Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Snake and Fox ❯ Of Snake and Fox ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of Snake and Fox
by Fat Cat Buyo
A Christmas Fic for Duo

I am a snake, coiled up in this body. My voice is distant, for the real me lies deep inside. When I am angry or feeling protective, I lash out without thinking. This rage costs me more than I want it. My anger takes over me. It rises to my head to fog my judgment. I lash out and bite with poisonous fangs, yelling, screaming or hissing. This, I can not help.

For I am the snake, my scales are rough and my fangs are sharp. I cut deep and leave an impression. I curl up into a ball, shielding myself from pain and hurt. And people.

But what are you, dear Naruto?

You are the fox. The cunning, trixxy animal.You smile like the Cheshire cat, betraying your true emotions. But I know how you feel. You’re just as lonely as the snake. Yet your antics cheer up those around you. Everyone likes the fox, that dances and sings, yet no one cares for the snake that slithers on its belly and tells telltale lies.

You know, I used to hate you Naruto. I used to. Now, I know what I feel, but I can’t say it, because I feel like I’m lying to myself. Telling myself that I care for someone, to pretend that I do, in fact, have other emotions. But do I?

The snake can love the fox, but a relationship between the two could never work. The snake would try to eat the fox, but only end up eating his own tail.

Don’t you believe this to be true, my dear Naruto? If I were to do something to you, would you trick me into eating my own words?

You’d probably be petrified. Horrified. You’d be afraid of me, wouldn’t you? But of course, who doesn’t fear the snake. The fanged creature who poisons others or tricks them into eating the forbidden fruit. Tasting what it’s like to be impure. Would you like any of that?

Well, I’ll just have to show you what its like, won’t I?


Short, I know, but what else is there to say? I couldn’t make it TOO long or it would’ve the overall effect that I was trying to put in, that no one probably sees but myself. Oh well.

Merry Kyomas everyone!

Love, Buyo