Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gods and Mice ❯ Red Moon ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Oh come on!" Naruto ranted loudly, feeling rather jaded as the first rankings of their class had just been posted. "Really... Last! Dead last!"
It was baffling to consider that he was so much more behind the others. From his personal trainers he mostly had the right mind set and tools for the job and each of them thought he only needed a year or two of physical aging to be on par with a gennin.
His scores also weren't that bad to be behind everyone else in scores was frustrating. "Seven in taijutsu, eight in ninjutsu, three in genjutsu but that was expected... Six in ninja law and in Konoha's history, the two least useful aspects taught finally... WHAT? A two in projectiles! DA FUCK!"
"Naruto, language!" Iruka snapped at the blonde, his left eye twitching at his outburst. "You finished last in grading by two points behind Sakura and Chouji and three behind Shira and Schultz. Your weapon score was lower... SON OF A BITCH!"
"HOW'S THAT FOR AIM!" Naruto screamed right back, his kunai piercing through his clip board, a little lower then splitting the pencil like he planned. "I might not have hit those targets dead center but I hit every single one and they were at least close!"
Frowning at hearing this, narrowing his eyes for a moment knowing that should have been graded an eight and for the fact that Naruto aimed this last throw rather well, Iruka turned his attention to Mizuki for a moment before sighing. "I'll change it... If others can vouch for you. I cannot overturn a grade made by my partner without some proof."
Shimmering in rage, his body literally rippling and his restraint for his eyes almost coming undone, Naruto was ready to praise the man. Looking for someone in here would vouch for him, he focused onto Sasuke and Shino... Then he realized something.
Neither was there at the very moment.
Shino's father had come in to tell Iruka Shino was sick and Sasuke was currently running late or was taking the longest piss in history. Without them he didn't have any for sure aces in his sleeve to tell the truth. All that was left Shikamaru, Chouji and... Kiba.
Great. His luck seemed never to fail him except when he needed it!
"Let's see... Hinata. How did Naruto perform throwing the projectiles?" Iruka decided to ask seeing that Naruto was looking for the two people that weren't there.
He had sneaking suspicion about the grade for no one ever graded that low. Sakura was the second worst and she had a five. Two meant that he couldn't even come close to a target with six or more of kunai and shuriken. He highly doubted that Naruto was that inaccurate.
Hinata grimaced. She did not like being made the center of attention for she was still nervous of everyone in the class. However... Something was wrong with this line of questioning.
While she had been one of the first to go and was in back, she saw what he done with his kunai and shuriken. To be honest she was sure he did far better than almost everyone in the class, the Uchiha being only slightly better. To say his grade was a two...
Something was definitely wrong.
"Um... He did okay. I... I remember he did much better than I." Hinata timidly responded after a moments pause, having a difficult time speaking with the amount of attention that was drawn to her.
Nodding for it was an honest answer, even if it was hesitant, Iruka then turned to someone he knew couldn't trust to get a straight answer from. "Schultz, how did Naruto do?"
Grinning at a chance to mess with the kid, disliking him even more after being outperformed by him in almost every category by score except in weaponry. And for some strange reason his parents encourage him to belittle the blonde but it wasn't like he cared.
He disliked the Uzumaki and Uchiha for besting everyone in the class. "Oh he was pathetic. He couldn't even hit a single target. He just got lucky then with your clipboard."
Simply raising his eyebrow, logging his answer away, Iruka then went to someone else he knew would give him a straight answer. "Shikamaru, same question. Reena and Kiba you will be next. Afterwards we'll get back onto today's lesson."
Rolling his eyes, just wanting to fall asleep since he couldn't go out and enjoy nature, Shikamaru lightly groaned before responded. "He was on par with upper tier of those who threw. From what I saw his hits should have scored a nine."
Parting his lips with his eraser and noting Shikamaru's answer, he turned to Reena and awaited her response which was as expect. "Ha! As if! He wasn't any where close to Sasuke! I'd give him a four at best!"
While Shikamaru rolled his eyes for the girl was obvious part of the newly created Sasuke fan club, which formed after the Uchiha's impressive performance, scoring an eight in almost everything and a nine in both ninjutsu and weaponry. Iruka nodded yet again before turning his attention to the final person.
Inuzuka Kiba.
While Kiba hated to admit anything about someone being better than he was, Kiba wasn't a fool. This wasn't a series of questions. This was an inquisition to discover who was at fault.
And he had to admit he Naruto were good friends... Some of the time. Just as long as he didn't piss the blonde off or get pissed off at him. "Yeah, yeah... Whatever. He did a little better than I did... But only because I tripped up!"
Naruto was praising the deities above. At least three of them gave an honest answer! Hopefully that was enough to get the grade overturned...
"Seeing that it was a split decision... It means we have a bunch of liars in this room." Iruka growled out before pulling out a new clipboard and another copy of his lesson plan for today.
All that were involved began to sweat. For a ninja to be called a liar was serious offense. While misinformation was an asset lying to your comrades was inexcusable and often had a severe punishment to go along with it. While most were academy students and would get a slap on the wrist, Mizuki wasn't.
If it was known that he purposely miss-scored who knew what would happen to him.
"And from the evidence I have... It so far points to a miss-score and I will regrade Naruto's performance this instant. Class, we're going out to the practice range again. Everyone in line." Iruka stated before moving to the door and opening it. "Mizuki if you would... Fetch Lord Hokage for me. He will personally oversee this test."
Everyone in the room couldn't help but shutter at the malice laced in his words. Iruka was normally a kind person... This definitely did not sound like the Iruka they knew.
"But Iruka..." Mizuki tried to nip this in the butt before he actually had to call in the Hokage and probably get fired and a hefty fine.
"No. While I may agree with you I promised Lord Hokage I would grade him fairly and I will do so. Now got get the Hokage before I have call Anbu to do so." Iruka hissed so that only the silver haired chunin could hear his threat.
Backing away, somewhat frightened for he had never seen this side of the kindly dolphin, Mizuki grudgingly nodded his head and. "Alright fine... Would you just try to back me up and say it was an honest mistake and I thought it was two when it was a seven?"
"We'll see. Lord Hokage isn't stupid but if he buys it I will back it up." Iruka responded with a slight edge in his voice.
Sighing in relief for that was the Iruka he knew, the one that didn't take any chances which could explain why he was acting so volatile as of now. The Hokage was not someone to have come after you for anything. "Alright... See you in a bit."
Dispersing in a plum of smoke, Iruka beckoned the class to follow before he led them to the practice field. Seeing that Mizuki wasn't there yet with the Hokage, he turned to Naruto before motioning him forward. "Naruto, come on up here. I want to be ready when the Hokage shows up."
Being surprised at this turn of events, and feeling like he was under the scrutiny of the entire class, Naruto wasn't too keen on being regraded. Sure he was pissed at his grade for he knew he did well throwing and having a grade of two was insulting. Four years olds could get better scores than a two with some practice.
But this was taking it to the extreme. Everyone got out of whatever Iruka was planning for the day but for what... To watch him rescore his grade? He wasn't very well liked and this wasn't going to help his popularity at all. And if they were going to have a whole day of physical practice...
The girls and the less fit, minus Chouji, would bite of his head for making them do these stupid drills. Little did they know that these drills were good ways to build up strength, endurance, stamina and even chakra and chakra control if they were smart.
Still at this point popularity was an important issue. For a small child, as he was, it was very important to be liked and if he wasn't it was enough for one to delist their name from the active roster at the academy. To further endure their treatment on a far worse scale...
He rather not have to deal with it.
"Um... I rather..."
"Naruto, get up here. We're doing this whether you want to or not. And if you don't come up here now I'm going to double everyone's work load for the next week." Iruka said in annoyance, rolling his eyes at the blonde for disobeying him. He was the one complaining up an unfair grade.
Deciding it was better not to make any more enemies than he could by making everyone have twice the work, Naruto dutifully obeyed and was besides Iruka. "Alright... Let's see your shuriken and kunai."
Pulling out the projectile weaponry to be inspected by Iruka, the chunin teacher simply nodded for he could see they were unaltered in anyway. Not that it was against the rules to use more aerodynamic weaponry to get better speed or aim... It was just customary to use the normal equipment.
They were only academy students for now anyways. They could get that stuff later in their careers. "Alright good. Now we'll wait..."
In two plums of smoke, the Hokage appeared next to a very tumultuous Mizuki, who was fidgeting just under the presence of the village's leader. "I've heard the story from Mizuki... So let's get to it then. Go on Naruto."
Feeling even worse now that the old man had been called out to make sure he got a proper grade, Naruto's stomach turned. He felt ready to upchuck the breakfast made for him when he awoke. This day wasn't just another bad day...
It was a horrid day.
Pushing through the awkwardness and swallowing the sickening slush in the back of his throat, Naruto held the four shuriken in hand for he was determined to get through this. With one single toss each hit their mark. Only one hit the target on the dot while the other three were bordering the center.
Not hesitating, really wanting this day to end, Naruto went through his kunai in a hurry and struck home with each. Once again only one made a direct hit but the others were focused upon the center of the target.
Many were surprised for this was even better then what Naruto had done previously, Mizuki included in that group. Iruka simply jotted the score down and announced the score. "A perfect ten. However you still need to practice. There are those in the higher grades that hit every single target spot-on."
"Surprising as usual." Hizuren smiled like he always did before ruffling his hand through Naruto's blonde hair before he turned to Mizuki with narrowed eyes and spoke softly enough so only the chunin could hear him. "I will believe you this time... But if another grade is altered like that again I will end your career."
Mizuki was glad he didn't have to go at that moment. For if he had anything in his system he undoubtedly would have had his bladder and bowels emptied. There was no threat in Hizuren's words. It would happen if he so much cheated Naruto once more...
He made a note to get on the kid's good side. He didn't want the Hokage coming for his head.
Naruto frowned at this displayed. He didn't need to hear what the old man had said; he knew what he had said. Despite everything he preached in their training sessions about how he wanted him to be humble... It was difficult when he would make time to be damn sure a single academy student's grade was correct.
It was just like he said in the first week of his doujutsu's training. 'If I'm not something special, why is the Hokage training me to control my abilities?' It still held true to this day. He understood he had a special eye like that of the Sharingan and Byukugan but to be looked after like he was...
This wasn't worth it. He was truly wishing for a normal life... One where he had a loving mother that made him breakfast and a father that would take him out and teach him to throw a kunai before they headed off to work, dropping by in the afternoon to help in his training once school was over.
That was all he wanted... This he did not want.

Throwing his equipment onto his bed, having come home straight after the academy had let out, Naruto plopped onto his mattress. The day had been all too frustrating for him to handle.
If he had just kept his mouth shut and hadn't said a word about his grade. None of this would have happened! None of it!
After he had finished with his test and the Hokage had returned to his work, Iruka ran them ragged for group punishment in order to show the actions of one affected the whole. There was truth in his statement. It was because of one ninja that another war almost started between the Cloud and Leaf. And Konoha being the more light hearted of the two sucked it up and gave into the Cloud's demands despite the fact they were at fault.
But no one saw it like that. Everyone saw it was his fault for making them have to suffer through their schedule. Twenty laps quickly followed by one hundred push-ups and sit ups without taking a break. Then he put them through the obstacle course and smashed them with weight lifting all before their lunch period.
Afterwards he seemed to lighten up, figuring everyone had enough and went through the first jutsu that they would have to learn; the Bunshin. However it seemed he was still rather mad and had everyone keep practicing while pointing out their flaws and how to fix it. By the end of the day the class had dried their reserves.
He was the only exception for the clones hardly took up any chakra when he created them. Thankfully he had gone through enough chakra control exercises that he could perform the technique rather flawlessly. Still Iruka saw room for improvements and forced him to keep making the damn things despite the fact that he had a hard time distinguishing his real self from the clones.
Because at the end of class he had wished he was one of the clones. At least that why he could avoid the utter hatred and disgusted looks aimed his way by the rest of the class. Even those that he was on good terms with him were glaring at him angrily for putting them through this day.
There was only one that did not seem to hold any hatred towards him in her eyes. It was Hinata, the first that vouched for him. In fact she seemingly was giving him a look of understanding. He had to wonder why though?
Everyone else seemingly hated him for the day. As he said before if he had known, Naruto would have shut his mouth and accepted his grade despite knowing he scored far better than a two.
"I wish... I wish sometimes I didn't have to go through this crap." The eight year old muttered under his breath, gazing off his bed and through his window. "Why does everyone hate me so? I haven't done anything... Have I?"
'Don't worry my child...' A soothing voice told him like it always did when his stress hit its peak.
Naruto knew he should have been worried that he was hearing voices in his head. But no... He wasn't. Something told him that maybe, just maybe, this was the voice of his mother speaking to him... Trying to tell him everything would be alright.
And he was fine with that. That was all the voice ever did. She only was there to comfort him when his life was turbulent and nothing seemed to be alright. So he didn't care that if he was going insane or not...
Just as long as there was someone there to tell him everything was going to be alright...
He was fine. He would simply listen to her words and calm his being.
'Soon... I will take the sorrows from you and wash away your pain. But until then listen to my melodies.'
And just like always, he listened to the voice as she begun to sing songs of times long past. Songs that allowed him to escape from his pain for just a moment.
'Red moon, red moon... Cleanses the sinful and makes them anew...'

Sighing as he sat at his desk, going over every essay that the class had done for Iruka. Iruka had decided that he had to read because he got off too cleanly, Mizuki shook his head. He didn't care what the dolphin thought about not getting punished... He just was glad he didn't shit his pants after the Hokage's threat.
He really meant it. He was going to try and be the blonde's friend even if he was just the demon. He rather be on the good side of the demon than the bad side of the Hokage. That way it worked out on both ends. He kept his job and his life.
Hearing the door open, Mizuki shook his head and didn't even bother to check who it was that entered for he knew it was Iruka. "I'm almost finished up here. Most of the papers were rather poorly done but these are eight year old kids we're talking about. I doubt most understand what an essay means much less how to write one about the four Hokages."
"However... One paper surprised me. It was by the demon brat, Naruto." Mizuki continued hearing the foot steps come closer. "The kid knows his stuff and even drew conclusions that the fourth created Hiraishin from what he knew of Tobirama's time and space jutsu. He very well might be genius that no one knows about. His genjutsu score is what is really hurting him."
"But that could be easily taken care of. With just a little work he could surpass the grades set by Uchiha Itachi and Hatake Kakashi, albeit at a later age. I hate to say it but the little shit is impressive." Mizuki finished while shaking his head.
Now that he could see through a clearer perspective, he had to give props to the blonde. Not only did he have a tough mind set to withstand the hatred he received daily but he had clear cut skill and a killer mind set. That was definitely seen in his first essay on what a ninja is.
Unlike most of the class... He knew what it was to be a ninja and held no delusions. He might prefer the happier things, like almost all shinobi and kunoichi did, but he accepted what they normally did. "Here, take a look."
Passing the paper to Iruka, Mizuki continued looking through the essays to get a gauge on the kids and who they truly were. That was the main reason why he was going through these anyways. Iruka said he hardly could tell them apart and he wanted to prove him wrong.
"Hmph... Interesting indeed." A mysterious voice caught his attention and at that moment he realized it was not Iruka he was speaking to.
Blood splattered onto the papers a kunai ripped through his throat, severing his wind pipe in one clean stroke. Being pushed to the ground, his blood pouring from the gaping wound, he was able to see who was attacker was in the last seconds of his life.
"Too bad... Maybe if you had not been so blind before your life would have been spared. But for now, you will do as this will be a message to all." A dark figure stated; his red eyes burning as he gazed at the dying corpse below him. "But be glad... You get to be the one tell everyone in hell that you were the first killed in my massacre."
"Hey Mizuki..." Iruka's voice came from just outside the door, deciding to come in and check up on his friend. "If you are finished we can go out and get something to..."
The words stopped dead on his lips as he gazed straight into a crazed and misshapen Sharingan that belong to one man. No, one teenage Uchiha Itachi standing before a giant red moon holding his wakizashi blade at his throat.

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