dragged out till after sunset, to moonlight, then past midnight. It was about 2:00 AM, finally Tsunade had grew even more impatient from the long wait,"...That woman!" BAM! Tsunade slams a hand on her desk. Scowling at the thought of her old, slow friend, Akina. "Akina, ALWAYS taking her sweet time! ARGH! I can't wait. What if Natsuki is dead?!" Tsunade gets up from her chair and makes her way to the door while Shizune desperately tries to stop the fuming Hokage, thinking that the death reason was too outrageous.

"But Tsunade- sama! She probably didn't recieve the letter yet, or maybe it'll arrive tomorrow morning! You can't just arrive without notice! It's rude!" the girl shouts, blocking the door with her running mouth.

"Well keeping me waiting is RUDE too! It serves her right to be woken up at 2:00AM in the morning!"

"Will you even get there before sunrise?!"

"I don't care if I do or do not! To keep my student and has not informed me of her current status is absurd!" Shizune had quickly moved away from the door when she noticed the Hokage was not going to stop and as Tsunade was about to pull open the door another interupttance had started.

"Mah! Sensei, you still have a temper after four years! I'm surprised you were assigned to be Hokage." Tsunade and Shizune spin around quickly, to see an opened window, curtains swayng gently from the night breeze. and besides the window in the shadows were glowing pale blue eyes. The two woman that were in a rush just a minute ago and had calmed down, the blue- gray eyes easing the chaos. But when they finally noticed what was going on, Shizune had leaned on the wall for support, feeling faint. As for the Hokage, she stood there staring at those eyes, then after a long while, she started smirking. "But of course, being a Hokage will keep you away from your bad habit of gambling...I guess it balances out." by then a woman had walked out from the dark corner, her dark black hair was let loose, passing her slim waist, bangs brushed to the side. Her figure was very similar to her teachers, excluding the honey-haired lady's infamous assets(boobs -__-;), her clothes was like a cut up kimono. Her top was a white kimono's top without the sleeves, her obi that wrapped around her waist was a dark gray, she had a white skirt that reached to her knees with a shorter dark gray skirt over it(like an apron...almost), and her shoes were black ninja sandals. Her skin was still pale like the moon's light and her eyes still the intensing fogged blue.

"Ah..Little Natsuki. Look lovely as ever." her Sensei complimented, laughing softly at the amused look on her old student's feautres.

"Same goes to you Sensei, although we look so much alike me saying that makes me sound conceited!" she turns her attention to the woman leaning on the wall, looking adoringly at her. "And you look beautiful as ever also Shizune- chan!" Shizune was too happy for words, she only nodded dumbly at the figure before her. "After seeing that chaos I am glad I made it in time. As soon as Akina- sama recieved the letter I rushed over as fast as I could, knowing your temper Sensei!" the young woman laughed heartily, giving life to the ladies.

"Still a brat....."


"Welcome home, Natsuki."

A genuine smile was directed at the student from her sensei. With a smile in response and a bow the girl whispered, "Glad to be back..."
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I had been very entergetic eversince I had returned home. Konoha, what a lovely place, so lovely it feels like a dream that you fear of waking up to, wanting to live it. Of course I was afraid at first to wake up, but then I understood the unmistakeable scent of Autumn of the Village of Hidden Leaf was too real to be a fantasy of one's sleep.

Even after chatting with my 2 old friends through the night without any sleep, I was not exhausted at all. After Shizune fell asleep, Tsunade- sensei had given me all the information I needed in order to live here, and assigned me to my home. But finding my home wasn't much of a concern to me. After leaving the sleeping Hokage and assistant, I had wandered around the streets with only one promise on my mind.

"Iruka- san. Don't be sad that a person will return, eventually you'll see me again. This isn't really a...good-bye it's more of a I'll be back sorta thing. And I promise when I come back, you'll be the first person I say hi to!"

I had to visit Iruka. I promised I would, and I will. I was foolished and rushed out of the office without checking where Iruka's current location would've been and it was already too late to go back and ask, it was too troublesome anyway. So my first thought was visiting Iruka's apartment, see if he still lives there and if not I'll just ask around. So when I got to his apartment complex, I had went into the main office of the building to check if he stil occupied his home. "Excuse me, miss?" I had entered the room and had spotted a small, old lady behind the counter, writing in her planner or some sort. She looked up at me with her small almond eyes, dark brown with so much life for such an elderly looking woman. Her hair was up in a traditional Japanese bun, all gray, white, and black, and she wore a dark brown kimono. She stared at me for a long time, seemed to be in a trance like state. "Miss? Are you feeling well?" I ask, worried that the lady had died on me just that moment and had died with her eyes open, but to my relief she had quickly nodded and apologized for being rude.

"Sorry dear I was so enchanted by your eyes...They are very unique. Pretty color. What are they? Blue? Gray?" I laughed softly at the hyper old woman, like her eyes she also had much life in her!

"I don't quite know Miss, I always thought of them as both." she smile and nodded glancing at them as if confirming my reference.

Finally she has gotten on the subject that wasn't about my eyes, "So what can I do for you...?" She waited till I said my name, I told her I was Natuki, "Natsuki- san! What can I help you with? If it is to buy an apartment, I can't help you. There isn't anymore room--"

"No I am looking for an old friend, and I wanted to see if he still lived here." I rudely interuptted, but didn't want to risk getting caught up in another conversation that was off the topic. The old woman didn't seem to noticed but she smiled widely and asked who I was looking for. "His name is Umino Iruka. Does he still live here?"

The old woman's eyes brighten, recognizing the name, "Why of course he still lives he! That Iruka, such a sweet young man--Are you both courting?" I laughed pretty loud as she asked me this. 'This woman sure has a habit for getting off the subject! '

"Oh no...We haven't even seen each other for a long time. He's just a friend! Is he home now?" the woman shook her head.

"No he's at work, at the Ninja Academy. I'm sure if you ask someone there you'll find him!" she replied brightly. I grinned cheerfully myself, happy that I didn't have to go through complicated obstacles just to find him. After thanking the kind old lady I had run out and darted for the Academy, I couldn't help but feel 8-years-old again. The feeling of me rushing to school was very familiar. Rushing to school to meet Iruka was even more familiar.

By the time I reached there it had been noon, lunch time. And the kids were all outside playing and eating. I smile at the familiar scenery, I used to be one of those care- free children running around playing ninja. I giggle at the silly kids then remembered why I was here, I walked up to a randome, small group of young cadets and kneeled down. "Excuse me, but do you know where I might be able to find Umino Iruka?" the three kids, which consisted of a brown haired boy with spiky hair, an oranged haired girl with high pigtails, and a smaller boy of the three with chestnut hair and a bowl styled hairdo with glasses and a runny nose, had looked curiously up at me from their little circle. I smile kindly as they stare. It was quiet for a while.

Then, to ,my relief one of the kiddies spoke, not something I wanted to hear but whatever. "Miss! What weird eyes you have?" I blinked, and then giggle at the straight forward kid, which happened to be the spiky haired one. People here seemed to be amused with my eyes.

"Konohomaru- kun! Don't say that! Miss please ignore him, you have very pretty eyes! I never seen anyone else's eyes look like that before!" I thanked the girl while laughing some more at the pouting face of the boy who hads been scolded. I repeated my question again, now knowing that the kids were paying attention.

"Iruka- sensei? He's in the Academy now in Room 12." the boy with the bowl hair- cut answered. Bingo.

"Thank you kids, you have helped me out very much. Hope to see you again!" I bowed quickly, showing my gratitude to the children then ran to the Academy, excitement filling me inside. When I reached Room 12, just as the child had told me, the classroom had been empty, all the kids that had been seated here were outside, leaving their seats and their teacher. From the doorway I watched as a brown haired man, hair in a short ponytail, sit in his chair at his desk with a red inked pen, as he made many vigorous movements with his pen on papers. A sight from what you expect to see from teachers. But a sight where I never expected Umino Iruka, the troublemaker that was known to all teachers, to do. I stay frozen in the doorway, unnoticed as the man continued with his paper work, then with a smile I knocked on the door.

He did not look up, as if expecting me to be so co-worker there he says, "Yes? What do you need?" I couldn't help but silently giggled at the mature look of my old friend.

But I answered in a sweet tone, purposely, sounding like a well behaved school girl. "Oh excuse me sir! Do you know where I can find a Umino Iruka?" after jotting down the last of his comments with his pen, he looked up ready to answer.

"Yes I am...--" he trailed off as he caught sight of my face, for a moment he was still then his dark eyes widened, staring at my own misty gray eyes. We were both quiet, I remained at the doorway as he sat in his desk, staring.

I gave him a warm grin, "Iruka- san?" he blinked several times, my voice clearing him from his thoughts. Then he had regained his voice and stood up.

"Natsuki? Is that really you?" he sounded so choked up. I laughed, echoing the empty room, answering Iruka's question. My blue eyes filled with joy of seeing my old friend. I couldn't help but shed some tears. I had waited so long for this moment...and now it's finally here. Suddenly me and Iruka started to laugh and we embraced each other. "I never thought you'd come back!"

"Why would I break a promise to you?! I can't just leave a friend waiting!" I felt so warm to be embraced by the taller guy, he had grown taller, I had to tip toe just to hug his neck and from what I hugged I could feel he had gotten in much better shape. He had grown into a fine man. As we pull away I can see he had a typical, green Chuunin vest, and his forehead protector still around his forehead and of course his scar. "My, my Iruka- san...You have grown up to be a very handsome man." at this comment Iruka blushed deeply looking at the ground chuckling.

"I must say the same Natsuki, I mean not handsome, I mean like-like you've grown really beautiful." I giggle and blush lightly myself, nodding and thanking him. "You've grown so much. And yet your personality has never changed." I arch a slim black eyebrow.

"And how do you know that?" I asked, we haven't talked yet to catch up, and yet he says that to me?

"You haven't lost that look in your eyes..." again I was confused.

"Nani?" finally he gave up explaining, shaking his head, laughing. "Sorry if I interuptted anything--"

"No, no course not! You're a friend I've been waiting for...for ten years? Why would I let my work get in the way of what I wanted to see for ten years? I'll get a substitute and then I'll take you out for lunch of something. You're hungry aren't you?" I nodded my head, grinning quite widely as Iruka and I chatted as we walked to the office, where he asked for a sub and then made our way to town.

We had decided to eat at the Ichiraku Ramen Bar. I had missed this place, out of all the countries I've been to and all the ramen I had ate, it never had beaten the taste that the soup had, or the perfect softness of the noodles. When we had arrived there, the old man had recognized me and had welcomed me back. Oh yes, another great thing of this ramen bar, it had so much warmth and welcome. I loved being here. Iruka ordered two miso ramen, as we ate I told him of my adventures and encounters, he seemed to be amazed at my stories. "Wow, what an exciting adventure you had been on. I had read of your achievements in the papers, really I was quite astonished."

I nodded as I ate the delcious ramen, "Slurp! Yes, it had been quite exciting!....But..." Iruka finishes his ramen with a slurp and looks at me, waiting for my next words. "I would have rather traded all those moments of excitement to be here in Konoha with the people I loved." Iruka continue to look at my dazed expression as I stared ahead of me, his eyes had softened at my words. 'She has grown up...' "I must say though Iruka," I was going to change the subject. "You have changed quite much since I have left. I thought I would come back to a wild Jounin with a variety of exciting, dangerous missions! Yet I come back to a timid, kind gentleman that's a teacher! Really I am quite shocked!" I finished my ramen as he looked at me with a pouty expression. I laugh. "But I like this new Iruka too, such a sweet man." he blushed as he scratches his right cheek with an index finger, he has changed but his habits haven't. Iruka, from the times I had known him, had scratched his cheek if he was nervous or embarassed.

"Like I, you have changed too Natsuki- san." I look at him with a puzzled face. "I thought you were still the wild type yourself, but after seeing you greet my in such a calm notion I was astonished! You had grown up to match your personality in looks also." I give him a cheeky grin and we laugh. "Well looks as if you are done. Shall we leave?" I nodded as he takes the check from the worker, Ayame. ".......Where's my wallet?" after a while of searching, Iruka says looking quite scared as he digs through all his pockets. "...AH! I left it at work!" I began to laugh again looking at his panicked state.

"Iruka- san! Calm down. I'll take care of the bill, but you owe me a meal!" he sighed and nodded as I take out my wallet. A blue frog pouch. I took out a couple bills and gave it to the old man, he thanked me. But I didn't take any notice. All I did was stare down at my frog pouch, lost in memories. Iruka noticed my quiet self and worriedly tapped me on the shoulder.

"Natsuki- san? You all right?" I suddenly look up from my little wallet and smiled nodding.

"Yes, yes. I was...Just remembering. This little pouch has done so much....--" Iruka looked bewildered at my awkward acting self then I laughed and waved the subject off. "Iruka? I had just remembered. Can you....Do you know where Kakashi might be?"

Iruka smiles cheerfully, now that I acted myself again. "Of course! He is a teacher of my old students!" 'Kakashi? Teacher? '

"Teacher? That lazy old bum? Teacher also? What a job he must suck at!" this made Iruka laugh, we left the ramen bar, heading to the training grounds.
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"AHH! !" Naruto jumps back as the brunette boy had thrown a kunai at the blonde. Naruto then throws a kunai at his opponent, skinning his cheek slightly. The two had been fighting from morning till now. "Sasuke you bastard!" Naruto yells as Sasuke had kicked his team mate in the gut, causing him to fly at slam into a tree.

"Sensei...Do you think it's all right to let the two continue?" the ninja that was intently reading his book had glanced at his pink haired pupil, worried filled in her faded jade eyes. He smiles in reassurance.

"Hai Sakura. They won't kill each other. If they had an intent to kill they would've had done it before Sasuke's return." with that the two watch as the rivals train, looking as if they had all the energy in the world. "How are you doing with your training?" Sakura's attention went back to her teacher.

"Been fine Kakashi- sensei. I think I am getting much better at taijutsu." she smiles proudly, noticing her improvement.

"Good to hear, you are aware as to why I am not letting you fight those savages, right?" Sakura nod, understanding and glad that her teacher did not throw her in to fight the two vicious boys. All of the sudden the two young shinobi stop their fight, Sakura took notice of it and looked at her sensei, who's attention was no longer on his perverted book but at the direction of the path where they entered the training grounds. Which was where Naruto and Sasuke were looking. She watched.

After 3 minutes of hearing approaching voices, a familiar one and an unknown one. The four see a Chuunin appear, his brown hair in the usual pony tail and his dark eyes shined with delight. "IRUKA- SENSEEIII!!!" Naruto, who no longer acted tired and intent in battle, had ran up to his sensei and given the Chuunin a hug. The other 3 team mates sweatdrop at the sight all thinking the same, 'After all that he still has the energy? ' "Yatta! Did you come here to buy us all some ramen?!"

Iruka laughs heartily as he pulls Naruto off, "Not today Naruto, I just ate ramen before I came here. And uhh...I don't have any money." Iruka places a hand behind his head in embarassment. The lady besides him had giggled mentally to herself at her silly friend.

"Nani?! Than how did you--" Naruto stops midway in his sentence as he finally notices the young woman besides his former sensei. His heart skipped a beat. The two look at each other for some time, her smiling and him gawking. '...She's so...pretty. ' Naruto had found this lady extremely pretty. Her grayish blue eyes was so vivaciously beautiful, pale skin was fair, body was fit, and she dressed in decent clothing. Finally he had closed his mouth and blushed, smiling shyly at the older girl. This surprised everyone. Naruto, shy? Even he didn't act this shy when he was around Sakura(sometimes).

Sakura, being curious as to why Naruto was acting so strange, had taken another look at the woman. She gasped, she looked just like the Godaime, except her chest wasn't so bodacious. She had the same curvy type look though. But her waist length hair was midnight black, which brought out the intense faded blue of her eyes. Her eyes. They looked like Tsunade's but the color was like Naruto's with a tiny tint of Hinata's pale color added to it. Reminding her of ice. Really, she was a pretty woman. No wonder Naruto was in such a daze.

"Giggle, nice to meet you." the girl greeted the boy, her smile causing the young boy to melt in his shoes.

"N-nice to meet you Miss!" Naruto says, now acting more like himself. The girl then frowned, her eyes now shown sorrow. Iruka seemed to notice.

"Naruto, do you know who this is?" he asks a bit quiet, Naruto shook his head slowly at Iruka, wondering why he had asked that. Iruka frown at the sight of the girl. By this time the rest of Team 7 had gathered up near the other 3. It was quiet for a minute till Sakura spoke.

"Iruka- sensei. Who is your friend?" Iruka smiles, thanking Sakura mentally for changing the subject, but before he could speak, a soft, warm hand had covered his mouth. His friend had covered his mouth, smirking. Seemed to look alive again. Her faint scent of rain and lilies had been breathed in as Iruka looked down at her light skinned hand.

"If you don't mind Iruka, can we let Kakashi- san here figure out who I am? Just to see if he's still the genius he was known to be." the girl's eyes had concentrated at the one releaved eye Jounin, who looked curiously at the two other people. "Take your time Kakashi- san, if you fail to know who I am, I will be very disappointed." Kakashi tucked away his book, crossing his arms now. Taking up the challenge and examined the girl. 'Hm...The black hair....The pale flesh. Her voice doesn't seem too recognizeable. But that cocky grin is.' He examined her body quickly, taking the information in, 'A well curved body like that I haven't seen before.....The rosy lips.' His eye had laid on the grayed blue eyes then after a while he grinned under his mask. 'Those eyes give it all away....'

A chuckle from the Jounin then, "Ah...Little Natsuki," Then a very evident sign of his examination of the woman's body. "Isn't so little anymore." Natsuki blushed lightly, the pink rushing to her pale cheeks.

"KAKASHI- SENSEI!" the pink haired girl scolds her teacher for his perverted comment. The girl known as Natsuki removes her delicate hand from Iruka's mouth, not noticing the blush on his face of realization from the pervert comment of the Jounin. Naruto, not knowing what his teacher had meant only continued to stare at Natsuki unnoticed, 'Natsuki...' he will remember that name well.

"You're still an idiot I see." Natsuki laughs lightly, Kakashi laughing with her also.

"And you're still a cutie."

"Oh Kakashi- san! I am flattered, really." the girl Natuski, surprised everyone there. She no longer blushed at the comments but had laughed at them. "Still quite a charmer!"

"Only to the beauty of Konoha." Kakashi exaggeratedly bowed, making the girl giggle. She slap his shoulder lightly, as they both chuckled. This caused everyone much confusion, watching the two flirt endlessly with each other, they wondered if they knew they were doing that. Was this necessary in doing at the moment? Kakashi, noticing the looks of his students finally said. "Mah, sorry about that. Chuckles. This is an old friend of mine and Iruka- san's, Kobayashi Natsuki." The girl bows to the teenagers.

"Please to meet you." the kids nod back.

Kakashi then took the chance to introduce his students. "This one is Haruno Sakura," a hand presenting the rose colored hair girl, "Uchiha Sasuke," next was a definite Uchiha, dark hair with matching charcoal eyes. Then...the last. The most wonderfully adored young man. "And Uzumaki--"

"Naruto." again everyone stared surprised at Natsuki, she could no longer hold the fact that she knew of Naruto long before any of these people had communicated with him. 'How does she know my name? ' Naruto wonders, watching the girl look down sadly at him. It wasn't the look of hate like he had recieved from the villagers, nor was it pity. But it looked like...grief?

"Natsuki?" Iruka whispers, putting a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder. Quickly she regained her composure. Smile.

"Oh gomen! I was lost in my memories once more. How rude of me! Sorry!" she cheerfully smiled, easing the tenseness of the astmosphere. That smiled had fooled everyone else. Except for her three most loved ones. Iruka knew her too well. Kakashi also having much relation to her. And Naruto did not remember her, but he had recognized the fake smile, yes he knew it very well.
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I smile, hiding my disappointment. Naruto couldn't remember me...Yes I was hurt. But what do I expect, I left the kid when he was...What, three-years-old? He was too young to remember me. I continued to smile, my face was hurting. And then, "GASP!" I look over at from where the gasp had come from, Sakura, I think that was her name, had a hand over her mouth, staring at me.

"Ano sa, ano sa! What is it Sakura- chan?" Naruto asks, worried at the sight of his teammate's shocked face. Sakura seemed hesistant as she opened her mouth but spoke her thoughts anyway.

"Natsuki- san. If you don't mind me asking, but are you the Hospital Miracle?" everyone arches an eyebrow or eyebrows at the cherry blossomed hair young lady, even I was confused.

"Excuse me?"

She blushed in embarassment, "W-Well I read about you a couple of times in the newspaper. You go around hopsitals curing fatal injuries and saving lives! It's quite amazing." I saw the spark of excitement in the girl's green eyes as she told me of my accomplishments. I only laugh, not at her really just the situation.

"Hospital Miracle?! Is that what they call me in the media?" I giggle some more thinking about it. "My, things had gotten creative eversince the old days..." I look over at Sakura again, grinning brightly. "Well, yes I am this 'Hospital Mircale', " I couldn't help but chuckle again, "It may appear so!"

"Wow! Such an honour to meet you! You started going around helping people at age thirteen! How young you were! For five years you've been doing that, amazing!" Iruka grin at his former, female student as does Kakashi, the two other boys had no idea what was going on, Hospital Miracle? My how silly it sounded! The talk continued, err, actually it was more of Sakura drowning me with compliments, I was flattered. Really. But the girl was almost sounding obsessed with me! Like worshipping! I felt uncomfortable! Kakashi seemed to notice for he interuptted Sakura, bless his heart.

"Mah, Sakura. Don't you think our little Miracle needs some rest? She looks absoublutely pale from exhaustion. I think she needs to get home. And I think we all should too, it's almost dinner." I scowl at the silver haired man, I always had been pale...Is he that dumb? Everyone seemed to be thinking the same as I was, I could even hear Sakura mutter something about me being naturally pale. "Anyway," my glowering had seized. "Where do you live Natsuki- chan?" finally I had remembered, good thing I found him too.

"Ah, it just so happens that I live with you Kakashi- san. Tsunade- sama figured it would be nice if I came home to my old apartment...Of course it all depends if you want me there...?" Kakashi chuckles.

"Well who would say no to a pretty lady like you?" I smiled then nodded but a tint a pink couldn't help but escape to my cheeks, "It's final then, you're living with me!" Kakashi declares almost too happy. Sakura and Naruto both give weird looks, knowing about their Sensei's 'problem'.

"Ano..Natsuki- chan. Are you sure--" Naruto's mouth was immediately covered by a nervous Sakura. She gives a quick glare at the boy then look back at the puzzled group in front of them.

"Ehehe...Naruto is just being stupid! Ignore him. He won't say anything, will he?" Sakura evidently threatens the poor boy, Naruto gulps while chuckling nervously under the hand. I wasn't convinced of the excuse, but I didn't mind it. "Oh! I should be getting home now!" Sakura releases a gasping Naruto, saying bye to the rest of us and making googly eyes at Sasuke, she departed.

"I got to go now too, it's useless to waste time here." I give a glance at Kakashi and Iruka, did they notice his cold tone? Can they feel the iciness of his words that he had spat out at us? I watch his lonely figure leave us, a dark aura surrounding him. I shudder. 'What is wr--' my thoughts went no further as I hear Naruto.

"Ehh! I better go too! Bye Kakashi- sensei! Iruka- sensei! It was nice to know you Natsuki- chan!" cheerily, Naruto started to walk away. As soon as he thought no one was watching his happy energy had left. I frown, then lifted my hand to my pained heart. Iruka saw my yearning look, he stopped me from doing anything else.

"I'll take him home, after a meal of ramen." I smile and bow to the sweet Iruka. Really he was kind. Then I remember the guy still didn't have his wallet.

"Oh Iruka- san! Let me give you some money for your dinner!" I quickly pull out my frog pouch, Kakashi looking surprised at the blue, cloth amphibian pouch but I didn't notice and then I handed the money to Iruka, pushing him a long to catch up with Naruto, before he gave in to my tugging he whispered in the softest voice I had ever heard out of him since...forever? "Natsuki- chan...Gomen. Naruto will remember, at some point. You're too important to be forgotten...Thanks." My eyes widen slightly, but returned to it's regular size as the feeling of warmth entered me, my dear friend had always had a knick with words, making people feel better. I watch quietly as Iruka ran to catch up with the younger boy, and guessing that he did, I heard a loud yell of joy, from what I could hear was their footsteps departing in the direction of the ramen stand. I smile.

The masked man and I stood silent, still staring at the path where Iruka and Naruto had left. Probably tired of the short silence, Kakashi turns to me, his gaze catching my attention. "Oi, you're serious about staying at my place?" he suddenly asks.

I giggle, like any girl normally would at things they find oh so funny, and then answered "Our place, Kakashi-kun." he joined in with my laughter, my supposedly smart ass comment had amused him.

"I'll take that correction as a 'yes'."
--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

"Wow.. This place still looks like its lovely self like ten years ago!" Kakashi and I had arrived at our apartment, and I was gawking at our complex really I had missed it. Well, unlike my comment, the apartment had changed a little. Instead of it's creme peach color it had been painted to plain ol' white, nothing wrong with the color it just didn't look...right. It still maintained its sturdy, angular self. Healthy looking for a building I would say. Kakashi chuckles were heard as muffles under is mask, I look in question. "What's so funny?"

"Chuckles, You were a cute kid, you're not a kid anymore but you're still cute." I sweatdrop, what? I felt somewhat embarassed but my confusion had overwhemled that feeling. Taking notice of my perplexed expression Kakashi waves off the subject, but continues to chuckle his little heart out. My, is my interest in how great our apartment looks that funny? I pushed aside the subject too and following the now grinning Kakashi upstairs to the second floor, 4th door, where our apartment had always been. I smile widely at the unopen door, eager to get inside and be welcomed home by Kakashi's overwhelming scent and my even more faint flowery smell of shampoo(well I haven't been there for ten years so I shouldn't keep my hopes up too high). Then there was a ka-chik! The door had been unlocked. Slowly, Kakashi pushed open the door. 'Aw, home...I can't wait too--' "Home, sweet home!" My blue eyes widened in horror. I was not greeted by the gentle smell of my shampoo, that wasn't too bad, but Kakashi's smell had overwhelmed the apartment. Great. And not to mention, the whole place look like a total sty. Clothes were everywhere, from pajams to boxers, ramen cups randomly spread around the room, dishes were stacked at not only at the sink but several places around the whole apartment too! I sigh, typical bachelor's home.

A deep brown eye travels to my slightly disgusted face. As if reading my thoughts, Kakashi chuckles. "Mah, don't be too discouraged Natuski- chan. There's another room I still have to show you." without my consent, Kakashi had pulled me by the elbow down a small hallway, a famliar path for me. Then it had come to me, we were heading to my room. My face scrunched up, thinking what could've have possibly had happened to my poor room. Not much, I hope. "Would you like to do the honours Little Natsuki?" We were in front of my room's door. I was slightly worried at what might've been revealed if I had opened the doors. But I nod my head, gulping, I place a slender hand on the cool metal of the doorknob. With a little moment of hesitation I turn the door knob to be greeted by a soft creak...Then..."I try my best every weekend or so to clean up the room...For ten years. I didn't want anything to start decaying."

I thanked Kami- sama mentally as I stepped into the unchanged room in complete astonishment. My bed had still been the same green frog covers, my white pillow still standing out. Bleached white curtains still hung over the window freely. All my photos and stuff I had left were in the same position they had been left in ten years ago. Everything was the same still. I let out a relieved sigh. "...Kakashi- san...everything...everything is still the same." I finally say, walking over to my empty, clean desk. Touching the wooden stand lightly, as if I was cautious not to break it. I looked up to see my photos have been polished also. Three photos. The first on the left side, was of me at age seven, with a fourteen-year-old Iruka, an armed draped around my petit shoulders, both of us cheesily smiling in the camera. The second photo, the one on the right side, was of me with Kakashi- san's sensei...before he died of course, Yondaime had given me a piggyback ride, I believe Kakashi took that picture. Ah yes, metioning Kakashi- san, the middle and last picture was the two of us, his hand was on top of my head, giving his famous creased eye smile as I smile innocently at the camera while a hand is tugging at Kakashi's side. The photo had been ten years ago. My...What a long time it has been. My eyes wander to the fellow Jounin that stood besides me, he seemed to be admiring the photos too. A smile, I believe I couldn't really tell from that mask of his, was plastered on his lips.

"Ten years...Such a long time," Kakashi- san looks at me with that twinkle in his eyes as he spoke softly to me. "So much has changed.." I smile warmly at him, nodding in agreement as I look back at the photo of Kakashi- san and I. We had changed. Immensely. Kakashi- san had grown taller, he no longer revealed the Sharingan that was unnaturally put into his left eye, he wore the headband now over his Sharingan. He ditched the ANBU uniform and was now porudly wearing his green Jounin vest and blue pants, sweater, and mask. His face was much more angular. From the ten years wait, he had grown into a very handsome man. I stare in a daze, I was quite shocked at my actions toward Kakashi- san. Was I....checking him out?! I quickly turn my head from the silver haired friend. Friend. "Something wrong?" I wince, I guess he saw my sudden moves. Some Jounin I am.

"Iei. I was just thinking..How so much time has passed." I say doubtfully, not sure if my weak reason would convince the Jounin. All I got was a chuckle. Great.

"Still a bad liar? Chuckle...That's good to know that some of you haven't changed," I frown slightly at him for the insult, okay sure sucked at lying, but so what? "Well now that you are an adult. A young lady. I will not force an answer out of you." I blink. And blinked. Then started to laugh. Kakashi arches a slim, silver brow in question. "What's so funny?"

I continue to laugh, but quickly regained my composure, "I never thought that Hatake Kakashi, would show me, Kobayashi Natsuki, some respect no matter what the age! Especially ten years ago! You were so cruel Kakashi-san, I thought you would still want to try and torture me!" this time Kakashi had laughed at my comment, course I had no problem with it, I had only joined him.

"Hai, ten years ago Natsuki- chan. But like I said, things have changed, and so have my opinions."

"Well Kakashi- san, I am glad that I have earned your respect. You had always had mine." his eyes crease in joy, as I smile kindly at the older man. I really did miss this idiot.
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I took a deep breath of the morning air, ah so fresh. I smile at the rising sun as it's rays filled the sky with its usualy orange and golden yellow. I had woken up quite early to visit Sensei on a very important matter, I just hope the old woman is still awake. I walk up the stairs that had led to the office of the great leader, as usual, as guard stood in front of the door. "Ohayo gozaimasu!" I greeted with a tender smile.

The guard, a ninja course, looked at me curiously. He was an odd man. His overly long spiky black haired was messy, he had a bandage wrapped on top of his noise and around, his uniform was a light gray, and his eyes black like his raven hair. "Ohayo, Miss." he greets me back, smiling slightly. "What's your buisness with the Hokage at such an early time?" he asks, his voice now getting stern, realising his duties.

"I had an appointment with Hokage- sama. She has accepted to my request I believe it was yesterday?" I had been in Konoha for two days so far, and all I did was visit the Hokage through the window, or else hung out with Iruka at the Academy. It was getting quite boring. So I asked to speak with her yesterday before I had left. The shinboi's eyebrow rise up in suspicioun.

"What's your name, Miss?" I smile cheekily.

"My name, sir, is Kobayashi Natsuki." Being so polite, I bow.

He nods his head in response, "Hokage- sama has been awaiting your arrival, please come in." he opens the door for me, I nod at him, thanking the kind man and walked in.

I walked straight to Sensei's office to be greeted by an asleep Hokage. I smirk as I near the sleeping figure, being Hokage is too much for her. I'm surprised she made it this far. "Tsunade- sensei?" I shake her gently, a snore had erupted from her. I sweatdrop. Just like old times...."Sensei?" I shake her harder. "SENSEI!"

"GAH! WHAT THE HELL!?" for a minute she was glaring at me, but when she realised who I was she started to apologise. I laugh at her embarassed actions, "Okay, okay, enough giggling. What did you want?" I cleared my throat and bow, Sensei or not, I still had to bow to the Hokage.

"I have a request for Team 7. A mission that I was thinking about giving them. Is it possible that they can receive this mission today?" Sensei looks at me with a gold eyebrow raised, interested in what I had in mind. Feeling as if I didn't convince her, I added, "Only for today Tsunade- sensei, I am sure with them all working together we will get done in no time. At least by the end of the day..." There was a brief silence, I stayed quiet to let my sensei think, I didn't want to upset her and make her change her mind...She tend to be in the bad mood when waking up in the morning.

She sighs, taking out a couple of folders with the lables A,B,C, and D. "These folders are of missions needed to be done today, write up the report of the mission and put it into one of these folders, dependind on how hard it is, D Missions would be the least difficult of them all." I beamed brightly at my bored looking sensei. Good, I was going to get some help. I quickly took a piece of paper and jotted down the mission I had planned for Kakashi's team, after I had written every detail down I handed it back to Sensei. She took it and examined my work, after reading it for a couple of minutes her face no longer looked bored, but puzzled. Placing the white parchment down, she gives me a bewildered expression. "How would you like to catergorise this?" she asks warily, her gaze was lingering on the report.

"It's a tough one, I would say...a C Mission, Tsu-sensei!" with one last look of doubt at me, she chuckles to herself as she places the paper into the C folder.
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It was near 11:00 am as I waited with Tsunade- sensei and Shizune- chan while they handed out missions. I was awaiting for the team that I was assigned to to arrive. And really I have seen nearly all the Teams of this year come by to pick up their missions, all of the teachers were laid back knowing that their disappointed students would have to do boring D Missions. A sigh escaped from my list as I see the ruby eyed, brunette Kurenai, leave with her groaning group of students to do their SECOND D Mission. Geez, what was taking Team 7 so long? "Ah yes, the wait for Team 7. Our daily ritual." I glance over at Sensei, my blue eyes, narrowing.

"Daily ritual?" she nods at me, then took out a filer and began to shape her nails, sst, sst, sst. Shizune smiles weakly at me, apologising for the wait. I smile back as well, then looked out of the window, it was nearly afternoon. I hope they weren't looking for me. I don't think Kakashi- san was awake this morning when I left, but he wasn't the type to worry about things that were under control. "Ano..Shizune- chan?" Shizune looks over at me, listening. I continue, "When do they usually arrive?"

She places a finger on her bottom lip, tapping it while she thought. "I would say...-"

Before she could fill me in, we all heard the twin doors of the room open and then a loud, obnoxious yell. "BAA- CHAN!" A groan from Sensei, she sits up taking out the C Mission folder, I smirk. So Team 7 arrives. As they approach(Naruto was hopping his way over), their gazes had turned from tired to dumbfounded, especially Naruto. The boy's face had been tinted pink, was he sick? Fever? His blue eyes lowered to the ground and suddenly he was quiet as a mouse. Everyone seemed to be surprised at the sudden change of volume also for they all looked over at the blonde haired shinobi curiously. "Ohayo Natsuki- chan!" he says to me, a little more of a room volume tone.

I smile warmly at him, "Ohayo gozaimasu, Naruto- kun." I feel Tsunade- sensei glance at me, then glance back at the Kyuubi holder. Then a look, a strange one, had dawned to her face. Her bright pink lips curl into a malicious grin. She then cooly lays back on her chair. "Good morning to you all too. Sakura- san, Sasuke- san. And Kakashi- san." Sakura waves cheerfully at me as Sasuke ignores me.

"Ah, so you were here all this time. I was wondering if it had been just a good dream that you had returned, and I woke up ...that or I am still dreaming." Kakashi's eyes creased as they smiled, like they often did. I laugh softly at his little remark. The others seemed to be weirded out by our joking around. Not wanting to waste time, Sensei spoke.

"Ahem. Now that Team 7 is here, I shall give you your mission. I special one." I look at Sensei, her face was bright with joy, since this was the last mission to give out and after this she could have a break...How lazy she was.

"What kind of mission is it Hokage- sama?" Sakura ask, looking at the C Mission folder, her emerald eyes filled with curiousity, along with Sasuke and Naruto. Kakashi looks dully at the 3 of us(Shizune, Sensei, and I).

"C Missi--" That was all Sensei could say, because a little ball of excitement had interuttped her with a yell, a loud yell.

"YATTA! ARIGATOU BAA-CHAN! FINALLY, A C MISSION! WE NO LONGER HAVE TO WALK DOGS, PULL WEEDS, OR RESCUE CATS! WHAT KIND OF C MISSION IS IT?!" Naruto was jumping around like crazy, screaming at the top of his lungs. So much excited energy had been given off from him, I almost felt ashamed that he was assigned to such a simple mission.

Tsunade- sensei was shaking, not from anything that had nothing to do with anger of course, she was getting impatient. And the yelling showed it. "IF YOU WOULD JUST SHUT UP THEN MAYBE I'LL GET TO TELLING YOU!" the whole room had been more silent than an and of a ninja raid. We were all too nervous to speak, in fear of upsetting sensei even more. She looked around the room, everyone froze. "Well. Now that everyone is cooperating, I will get to tell you your mission," she says a bit more quieter then giving a glare at Naruto, I giggle mentally. "This C Mission is not quite as hard as it seems, and is not as interesting as walking dogs. But I am sure you all would be grateful to aid Natsuki- chan in this." Tsunade- sensei examines the expressions of the four. A grimmed faced Sasuke, a smiling Sakura, the usual mono-faced Jounin, Kakashi, and a lightly blushed Naruto(wish I still have no idea what that was all about). "Alright, so the mission for Team 7 will be...." I coughed into my hand, as I side glanced at my sensei, who was a bit hesitant of my mission but continued none the less. "...To assist Natsuki in cleaning her apartment. Which happens to be a dump." There was a look of confusion directed at me from Kakashi, I only avoid his gaze as I innocently stare at an interesting piece of chipped paint on the wall on my left side, smiling. Sensei raised an eyebrow at the silver haired Jounin as he laughed nervously, a hand on the back of his neck. "This mission will be your only one today, so do your best on it." Shizune and Sensei stand from their seats as they say their farewells to me, I bow to them.

"..Oi..Doesn't Natsuki- san live with Kakashi- sensei?" I hear Sakura "whisper" to her team mates. A nod from Sasuke and Naruto. I could feel Kakashi stare at my back as I faced the backway of the room where Sensei and Shizune- chan had left through to reach to the office.

"C Mission, huh?" His deep voice carried a sense of amusement as he spoke to me.

I turn around, laughing nervously. And did an Iruka- san habit when he was embarassed: I scratched my cheek while chuckling weakly. "Well then! Let's get on with the mission Team 7!" I suddenly walked quickly out the other exit, followed by the confused Team 7. Oh what a fun mission it will be.

Thanks all who had reviewed, if you have any important questions please do request that I should answer it personally. I wouldn't want anyone to get into trouble now. Hope this chapter was all right, please do review. Everything BUT flames are welcomed =) Thanks, ja ne!

-Hatake- Kakashi x3