Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Not Tonight-ItaDei ❯ Not Tonight-ItaDei ( One-Shot )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: 0Akatsuki0 
Warning: Shounen Ai/Yaoi.
Deidara sighed brushing his hair. He was about to go to bed when he walked in his room. He saw Itachi lying on his bed.
"Itachi, not tonight,un! I'm tired,un!" Deidara complained, pushing Itachi off his bed. An anime vein appeared on Itachis head. He got back up on the bed and pinned the blonde down.
"Please?" Itachi whisperd in Deidaras ear makeing him shiver.
"Itachi!!! I said no,un!!" Deidara yelled. Itachi frowned. But then a deviouse smirk found its way across the Uchihas face.
"Well, then I'll have to force you." Itachi said pulling the blonde into a rough and deep kiss. Deidaras eyes widend.
'Force?!' Deidara yelled in his head. Itachi shot his tounge in Deidaras mouth. Deidara let out a small moan. Itachi smirked in the kiss. The uchihas hands traveled up the blondes shirt. Deidara moaned again. Itachi broke the kiss and went down to the blondes neck.
"O-ok y-you win,I-I-Itachi." Deidara moaned.
"Good." The Uchiha said practicly ripping the blondes shirt off. Then the blondes pants, along with the his boxers. Deidara shiverd at the sudden chill of the room. Just then,
"Hey,Deidara, leader wanted me to tell yo--" Yumi said walking in the room, but stopping in mid sentence.
"I shall go!" She continued slowly walking out then running, "Konan! Wheres my webcam?!" Yumi yelled running into Konans room.
"Here." Konan said holding it up.
"Arigato!" Yumi said running out.
"Whatever." Konan said as Yumi ran out.
"Now, where was we?" Itachi whisperd going down to the blondes member. The Uchiha engulfed Deidara into his mouth, and slowly moved his head up and down.
"Haa...!! Itachi!!" Deidara moaned loudly. Not knowing it, Yumi was outside the door tapeing the whole thing... With a nosebleed.
"Yumi-chan? What are you doing?" Tobi said pokeing Yumis head.
"Ssshhh!! Tobi!! I'm tapeing something thats...Uh...Not for good boys! It will make you a bad boy!!" Yumi whisperd to the younge boy. Tobi quickly ran away. Yumi laughed quietly.
"Works every time." Yumi whisperd and went back to tapeing the two. Deidara moaned louder and louder, as Itachi kept sucking harder and harder.
"Ha! Itachi!" The blonde moaned loudly as he came into the Uchihas mouth. Itachi swollowed the white,salty liquid. Itachi brought 3 fingers to the blondes mouth with one word.
"Suck." The Uchiha said. Deidara eagerly took the digits into his mouth and coated them each with salivia. Soon Itachi took his fingers out of the blondes mouth and to Deidaras entrance. The uchiha shoved one of his fingers into the blondes entrance, then a second, and made siscor motion strenching the blonde. Deidara squirmed alittle. Itachi soon raplaced to fingers with the head of his member.
"You ready,Deidara?" Itachi asked the blonde. Deidara nodded gripping the sheets a bit. Itachi thrusted himself into Deidara. The blonde whimperd and moaned at this action. Itachi gave Deidara time to adjust, then started thrusting again, keeping an even pace. Deidara moaned loudly. As did Itachi. The Uhichas paces becames faster and faster with eah thrust. Deidara gripped the sheets tightly. Itachi felt his climax comeing, so he started thrusting the blondes member rapidly. Deidara moaned loudly and came in Itachis hand. As the blonde tensed up around the Uchiha, Itachi came inside. Itachi slid his member out of the blonde panting hard, as was Deidara. Itachi callasped on the bed beside the blonde, and started playing with his hair.
"Itachi, you can be a real bastard sometimes,un." Deidara panted.
"Meh." Itachi said still playing with the blondes hair.
"Wow, I'm surpirsed I didn't pass out from blood loss." Yumi said walking to her room to put the video on Youtube. She chuckled evililly.
BTW!! I'm Yumi!
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai | Type: Yaoi | Uploaded On: 03.19.2008 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 2.0K | Status: Completed

Warning: Shounen Ai/Yaoi.
Deidara sighed brushing his hair. He was about to go to bed when he walked in his room. He saw Itachi lying on his bed.
"Itachi, not tonight,un! I'm tired,un!" Deidara complained, pushing Itachi off his bed. An anime vein appeared on Itachis head. He got back up on the bed and pinned the blonde down.
"Please?" Itachi whisperd in Deidaras ear makeing him shiver.
"Itachi!!! I said no,un!!" Deidara yelled. Itachi frowned. But then a deviouse smirk found its way across the Uchihas face.
"Well, then I'll have to force you." Itachi said pulling the blonde into a rough and deep kiss. Deidaras eyes widend.
'Force?!' Deidara yelled in his head. Itachi shot his tounge in Deidaras mouth. Deidara let out a small moan. Itachi smirked in the kiss. The uchihas hands traveled up the blondes shirt. Deidara moaned again. Itachi broke the kiss and went down to the blondes neck.
"O-ok y-you win,I-I-Itachi." Deidara moaned.
"Good." The Uchiha said practicly ripping the blondes shirt off. Then the blondes pants, along with the his boxers. Deidara shiverd at the sudden chill of the room. Just then,
"Hey,Deidara, leader wanted me to tell yo--" Yumi said walking in the room, but stopping in mid sentence.
"I shall go!" She continued slowly walking out then running, "Konan! Wheres my webcam?!" Yumi yelled running into Konans room.
"Here." Konan said holding it up.
"Arigato!" Yumi said running out.
"Whatever." Konan said as Yumi ran out.
"Now, where was we?" Itachi whisperd going down to the blondes member. The Uchiha engulfed Deidara into his mouth, and slowly moved his head up and down.
"Haa...!! Itachi!!" Deidara moaned loudly. Not knowing it, Yumi was outside the door tapeing the whole thing... With a nosebleed.
"Yumi-chan? What are you doing?" Tobi said pokeing Yumis head.
"Ssshhh!! Tobi!! I'm tapeing something thats...Uh...Not for good boys! It will make you a bad boy!!" Yumi whisperd to the younge boy. Tobi quickly ran away. Yumi laughed quietly.
"Works every time." Yumi whisperd and went back to tapeing the two. Deidara moaned louder and louder, as Itachi kept sucking harder and harder.
"Ha! Itachi!" The blonde moaned loudly as he came into the Uchihas mouth. Itachi swollowed the white,salty liquid. Itachi brought 3 fingers to the blondes mouth with one word.
"Suck." The Uchiha said. Deidara eagerly took the digits into his mouth and coated them each with salivia. Soon Itachi took his fingers out of the blondes mouth and to Deidaras entrance. The uchiha shoved one of his fingers into the blondes entrance, then a second, and made siscor motion strenching the blonde. Deidara squirmed alittle. Itachi soon raplaced to fingers with the head of his member.
"You ready,Deidara?" Itachi asked the blonde. Deidara nodded gripping the sheets a bit. Itachi thrusted himself into Deidara. The blonde whimperd and moaned at this action. Itachi gave Deidara time to adjust, then started thrusting again, keeping an even pace. Deidara moaned loudly. As did Itachi. The Uhichas paces becames faster and faster with eah thrust. Deidara gripped the sheets tightly. Itachi felt his climax comeing, so he started thrusting the blondes member rapidly. Deidara moaned loudly and came in Itachis hand. As the blonde tensed up around the Uchiha, Itachi came inside. Itachi slid his member out of the blonde panting hard, as was Deidara. Itachi callasped on the bed beside the blonde, and started playing with his hair.
"Itachi, you can be a real bastard sometimes,un." Deidara panted.
"Meh." Itachi said still playing with the blondes hair.
"Wow, I'm surpirsed I didn't pass out from blood loss." Yumi said walking to her room to put the video on Youtube. She chuckled evililly.
BTW!! I'm Yumi!
Anime/Manga: Naruto Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Hentai | Type: Yaoi | Uploaded On: 03.19.2008 | Pages: 1 | Words: 6 | Visits: 2.0K | Status: Completed
I'm not writeing the storie here -_________________-