Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ nothing can keep us apart ❯ heart trobs ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2 Heartthrobs
It's been 5 years since Sakura went to the states, even though it's hard, Sasuke still manage to move on. Now he has new friends and the 4 of them is Konoha's heartthrobs. Almost all of the population of teenage girls was following them.
One of the heartthrobs was Nara Shikamaru, he was the lazy-genius of the group. Even though he was so lazy, you won't expect that there was something good on his mind. And not only that you cant see that he has a secret crush on someone, no one knows who is it, even his friends. That was Nara Shikamaru a.k.a the lazy-genius heartthrob.
Second was Uzumaki Naruto, he is the loud-mouth of the group and nothing come out, only his favorite food the ramen. Any idea what`s on his mind rather than ramen, well its only Hyuga Hinata, one of his friend's cousin and the heiress of their clan. You won't believe that this boy is the son of the Hokage, Yondaime. That's Uzumaki Naruto a.k.a the loud-mouth heartthrob.
Third was Hyuga Neji, he is the son of the leader of the Hyuga Branch family. He is also the overprotective cousin Hinata. He is like Sasuke, cold-hearted once, but he meet his friend and special someone that nobody knows, and with that he change. That's Hyuga Neji of the Hyuga Branch family a.ka the mysterious heartthrob.
The last but not the least is the great Uchiha Sasuke, we know him already as the best friend of Haruno Sakura, but she left. He manages to move on and now he has new friends, but he still can't forget Sakura, since she is his first best friend. Now he is known as the ice-cube heartthrob. Why? He is cold to everyone except for the people that is close to him.
“Hey Sasuke-teme, what are we doing here anyway?” Naruto asks. They were at the playground where he and Sakura use to play when they were young.
“Hey, Naruto, will you keep your mouth shut?” Shikamaru whisper in his ear.
“Why? What?” he asks again.
“Have you forgotten already? This is the place where he and his best friend use to play when they were young.” Neji explained. They all knew what happened when he was young.
“Guys its alright, you don't need to come with me here if you don't like to.” Sasuke said out of nowhere. All of them were shock in what they hear.
“Sasuke, you don't need to be shy. We are your friends so if you were lonely it's ok to call us.” Naruto said. He may be stupid but when it comes to friendship he is the best.
“Thanks…” Sasuke said.
“What are friends are for…” Shikamaru said.
“Its look like Naruto's brain work this time.” Neji said and followed by their laughs.
Their talking was cut off when Shikamaru's cell rang.
“Hello, is there any problem kaasan?” Shikamaru asks. It's his mom who called.
“Shikamaru, did you forget that we have visitors that are coming today?” Shikamaru's mom asks. Shikamaru recall his memory last night when his mom told him that the coming visitor was their old neighbor and her kaasan's close friend.
“Gomene kaasan, I totally forgot about that.”
“Then come home now, quickly. They maybe arrive soon.”
“Hai…” With that they hang up the phone.
“So are you going home now?” Naruto asks.
“Hai, we will have a upcoming visitors and mom wants me to be there.” He explained.
“Who is it?” Sasuke asks.
“It's our old neighbor; they migrate in other country and now their back. I remember, when they were here, there were a really troublesome girl. She is the daughter of our visitor.” He said.
“Then it will be hell for you if you went home…” Neji said.
“Yea… total hell….. And heaven…” he said and whispers the last part.
“Did you say something?” Naruto asks.
“Ohh… ok..”
I really miss that troublesome girl…. Even she is a loudmouth like Naruto…” Shikamaru thought.
At the Hyuga main house
“Your back?” Hinata asks his cousin.
“Yea…Why is there any problem?” he said.
“Well, you usually come back here at sunset. Its only 3.” She said.
“You see, Shikamaru needs to go home early they have visitors.”
“You can't hang out when you 4 aren't complete, can you?” Hinata said.
“It's just that, we can't have fun if one of us is missing, it will be unfair.” He explained.
“Yea right, you really found great friends you know?” Hinata said.
“Huh? What do you mean? You also have friends right?” Neji said confused on what Hinata just said.
“Yea, but I'm looking for a friend that doesn't have a relation to me. All of my friends were my cousins.” She said.
“Is that so? Don't worry you will find friends; you just need to go out sometimes.” Neji encourage her.
“Maybe your right… I may find them in the right time. Arigato Neji-niisan.” Hinata said and went to her room.
Uzumaki Residence……..
“Tadaima……… man, why do we have to go home so soon……'Naruto complain.
“Is that really boring here?” ask a stranger. Naruto was surprise in what he see.
“Uncle Iruka? What are you doing here?” Naruto ask his uncle in surprise.
“Hehehe… Is that the way how to great your favorite unle?” Joke Iruka.
“Favorite uncle? What are you talking about, I don't have favoritism!” Naruto shout.
“Well, I'm your only uncle and I always treat you ramen when you were little…” he said.
“You have a point there…” Naruto admitted. “But what are you doing here?” Naruto asks calmly.
“Well, I need to talk to your dad about the business and to tell you that you were invited at Hinata's 13th birthday. You know her right?” Iruka said. Naruto's eyes were big as plate when he heard Hinata's name.
“Do you mean Hinata, as in Hyuga Hinata?” Naruto asks.
“Yea, so that's means you know her. Well, isn't it obvious, you were his cousin's friend and you have a crush on her since like you were born.” Iruka teases.
“What? I don't have a crush on her since I was born! Only when I was 5.” Naruto said.
“Yea, yea, whatever. So where is your dad?” Iruka asks.
“In his office….”
“What? I've been here for hours and you never tell me that your dad wasn't home!” Iruka shout.
“You were the one who started the conversation.”
“Man, Ill go now, see you…” Iruka said goodbye and run out.
Uchiha Residence…..
Sasuke was in his room staring at the picture of his friends (Him, Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru). Beside that picture were him and Itachi when they were little. And in the other side was him and Sakura it was in the playground when they used to play. He grabs picture and look at it.
Sakura when will you come back I miss you already….” Sasuke thought. He remembers all the memory when he was with Sakura. When they were young he can't laugh nor smile without the presence of Sakura. At the back of the picture they both right their names and under it there were written `Friends forever'.
Sasuke hide the picture when he heard someone knock at the door.
“Come in…” Sasuke answers.
“Kaasan and Tousan will have a business trip they will be back next week…” Itachi said.
“Again… Ok, aren't you coming with them?” Sasuke asks.
“Nope, Id rather stay here with my lovable brother…”Itachi teased.
“Will you shut up, if you have nothing to say get out of my room…” Sasuke said.
“If that's what you wish….”
Please Review……….. I will be really, really happy. And again I want to thank the people who read my one-shot “Out Of my League”.
Please read my next chapter…..